OptaPlanner domainAccessType Gizmo - quarkus

I'm trying to use <domainAccessType>GIZMO</domainAccessType> in my solver config.
It seems to get fast access with most of my variables, but it throws an exception for variables in my #PlanningSolution:
17:30:17.863 [main ] TRACE Model annotations parsed for solution VehicleRoutingSolution:
17:30:17.866 [main ] TRACE Entity Standstill:
17:30:17.866 [main ] TRACE Shadow variable nextVisit (Fast access with generated bytecode)
17:30:17.866 [main ] TRACE Entity Visit:
17:30:17.866 [main ] TRACE Genuine variable previousStandstill (Fast access with generated bytecode)
17:30:17.866 [main ] TRACE Shadow variable arrivalTime (Fast access with generated bytecode)
17:30:17.866 [main ] TRACE Shadow variable subShift (Fast access with generated bytecode)
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalStateException: Member (solverStatus) of class (org.acme.domain.VehicleRoutingSolution) is not public and domainAccessType is GIZMO.
Maybe put the annotations onto the public getter of the field.
Maybe use domainAccessType REFLECTION instead of GIZMO.
at org.optaplanner.core.impl.domain.common.accessor.gizmo.GizmoMemberDescriptor.<init>(GizmoMemberDescriptor.java:79)
at org.optaplanner.core.impl.domain.solution.cloner.gizmo.GizmoSolutionOrEntityDescriptor.getFieldsToSolutionFieldToMemberDescriptorMap(GizmoSolutionOrEntityDescriptor.java:63)
at org.optaplanner.core.impl.domain.solution.cloner.gizmo.GizmoSolutionOrEntityDescriptor.<init>(GizmoSolutionOrEntityDescriptor.java:39)
at org.optaplanner.core.impl.domain.solution.cloner.gizmo.GizmoSolutionClonerImplementor.lambda$createCloneSolutionRun$6(GizmoSolutionClonerImplementor.java:294)
at java.base/java.util.HashMap.computeIfAbsent(HashMap.java:1220)
at org.optaplanner.core.impl.domain.solution.cloner.gizmo.GizmoSolutionClonerImplementor.createCloneSolutionRun(GizmoSolutionClonerImplementor.java:293)
at org.optaplanner.core.impl.domain.solution.cloner.gizmo.GizmoSolutionClonerImplementor.defineClonerFor(GizmoSolutionClonerImplementor.java:157)
at org.optaplanner.core.impl.domain.solution.cloner.gizmo.GizmoSolutionClonerImplementor.createClonerFor(GizmoSolutionClonerImplementor.java:200)
at org.optaplanner.core.impl.domain.solution.cloner.gizmo.GizmoSolutionClonerFactory.build(GizmoSolutionClonerFactory.java:31)
at org.optaplanner.core.impl.domain.solution.descriptor.SolutionDescriptor.initSolutionCloner(SolutionDescriptor.java:601)
at org.optaplanner.core.impl.domain.solution.descriptor.SolutionDescriptor.afterAnnotationsProcessed(SolutionDescriptor.java:545)
at org.optaplanner.core.impl.domain.solution.descriptor.SolutionDescriptor.buildSolutionDescriptor(SolutionDescriptor.java:126)
at org.optaplanner.core.impl.solver.DefaultSolverFactory.buildSolutionDescriptor(DefaultSolverFactory.java:160)
at org.optaplanner.core.impl.solver.DefaultSolverFactory.buildScoreDirectorFactory(DefaultSolverFactory.java:133)
at org.optaplanner.core.impl.solver.DefaultSolverFactory.buildSolver(DefaultSolverFactory.java:87)
at org.optaplanner.core.impl.solver.DefaultSolverManager.validateSolverFactory(DefaultSolverManager.java:69)
at org.optaplanner.core.impl.solver.DefaultSolverManager.<init>(DefaultSolverManager.java:58)
at org.optaplanner.core.api.solver.SolverManager.create(SolverManager.java:111)
at org.optaplanner.core.api.solver.SolverManager.create(SolverManager.java:84)
Here is the Planning Solution I'm using:
class VehicleRoutingSolution {
#ValueRangeProvider(id = "visitRange")
lateinit var visitList: List<Visit>
#ValueRangeProvider(id = "subShiftRange")
lateinit var subShiftList: List<SubShift>
private var solverStatus: SolverStatus? = null
fun getSolverStatus(): SolverStatus? {
return solverStatus
fun setSolverStatus(solverStatus: SolverStatus?) {
this.solverStatus = solverStatus
private var score: SimpleLongScore? = null
fun getScore(): SimpleLongScore? {
return score
fun setScore(score: SimpleLongScore?) {
this.score = score
// No-arg constructor required for OptaPlanner
constructor() {}
constructor(subShiftList: List<SubShift>, visitList: List<Visit>) {
this.subShiftList = subShiftList
this.visitList = visitList
The solverStatus doesn't even have an annotation, so I don't understand why it's complaining about that.
And oddly, if I put my score variable section above my solverStatus section, it complains about score not being public when the getter clearly is.
Any idea what's going on here?

