when do we use rune function in golang work? [closed] - go

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I am a beginner in Golang...
I found that rune(char) == "-" has been used to check if a character in a word matches with hyphen instead of checking it as char == "-".
Here is the code:
package main
import (
func CodelandUsernameValidation(str string) bool {
// code goes here
if len(str) >= 4 && len(str) <= 25 {
if unicode.IsLetter(rune(str[0])) {
for _,char := range str {
if !unicode.IsLetter(rune(char)) && !unicode.IsDigit(rune(char)) && !(rune(char) == '_') {
return false
return true
return false;
func main() {
// do not modify below here, readline is our function
// that properly reads in the input for you
var user string
fmt.Println("Enter Username")
Could you please clarify why rune is required here?

The code in the question must convert the byte str[0] to a rune for the call to unicode.IsLetter. Otherwise, the rune conversions are not needed.
The required byte to rune conversion hints a problem: The application is treating a byte as a rune, but bytes are not runes.
Fix by using for range to iterate through the runes in the string. This eliminates conversions from the code:
func CodelandUsernameValidation(str string) bool {
if len(str) < 4 || len(str) > 25 {
return false
for i, r := range str {
if i == 0 && !unicode.IsLetter(r) {
// str must start with a letter
return false
} else if !unicode.IsLetter(r) && !unicode.IsDigit(r) && !(r == '_') {
// str is restricted to letters, digit and _.
return false
return true

The first thing we need to know is that rune is nothing but an alias of int32. Single quotes represent a rune and double quotes represent a string. so instead of this rune(char) == "-" it should be rune(char) == '-'.
comment from builtin package
// rune is an alias for int32 and is equivalent to int32 in all ways.
It is // used, by convention, to distinguish character values from
integer values.
Second, here we need to know that A loop over the string and accesses it by index returns individual bytes, not characters. like here unicode.IsLetter(rune(str[0])). str[0] returns a byte which is the alias of uint8 not characters. it will fail for some cases because some characters encoded have a length of more than 1 byte because UTF-8. for example take this character ⌘ is represented by the bytes [e2 8c 98] and that those bytes are the UTF-8 encoding, in your example code if you try to access str[0] it will return e2 which may an invalid UTF-8 codepoint or it will represent another character which is a single UTF-8 encoded byte. so here you do like this
strbytes := []byte(str)
firstChar, size := utf8.DecodeRune(strbytes )
A for range loop, by contrast, decodes one UTF-8-encoded rune on each iteration. Each time around the loop, the index of the loop is the starting position of the current rune, measured in bytes, and the code point is its value. so in the example code for _,char := range str { the type of char is rune and again you are trying to convert rune to rune which is duplicated the work.
if want to learn more about strings how they work in Golang here is a great post by Rob Pike

You need to translate from str to []rune
r := []rune(str)
This must be the first line in the function CodelandUsernameValidation.


golang, £ char causing weird  character

I have a function that generates a random string from a string of valid characters. I'm occasionally getting weird results when it selects a £
I've reproduced it to the following minimal example:
func foo() string {
validChars := "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789~#:!£$%^&*"
var result strings.Builder
for i := 0; i < len(validChars); i++ {
currChar := validChars[i]
return result.String()
I would expect this to return
But it doesn't, it produces
where did you come from ?
if I take the £ sign out of the original validChars string, that weird A goes away.
func foo() string {
validChars := "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789~#:!$%^&*"
var result strings.Builder
for i := 0; i < len(validChars); i++ {
currChar := validChars[i]
return result.String()
This produces
A string is a type alias for []byte. Your mental model of a string is probably that it consists of a slice of characters - or, as we call it in Go: a slice of rune.
For many runes in your validChars string this is fine, as they are part of the ASCII chars and can therefore be represented in a single byte in UTF-8. However, the £ rune is represented as 2 bytes.
Now if we consider a string £, it consists of 1 rune but 2 bytes. As I've mentioned, a string is really just a []byte. If we grab the first element like you are effectively doing in your sample, we will only get the first of the two bytes that represent £. When you convert it back to a string, it gives you an unexpected rune.
The fix for your problem is to first convert string validChars to a []rune. Then, you can access its individual runes (rather than bytes) by index, and foo will work as expected. You can see it in action in this playground.
Also note that len(validChars) will give you the count of bytes in the string. To get the count of runes, use utf8.RuneCountInString instead.
Finally, here's a blog post from Rob Pike on the subject that you may find interesting.

