SIMPLE godoc Hello world - go

Trying to serve a godoc on a simple, flat code folder. The online docs do not explain how to achieve this SIMPLE task.
So, creating this simple structure,
/tmp/testgodoc$ tree
└── src
├── main (just the binary)
└── main.go
1 directory, 2 files
where main.go is simply
/tmp/testgodoc$ cat src/main.go
// Hello godoc
package main
import "fmt"
// Say Hello
func main() {
When running either in GOPATH or module modes, opening localhost:6060 in a browser does not give the expected result of documenting current folder.
Running in module mode give this output and result:
/tmp/testgodoc$ ~/go/bin/godoc -goroot=. -http=:6060
using module mode; GOMOD=/dev/null
(when Ctrl-C:) cannot find package "." in:
And running in GOPATH mode seems to point to the local standard library:
/tmp/testgodoc$ GO111MODULE=off ~/go/bin/godoc -goroot=. -http=:6060
using GOPATH mode

You should put your main package into a subdirectory, maybe like this:
~/go/src/testGoDoc$ tree
├── cmd
│ └── main.go
├── go.mod
└── pkg
└── test1
└── test_package.go
and by this you can run both commands:
godoc -http=:6060 #http://localhost:6060/pkg/<module name inside go.mod>/
GO111MODULE=off godoc -http=:6060 #http://localhost:6060/pkg/testGoDoc/


How to pass arguments via go generate

Here is how my project is structure
├── cmd
│   ├── orders
│   │   ├── main.go
└── scripts
└── codegenerator.go
the codegenerator.go file is the file where i have put my code to generate the code. Here is the logic for codegenerator.go
rename main.go to old_main.go
read from old_main.go line by line and write to a new file called main.go
insert new lines/code blocks based on markers/placeholder in main.go
remove old_main.go file
The go:generate directive is in main.go like this
//go:generate go run ../../scripts/codegenerator.go
I ran go generate from command line and wanted to pass in 3 arguments so that they can be utilized in codegenerator.go. here is my command and the errors i got (i executed this command on path cmd/orders)
$ go generate arg_one arg_two arg_three
can't load package: package arg_one: unknown import path "arg_one": cannot find module providing package arg_one
can't load package: package arg_two: unknown import path "arg_two": cannot find module providing package arg_two
can't load package: package arg_three: unknown import path "arg_three": cannot find module providing package arg_three
So the questions are
Am i running go generate properly?
How can i pass in arguments from go generate command line to the target script
While I agree you may be better off using another solution, there isn't anything preventing usage of env vars (os specifics may vary)
➜ /tmp cat foo.go
package main
//go:generate python $ARG
func main() {}
➜ /tmp cat
import sys
print sys.argv[1]
➜ /tmp ARG=poop go generate foo.go

How to fix Go build error "can't load package" with Go modules?

I'm setting up a new project using Go modules with this tutorial, and then trying to build it.
The module is located in a folder outside of the $GOPATH with the following structure:
├── my-project
├── ├── main
├── ├── ├── main.go
├── ├── go.mod
I've run go mod init in directory and created the go.mod file shown above.
main.go has basic contents:
package main
import (
func main(){
fmt.Println("Hello, world!")
After attempting to run go build in directory, I receive the following error message:
can't load package: package unknown import path "": cannot find module providing package
I've also attempted to run go build in directory /, outside of, and I get similar, failing results:
can't load package: package .: no Go files in ...
I'm probably getting some basic thing wrong, so thanks for your patience and any help you can give.
no need for the directory main,
just move your main.go and go.mod to and it will work.
Project root should look like:
├── go.mod
└── main.go
In my case it was that the variables GOMOD and GOWORK were taking other values different from the project I solved it by executing the command go env and verifying the values of those variables and deleting the files of that address.
Then I removed the go.mod and go.sum file from the project and ran the following commands again:
go mod init projectName
go mod tidy
go run ./...
And it worked perfectly.

How can I resolve dependencies in nested application binary in Go project?

