Laravel SPA (Vue) Authentication with cookie or token? - laravel

the more I read about Laravel Spa (Vue) authentication, the more I ask myself about the "best way" to authenticate with Sanctum.
Official Laravel documentation says:
For this feature, Sanctum does not use tokens of any kind. Instead,
Sanctum uses Laravel's built-in cookie based session authentication
services. This approach to authentication provides the benefits of
CSRF protection, session authentication, as well as protects against
leakage of the authentication credentials via XSS.
But a lot of videos on YouTube or other tutorials on the internet all using (bearer) tokens which sounds contradictory to me. I mean, just using a single token for authentication seems to be a bit unsafe to me.
Also, some of those people defined "login" and "register" routes directly into Laravels route file, instead of using Vue router.
I'm using Laravel 8, VueJS 3 and Vuex 4.
So, what do you think: Am I on the right way by using Vue routes and sanctum authentication using cookies or not? And why?
Thank you, I appreciate that.


What is Laravel Sanctum supposed to be able to do?

To be honest, I don't understand the concept of Laravel Sanctum. Before there was Sanctum, people used JWT. That always worked very well. In other frameworks in the Node context, I only use JWT. I am very confused by the paragraph about the SPA Auth ( It talks about Sanactum also using the web auth. Does that mean that if I log in via the web route (auth), I can also use the api route (auth:sanctum)?
Thanks! Max

Laravel Sanctum SPA - how to make sure user is only logged in on one device?

I'm currently using Santum SPA autentication and noticed that I can login from mozilla and chrome at the same time. This means that users can login from different devices. How do I prevent this with Sanctum SPA Authencation?
The thing is I think I should be able to do this if I use Sanctum Tokens since I can easily check if the user has an existing token.
$tokens = $user->tokens;
However, the documentation says:
You should not use API tokens to authenticate your own first-party SPA. Instead, use Sanctum's built-in SPA authentication features.
The things I'll lose if I use sanctum tokens for SPA:
This approach to authentication provides the benefits of CSRF
protection, session authentication, as well as protects against
leakage of the authentication credentials via XSS.
or is this outside the scope of Laravel Sanctum?
You Can delete User's other Tokens whenever he logs in from a new device using a new token.
$user->tokens()->where('id', '!=' ,$user->currentAccessToken()->id)->delete();
After googling I'm convinced that this functionality is not included in Laravel SPA Sanctum out-of-the-box.
But I found this youtube video that made this possile.

Secure web routes with laravel passport token

I am newbie with laravel.
I understand that in order to protect routes, you have to first check if a user is authenticated and a session is made. thus, we apply auth middleware in the web routes.
However, I am trying to implement laravel passport and now I am not able to proceed to my routes anymore since I have been authenticated using the passport.
My question is that is it possible to secure the web routes with passport token instead of laravel session? and if so, how one should do it?
Thanks, sorry for english, not native speaker.
Laravel passport is for API routes not for web routes you can use laravel session for web
for more details read it's documentation

API Security for a Laravel+Nuxt.js project

I have a website which is based on a Laravel backend api and a Nuxt.js frontend app.
The laravel app is served at Till now the api was open, meaning everyone can make a get request. There are almost no post requests.
I know need to implement a login mechanism for the users (Usual login+register and facebook login).
My question is about how would I go to make this process secure. Do I need Laravel Passport (or other similar mechanism)?
My thought is that, say I have an endpoint (POST), I do not want anyone to be able to just make a post request and create an account. I need to have some sort of security like a csrf token. I know I can use CORS but that doesn't really provide much of security in this case.
You can use jwt like this or laravel passport.

Should i use Laravel Passport or JWT resource?

I know passport uses oAuth, but my question is.. is it better to use Passport for Auth (Login and Register) or should i use jwt for login and register and Passport for external API requests... or use passport for both (User API and Login/AUTH)
Now i'm programming a SPA website with laravel and VueJs 2, i'm stuck in this.
Laravel Passport does, in fact, use JWT so comparing "JWT vs Passport" is kind of wrong.
You can use Laravel Passport for everything you mentioned - logging in, registering (not built-in in Passport but easy to add) and protecting external API requests.
