I'm looking to write a function that takes an audio signal (assuming it contains a single instrument playing), out of which I would like to extract the instrument-like features out of the audio and into a vector space. So in theory, if I had two signals with similar-sounding instruments (such as two pianos), their respective vectors should be fairly similar (by euclidian distance/cosine similarity/etc.). How would one go about doing this?
What I've tried: I'm currently extracting (and temporally averaging) the chroma energy, spectral contrast, MFCC (and their 1st and 2nd derivatives), as well as the Mel spectrogram and concatenating them into a single representation vector:
# expects a numpy array (dimensions: [1, num_samples],
# similar to torchaudio.load() output).
# assume all signals contain a constant number of samples and sampled at 44.1Khz
def extract_instrument_features(signal, sr):
# define hyperparameters:
# compute and perform temporal averaging of the chroma energy:
ce = torch.Tensor(librosa.feature.chroma_cens(signal_np, sr))
ce = torch.mean(ce, axis=1)
# compute and perform temporal averaging of the spectral contrast:
spc = torch.Tensor(librosa.feature.spectral_contrast(signal_np, sr))
spc = torch.mean(spc, axis=1)
# extract MFCC and its first & second derivatives:
mfcc = torch.Tensor(librosa.feature.mfcc(signal_np, sr, n_mfcc=13))
mfcc_1st = torch.Tensor(librosa.feature.delta(mfcc))
mfcc_2nd = torch.Tensor(librosa.feature.delta(mfcc, order=2))
# temporal averaging of MFCCs:
mfcc = torch.mean(mfcc, axis=1)
mfcc_1st = torch.mean(mfcc_1st, axis=1)
mfcc_2nd = torch.mean(mfcc_2nd, axis=1)
# define the mel spectrogram transform:
mel_spectrogram = torchaudio.transforms.MelSpectrogram(
# extract the mel spectrogram:
ms = mel_spectrogram(signal)
ms = torch.mean(ms, axis=1)[0]
# concatenate and return the feature vector:
features = [ce, spc, mfcc, mfcc_1st, mfcc_2nd]
return np.concatenate(features)
The part of the instrument audio that gives its distinctive sound, independently from the pitch played, is called the timbre. The modern approach to get a vector representation, would be to train a neural network. This kind of learned vector representation is often called to create an audio embedding.
An example implementation of this is described in Learning Disentangled Representations Of Timbre And Pitch For Musical Instrument Sounds Using Gaussian Mixture Variational Autoencoders (2019).
I am working on a signal processing related problem. I have a dataset of >2000 EEG signals. Each EEG Signal is represented by a 2D Numpy array (19 x 30000). Each row of the array is one of the channels of the signal. What I have to do is to find the spectrograms on these individual channels (rows) and concatenate them vertically. Here is the code I wrote so far.
raw = np.load('class_1_ar/'+filename)
images = []
for i in range(19):
print(i,end=" ")
spec,freq,t,im = plt.specgram(raw[i],Fs=100,NFFT=100,noverlap=50)
figure = plt.gcf()
figure.set_size_inches(12, 1)
img = np.array(figure.canvas.buffer_rgba())
img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_RGBA2BGRA)
b = figure.axes[0].get_window_extent()
img = np.array(figure.canvas.buffer_rgba())
img = img[int(b.y0):int(b.y1),int(b.x0):int(b.x1),:]
img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_RGBA2BGRA)
base = cv2.vconcat(images)
c -= 1
And here is my output:
However, the process is taking too much time to process. It took almost 8 hours for the first 200 samples to process.
My question is, What can I do to make it faster?
Like others have said, the overhead of going through matplotlib is likely slowing things down. It would be better to just compute (and not plot) the spectrogram with scipy.signal.spectrogram. This function directly returns the spectrogram as a 2D numpy array, so that you don't have the roundabout step of getting it out of the canvas. Note, that does mean you'll have to map the spectrogram output yourself to pixel intensities. In doing that, beware scipy.signal.spectrogram returns the spectrogram as powers, not decibels, so you probably want to do 10*np.log10(Sxx) to the result (see also scipy.signal.spectrogram compared to matplotlib.pyplot.specgram).