Unable to reproduce in Quarkus. See https://github.com/kiegroup/optaplanner-quickstarts/tree/stable/technology/kotlin-quarkus for an example of using OptaPlanner with Kotlin in Quarkus. I tested changing the the fields of TimeTable to private, and it works as expected.
Outside of Quarkus, this behaviour is expected. When domain access type GIZMO is used, member accessors and a custom solution cloner is generated for the domain. The custom solution cloner requires all fields to be public; public getters/setters are not used since they are not guaranteed to be simple (they could do validation checks that throw an exception, or modify other fields).


ConfigurationProperties loading list from YML

I'm trying to load Configuration from YML. I can load value and I can also load list if these are comma seperated values. But i can't load a typical YML List.
Configuration Class
class RoutingProperties(){
var angular = listOf("nothing")
var value: String = ""
Working routing.yml
angular: /init, /home
value: Hello World
Not Working routing.yml
- init
- home
value: Hello World
Why can't i load the second version of yml / do I have a syntaxt error?
ENV: Kotlin, Spring 2.0.0.M3
As #flyx say, #PropetySource not worked with yaml files. But in spring you may override almost everything :)
PropertySource has additional parameter: factory. It's possible to create your own PropertySourceFactory base on DefaultPropertySourceFactory
open class YamlPropertyLoaderFactory : DefaultPropertySourceFactory() {
override fun createPropertySource(name: String?, resource: EncodedResource?): org.springframework.core.env.PropertySource<*> {
if (resource == null)
return super.createPropertySource(name, resource)
return YamlPropertySourceLoader().load(resource.resource.filename, resource.resource, null)
And when use this factory in propertysource annotation:
#PropertySource("classpath:/routing.yml", factory = YamlPropertyLoaderFactory::class)
Last that you need is to initialized variable angular with mutableList
Full code sample:
#PropertySource("classpath:/routing.yml", factory = YamlPropertyLoaderFactory::class)
open class RoutingProperties {
var angular = mutableListOf("nothing")
var value: String = ""
override fun toString(): String {
return "RoutingProperties(angular=$angular, value='$value')"
open class YamlPropertyLoaderFactory : DefaultPropertySourceFactory() {
override fun createPropertySource(name: String?, resource: EncodedResource?): org.springframework.core.env.PropertySource<*> {
if (resource == null)
return super.createPropertySource(name, resource)
return YamlPropertySourceLoader().load(resource.resource.filename, resource.resource, null)
#EnableAutoConfiguration(exclude = arrayOf(DataSourceAutoConfiguration::class))
open class Application {
companion object {
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val context = SpringApplication.run(Application::class.java, *args)
val bean = context.getBean(RoutingProperties::class.java)
Kinda old post, i know. But i am at the very same topic right now.
As of now, it seems that PropertySource does indeed work with yaml Files. Given the restriction that it only allows for primitive types (it seems) and it cant handle nested elements. I'm probably gonna dig a bit deeper and update my answer accordingly, but as of now, the accepted answer seems like a functioning workaround.
Well, according to the docs, your YAML file will be rewritten into a property file. The first YAML file becomes:
angular=/init, /home
value=Hello World
While the second one becomes:
value=Hello World
These are obviously two very different things and therefore behave differently.
Moreover, later in the docs, it is stated that YAML does not even work with #PropertySource:
24.6.4 YAML shortcomings
YAML files can’t be loaded via the #PropertySource annotation. So in the case that you need to load values that way, you need to use a properties file.
That makes me kind of wonder why the first case works for you at all.
The docs say this about the generated …[index] properties:
To bind to properties like that using the Spring DataBinder utilities (which is what #ConfigurationProperties does) you need to have a property in the target bean of type java.util.List (or Set) and you either need to provide a setter, or initialize it with a mutable value, e.g. this will bind to the properties above
So, let's have a look at Kotlin docs: listOf returns a new read-only list of given elements. So the list is not mutable as required by the docs, which I assume is why it doesn't work. Try using a mutable list (since I have never used Kotlin, I cannot give you working code). Also try to declare it as java.util.List if that's possible in Kotlin.

