Every time I open terminal I get:
/Users/me/.zprofile:1: no such file or directory: /opt/homebrew/bin/brew
/Users/me/.zprofile:2: no such file or directory: /opt/homebrew/bin/brew
Can someone help how to remove this?
.zprofile is generally used as a profile config file for Z shell. In OSX if you've installed brew using Rosetta terminal the exec location would be most likely in /usr/local/bin/brew. You can replace /opt/homebrew/bin/brew with this location or you can just check it using which brew to get the bin location of homebrew and replace it in .zprofile file.
I am trying to install Ruby on a remote server using rbenv.
However, when I run the command rbenv install 2.7.2, I get the error below:
ruby-build: TMPDIR=/tmp cannot hold executables (partition possibly mounted with noexec)
I have rbenv and other dependencies for the Ruby programming language properly installed.
After a few research and trials, I was able to solve it.
Here's how I solved it:
The issue was that the rbenv installer needed a directory to store temporary files while it is downloading and installing ruby, however, the /tmp directory which is the default directory for storing temporary files wasn't accessible by my current user.
I tried to change permissions for the /tmp directory to allow it become accessible to my current user, however, I was unsuccessful.
All I had to do was to create a new tmp directory in the home directory of my user:
mkdir ~/tmp
Next, I opened the .bashrc file in the home directory of my user:
sudo nano ~/.bashrc
Next, I added the line below to the bottom of the file and saved:
export TMPDIR="$HOME/tmp"
Finally, I restarted my terminal or ran the command below to load the newly added paths into my current shell/terminal session:
exec "$SHELL"
Now, I could run the command rbenv install 2.7.2 and it worked fine.
Resources: TMPDIR=/tmp cannot hold executables (partition possibly mounted with noexec)
Adding to the OP's answer, you don't need to create a new tmp folder. Only adding to the path should work as well.
I installed composer using home brew on my Utilities terminal on my Mac.
When I try to use packages installed through composer, I get that it isn't installed. For example, I can run laravel new appname in the Mac terminal, but it won't let me run it in VScode terminal (using zsh). I get the error zsh: command not found: laravel.
Can someone help so that the VScode terminal uses the packages installed in my Mac terminal?
My /etc/paths file looks like this:
You need to add the relevant directories to your PATH in ~/.zshenv. Try which laravel in the shell that works to see what directories you need to add. E.g.:
❯ which watch
❯ export PATH="/usr/local/bin:$PATH" # needs to be in ~/.zshenv to be permanent
I am having a problem about linuxbrew.
bash: /lustre7/home/lustre4/user1/applications/bin/cut: /lustre7/home/lustre4/user1/.linuxbrew/lib/ld.so: bad ELF interpreter: No such file or directory
I tried to uninstall linuxbrew using instructions at its website, but somehow it didn't work (because of sudo requirements).
there is linuxbrew directory but I can't remove when I type rm -r linuxbrew it says;
-bash: /lustre7/home/lustre4/user1/applications/bin/rm: /lustre7/home/lustre4/user1/.linuxbrew/lib/ld.so: bad ELF interpreter: No such file or directory
When I tried to install homebrew it says your CPU is not supported. (I tried this before and it worked, but now it is not working.)
I want to solve this problem but I couldn't find any solution. I am not able to run sudo and yum commands because I am not root. I am a user at a linux cluster.
OK. I finally was able to solve this issue.
I am wring in case someone else may have the same issue.
First, this was related to a bash problem. I recently installed a tool that put some variables to both bashrc and bash_profile and altered path of bin directory.
I wasn't able to use system commands such as rm, ls, cat etc. and I wasn't able to run system ruby. Paths of all commands and ruby were in my bin directory under my application directory.
What I did is;
I edited my bash_profile by cancelling the new path that caused conflict between bash_profile and bashrc. This enabled me run system commands.
I uninstalled linuxbrew as described in its website.
I removed linuxbrew from my home directory, and cancelled its path in bash_profile (comment out).
I installed homebrew again and put its path to my bashrc.
Now it is working.
I could uninstall linuxbrew using the procedure I described in here:
How to completely uninstall brew and re-install brew in ubuntu 19.04
-> In short, I just replaced install.sh by uninstall.sh and it worked...
$/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/uninstall.sh)"
I installed macvim with homebrew and when i tip "mvim file" in terminal open the file in another window. Can I fix and open mvim in terminal?
The binary is needed by some plugins (YouCompleteMe), for one.
You can use the binary that is installed with macvim. By default, it's
You can simply alias vim to it in your shell config (.bashrc, .zshrc, etc.)
alias vim=/usr/local/Cellar/macvim/8.0-144_3/MacVim.app/Contents/MacOS/Vim
MacVim (mvim) is not a terminal application. If you want to open vim in a terminal, just use "vim" instead.
We want the contents of the MacVim.app package to be in the PATH, but do this cleanly. So here's what I do:
cd /Applications; ln -s ../usr/local/Cellar/macvim/8.1-151_1/MacVim.app
That gets you MacVim in /Applications, via a symlink that can be updated when the package is upgraded. Then add this to the PATH in the shell startup file:
Then when you upgrade you just change the symlink in /Applications and everything still works nicely.
I just installed ssldump on a mac computeg using brew. The installation process ran without reporting any issues (ssldump-0.9b3 already installed). However, when I try running ssldump from the same prompt or a new terminal window, the error message I get is:
-bash: ssldump: command not found
Is there anything else that i need to do to make this work on a Mac El capitan (v10.11.6)?
Simply using brew install ssldump did not work for me as ssldump was added in /usr/local/sbin (which was neither mentioned on /etc/paths nor in .bash_profile). I ended up adding /usr/local/sbin to the .bash_profile and used sourced the file to enable the change.
cd ~
sudo vi .bash_profile
add to the file:
export PATH=/usr/local/sbin:$PATH
source .bash_profile