I am using full Push down optimization. getting error cannot cast type time without timezone to timestamp without timezone - informatica-powercenter

I am using full push down optimization for one mapping which is having delete insert logic with help of update stategy. In the target table, there is one column with datatype Time without time zone. In the session logs, I can see it is trying to delete the view created as part of PDO. It is using cast function to convert time column into a timestamp instead of a time column. It is giving error:
cannot cast type time without timezone to timestamp without time zone


Control UTC time in server side Dynamicscrm

I saved a record in 17:16:15, I run a job which gets the ModifiedOn field of my record and I got- 15:16:15, my GMT is +2, I want to know how to fix that gap that my result will turn out like it should be - 17:16:15. I can't select it from DB I need a solution in server side (c# I mean) what can U do in that case?
DateTimes are always saved in UTC in the database. *
You need to dynamically convert from UTC into your local time zone. In C#, you can do this with the .ToLocalTime() method as long as your code is running in the correct time zone. You can also find your local time in the FormattedValues collection of the response, which uses your Dynamics timezone user settings . But the raw datetime value in the database will always be in UTC.
* The only exception to this is if the DateTime field is set to “TimeZone Independent” in the attribute type settings. But be careful: once you set this option you can’t change it for that field again.

Updating date field using Hibernate - Row not updated if date is the same, time is different

I have a situation where a table in the database has a date field defined as date where time also is important (for sorting later).
At first, all times for the date where coming as 000000 but I updated the code to use timestamp and when inserting new records, it's working fine.
Update on the other hand will not change the database if the date is the same (but different time). Apparently, while inserting, hibernate doesn't take into consideration the time and the record is not change (or at least this is what I discovered from my testing).
I can't change the database structure to use timestamp or add a time field.
Any help is really appreciated :)

NHibernate <timestamp> mapping for Oracle database causes StaleStateException

We have an NHibernate app that we are migrating from SQL Server to Oracle. Our optimistic concurrency is implemented via a <timestamp name="Version"> mapping element.
The data type of the corresponding Version column in Oracle is DATE. After we save an object, the in-memory C# object is left with a timestamp value in milliseconds (e.g. 12:34:56.789) while the value in the database is precise only to the second (e.g. 12:34:56). Thus, if we attempt to save the object a 2nd time, we get a StaleStateException because the two values do not match.
I attempted to fix this by altering the data type of the Version column to TIMESTAMP(3). Unfortunately, the C# object and the DB value are still off by one millisecond (e.g. 12:34:56.789 vs 12:34:56.788), so the 2nd attempt to save the object still causes a StaleStateException.
What can I do to create a working <timestamp> mapping to an Oracle column of type DATE or TIMESTAMP so that the same object can be saved multiple times?
-- Brian
TIMESTAMP(7) has the correct precision to match the .NET DateTime class and fixed the problem.

Oracle - Fetch date/time in milliseconds from DATE datatype field

I have last_update_date column defined as DATE field
I want to get time in milliseconds.
Currently I have:
TO_CHAR(last_update_date,'YYYY-DD-MM hh:mi:ss am')
But I want to get milliseconds as well.
I googled a bit and think DATE fields will not have milliseconds. only TIMESTAMP fields will.
Is there any way to get milliseconds? I do not have option to change data type for the field.
DATE fields on Oracle only store the data down to a second so there is no way to provide anything more precise than that. If you want more precision, you must use another type such as TIMESTAMP.
Here is a link to another SO question regarding Oracle date and time precision.
As RC says, the DATE type only supports a granularity down to the second.
If converting to TIMESTAMP is truly not an option then how about the addition of another numerical column that just holds the milliseconds?
This option would be more cumbersome to deal with than a TIMESTAMP column but it could be workable if converting the type is not possible.
In a similar situation where I couldn't change the fields in a table, (Couldn't afford to 'break' third party software,) but needed sub-second precision, I added a 1:1 supplemental table, and an after insert trigger on the original table to post the timestamp into the supplemental table.
If you only need to know the ORDER of records being added within the same second, you could do the same thing, only using a sequence as a data source for the supplemental field.

Display DateTime data in users TimeZone in DataTable

We have a reporting application where all DateTimes are stored in UTC in the database (SQL server 2005)
The reporting application works simply be retrieving a DataTable and binding to a DataGrid displaying the information.
If we know the logged in users time zone (e.g. +3 GMT), is there any way to update the DataTables dates which are in UTC to now display in the users time zone?
We know we can spool thorugh each column/row in the DataTable and do a conversion but is there a better more efficient way?
I would modify the time as it is displayed to the user. Keep how it is stored consistent, but also store what their timezone is, and then modify the UI to show the correct local time. For example, if their time zone is Central Standard Time, then you could use something similar to the following code:
SomeDataObject someDataObject = new SomeDataObject();
someDataObject.TimeZone = -5; //UTC Timezone for Central Standard Time
someDataObject.Time = DateTime.Now;
DateTime someTime = someDataObject.Time;
someTime.Add(someDataObject.TimeZone); // Display this back to the user
If using .NET, there's a built in class that was made precisely for this purpose. TimeZoneInfo (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.timezoneinfo.aspx) as taken from the article:
A TimeZoneInfo object can represent any time zone, and methods of the TimeZoneInfo class can be used to convert the time in one time zone to the corresponding time in any other time zone. The members of the TimeZoneInfo class support the following operations:
Retrieving a time zone that is already defined by the operating system.
Enumerating the time zones that are available on a system.
Converting times between different time zones.
Creating a new time zone that is not already defined by the operating system.
Serializing a time zone for later retrieval.
Hope this helps.