Plotting aside, the bottleneck operation in computing a spectrogram are the FFTs. Instead of using a transform size of 100 samples, 128 or some other power of 2 is more efficient. With scipy.signal.spectrogram this is done by setting nfft=128. Note, you can set nperseg=100 and nfft=128 so that 100 samples are still used for each segment, but zero-padded to 128 before doing the FFT. One other thought: if raw is 64-bit float, it may help to cast it to 32-bit: raw = np.load(...).astype(np.float32).
I want to simulate omega k algorithm to focus synthetic aperture radar raw data based on cumming's book, "Digital Processing of Synthetic Aperture Radar Data". First I simulated point target raw data in stripmap mode and do everything which is mentioned in the book. But my target doesn't focused. To make sure my raw data is made truly, I focused it with conventional RDA algorithm and my point target focused in true position which means that my raw data simulation routine is Ok.
Here is my matlab code for omega k algorithm:
%% __________________________________________________________________________
fr = linspace(-fs/2,fs/2,nfftr);
faz = linspace(-PRF/2,PRF/2,nffta);
fr_prime = sqrt((f0+fr).^2-(c*faz'/(2*vp)).^2)-f0;
Rref = rs(ceil(Ns/2));
theta_ref = 4*pi*Rref/c*(fr_prime+f0)+pi*fr.^2/kr;
S_raw = fftshift(fft2(s_raw,nffta,nfftr));
S_BC = S_raw.*exp(1j*theta_ref);
for idx = 1:Na
S_int(idx,:) = interp1(fr_prime(idx,:)+f0,S_BC(idx,:),fr+f0,'pchip');
S_c = S_int.*exp(-1j*4*pi*fr*Rref/c);
s_c = ifft2(S_c,Na,Nr);
%% __________________________________________________________________________
in this code:
f0 : center frequency
kr : Chirp Rate in Range
fs : Sampling frequency in range
vp : platform velocity
rs : range array (form near range to far range)
Rref : Reference range (Hear I take it as middle range cell)
Ns : number of range cells
Na : number of samples in Azimuth
s_c : Focused Image
three targets are positioned at [10 , Ns/2 , Ns-10] in range and Na/2 in azimuth.
here is my results:
Data after Bulk Compression in Time Domain
Data after stolt Interpolation in Time Domain
I examined several interpolation methods like sinc interp , linear interp , pchip and others, but non of them worked for me.
I appreciate everyone who could help me and tell me whats my mistake...
thank you...
In the accurate version of Omega-k, Cumming did not ask to multiply with a matched filter again after stolt interpolation. The focusing should be complete just with a 2D iFFT.
Does OpenCV support the comparison of two images, returning some value (maybe a percentage) that indicates how similar these images are? E.g. 100% would be returned if the same image was passed twice, 0% would be returned if the images were totally different.
I already read a lot of similar topics here on StackOverflow. I also did quite some Googling. Sadly I couldn't come up with a satisfying answer.
This is a huge topic, with answers from 3 lines of code to entire research magazines.
I will outline the most common such techniques and their results.
Comparing histograms
One of the simplest & fastest methods. Proposed decades ago as a means to find picture simmilarities. The idea is that a forest will have a lot of green, and a human face a lot of pink, or whatever. So, if you compare two pictures with forests, you'll get some simmilarity between histograms, because you have a lot of green in both.
Downside: it is too simplistic. A banana and a beach will look the same, as both are yellow.
OpenCV method: compareHist()
Template matching
A good example here matchTemplate finding good match. It convolves the search image with the one being search into. It is usually used to find smaller image parts in a bigger one.
Downsides: It only returns good results with identical images, same size & orientation.
OpenCV method: matchTemplate()
Feature matching
Considered one of the most efficient ways to do image search. A number of features are extracted from an image, in a way that guarantees the same features will be recognized again even when rotated, scaled or skewed. The features extracted this way can be matched against other image feature sets. Another image that has a high proportion of the features matching the first one is considered to be depicting the same scene.
Finding the homography between the two sets of points will allow you to also find the relative difference in shooting angle between the original pictures or the amount of overlapping.
There are a number of OpenCV tutorials/samples on this, and a nice video here. A whole OpenCV module (features2d) is dedicated to it.
Downsides: It may be slow. It is not perfect.
