Rails 7 net-protocol and io-wait dependency - ruby

I am trying to deploy a webapp in Ruby 3.0.2 and Rails 7.0.1 and I have a problem after deploying it via capistrano in a production server Ubuntu 20.04 with nginx(1.18.0) and passenger(6.0.12).
All the processes work fine but the app can not start in production. I get the passenger error page. Finding in logs I get the next error:
"Error: The application encountered the following error: You have already activated io-wait 0.1.0, but your Gemfile requires io-wait 0.2.1. Since io-wait is a default gem, you can either remove your dependency on it or try updating to a newer version of bundler that supports io-wait as a default gem"
I have tried to remove the gem io-wait but is a default system gem and I cannot remove it, I have upgraded the bundler to the latest (2.3.4) and the error persists. I have added the latest io-wait version (0.2.1) and got the same error.
Any help will be welcome.

I got it to work by adding
gem "io-wait", "0.1.0"
I then also had the problem with "strscan". Had to downgrade to "3.0.0".

I was able to get things going by using the following:
gem "io-wait", "0.2.0"

In my gem file I set the two offending gems to the old versions.
gem "io-wait", "0.1.0"
gem "strscan", "3.0.0"
After that, deploying and booting the app worked fine.
Ruby v3.0.2
Rails 7.0.0


Updating Cloudflare Pages to Ruby 3 for Jekyll site

So I've been building a blog site using Jekyll and an specific theme called Chirpy, and deploying it all using Cloudflare Pages, the code is stored in a private Github repository so anytime I push code a new build gets generated by Cloudflare automatically.
It's been working fine for months but after some updates deploying a new build fails as:
12:57:58.188 Success: Finished cloning repository files
12:57:58.890 Installing dependencies
12:57:58.901 Python version set to 2.7
12:58:03.233 v12.18.0 is already installed.
12:58:04.608 Now using node v12.18.0 (npm v6.14.4)
12:58:04.922 Started restoring cached build plugins
12:58:04.937 Finished restoring cached build plugins
12:58:05.597 Attempting ruby version 2.7.1, read from environment
12:58:09.668 Using ruby version 2.7.1
12:58:10.041 Using PHP version 5.6
12:58:10.042 Started restoring cached ruby gems
12:58:10.060 Finished restoring cached ruby gems
12:58:10.062 Installing gem bundle
12:58:10.368 [DEPRECATED] The `--path` flag is deprecated because it relies on being remembered across bundler invocations, which bundler will no longer do in future versions. Instead please use `bundle config set path '/opt/buildhome/cache/bundle'`, and stop using this flag
12:58:10.526 [DEPRECATED] The --binstubs option will be removed in favor of `bundle binstubs`
12:58:13.673 Fetching gem metadata from https://rubygems.org/..........
12:58:13.834 Fetching gem metadata from https://rubygems.org/.
12:58:13.935 Resolving dependencies...
12:58:14.019 sass-embedded-1.58.0-x86_64-linux-musl requires rubygems version >= 3.3.22,
12:58:14.019 which is incompatible with the current version, 3.1.2
12:58:14.052 Error during gem install
12:58:14.073 Failed: build command exited with code: 1
12:58:14.848 Failed: an internal error occurred
Now Cloudflare allows you to specify which command you want to use in order to execute the build, that being:
bundle exec jekyll b
I've been looking for a way to update the Ruby version being used in Cloudflare and could not find any resources more than this one post. I've tried changing the Gemfile like:
spec.required_ruby_version = ">= 3.0"
, but it seems like Cloudflare does not support Ruby 3 at all; I then had the idea to use an older version of the Chirpy theme, since I already have a deployed version of the blog, I went back to Chirpy 5.2.1 but surprisingly the error persist.
Definitely adding gem "jekyll-sass-converter", "~> 2.0" to the Gemfile solved this problem, as Christian mentioned.

enforcing a ruby gem version

I am completely new to ruby, don't know the 1st thing about rvm, gemset etc. Just forced to use a CLI tool (kensa by heroku) written in ruby and facing an issue.
The kensa tool seems to use a gem named rest-client. When I run it it throws an error:
/Users/shaharsol/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.4.2/gems/rest-client-1.8.0/lib/restclient/request.rb:163:in `fetch': key not found: :ciphers (KeyError)
Some searches suggest that v1.8 of rest-client is too old so I installed v2.0.2. Now when I do a gem list I get:
rest-client (2.0.2, 1.8.0)
When I run kensa again it still used to old version. So I went and modified it kensa.gemspec file (which is referred to from Gemfile) and to my best understanding told it to use the newer version:
s.add_runtime_dependency(%q<rest-client>, "~> 2.0")
Yet, when I run kensa again, it still uses the old rest-client 1.8.0!
What am I missing? What am I doing wrong? Or what else is required for the kensa to run with the new rest-client 2.0.2 ???
PS - If my problem doesn't relate at all to changing 1.8.0 => 2.0.2 please tell me what else to do. I really don't care which rest-client version kensa uses, I just need it to run!
To remove older version of the gem, you have two options:
# remove all versions of the gem
gem cleanup rest-client
After this, you can do 'bundle install' and only install the version you want.
# choose which one you want to remove
gem uninstall rest-client --version 1.8.0
After this, you will only have 2.0.2 version.
Hope this solves your problem.