Hibernate flush optimization using `hibernate.ejb.use_class_enhancer`

I am trying to use the hibernate feature that enhances the flush performance without making code changes. I came across the option hibernate.ejb.use_class_enhancer.
I made the following changes.
1) enabled the property hibernate.ejb.use_class_enhancer to true.
Build failed with error 'Cannot apply class transformer without LoadTimeWeaver specified'
2) I added
context:load-time-weaver to the context files.
Build failed with the following error :
Specify a custom LoadTimeWeaver or start your Java virtual machine with Spring’s agent: -javaagent:spring-agent.jar
3) I added the following to the maven-surefire-plugin
the build is successful now.
We have an interceptor that tracks the number of entities being flushed in a transaction.
After I did the above changes, I was expecting that number to come down significantly, but, they did not.
My question is:
Are the above changes correct/enough for getting the 'entity flush optimization'?
How to verify that the application is indeed using the optimization?
After debugging, I found the following.
There is a time when our DO class is submitted for transformation, but, the logic that figures out whether a given class is supposed to be transformed is not handling the class names correctly (in my case), because of that, the DO class goes without being transformed.
Is there a way I can pass my logic instead ?
the relevant code is below.
The return copyEntities.contains( className ); is coming out false for the following inputs.
copyEntities contains list of strings "com.x.y.abcDO", "com.x.y.asxDO" where are the className is "com.x.y.abcDO_$$_jvsteb8_48"
public InterceptFieldClassFileTransformer(List<String> entities) {
final List<String> copyEntities = new ArrayList<String>( entities.size() );
copyEntities.addAll( entities );
classTransformer = Environment.getBytecodeProvider().getTransformer(
//TODO change it to a static class to make it faster?
new ClassFilter() {
public boolean shouldInstrumentClass(String clas sName) {
return copyEntities.contains( className );
//TODO change it to a static class to make it faster?
new FieldFilter() {
public boolean shouldInstrumentField(String clas sName, String fieldName) {
return true;
public boolean shouldTransformFieldAccess(
String transformingClassName, String fieldOwnerClassName, String fieldName
) {
return true;
edited on June 15th
I updated my project to use Spring 4.0.5.RELEASE and hibernate to 4.3.5.Final
I started using org.hibernate.jpa.HibernatePersistenceProvider
with these changes, I am debugging the flush behavior. I have a question in this code block .
private boolean isUnequivocallyNonDirty(Object entity) {
if(entity instanceof SelfDirtinessTracker)
return ((SelfDirtinessTracker) entity).$$_hibernate_hasDirtyAttributes();
final CustomEntityDirtinessStrategy customEntityDirtinessStrategy =
if ( customEntityDirtinessStrategy.canDirtyCheck( entity, getPersister(), (Session) persistenceContext.getSession() ) ) {
return ! customEntityDirtinessStrategy.isDirty( entity, getPersister(), (Session) persistenceContext.getSession() );
if ( getPersister().hasMutableProperties() ) {
return false;
if ( getPersister().getInstrumentationMetadata().isInstrumented() ) {
// the entity must be instrumented (otherwise we cant check dirty flag) and the dirty flag is false
return ! getPersister().getInstrumentationMetadata().extractInterceptor( entity ).isDirty();
return false;
In my case, the flow is returning false because of persister saying yes for hasMutableProperties. I think the interceptor did not have a chance to answer at all.
Is it not that the bytecode transformer cause an interceptor here? Or the bytecode transform should make the entity a SelfDirtinessTracker?
Can anyone explain, what is the behavior I should expect here from the bytecode transformation here.