Over on the OpenCV Q&A site I am talking about the difference between feature descriptors, which are great when comparing whole images and texture descriptors, which are used to identify objects like human faces or cars in an image.
Since no one has posted a complete concrete example, here are two quantitative methods to determine the similarity between two images. One method for comparing images with the same dimensions; another for scale-invariant and transformation indifferent images. Both methods return a similarity score between 0 to 100, where 0 represents a completely different image and 100 represents an identical/duplicate image. For all other values in between: the lower the score, the less similar; the higher the score, the more similar.
Method #1: Structural Similarity Index (SSIM)
To compare differences and determine the exact discrepancies between two images, we can utilize Structural Similarity Index (SSIM) which was introduced in Image Quality Assessment: From Error Visibility to Structural Similarity. SSIM is an image quality assessment approach which estimates the degradation of structural similarity based on the statistical properties of local information between a reference and a distorted image. The range of SSIM values extends between [-1, 1] and it typically calculated using a sliding window in which the SSIM value for the whole image is computed as the average across all individual window results. This method is already implemented in the scikit-image library for image processing and can be installed with pip install scikit-image.
The skimage.metrics.structural_similarity() function returns a comparison score and a difference image, diff. The score represents the mean SSIM score between two images with higher values representing higher similarity. The diff image contains the actual image differences with darker regions having more disparity. Larger areas of disparity are highlighted in black while smaller differences are in gray. Here's an example:
Input images
Difference image -> highlighted mask differences
The SSIM score after comparing the two images show that they are very similar.
Similarity Score: 89.462%
To visualize the exact differences between the two images, we can iterate through each contour, filter using a minimum threshold area to remove tiny noise, and highlight discrepancies with a bounding box.
Limitations: Although this method works very well, there are some important limitations. The two input images must have the same size/dimensions and also suffers from a few problems including scaling, translations, rotations, and distortions. SSIM also does not perform very well on blurry or noisy images. These problems are addressed in Method #2.
from skimage.metrics import structural_similarity
import cv2
import numpy as np
first = cv2.imread('clownfish_1.jpeg')
second = cv2.imread('clownfish_2.jpeg')
# Convert images to grayscale
first_gray = cv2.cvtColor(first, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
second_gray = cv2.cvtColor(second, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
# Compute SSIM between two images
score, diff = structural_similarity(first_gray, second_gray, full=True)
print("Similarity Score: {:.3f}%".format(score * 100))
# The diff image contains the actual image differences between the two images
# and is represented as a floating point data type so we must convert the array
# to 8-bit unsigned integers in the range [0,255] before we can use it with OpenCV
diff = (diff * 255).astype("uint8")
# Threshold the difference image, followed by finding contours to
# obtain the regions that differ between the two images
thresh = cv2.threshold(diff, 0, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY_INV | cv2.THRESH_OTSU)[1]
contours = cv2.findContours(thresh, cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
contours = contours[0] if len(contours) == 2 else contours[1]
# Highlight differences
mask = np.zeros(first.shape, dtype='uint8')
filled = second.copy()
for c in contours:
area = cv2.contourArea(c)
if area > 100:
x,y,w,h = cv2.boundingRect(c)
cv2.rectangle(first, (x, y), (x + w, y + h), (36,255,12), 2)
cv2.rectangle(second, (x, y), (x + w, y + h), (36,255,12), 2)
cv2.drawContours(mask, [c], 0, (0,255,0), -1)
cv2.drawContours(filled, [c], 0, (0,255,0), -1)
cv2.imshow('first', first)
cv2.imshow('second', second)
cv2.imshow('diff', diff)
cv2.imshow('mask', mask)
cv2.imshow('filled', filled)
Method #2: Dense Vector Representations
Typically, two images will not be exactly the same. They may have variations with slightly different backgrounds, dimensions, feature additions/subtractions, or transformations (scaled, rotated, skewed). In other words, we cannot use a direct pixel-to-pixel approach since with variations, the problem shifts from identifying pixel-similarity to object-similarity. We must switch to deep-learning feature models instead of comparing individual pixel values.
To determine identical and near-similar images, we can use the the sentence-transformers library which provides an easy way to compute dense vector representations for images and the OpenAI Contrastive Language-Image Pre-Training (CLIP) Model which is a neural network already trained on a variety of (image, text) pairs. The idea is to encode all images into vector space and then find high density regions which correspond to areas where the images are fairly similar.
