gatsby static image 0X0 - image

I'm using the new gatsby image plugin, and StaticImage. I have got a few images on the website, all works perfect normally beside one that only has the black background
(source of black, change the bg color attribute to red for example change the view to red)
The<picture> tag has 0X0 pixels
Another weird thing is the auto-created div container has a max-width of 47px, though the image is bigger than that (in all rest cases the max-width actually corresponds to the image dimensions)
relevant code
// js
<div className="advertising">
.advertising {
position: relative;
margin: 123px 162px 150px 536px;
.advertising-img {
width: 260px;
height: 230px;
position: absolute;
left: -460px;
top: -15px;
page lookout (for understanding the CSS a little bit and show another picture that working..)
any help will be appreciated, thanks in advance! :)
live site -

The request to advertising image is blocked by the browser, as you can see by opening the dev tools.
In addition, the fact that is working on my mobile phone (screenshot below):
Makes me think that the image is blocked by the browser itself or by some extensions (AdBlock, etc) because of the name to avoid advertisers or publicity by default.
Try changing the name of the image or try disabling the extensions.


How do I make a Squarespace footer have a background image?

HELP ME please.
In two areas of my Squarespace website I would like the footer section to be transparent. Aka in the ‘Answers’ entries, which are setup using a Blog style, there is a blue panel at the base. I would like the background image above it to continue to the base of the window. Same goes for the ‘Paintings’ pages where there is a white panel at the base rather than the image running behind the footer. The base text should float over the image. It’s setup as a Portfolio style. Please refer to links attached.
The following CSS, added via Custom CSS / CSS Editor, will accomplish that:
/* Blog & Paintings Footer/Pagination */
.collection-60aef7b6d33efb6090ebf095 .item-pagination,
.collection-60b8480265d7df4bcf8f97ed .item-pagination {
top: -2.5em;
height: 0;
padding-top: 0;
padding-bottom: 0;
position: relative;
It targets those two "collections" specifically. It then sets the footer to overlap the section above it.

Why some browsers display images while other doesn't ? Rails 4

My problem is that images on my page ( are displaying properly for instance in Firefox (then I assume there is nothing wrong with my code), but on WebKit or Blink browsers (such as Chrome or Opera) they doesn't.
Maybe it is Paperclip fault which I use to store images (there is need to keep relation between database and images) cause images stored explicitly in assets display properly.
Anyway, i have no idea why everything works in Gecko, but not with other engines.
Thanks in advance.
Bootstrap overrides width and height of your images. The simplest solution is to add width and height attributes to existing styles where you define border for images. This code does the trick.
.event_frame .frame-top .frame-img img {
width: 200px;
height: 200px;
border: solid;
border-color: #b2b2b2;
border-width: 1px;

Button Hover Effect

I'm quite new to CSS and web programming. What I'm trying to do is add a hovering effect for a button. I'm doing this by using 2 images.
There is a button called download and in hover code I add:
The problem is the button takes time to load ie: on hover there is a delay to show the button. How can i solve this?
EDIT: I tried using preloading,but there is also a kind of delay
width: 0px;
height: 0px;
background-image: url(images/button2.png);
You should use an image sprite to get rid of the delay. A sprite is one larger file that contains multiple images. Your button will have it's background set to sprite.png file. You can then change the background-position property to shift the positioning of your sprite.
On the other note - why do you use images for buttons? Most buttons can be done in pure CSS with some fallbacks for older browsers.
Create a single image out of the two images (which is called a sprite)
Here is a working example with an animation as well to show you how it works.
Click here >>> FIDDLE
Then set your background position to to show the normal state of the background image
.button {
width: 150px;
height: 50px;
background-image: url('image-sprite.jpg');
background-position: left top;
Then on your hover css, just move the background image to show the lower part of it
.button:hover {
background-position: left bottom;
Keep your current css and other stuff as they are and add an <img> component at anywhere of your page and make it hidden to load the image initially.
<img src="images/button2.png" style="display:none;"/>

How to display an image as your whole webpage?

I did give a search before I started to ask this question as it is a very simple question. I have an image and I would like to have it as the only element on our webpage. There is no other content as this image conveys what we want to convey. Now we would also like to resize itself depending upon the device it is being displayed. I hope this is achievable through HTML though I would like to know if there is any other options.
Thank you,
What you're looking for is the background-size property. By applying background-size:cover to your <body>, the image will resize itself accordingly regardless of viewport dimensions.
Note: Your image may clip with the use of cover.
An alternative value for background-size can also be contain. If you apply background-size:contain instead, it'll still resize the image accordingly just as the former would.
Note: While this approach promises to never clip the image, it'll also show negative/dead space as well (which sometimes isn't ideal).
Your CSS should reflect the following:
body {
background-image: url('bg.jpg');
background-position: center center;
background-size: cover; /* or background-size: contain */
You can use an image as a web resource (“page”). You could simply link to it using something like href="test.jpg", or you could announce its URL directly. Browsers will display it somehow, possibly scaling it to fit browser window width.
The next simpler, and better, approach is to use a page with just an img element as its content. It can be made to scale to browser window width by setting its width to 100% (in HTML or in CSS). This way, it will keep its width:height proportion when scaled. The quality of scaling in browsers varies but is generally good, unless you scale upwards a lot. In this approach, the inherent width of the image should be sufficiently large (say 2,000 pixels) to avoid considerable upwards scaling.
To remove default spacing around the image (default page margins), it’s simplest to use CSS.
Example (with “...” to be replaced by useful information):
<!doctype html>
<meta charset=utf-8>
html, body { margin: 0; padding: 0; }
<img src="demo.jpg" alt="..." width="100%">
Set it as a background-image and use the appropriate background-size (e.g. contain):
html {
height: 100%;
body {
background: url('to/your/image.png') no-repeat;
background-size: contain;
Here's a demo.
I use this:
margin: 0;

How to prevent image that extends beyond the browser window setting the width of the page?

I have a long image that is currently serving as a navigation system for a site in development. You can see it here. This navigation system will eventually be split into smaller sections, but I imagine I may well see the same issues that I am seeing now.
The image is 1920px wide and the idea is that, however wide the user's browser window (up to 1920px), the navigation image (branch) will always extend off the screen. The leaves at the center of the navigation system should always be centred on the page to match the logo above.
The navigation DIV currently has the following CSS:
#nav {
position: absolute;
top: 210px;
left: 50%;
margin-left: -960px;
The body has a min-width of 900px.
There are two issues I am having with this setup:
As you will see when you visit the page, the width of the browser page is being set by the right edge of the long image for the navigation system, when I would like it to be set to 100% when the width of the browser window is greater than 900px, and to 900px (with horizontal scrollbars) when the width of the browser window is less than 900px.
The navigation system isn't respecting the min-width of the body, i.e. it continues to move to the left even when the width of the browser window is less than 900px, whereas the rest of the page content doesn't.
Could someone help with these issues?
What I would do is
Cut out the middle part of the image (the one with the actual content).
Take out a slice from the line background that can be repeated infinitely. Like so:
Put the middle part of the image into a div that is 100% wide and has
background-image: url(/path/to/slice.png);
background-repeat: repeat-x;
that will give you an infinitely resizable navigation area, without needlessly expanding the page.