How do I count emojis in a string in go? [duplicate]

How can I get the number of characters of a string in Go?
For example, if I have a string "hello" the method should return 5. I saw that len(str) returns the number of bytes and not the number of characters so len("£") returns 2 instead of 1 because £ is encoded with two bytes in UTF-8.
You can try RuneCountInString from the utf8 package.
returns the number of runes in p
that, as illustrated in this script: the length of "World" might be 6 (when written in Chinese: "世界"), but the rune count of "世界" is 2:
package main
import "fmt"
import "unicode/utf8"
func main() {
fmt.Println("Hello, 世界", len("世界"), utf8.RuneCountInString("世界"))
Phrozen adds in the comments:
Actually you can do len() over runes by just type casting.
len([]rune("世界")) will print 2. At least in Go 1.3.
And with CL 108985 (May 2018, for Go 1.11), len([]rune(string)) is now optimized. (Fixes issue 24923)
The compiler detects len([]rune(string)) pattern automatically, and replaces it with for r := range s call.
Adds a new runtime function to count runes in a string.
Modifies the compiler to detect the pattern len([]rune(string))
and replaces it with the new rune counting runtime function.
RuneCount/lenruneslice/ASCII 27.8ns ± 2% 14.5ns ± 3% -47.70%
RuneCount/lenruneslice/Japanese 126ns ± 2% 60 ns ± 2% -52.03%
RuneCount/lenruneslice/MixedLength 104ns ± 2% 50 ns ± 1% -51.71%
Stefan Steiger points to the blog post "Text normalization in Go"
What is a character?
As was mentioned in the strings blog post, characters can span multiple runes.
For example, an 'e' and '◌́◌́' (acute "\u0301") can combine to form 'é' ("e\u0301" in NFD). Together these two runes are one character.
The definition of a character may vary depending on the application.
For normalization we will define it as:
a sequence of runes that starts with a starter,
a rune that does not modify or combine backwards with any other rune,
followed by possibly empty sequence of non-starters, that is, runes that do (typically accents).
The normalization algorithm processes one character at at time.
Using that package and its Iter type, the actual number of "character" would be:
package main
import "fmt"
import "golang.org/x/text/unicode/norm"
func main() {
var ia norm.Iter
ia.InitString(norm.NFKD, "école")
nc := 0
for !ia.Done() {
nc = nc + 1
fmt.Printf("Number of chars: %d\n", nc)
Here, this uses the Unicode Normalization form NFKD "Compatibility Decomposition"
Oliver's answer points to UNICODE TEXT SEGMENTATION as the only way to reliably determining default boundaries between certain significant text elements: user-perceived characters, words, and sentences.
For that, you need an external library like rivo/uniseg, which does Unicode Text Segmentation.
That will actually count "grapheme cluster", where multiple code points may be combined into one user-perceived character.
package uniseg
import (
func main() {
gr := uniseg.NewGraphemes("👍🏼!")
for gr.Next() {
fmt.Printf("%x ", gr.Runes())
// Output: [1f44d 1f3fc] [21]
Two graphemes, even though there are three runes (Unicode code points).
You can see other examples in "How to manipulate strings in GO to reverse them?"
👩🏾‍🦰 alone is one grapheme, but, from unicode to code points converter, 4 runes:
👩: women (1f469)
dark skin (1f3fe)
🦰red hair (1f9b0)
There is a way to get count of runes without any packages by converting string to []rune as len([]rune(YOUR_STRING)):
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
russian := "Спутник и погром"
english := "Sputnik & pogrom"
fmt.Println("count of bytes:",
