JHipster - Spring. Oauth2 resource server configuration. Create resource server - spring

When using simple spring boot configuration with normal spring parent in pom.xml I have no problem configuring oauth2 resource server.
However with JHipster dependency management by no means i can configure it.
I was trying to do it just by adding
<version>[spring version]</version>
or by using some older configuration with other dependencies like here: https://docs.spring.io/spring-security-oauth2-boot/docs/2.2.x-SNAPSHOT/reference/html/boot-features-security-oauth2-resource-server.html
And normally it works, but with JHipster I get #EnableResourceServer annotation, but I dont have in IntelliJ spring.security.oauth2.resourceserver property. So I cant configure by what server should the token be validated, and I dont have .oauth2ResourceServer() method in HttpSecurity http (WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter). I don't understand why is this happening. How can I get these properties? Or maybe I can override it by custom configuration somehow?

JHipster is configured to be a resource server by default, so you don't need to add any additional configuration.
From SecurityConfiguration.java:

Hello i did it this way,
1-find the .yo-rc.json file of you project
2-open the file and find the tag "authenticationType", it should appear like "authenticationType": "jwt", change it to "authenticationType": "oauth2"
3 - run again the jhipster command in your project.
Here you have a video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YIRjgd_3sMQ


How to enable health in Spring Boot Actuator

I have to check whether my service / app works or not.
I've added dependency
and also tried to add management.endpoint.health.show-details: always to application.yml but it didn't help.
I tried to go to http://localhost:8080/actuator/health, http://localhost:8080/health but it returned 404 error.
You can try this code on your application.yaml. This is worked for Spring boot 2.6.7.
show-details: always
include: health
As you see, you have 404 both on
Reason for this is not because security is enabled, if security was enabled you will get 401 or 403.
You probably need to expose actuator endpoints in application.yaml file.
Something like this:
include: "health,info"
And if you have security enabled, you need to write you own SecurityFilterChain implementation in which you will disable security on all Actuator endpoints, or in your case only on those that you exposed in your application.yaml file.
class ActuatorSecurityAutoConfiguration {
httpSecurity) throws Exception {
return httpSecurity
By default Spring boot enables security for all actuator endpoints
You can disable that feature using below property
Henceforth, try to run the application and hit the endpoint

How to allow all resources in static folder of spring boot maven using spring security?

I am creating a app using angular for frontend and spring boot for backend.
I am using spring-boot-security for the security purpose.
Spring boot serves static content from src/main/resources/static folder.
I am placing all the contents of angular dist folder here, i.e. all js,css,html produced by ng build.
But upon running the app, I keep on getting a 401 unauthorized error.
Here is my configure() method:
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
.exceptionHandling().authenticationEntryPoint(new HttpStatusEntryPoint(HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED))
.addFilter(new JWTAuthorizationFilter(authenticationManager()));
If I add .antMatchers("/**").permitAll() then the app will load all angular resources correctly but makes the security then useless as all api endpoints are then exposed.
Also I read that \css,\images,\js etc. are allowed by default, but here my I just refer to static folder.I also tried moving all the content to a new endpoint, say /app by implementing addResourceHandlers() method, but then my angular code breaks, since it references all css,jss directly in its href and not behind any folder name.
I am using spring boot 2.1.1 release and most of the answers refer to spring boot v1, and I am unable to find a soln.
I want to configure spring security to allow access to just all resources under static folder. Doing so will allow me to use my angular code without changing all hrefs. How can I achieve this?

Spring Security + AAD: invalid_token_response

After signing in to the Azure Active Directory I get a 401 back from the POST to https://login.microsoftonline.com/common/oauth2/token.
I registered my application in my AD and gave it the permissions user.read and .... I changed the manifest and set oauth2AllowImplicitFlow to true.
Tenant id, client id and client secret are correctly filled in. I tried to change them to double check and changed it to the correct ones.
The web security config is the following, this is from the Microsoft/azure-spring-boot repository.
#EnableGlobalMethodSecurity(prePostEnabled = true)
class AADOAuth2LoginSecurityConfig(private val oidcUserService: OAuth2UserService<OidcUserRequest, OidcUser>) : WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter() {
override fun configure(http: HttpSecurity) {
If I clone the sample and fill in the required configuration in application.properties everything works fine. If I start a brand new project, add the security, web, azure active directory, spring-security-oauth2-client and spring-security-oauth2-jose I get the 401.
The versions in use are the following
Spring Boot
Azure Spring Boot Version
After spitting through the debug logs the only difference I can see between the sample and the fresh project is that the HTTP Basic auth is different. The old version URL encodes the password (it contains non-url-safe characters) and then base64 encodes it as a whole base64(clientId:urlEncode(clientSecret)). The new version does not do this, can this be the actual problem? If so, how can I solve it since it's a change in the library then.