grails 2.2.2 platform-core-plugin No signature of method event in domain model

I try out the platform-core-1.0 rc5 Plugin to services by events. Now I write a service in the grails-plugin "listadmin":
package listadmin
class SECO_ListenService {
#grails.events.Listener(topic='getEntriesOfList', namespace='listadmin')
def getEntriesOfList(String intnalListName) {
println "SECO_ListenService"
def Liste aList = Liste.findByInternal_name(intnalListName)
return aList.eintrage.toList()
This service should return a list for dropdown in an other grails-plugin called "institutionadmin". I want to use this list of the service for a dropdown of a domain-model. I should mention that I use dynamic scaffolding. Now I try to call this event in the domain-model:
package institutionadmin
import org.springframework.dao.DataIntegrityViolationException
class Einrichtung {
Long einrichtungs_type
Long type_of_conzept
int anzahl_gruppen
int anzahl_kinder_pro_Gruppe
String offnungszeiten
static hasMany = [rooms : Raum]
static constraints = {
def aList = []
def reply = event(for:"listadmin", topic:"getEntriesOfList", data:"einrichtung_type").waitFor()
aList = reply.value.toList()
einrichtungs_type(inList: aList)
If I try to run this application i get the following error:
Caused by MissingMethodException: No signature of method: institutionadmin.Einrichtung.event() is applicable for argument types: (java.util.LinkedHashMap) values: [[for:listadmin, topic:testEventBus]]
Possible solutions: ident(), every(), every(groovy.lang.Closure), count(), get(java.io.Serializable), print(java.lang.Object)
If call this event in a controller everything is fine and the documentation of this plugin describe that I can call events also in domain-models and services... This error-method tell me, that the class don't know the event method.
Do I have to configure anything else?
Should call the event in another way or where is my mistake?
Has anybody experiences with this module?
The event(...) dynamic methods are not available on class (static) level.
You can pull the grailsEvents spring bean and call its event() method alternatively. You still have to get the bean from the application context statically though.
You could also use a custom validator instead, as you can get the current domain instance as a parameter, which should have the event() method injected.
something like this :
static myList = []
static constraints = {
einrichtungs_type validator: { value, instance ->
// cache it the first time you save/validate the domain
// I would probably recommend you NOT to do this here though in
// real life scenario
def reply = instance.event('blabla').get()
myList = reply.value.toList()
return value in myList
Anyway, In my case I would probably load the list elsewhere (in the Bootstrap.groovy for instance) and use it / inject it in my domain instead of doing in the constraints closure.
I faced similar kind of problem, I wanted to use the event call inside a service class which is going to call the listener in other service class. When I started my application I got the same error.What I did was, added the plugin(platform-core:1.0.RC5) entries in BuildConfig.groovy like below
plugins {
":platform-core:1.0.RC5") {
export = false
compile ':platform-core:1.0.RC5'
runtime ':platform-core:1.0.RC5'
Then I ran grails > clean and grails > compile on that project and restarted the server.It started working. Might be you can give a try.