fmt.Println("count of runes:",
count of bytes 30 16
count of runes 16 16
I should point out that none of the answers provided so far give you the number of characters as you would expect, especially when you're dealing with emojis (but also some languages like Thai, Korean, or Arabic). VonC's suggestions will output the following:
fmt.Println(utf8.RuneCountInString("🏳️‍🌈🇩🇪")) // Outputs "6".
fmt.Println(len([]rune("🏳️‍🌈🇩🇪"))) // Outputs "6".
That's because these methods only count Unicode code points. There are many characters which can be composed of multiple code points.
Same for using the Normalization package:
var ia norm.Iter
ia.InitString(norm.NFKD, "🏳️‍🌈🇩🇪")
nc := 0
for !ia.Done() {
nc = nc + 1
fmt.Println(nc) // Outputs "6".
Normalization is not really the same as counting characters and many characters cannot be normalized into a one-code-point equivalent.
masakielastic's answer comes close but only handles modifiers (the rainbow flag contains a modifier which is thus not counted as its own code point):
fmt.Println(GraphemeCountInString("🏳️‍🌈🇩🇪")) // Outputs "5".
fmt.Println(GraphemeCountInString2("🏳️‍🌈🇩🇪")) // Outputs "5".
The correct way to split Unicode strings into (user-perceived) characters, i.e. grapheme clusters, is defined in the Unicode Standard Annex #29. The rules can be found in Section 3.1.1. The github.com/rivo/uniseg package implements these rules so you can determine the correct number of characters in a string:
fmt.Println(uniseg.GraphemeClusterCount("🏳️‍🌈🇩🇪")) // Outputs "2".
If you need to take grapheme clusters into account, use regexp or unicode module. Counting the number of code points(runes) or bytes also is needed for validaiton since the length of grapheme cluster is unlimited. If you want to eliminate extremely long sequences, check if the sequences conform to stream-safe text format.
package main
import (
func main() {
str := "\u0308" + "a\u0308" + "o\u0308" + "u\u0308"
str2 := "a" + strings.Repeat("\u0308", 1000)
println(4 == GraphemeCountInString(str))
println(4 == GraphemeCountInString2(str))
println(1 == GraphemeCountInString(str2))
println(1 == GraphemeCountInString2(str2))
println(true == IsStreamSafeString(str))
println(false == IsStreamSafeString(str2))
func GraphemeCountInString(str string) int {
re := regexp.MustCompile("\\PM\\pM*|.")
return len(re.FindAllString(str, -1))
func GraphemeCountInString2(str string) int {
length := 0
checked := false
index := 0
for _, c := range str {
if !unicode.Is(unicode.M, c) {
if checked == false {
checked = true
} else if checked == false {
return length
func IsStreamSafeString(str string) bool {
re := regexp.MustCompile("\\PM\\pM{30,}")
return !re.MatchString(str)
There are several ways to get a string length:
package main
import (
func main() {
b := "这是个测试"
len1 := len([]rune(b))
len2 := bytes.Count([]byte(b), nil) -1
len3 := strings.Count(b, "") - 1
len4 := utf8.RuneCountInString(b)
Depends a lot on your definition of what a "character" is. If "rune equals a character " is OK for your task (generally it isn't) then the answer by VonC is perfect for you. Otherwise, it should be probably noted, that there are few situations where the number of runes in a Unicode string is an interesting value. And even in those situations it's better, if possible, to infer the count while "traversing" the string as the runes are processed to avoid doubling the UTF-8 decode effort.
I tried to make to do the normalization a bit faster:
en, _ = glyphSmart(data)
func glyphSmart(text string) (int, int) {
gc := 0
dummy := 0
for ind, _ := range text {
dummy = ind
dummy = 0
return gc, dummy

