what are all mandatory JAVA jars have to use for IBM MQ? - ibm-mq

am new to IBM MQ, currently am using com.ibm.mq:com.ibm.mq.allClient jar. now am facing error as mentioned below:
java.util.ServiceConfigurationError:Java.nio.charset.spi.CharsetProvider:com.ibm.mq.jmqi.CustomCharsetProvider not a subtype


How Do You Specify A Runtime Dependency On IBM WAS?

I have a web application deployed on IBM WebSphere Application Server 8.5.5.
It uses JNDI to look up a com.ibm.websphere.cache.DistributedMap which comes from the websphere classpath at runtime.
However, I need access to that class in order to compile the code and not all developers or build servers have an instance of WebSphere installed.
The gradle war plugin has a providedCompile configuration to hold this dependency but where do I get the jar containing the DistributedMap?
Does IBM have a public repo with the WebSphere runtime jars in it?
Or do I need to extract it from an installed instance and publish it to our internal company maven repo?
Which jar contains this class?
Check if this will solve your issue, this looks like maven repo with DistributedMap API https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/com.ibm.websphere.appserver.api/com.ibm.websphere.appserver.api.distributedMap

Home Interfaces list not populating when importing client jar in EJB transport OSB 12c Jdeveloper

Until now whenever client jar is imported in OSB Jdeveloper for EJB transport, list of home and remote interfaces is populated.
However working with this client jar EJB 2.1, interface list is not
populated. I have checked the jar, it is valid and contains
interfaces. Also working fine with java code. I am getting:
Invalid Ref instance error in JDeveloper
In Eclipse OEPE, no error message. Not working here also.
What could be the issue?
This is how it looks in JDeveloper, getting Invalid Ref instance error
There seems to be some issue with the EJB Cient jar you are using.
To confirm try with some other client jar, I hope you will not get any issue with that.
Which version of Jdeveloper 12c are you using?
Thanks & Regards,

Camel with old version of SonicMQ (5.02)

Wondering is it possible to integrate Camel with a very old version of Sonic MQ (5.02). The queues in one of the legacy application we have, were built in 2003! When we try to post using Camel (with the sonic client jar on the classpath) we get class not found exceptions from Camel...
This relates to the old version of JMS api (1.02b) shipped with Sonic.
Even if we put the correct version of JMS API on class path.. we get further... but then various sonic exceptions .....
Wondering if it is even supported?? Has anyone tried this..
or have info the could share?
Much Appreciated
What version of Camel do you use?
Camel does not support JMS 1.0 api for a very long time. You would need to use an old version of Camel. In fact that happend form Camel 2.5 onwards, see its release notes: http://camel.apache.org/camel-250-release.html

What Maven artifact do I need to send a JMS message from POJO?

I need a program that sends a message to JMS Queue on JBoss 5.1 server. Basic scenario is that I connect to JBoss server by jndi, I lookup the ConnectionFactory and Queue, I produce the message and send it to the queue. Depending on different artifacts included, I get ClassNotFound for either NamingContextFactory, JBossConnectionFactory or even PointcutStats aop.
Has anyone ever encountered this problem? I'm looking for a simple configuration of maven artifacts (available on maven central or jboss nexus) that satisfies all the requirements. (Hint: currently I have jnp-client 4.2.2.GA, jbossall-client 4.2.2.GA, jboss 4.2.2.GA, jbossmq-client 4.0.2 and jms-api and they don't work ;) )
Have a look at this example on configuring maven dependencies for JBoss 5.1 client http://www.javahelp.info/2010/01/27/get-the-right-dependencies-for-jboss-5-client-and-maven/

How to ensure that HornetQ is deployed before any application in JBoss 6?

We have an issue, that if you start JBoss 6 with our Java EE 6 applications deployed, where one of them uses a JMS Queue, the related MDB won't consume any messages until you re-deploy the applications. The MDB is using a Singleton with a Startup annotation.
My research so far resulted in the assumption that this is caused by HornetQ being deployed after the application.
I also found some hints to get around this here and here, but I neither was able (and by the way didn't like) to use JBoss specific annotation in my applications due to missing Maven dependency nor am I using any deployment descriptor file so far.
So my question is, how do I ensure, preferrably with standard Java EE annotations or HornetQ/JBossAS configuration file that the queues are deployed before my application gets deployed?
