Vaadin 8 to Vaadin 14 migration - frontend directory in the project missing post migration - vaadin8

I am working on a POC for Vaadin 8 to Vaadin 14 LTS migration for our project. After the application has migrated to 14, frontend directory under project directory is not found. Also I am not able to create a Vaadin Flow designer file because I get error as No Polymer is found in the project.
Should we create it manually under the project directory, or will it be created automatically after the maven build?

Should we create it manually under the project directory
Yes. Maven plugin does not generate it automatically as the folder is normally in our archetypes and project starter templates.


Issue as soon as click on pom.xml or updating maven dependencies in spring starter project

I have installed sts4 and Java 1.8. I have created a spring starter project. project created but as soon as click on pom.xml I'm getting below error. I have also configured Apache Maven in STS.
Can somebody help me?

How to create .apk file using maven build, I have dynamic web project

I have dynamic web project in eclipse.
We create WAR file of it to use it as web application using maven build.
We want to deploy same project on android , how can we do it using maven build?

Cannot run newly created springboot project with maven

So, I've just installed IntelliJ for starting developing with SpringBoot.
I was following this guide, but I cannot run my project after I created the project with default values for Maven.
How can I run my new made project?

Xcode 7 framework caching? How to update a framework

I've been modifying the opencv framework and rebuilding it for use in an Xcode 7 project. None of the modifications are reflected in the project that uses the framework. I've tried deleting the framework and rebuilding the project. The project builds fine, even when the framework has been deleted.
Does Xcode cache frameworks? I've tried deleting the "Derived Data" folder as well. The project still builds. The project is a simple one built to test the framework.
How do I get a framework built outside the project to update?

How to install widgetset on Intellij gradle project

I have a Gradle Intelij (community edition) project.
I want to use Vaadin plugin (CSValidationWidgetset), but I am lost how I can install this.
As I am using Spring Boot I am managed to set up this plugin in widget list. I've added following line to app.prop:
But now I can see that during server startup it is trying to get some resources related to this plugin. What files exactly should I provide? Is there any gradle task to do such kind of activity?