Changing Ruby version during deploy

I have a box with 3 Rails apps on it. I wan't to upgrade one of the apps so that it uses Ruby 2.0.0, while leaving the others running on 1.9.3-p394. I have both those Rubies installed via Rvm.
I'm trying to control the Ruby version that each app uses via it's Gemfile.
# Gemfile
ruby '2.0.0'
So, I changed the version number in the Gemfile locally, made sure it all worked, committed and now I'm trying to deploy the change to the server.
However, the cap deploy fails at this point
bundle install --gemfile [path to release Gemfile] --path [path to app bundle] --deployment --quiet --without development test
Your Ruby version is 1.9.3, but your Gemfile specified 2.0.0
This is correct technically, my Gemfile does specify 2.0.0 and the app is currently running on 1.9.3. I'm trying to make it change versions before bundling though. How do I do that?
Your PATH is not set up correctly. You probably don't have bin: as the first entry in your path. That would lead to this error.
Even if you're not using Heroku it's worth reading this page on troubleshooting that issue: https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/ruby-versions
Here is a link to an answer which will explain how to change your PATH on the server: Capistrano: Can I set an environment variable for the whole cap session?
If you have rvm maybe you can try to do
rvm use 2.0.0
before your bundler call.
If you're using rvm set the default to ruby 2.0.0 on your server
rvm --default use 2.0.0
Resolved the problem for me deploying to an AWS server from my mac - but I guess if I need to update my older sites I'll have to set the default back to 1.9.3 before deploying.

Could not find gem 'rubytree (~> 0.5.2) ruby' while installing ChiliProject on Debian

I am trying to install chiliproject on a server, following the -well done- documentation I am hitting this error
Could not find gem 'rubytree (~> 0.5.2) ruby' in any of the gem sources listed in your Gemfile.
I did a gem install rubytree
I get this message
Thank you for installing rubytree.
Please note that as of 0.8.0 the CamelCase method names are DEPRECATED.
The new method names follow the ruby_convention (separated by '_').
The old CamelCase methods still work (a warning will be displayed),
but may go away in the future.
Details of the API changes are documented in the API-CHANGES file.
Successfully installed rubytree-0.8.1
1 gem installed
Installing ri documentation for rubytree-0.8.1...
file 'COPYING,API-CHANGES' not found
Installing RDoc documentation for rubytree-0.8.1...
file 'COPYING,API-CHANGES' not found
That is saying the installation was succesful. So why do I get the error ?
If the error is from the API change how can I request version 0.5.2 of the rubytree gem ?
When I do a gem list --local | grep 'rubytree'
I have this output rubytree (0.8.1)
So why is the system saying could not find gem 'rubytree' ?
thank you for any help,
Depending on what version of rails you are using (and it sounds like you are using a relatively newer one, if it's prompting you for your Gemfile), then you need to use Bundler to manage your gems.
Try editing your Gemfile, adding a new line that reads:
gem "rubytree", "< 0.6"
Then open up a console, and type this command
bundle install
This should fix your problems, but if you still get errors when running a command, then try typing bundle exec prior to the command (i.e. rails server becomes bundle exec rails server).
Currently, we require rubytree exactly in version 0.5.2 or 0.5.3, as specified in our Gemfile, the 0.8.1. version you installed by hand will not suffice that requirement, which is exactly what the error message states.
What seems a bit odd is the literal ruby in the error message. Could you please make sure that you have the exact unchanged Gemfile from the source on your system? Also, could you please remove any user-installed plugins and try again? Also, which ruby (type and version) on which operating system are you using?

Could not find rack-cache-1.0.3 in any of the sources

I have created a very basic Rails 3.1 app, deployed to a box that runs Ruby 1.8.7 (P334) (I can't easily go to 1.9.2. there unfortunately).
After deploying and running 'bundle install' I tried to run a console:
bundle exec rails console
And I get:
Could not find rack-cache-1.0.3 in any of the sources
and the console does not come up.
It seems that this particular version of rack-cache is listed as a dependency by ActionPack 3.1.0.
Can someone explain to me what I need to do to resolve this, i.e. get bundler to attach this version of rack-cache to the project?
Also I read that bundler stores the project-specific GEMs 'somewhere else', i.e. no longer in the global Ruby GEM path. Is there a default location for this project specific place ?
Oh and I also keep getting heaps of 'invalid gemspec' warnings with Rails 3.1, i.e.:
Invalid gemspec in [/usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/specifications/rack-cache-1.0.3.gemspec]: invalid date format in specification: "2011-08-27 00:00:00.000000000Z"
Ran into this issue when upgrading my Rails 3.0 app to 3.1.
Edit the /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/specifications/rack-cache-1.0.3.gemspec file and set s.date = %q{2011-08-27}. This will fix your problem.