When two images are compared, they are given a score between 0 to 1.00. We can use a threshold parameter to identify two images as similar or different. A lower threshold will result in clusters which have fewer similar images in it. Conversely, a higher threshold will result in clusters that have more similar images. A duplicate image will have a score of 1.00 meaning the two images are exactly the same. To find near-similar images, we can set the threshold to any arbitrary value, say 0.9. For instance, if the determined score between two images are greater than 0.9 then we can conclude they are near-similar images.
An example:
This dataset has five images, notice how there are duplicates of flower #1 while the others are different.
Identifying duplicate images
Score: 100.000%
.\flower_1 copy.jpg
Both flower #1 and its copy are the same
Identifying near-similar images
Score: 97.141%
Score: 95.693%
Score: 57.658%
.\flower_1 copy.jpg
Score: 57.658%
Score: 57.378%
Score: 56.768%
.\flower_1 copy.jpg
Score: 56.768%
Score: 56.284%
We get more interesting results between different images. The higher the score, the more similar; the lower the score, the less similar. Using a threshold of 0.9 or 90%, we can filter out near-similar images.
Comparison between just two images
Score: 97.141%
Score: 95.693%
Score: 88.914%
Score: 94.503%
from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer, util
from PIL import Image
import glob
import os
# Load the OpenAI CLIP Model
print('Loading CLIP Model...')
model = SentenceTransformer('clip-ViT-B-32')
# Next we compute the embeddings
# To encode an image, you can use the following code:
# from PIL import Image
# encoded_image = model.encode(Image.open(filepath))
image_names = list(glob.glob('./*.jpg'))
print("Images:", len(image_names))
encoded_image = model.encode([Image.open(filepath) for filepath in image_names], batch_size=128, convert_to_tensor=True, show_progress_bar=True)
# Now we run the clustering algorithm. This function compares images aganist
# all other images and returns a list with the pairs that have the highest
# cosine similarity score
processed_images = util.paraphrase_mining_embeddings(encoded_image)
# =================
# =================
print('Finding duplicate images...')
# Filter list for duplicates. Results are triplets (score, image_id1, image_id2) and is scorted in decreasing order
# A duplicate image will have a score of 1.00
# It may be 0.9999 due to lossy image compression (.jpg)
duplicates = [image for image in processed_images if image[0] >= 0.999]
# Output the top X duplicate images
for score, image_id1, image_id2 in duplicates[0:NUM_SIMILAR_IMAGES]:
print("\nScore: {:.3f}%".format(score * 100))
# =================
# =================
print('Finding near duplicate images...')
# Use a threshold parameter to identify two images as similar. By setting the threshold lower,
# you will get larger clusters which have less similar images in it. Threshold 0 - 1.00
# A threshold of 1.00 means the two images are exactly the same. Since we are finding near
# duplicate images, we can set it at 0.99 or any number 0 < X < 1.00.
threshold = 0.99
near_duplicates = [image for image in processed_images if image[0] < threshold]
for score, image_id1, image_id2 in near_duplicates[0:NUM_SIMILAR_IMAGES]:
print("\nScore: {:.3f}%".format(score * 100))
If for matching identical images ( same size/orientation )
// Compare two images by getting the L2 error (square-root of sum of squared error).
double getSimilarity( const Mat A, const Mat B ) {
if ( A.rows > 0 && A.rows == B.rows && A.cols > 0 && A.cols == B.cols ) {
// Calculate the L2 relative error between images.
double errorL2 = norm( A, B, CV_L2 );
// Convert to a reasonable scale, since L2 error is summed across all pixels of the image.
double similarity = errorL2 / (double)( A.rows * A.cols );
return similarity;
else {
//Images have a different size
return 100000000.0; // Return a bad value
Sam's solution should be sufficient. I've used combination of both histogram difference and template matching because not one method was working for me 100% of the times. I've given less importance to histogram method though. Here's how I've implemented in simple python script.