WhyI am Getting 403 Forbidden error for actuator /refresh endpoint on Spring Boot 2 on Cloud Foundry{using Cloud Config Server service}

Within my project, I have the following bootstrap.properties file:
Additionally to that, I defined the following dependency:
The config server is able to access the property but when I update that property in GitHub and POST to /refresh I get a 403: Forbidden. Do I need to make any change in my application or bootstrap.properties?
I got the solution, I needed to add a security configuration, for example:
public class SecurityConfiguration extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter{
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
Additionally, I had to add the following dependency:
I found this solution within the following GitHub issue:
I notice that Spring Boot 2 cloud config dont need to be "hooked to /refresh endpoint" after commit (or other events), because the new version always request to remote git Server and compare the last commitId and if is diferrent commitId start to fetch the changes.
If debug and see the log traces, after request http://host:8888/{service}/{profile}/{label_branch} always ask github, and you will notice that if exist changes a "fetch proccess is started " , look at traces like github negotiation:
o.e.jgit.transport.PacketLineOut - git> want 4a766a1677....
o.e.jgit.transport.PacketLineOut - git> have 93cd4a98b5b3bb7d895...
and finally
o.e.jgit.transport.PacketLineOut - git> done
And after, the download:
o.e.jgit.transport.PacketLineIn - git< ACK 0f8d2413183d5.... common
and so on.
If you look traces and not exist changes (the last commitId is the same, the negotiation and download traces are not shown).
I think that is not a good performance behaviour, so would exist a property that disable it and therefore need a "forced refresh hook behaviour", but i couldn't find it on Spring boot 2.
On the other hand, I like it because you dont need to enable HTTP access to your config server to be notified, so the security configuration is not compromised.
I tried with Greenwich.RELEASE
Hope this helps and clarify this behaviour.

Spring Boot 2.0.0.M4 breaks http basic auth in application.yml

Spring Boot 1.5.6.RELEASE respected the basic-auth username and password as specified in my application.yml below.
I have upgraded to 2.0.0.M4 and now the application always starts with the default 'user' and randomly generated password. Basically the settings below are always completely ignored.
I saw some changes in the release note/doc specific to simplifying actuator security enabled/disabled. I didn't see anything specific to this.
Any ideas?
From my application.yml
enabled: true
realm: some-service
name: example_user
password: example_password
I've confirmed this functionality was just plainly taken out starting with Spring Boot 2.0.0.M4
In the appendices:
All the security.basic.* family of stuff is missing here from the M4 reference:
But appears here in the M3 reference:
I was able to temporarily downgrade to M3 to restore the previous functionality but would still appreciate some guidance on what replaced it. I just need a single hardcoded basic-auth user for this scenario. I'm aware I could use object configurations to do a much more complicated setup.
Edit 2018-01-31:
The ability to auto-configure a single user has been restored (via the spring.security.user configuration keys) starting with Spring Boot 2.0.0-RC1 (source).
Original answer:
The Spring Boot security.* properties have been deprecated starting with Spring Boot 2.0.0-M4. You can read about this in the Release Notes:
Security auto-configuration has been completely revisited: developers should read the companion blog post and refer to the Spring Boot 2.0 Security wiki page for more details about the change.
In order to restore the basic auth functionality you can register a custom WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter, like this:
public class SecurityConfiguration extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
public InMemoryUserDetailsManager inMemoryUserDetailsManager() {
return new InMemoryUserDetailsManager(
.authorities("ROLE_ACTUATOR", "ROLE_USER").build());
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
.requestMatchers(EndpointRequest.to("health", "info")).permitAll()
(This will also configure basic auth for the Actuator endpoints)
If you additionally need to read the username and password from a .properties file, you can simply inject the values using the #Value annotation.