This sounds stupid, but I am trying for build my new golang project for a while now and I am stuck with following error
can't load package: package found packages main (main.go) and yamqclient (yamq-client.go) in C:\projects\yamq\cmd\yamq-client
I know this should be straightforward to fix, but I come from .NET and I am still not experienced in Go projects and its dependency resolution model hence the struggle.
My project structure looks like so
/yamq-client // yamq client application binary
main.go // package main
yamq-client.go // package yamqclient
/yamq-server // yamq server application binary
main.go // package main
yamq-server.go // package yamqserver
go.mod // contains only "module" for now
... // some library files that will probably be moved to /shared folder
so far so good, when I do go build in outermost directory ( /yamq ) it is building successfully (or at least it is not showing any errors), but when I try to build either yamq-client or yamq-server binaries I get the aforementioned error and every time I try to google it or find something useful I got some old article or answer that dates back 2013-2016 that suggests something about $GOPATH and etc which shouldn't be the case here since I am trying to use go modules.
Help a fellow .NET developer join Go community by explaining him how exactly modules work cause I found this and this useless or at least I am missing the point, thanks in advance!
To follow up from my comment above:
Go programmers typically keep all their Go code in a single workspace.
A workspace contains many version control repositories (managed by Git, for example).
Each repository contains one or more packages.
Each package consists of one or more Go source files in a single directory.
The path to a package's directory determines its import path.
For your project, I'd do something like this:
$ tree
├── clientlib
│   └── lib.go
├── cmd
│   ├── client
│   │   └── main.go
│   └── server
│   └── main.go
├── go.mod
└── serverlib
└── lib.go
5 directories, 5 files
$ cat go.mod
The module name is arbitrary (could be
For the server side:
$ cat serverlib/lib.go
package serverlib
import "fmt"
func Hello() {
fmt.Println("Hello from serverlib.Hello")
$ cat cmd/server/main.go
package main
import (
func main() {
fmt.Println("Running server")
And now we can build and run it:
$ go build -o server cmd/server/main.go
$ ./server
Running server
Hello from serverlib.Hello
The client side looks symmetrical.
Variations: you could name the .go files in cmd/... by their actual binary names - like server.go and client.go. The package in each is still main, but then go build creates an executable with the file's name (sans the .go) without needing to -o explicitly.

Why isn't autocomplete of local packages working in Atom editor?

Autocomplete (go-plus) works fine in Atom for standard library imports, but whenever I try to import my own packages It simply doesn't work.
My package structure goes like this:
├── bin
├── pkg
└── src
└── Test
├── MyPackage
│   └── hello.go
└── main.go
package main
import (
func main() {
package hello
import "fmt"
const Msg = "Hello "
func SayHello(name string) {
fmt.Printf("%v%v!\n", Msg, name)
The file compiles fine, but in main.go the hello package does not invoke any autocompletion in Atom, so what could be the problem?
The issue is addressed in the of the go-plus package:
First of all, make sure
autocomplete-plus is
present on your setup. Go-plus provides autocompletion through
gocode tool, so you should ensure
it's in PATH and available.
If you can't get autocompletion for the user-defined packages working,
while it's there for packages from standard library, it's likely a
trivial gocode-related issue. Try running gocode set. Some expected
output'd be: propose-builtins false lib-path "" autobuild false
force-debug-output "" package-lookup-mode "go"
What you gotta do is switching autobuild to true, by running gocode
set autobuild true. Check autocompletion now, it must be working
Another possible cause is the gocode daemon is not working properly (either it is due to an update of Go or multiple gocode daemons). Closing the daemon may help.
gocode close

Vendoring in Go 1.6

I’ve read as many docs and StackOverflow articles as I can find, yet I am having no luck importing using the new vendor feature in Go 1.6.
Here's a sample project I put together with Goji to test. The directory structure is as such:
└── src
├── main.go
└── vendor
└── zenazn
└── goji
├── bind
├── default.go
├── example
├── goji.go
├── graceful
├── serve.go
├── serve_appengine.go
└── web
And main.go, the sole file in the project, is as such:
package main
import (
func hello(c web.C, w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
fmt.Fprintf(w, "Hello, %s!", c.URLParams["name"])
func main() {
goji.Get("/hello/:name", hello)
My environment variables are as such:
export GOPATH=~/.go
export GOBIN=$GOPATH/bin
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/opt/go/libexec/bin:$GOBIN
I’ve tried the most simple build commands, with no luck:
go run ./src/main.go
go build ./src/main.go
I’ve also attempted to build with:
$GOPATH=`pwd` no avail. Am I totally missing something? Any advice is appreciated.
I suggest you to read It requires a day or two to digest but after you understand how go tools work with the source code and GOPATH it is really easy to use them.
Back to your question. To build a simple go program you need to:
create directory under $GOPATH/src, e.g. mkdir $GOPATH/src/myprogram
put all the source code (including vendor directory) there: $GOPATH/src/myprogram/main.go, $GOPATH/src/myprogram/vendor.
run go install myprogram to build your application and put the resulting myprogram binary to $GOPATH/bin/myprogram