import cv2
class CompareImage(object):
def __init__(self, image_1_path, image_2_path):
self.minimum_commutative_image_diff = 1
self.image_1_path = image_1_path
self.image_2_path = image_2_path
def compare_image(self):
image_1 = cv2.imread(self.image_1_path, 0)
image_2 = cv2.imread(self.image_2_path, 0)
commutative_image_diff = self.get_image_difference(image_1, image_2)
if commutative_image_diff < self.minimum_commutative_image_diff:
print "Matched"
return commutative_image_diff
return 10000 //random failure value
def get_image_difference(image_1, image_2):
first_image_hist = cv2.calcHist([image_1], [0], None, [256], [0, 256])
second_image_hist = cv2.calcHist([image_2], [0], None, [256], [0, 256])
img_hist_diff = cv2.compareHist(first_image_hist, second_image_hist, cv2.HISTCMP_BHATTACHARYYA)
img_template_probability_match = cv2.matchTemplate(first_image_hist, second_image_hist, cv2.TM_CCOEFF_NORMED)[0][0]
img_template_diff = 1 - img_template_probability_match
# taking only 10% of histogram diff, since it's less accurate than template method
commutative_image_diff = (img_hist_diff / 10) + img_template_diff
return commutative_image_diff
if __name__ == '__main__':
compare_image = CompareImage('image1/path', 'image2/path')
image_difference = compare_image.compare_image()
print image_difference
A little bit off topic but useful is the pythonic numpy approach. Its robust and fast but just does compare pixels and not the objects or data the picture contains (and it requires images of same size and shape):
A very simple and fast approach to do this without openCV and any library for computer vision is to norm the picture arrays by
import numpy as np
picture1 = np.random.rand(100,100)
picture2 = np.random.rand(100,100)
picture1_norm = picture1/np.sqrt(np.sum(picture1**2))
picture2_norm = picture2/np.sqrt(np.sum(picture2**2))
After defining both normed pictures (or matrices) you can just sum over the multiplication of the pictures you like to compare:
1) If you compare similar pictures the sum will return 1:
In[1]: np.sum(picture1_norm**2)
Out[1]: 1.0
2) If they aren't similar, you'll get a value between 0 and 1 (a percentage if you multiply by 100):
In[2]: np.sum(picture2_norm*picture1_norm)
Out[2]: 0.75389941124629822
Please notice that if you have colored pictures you have to do this in all 3 dimensions or just compare a greyscaled version. I often have to compare huge amounts of pictures with arbitrary content and that's a really fast way to do so.
one can use auto encoder for such task using architectures like VGG16 on pre-trained ImageRes data; Then calculate distance between query and other images in order to find the closest match.
I am trying to understand the FFT algorithm and so far I think that I understand the main concept behind it. However I am confused as to the difference between 'framesize' and 'window'.
Based on my understanding, it seems that they are redundant with each other? For example, I present as input a block of samples with a framesize of 1024. So I have byte[1024] presented as input.
What then is the purpose of the windowing function? Since initially, I thought the purpose of the windowing function is to select the block of samples from the original data.
What then is the purpose of the windowing function?
It's to deal with so-called "spectral leakage": the FFT assumes an infinite series that repeats the given sample frame over and over again. If you have a sine wave that is an integral number of cycles within the sample frame, then all is good, and the FFT gives you a nice narrow peak at the proper frequency. But if you have a sine wave that is not an integral number of cycles, there's a discontinuity between the last and first sample, and the FFT gives you false harmonics.
Windowing functions lower the amplitudes at the beginning and the end of the sample frame, to reduce the harmonics caused by this discontinuity.
some diagrams from a National Instruments webpage on windowing:
integral # of cycles:
non-integer # of cycles:
for additional information:
A rectangular window of length M has frequency response of sin(ω*M/2)/sin(ω/2), which is zero when ω = 2*π*k/M, for k ≠ 0. For a DFT of length N, where ω = 2*π*n/N, there are nulls at n = k * N/M. The ratio N/M isn't necessarily an integer. For example, if N = 40, and M = 32, then there are nulls at multiples of 1.25, but only the integer multiples will appear in the DFT, which is bins 5, 10, 15, and 20 in this case.
Here's a plot of the 1024-point DFT of a 32-point rectangular window:
M = 32
N = 1024
w = ones(M)
W = rfft(w, N)
K = N/M
nulls = abs(W[K::K])
plot(r_[K:N/2+1:K], nulls, 'ro')
grid(); axis('tight')
Note the nulls at every N/M = 32 bins. If N=M (i.e. the window length equals the DFT length), then there are nulls at all bins except at n = 0.