How in golang to remove the last letter from the string?

Let's say I have a string called varString.
varString := "Bob,Mark,"
QUESTION: How to remove the last letter from the string? In my case, it's the second comma.
How to remove the last letter from the string?
In Go, character strings are UTF-8 encoded. Unicode UTF-8 is a variable-length character encoding which uses one to four bytes per Unicode character (code point).
For example,
package main
import (
func trimLastChar(s string) string {
r, size := utf8.DecodeLastRuneInString(s)
if r == utf8.RuneError && (size == 0 || size == 1) {
size = 0
return s[:len(s)-size]
func main() {
s := "Bob,Mark,"
s = trimLastChar(s)
Playground: https://play.golang.org/p/qyVYrjmBoVc
Here's a much simpler method that works for unicode strings too:
func removeLastRune(s string) string {
r := []rune(s)
return string(r[:len(r)-1])
Playground link: https://play.golang.org/p/ezsGUEz0F-D
Something like this:
s := "Bob,Mark,"
s = s[:len(s)-1]
Note that this does not work if the last character is not represented by just one byte.
newStr := strings.TrimRightFunc(str, func(r rune) bool {
return !unicode.IsLetter(r) // or any other validation can go here
This will trim anything that isn't a letter on the right hand side.

Text processing in Go - how to convert string to byte?

I'm writing a small pragram to number the paragraph:
put paragraph number in front of each paragraph in the form of [1]..., [2]....
Article title should be excluded.
Here is my program:
package main
import (
var s_end = [3]string{".", "!", "?"}
func main() {
b, err := ioutil.ReadFile("i_have_a_dream.txt")
if err != nil {
p_num, s_num := 1, 1
for _, char := range b {
fmt.Printf("[%s]", p_num)
p_num += 1
if char == byte("\n") {
fmt.Printf("\n[%s]", p_num)
p_num += 1
} else {
I got this error:
prog.go:21: cannot convert "\n" to type byte
prog.go:21: cannot convert "\n" (type string) to type byte
prog.go:21: invalid operation: char == "\n" (mismatched types byte and string)
prog.go:25: cannot use char (type byte) as type string in argument to fmt.Printf
[process exited with non-zero status]
How to convert string to byte?
What is the general practice to process text? Read in, parse it by byte, or by line?
I solved the problem by converting the buffer byte to string, replacing strings by regular expression. (Thanks to #Tomasz Kłak for the regexp help)
I put the code here for reference.
package main
import (
func main() {
b, err := ioutil.ReadFile("i_have_a_dream.txt")
if err != nil {
s := string(b)
r := regexp.MustCompile("(\r\n)+")
counter := 1
repl := func(match string) string {
p_num := counter
return fmt.Sprintf("%s [%d] ", match, p_num)
fmt.Println(r.ReplaceAllStringFunc(s, repl))
Using "\n" causes it to be treated as an array, use '\n' to treat it as a single char.
A string cannot be converted into a byte in a meaningful way. Use one of the following approaches:
If you have a string literal like "a", consider using a rune literal like 'a' which can be converted into a byte.
If you want to take a byte out of a string, use an index expression like myString[42].
If you want to interpret the content of a string as a (decimal) number, use strconv.Atoi() or strconv.ParseInt().
Please notice that it is customary in Go to write programs that can deal with Unicode characters. Explaining how to do this would be too much for this answer, but there are tutorials out there which explain what kind of things to pay attention to.

Umlauts and slices

I'm having some trouble while reading a file which has a fixed column length format. Some columns may contain umlauts.
Umlauts seem to use 2 bytes instead of one. This is not the behaviour I was expecting. Is there any kind of function which returns a substring? Slice does not seem to work in this case.
Here's some sample code:
umlautsString := "Rhön"
In go, a slice of a string counts bytes, not runes. This is why "Rhön"[0:3] gives you Rh and the first byte of ö.
Characters encoded in UTF-8 are represented as runes because UTF-8 encodes characters in more than one
byte (up to four bytes) to provide a bigger range of characters.
If you want to slice a string with the [] syntax, convert the string to []rune before.
Example (on play):
umlautsString := "Rhön"
runes = []rune(umlautsString)
fmt.Println(string(runes[0:3])) // Rhö
Noteworthy: This golang blog post about string representation in go.
You can convert string to []rune and work with it:
package main
import "fmt"
func main() {
umlautsString := "Rhön"
subStrRunes:= []rune(umlautsString)
Hope that helps!
Another option is the utf8string package:
package main
import "golang.org/x/exp/utf8string"
func main() {
s := utf8string.NewString("🧡💛💚💙💜")
// example 1
n := s.RuneCount()
println(n == 5)
// example 2
t := s.Slice(0, 2)
println(t == "🧡💛")
