Problem with setup multi-node cluster hadoop on windows - hadoop

I am trying to set up a multi-node Hadoop cluster between 2 windows devices. I am using Hadoop 3.3.1. how can I achieve that, please
(note: I was able to successfully create in Single-Node)
of course, I did these steps :
My network will be as follows:
master-IP :
slave-IP :
add below lines in Master-mode and SlaveNode C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts hadoopMaster hadoopSlave
in master, ping salve-IP worked
in slave, ping master-IP worked
add below lines in the workers file
3)format the HDFS file system
hdfs namenode -format
run below script on master node
but the slave node not working


Cannot connect slave1:8088 in hadoop 2.7.2

I am new in hadoop and I have installed hadoop 2.7.2 into two machines which are master and slave1. I have followed this tutorial. It was not mentioned in the tutorial but I have also edited JAVA_HOME and HADOOP_CONF_DIR variables in At the end I have two machines hadoop installed. In master NameNode, DataNode, SecondaryNameNode, ResourceManager and NodeManager are running and in slave1 DataNode and NodeManager are running.
I am able to go to master:8088 in the browser and when I go http://master:8088/cluster/nodes, there is only master node here. I am not able to go isci17:8088 and that is not a live node. Why could it be?
Port 8088 is the resource manager web ui port, so if it is running on master you probably won't have it on the slave.
You should be able to also go to the name node web ui on port 50070 on your name node as well to see status such as http://master:50070/ and the MapReduce JobHistory Server at http://hostname:19888/ for a web ui.
If you have access to a terminal session you run the following command on each server as root/sudo user to see which ports are listening on which server in a Linux terminal session;
sudo lsof -i tcp | grep -i LISTEN
You also also run hadoop cli commands that will give you info;
You can run the following to check hadoops ports in a terminal session.
hdfs portmap
Other Health checks on command line;
hdfs classpath
hdfs getconf -namenodes
hdfs dfsadmin -report -live
hdfs dfsadmin -report -dead
hdfs dfsadmin -printTopology
Depending on if the hadoop cli command works automatically you might have to find the executable to run ./hdfs. Also depending on distro/version you might have to replace the command hdfs with the command hadoop.
If you want to see your cluster configurations check your /etc/hadoop/conf folder along with /etc/hadoop/hive . You will find about 5-10 *-site.xml files. There configuration files contain your clusters configuration with the hostnames and ports.

Hadoop datanode services is not starting in the slaves in hadoop

I am trying to configure hadoop-1.0.3 multinode cluster with one master and two slave in my laptop using vmware workstation.
when I ran the from master all daemon process running in master node (namenode,datanode,tasktracker,jobtracker,secondarynamenode) but Datanode and tasktracker is not starting on slave node. Password less ssh is enabled and I can do ssh for both master and slave from my masternode without pwd.
Please help me resolve this.
Stop the cluster.
If you have specifically defined tmp directory location in core-site.xml, then remove all files under those directory.
If you have specifically defined data node and namenode directory in hdfs-site.xml, then delete all the files under those directories.
If you have not defined anything in core-site.xml or hdfs-site.xml, then please remove all the files under /tmp/hadoop-*nameofyourhadoopuser.
Format the namenode.
It should work!

hadoop 2 node cluster setup

Can anyone please tell how to create a hadoop 2 node cluster ?i have 2 Virual machines both have hadoop single node setup installed properly,please tell how to form 2 node cluster from that ,and mention proper network setup for that.Thanks in Advance.i am using hadoop -1.0.3 version.
Hi can you do one thing for network configuration of vms.
Make sure of the network connect of virtual machine setting of hostonly.
And add two hostname and ips in /etc/hosts file.
add two hostnames in $HADOOP_HOME/conf/slaves file.
Make sure of secondary namenode hostname in $HADOOP_HOME/conf/masters file.
Then make sure same configuration on two machine.
hadoop namenode -format
Best of luck.

add hadoop servers to same cluster(Master-Slave )

I have 2 hadoop pseudo(standalone) servers, which I created for testing purposes.
Now I want to club the two servers into one cluster and make this a Master-Slave configuration.
Is there anyway to achieve this?
Thanks in advance.
Step 1
Determine which pseudo you want to be master. Once decided add master machine name in file
Step 2
If u want other pseudo as well as master machine to act as DataNodes then add these machine names in file
Step 3
Make SSH password less connection between master and slave. And change
file if necessary if they are getting connected.
Step 4
Now prepare the hadoop MultiNode Cluster to start
Format namenode
$hadoop_home/bin/hadoop namenode -format
Start the cluster
sure you can, just follow Running Hadoop on Ubuntu Linux (Multi-Node Cluster)

Multi Node Cluster Hadoop Setup

Pseudo-Distributed single node cluster implementation
I am using window 7 with CYGWIN and installed hadoop-1.0.3 successfully. I still start services job tracker,task tracker and namenode on port (localhost:50030,localhost:50060 and localhost:50070).I have completed single node implementation.
Now I want to implement Pseudo-Distributed multiple node cluster . I don't understand how to divide in master and slave system through network ips?
For your ssh problem just follow the link of single node cluster :
and yes, you need to specify the ip's of master and slave in conf file
for that you can refer this url :
I hope this helps.
Try to create number of VM you want to add in your cluster.Make sure that those VM are having the same hadoop version .
Figure out the IPs of each VM.
you will find files named master and slaves in $HADOOP_HOME/conf mention the IP of VM to conf/master file which you want to treat as master and and do the same with conf/slaves
with slave nodes IP.
Make sure these nodes are having Passwordless-ssh connection.
Format your namenode and then run