When you multiply a window by a signal, the corresponding operation in the frequency domain is the circular convolution of the window's spectrum with the signal's spectrum. For example, the DTFT of a sinusoid is a weighted delta function (i.e. an impulse with infinite height, infinitesimal extension, and finite area) located at the positive and negative frequency of the sinusoid. Convolving a spectrum with a delta function just shifts it to the location of the delta and scales it by the delta's weight. Therefore when you multiply a window by a sinusoid in the sample domain, the window's frequency response is scaled and shifted to the frequency of the sinusoid.
There are a couple of scenarios to examine regarding the length of a rectangular window. First let's look at the case where the window length is an integer multiple of the sinusoid's period, e.g. a 32-sample rectangular window of a cosine with a period of 32/8 = 4 samples:
x1 = cos(2*pi*8*r_[:32]/32) # ω0 = 8π/16, bin 8/32 * 1024 = 256
X1 = rfft(x1 * w, 1024)
grid(); axis('tight')
As before, there are nulls at multiples of N/M = 32. But the window's spectrum has been shifted to bin 256 of the sinusoid and scaled by its magnitude, which is 0.5 split between the positive frequency and the negative frequency (I'm only plotting positive frequencies). If the DFT length had been 32, the nulls would line up at every bin, prompting the appearance that there's no leakage. But that misleading appearance is only a function of the DFT length. If you pad the windowed signal with zeros (as above), you'll get to see the sinc-like response at frequencies between the nulls.
Now let's look at a case where the window length is not an integer multiple of the sinusoid's period, e.g. a cosine with an angular frequency of 7.5π/16 (the period is 64 samples):
x2 = cos(2*pi*15*r_[:32]/64) # ω0 = 7.5π/16, bin 15/64 * 1024 = 240
X2 = rfft(x2 * w, 1024)
grid(); axis('tight')
The center bin location is no longer at an integer multiple of 32, but shifted by a half down to bin 240. So let's see what the corresponding 32-point DFT would look like (inferring a 32-point rectangular window). I'll compute and plot the 32-point DFT of x2[n] and also superimpose a 32x decimated copy of the 1024-point DFT:
X2_32 = rfft(x2, 32)
X2_sample = X2[::32]
plot(abs(X2_sample), 'rs') # red squares
grid(); axis([0,16,0,11])
As you can see in the previous plot, the nulls are no longer aligned at multiples of 32, so the magnitude of the 32-point DFT is non-zero at each bin. In the 32 point DFT, the window's nulls are still spaced every N/M = 32/32 = 1 bin, but since ω0 = 7.5π/16, the center is at 'bin' 7.5, which puts the nulls at 0.5, 1.5, etc, so they're not present in the 32-point DFT.
The general message is that spectral leakage of a windowed signal is always present but can be masked in the DFT if the signal specrtum, window length, and DFT length come together in just the right way to line up the nulls. Beyond that you should just ignore these DFT artifacts and concentrate on the DTFT of your signal (i.e. pad with zeros to sample the DTFT at higher resolution so you can clearly examine the leakage).
Spectral leakage caused by convolving with a window's spectrum will always be there, which is why the art of crafting particularly shaped windows is so important. The spectrum of each window type has been tailored for a specific task, such as dynamic range or sensitivity.
Here's an example comparing the output of a rectangular window vs a Hamming window:
from pylab import *
import wave
fs = 44100
M = 4096
N = 16384
# load a sample of guitar playing an open string 6
# with a fundamental frequency of 82.4 Hz
g = fromstring(wave.open('dist_gtr_6.wav').readframes(-1),
L = len(g)/4
g_t = g[L:L+M]
g_t = g_t / float64(max(abs(g_t)))
# compute the response with rectangular vs Hamming window
g_rect = rfft(g_t, N)
g_hamm = rfft(g_t * hamming(M), N)
def make_plot():
fmax = int(82.4 * 4.5 / fs * N) # 4 harmonics
subplot(211); title('Rectangular Window')
plot(abs(g_rect[:fmax])); grid(); axis('tight')
subplot(212); title('Hamming Window')
plot(abs(g_hamm[:fmax])); grid(); axis('tight')
if __name__ == "__main__":
If you don't modify the sample values, and select the same length of data as the FFT length, this is equivalent to using a rectangular window, in which case the frame and the window are identical. However multiplying your input data by a rectangular window in the time domain is the same as convolving the input signal's spectrum with a Sinc function in the frequency domain, which will spread any spectral peaks for frequencies which are not exactly periodic in the FFT aperture across the entire spectrum.