Getting DataContext error while saving form

I get this error when opening one specific form. The rest is working fine and I have no clue why this one isn't.
Error: An attempt has been made to Attach or Add an entity that is not new, perhaps having been loaded from another DataContext. This is not supported.
I get the error at _oDBConnection when I try to save. When I watch _oDBConnection while running through the code, it does not exist. Even when I open the main-window it does not exist. So this form is where the DataContext is built for the very first time.
Every class inherits from clsBase where the DataContext is built.
My collegue is the professional one who built it all. I am just expanding and using it (learned it by doing it). But now I'm stuck and he is on holiday. So keep it simple :-)
What can it be?
namespace Reservation
class clsPermanency : clsBase
private tblPermanency _oPermanency;
public tblPermanency PermanencyData
get { return _oPermanency; }
set { _oPermanency = value; }
public clsPermanency()
: base()
_oPermanency = new tblPermanency();
public clsPermanency(int iID)
: this()
_oPermanency = (from oPermanencyData in _oDBConnection.tblPermanencies
where oPermanencyData.ID == iID
select oPermanencyData).First();
if (_oPermanency == null)
throw new Exception("Permanentie niet gevonden");
public void save()
if (_oPermanency.ID == 0)
public class clsBase
protected DBReservationDataContext _oDBConnection;
protected int _iID;
public int ID
get { return _iID; }
public DBReservationDataContext DBConnection
get { return _oDBConnection; }
public clsBase()
_oDBConnection = new DBReservationDataContext();
Not a direct answer, but this is really bad design, sorry.
One context instance per class instance. Pretty incredible. How are you going to manage units of work and transactions? And what about memory consumption and performance?
Indirection: every entity instance (prefixed o) is wrapped in a cls class. What a hassle to make classes cooperate, if necessary, or to access their properties.
DRY: far from it. Does each clsBase derivative have the same methods as clsPermanency?
Constructors: you always have to call the base constructor. The constructor with int iID always causes a redundant new object to be created, which will certainly be a noticeable performance hit when dealing with larger numbers. A minor change in constructor logic may cause the sequence of constructor invocations to change. (Nested and inherited constructors are always tricky).
Exception handling: you need a try-catch everywhere where classes are created. (BTW: First() will throw its own exception if the record is not there).
Finally, not a real issue, but class and variable name prefixes are sooo 19xx.
What to do?
I don't think you can change your colleague's design in his absence. But I'd really talk to him about it in due time. Just study some linq-to-sql examples out there to pick up some regular patterns.
The exception indicates that somewhere between fetching the _oPermanency instance (in the Id-d constructor) and saving it a new _oDBConnection is created. The code as shown does not reveal how this could happen, but I assume there is more code than this. When you debug and check GetHashCode() of _oDBConnection instances you should be able to find where it happens.

set property on grails.test.GrailsMock

I can't seem to figure out how to set a property on a mocked Service in a Service unit test. I've tried using the demand object and the setProperty method which seems to be gone from Grails 2.
class SomeServiceTests {
void testDoSomething() {
def helperService = mockFor HelperService
// tried this, error in method being tested
// tried this, error in test
helperService.demand.propToSet = ['a','b']
// tried this, error in method being tested
helperService.demand.getPropToSet() {['a','b']}
service.helperService = helperService
assert service.doSomething('aa') != null
For most of these the error is No such property: propToSet for class: grails.test.GrailsMock, thrown from within the method I'm testing that needs it. The second option above actually gives a hard error. How do I set a property in a mocked Grails object?
I also have not-that-good experiences with Grails mocking facilities. So I've been using GMock and happy with it. GMock plays well with all Grails tests including controllers, services and domain classes as well as Spock's specifications.
To use it, you simply put the following line into grails-app/conf/BuildConfig.groovy:
dependencies {
test 'org.gmock:gmock:0.8.2'
And this is the GMock version of your code.
class SomeServiceTests {
void testDoSomething() {
def helperService = mock(HelperService)
helperService.propToSet.returns(['a', 'b'])
service.helperService = helperService
play {
assert service.doSomething('aa') != null
Note that your mock codes will have affects only in the play { } block. So we need the block to wrap around assert statements.