Non-rectangular windows are often used so the the resulting FFT spectrum is convolved with something a bit more "focused" than a Sinc function.
You can also use a rectangular window that is a different size than the FFT length or aperture. In the case of a shorter data window, the FFT frame can be zero padded, which can result in an smoother looking interpolated FFT result spectrum. You can even use a rectangular window that is longer that the length of the FFT by wrapping data around the FFT aperture in a summed circular manner for some interesting effects with the frequency resolution.
ADDED due to a request:
Multiplying by a window in the time domain produces the same result as convolving with the transform of that window in the frequency domain.
In general, a narrower time domain window with produce a wider looking frequency domain transform. This is the reason that zero-padding produces a smoother frequency plot. The narrower time domain window produces a wider Sinc with fatter and smoother curves in relation to the frame width than would a window the full width of the FFT frame, thus making the interpolated frequency results look smoother than an non-zero padded FFT of the same frame length.
The converse is also true to some extent. A wider rectangular window will produce a narrower Sinc, with the nulls closer to the peak. Thus you might be able to use a carefully chosen wider window to produce a narrower looking Sinc to null a frequency closer to a bin of interest than 1 frequency bin away. How do you use a wider window? Wrap the data around and sum, which is identical to using FT basis vectors that are not truncated to 1 FFT frame in length. However, since when doing this the FFT result vector is shorter than the data, this is a lossy process which will introduce artifacts, and introduce some new novel aliasing. But it will give you a sharper frequency selection peak at each bin, and notch filters that can be placed less than 1 bin away, say halfway between bins, etc.
I want to know the frequency of data. I had a little bit idea that it can be done using FFT, but I am not sure how to do it. Once I passed the entire data to FFT, then it is giving me 2 peaks, but how can I get the frequency?
Thanks a lot in advance.
Here's what you're probably looking for:
When you talk about computing the frequency of a signal, you probably aren't so interested in the component sine waves. This is what the FFT gives you. For example, if you sum sin(2*pi*10x)+sin(2*pi*15x)+sin(2*pi*20x)+sin(2*pi*25x), you probably want to detect the "frequency" as 5 (take a look at the graph of this function). However, the FFT of this signal will detect the magnitude of 0 for the frequency 5.
What you are probably more interested in is the periodicity of the signal. That is, the interval at which the signal becomes most like itself. So most likely what you want is the autocorrelation. Look it up. This will essentially give you a measure of how self-similar the signal is to itself after being shifted over by a certain amount. So if you find a peak in the autocorrelation, that would indicate that the signal matches up well with itself when shifted over that amount. There's a lot of cool math behind it, look it up if you are interested, but if you just want it to work, just do this:
Window the signal, using a smooth window (a cosine will do. The window should be at least twice as large as the largest period you want to detect. 3 times as large will give better results). (see http://zone.ni.com/devzone/cda/tut/p/id/4844 if you are confused).
Take the FFT (however, make sure the FFT size is twice as big as the window, with the second half being padded with zeroes. If the FFT size is only the size of the window, you will effectively be taking the circular autocorrelation, which is not what you want. see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Discrete_Fourier_transform#Circular_convolution_theorem_and_cross-correlation_theorem )
Replace all coefficients of the FFT with their square value (real^2+imag^2). This is effectively taking the autocorrelation.
Take the iFFT
Find the largest peak in the iFFT. This is the strongest periodicity of the waveform. You can actually be a little more clever in which peak you pick, but for most purposes this should be enough. To find the frequency, you just take f=1/T.
Suppose x[n] = cos(2*pi*f0*n/fs) where f0 is the frequency of your sinusoid in Hertz, n=0:N-1, and fs is the sampling rate of x in samples per second.
Let X = fft(x). Both x and X have length N. Suppose X has two peaks at n0 and N-n0.
Then the sinusoid frequency is f0 = fs*n0/N Hertz.
Example: fs = 8000 samples per second, N = 16000 samples. Therefore, x lasts two seconds long.
Suppose X = fft(x) has peaks at 2000 and 14000 (=16000-2000). Therefore, f0 = 8000*2000/16000 = 1000 Hz.
If you have a signal with one frequency (for instance:
y = sin(2 pi f t)
y time signal
f the central frequency
t time
Then you'll get two peaks, one at a frequency corresponding to f, and one at a frequency corresponding to -f.
So, to get to a frequency, can discard the negative frequency part. It is located after the positive frequency part. Furthermore, the first element in the array is a dc-offset, so the frequency is 0. (Beware that this offset is usually much more than 0, so the other frequency components might get dwarved by it.)
In code: (I've written it in python, but it should be equally simple in c#):
import numpy as np
from pylab import *
x = np.random.rand(100) # create 100 random numbers of which we want the fourier transform
x = x - mean(x) # make sure the average is zero, so we don't get a huge DC offset.
dt = 0.1 #[s] 1/the sampling rate
fftx = np.fft.fft(x) # the frequency transformed part
# now discard anything that we do not need..
fftx = fftx[range(int(len(fftx)/2))]
# now create the frequency axis: it runs from 0 to the sampling rate /2
freq_fftx = np.linspace(0,2/dt,len(fftx))
# and plot a power spectrum
Now the frequency is located at the largest peak.
If you are looking at the magnitude results from an FFT of the type most common used, then a strong sinusoidal frequency component of real data will show up in two places, once in the bottom half, plus its complex conjugate mirror image in the top half. Those two peaks both represent the same spectral peak and same frequency (for strictly real data). If the FFT result bin numbers start at 0 (zero), then the frequency of the sinusoidal component represented by the bin in the bottom half of the FFT result is most likely.
Frequency_of_Peak = Data_Sample_Rate * Bin_number_of_Peak / Length_of_FFT ;
Make sure to work out your proper units within the above equation (to get units of cycles per second, per fortnight, per kiloparsec, etc.)
Note that unless the wavelength of the data is an exact integer submultiple of the FFT length, the actual peak will be between bins, thus distributing energy among multiple nearby FFT result bins. So you may have to interpolate to better estimate the frequency peak. Common interpolation methods to find a more precise frequency estimate are 3-point parabolic and Sinc convolution (which is nearly the same as using a zero-padded longer FFT).
Assuming you use a discrete Fourier transform to look at frequencies, then you have to be careful about how to interpret the normalized frequencies back into physical ones (i.e. Hz).
According to the FFTW tutorial on how to calculate the power spectrum of a signal:
#include <rfftw.h>
fftw_real in[N], out[N], power_spectrum[N/2+1];
rfftw_plan p;
int k;
p = rfftw_create_plan(N, FFTW_REAL_TO_COMPLEX, FFTW_ESTIMATE);
rfftw_one(p, in, out);
power_spectrum[0] = out[0]*out[0]; /* DC component */
for (k = 1; k < (N+1)/2; ++k) /* (k < N/2 rounded up) */
power_spectrum[k] = out[k]*out[k] + out[N-k]*out[N-k];
if (N % 2 == 0) /* N is even */
power_spectrum[N/2] = out[N/2]*out[N/2]; /* Nyquist freq. */
Note it handles data lengths that are not even. Note particularly if the data length is given, FFTW will give you a "bin" corresponding to the Nyquist frequency (sample rate divided by 2). Otherwise, you don't get it (i.e. the last bin is just below Nyquist).
A MATLAB example is similar, but they are choosing the length of 1000 (an even number) for the example:
N = length(x);
xdft = fft(x);
xdft = xdft(1:N/2+1);
psdx = (1/(Fs*N)).*abs(xdft).^2;
psdx(2:end-1) = 2*psdx(2:end-1);
freq = 0:Fs/length(x):Fs/2;
In general, it can be implementation (of the DFT) dependent. You should create a test pure sine wave at a known frequency and then make sure the calculation gives the same number.
Frequency = speed/wavelength.
Wavelength is the distance between the two peaks.