Geomesa on Databricks - library installation fails - azure-databricks

I would like to install the Geomesa library on Databricks, but choosing any geomesa library goes automatically to "failed". I have tried all of the available versions. What am I doing wrong?

A workaround, not a solution for the failure is to download the JAR from maven central then upload it to dbfs (or upload it directly to the install wizard) then install it.


sdk is not pulling down gradle

I'm looking to develop an application using gradle, groovy, maven other other products supported by sdkman. I'm using cygwin on a windows 10 machine. All seems good and updates most software packages that are needed. When I get to the point of installing gradle, sdk simply can't download ANY version of gradle. Is this a bug or am I missing something. Here's what I'm getting from my cygwin console.
Admin#Dale-PC ~
$ sdk install gradle
Downloading: gradle 2.14.1
In progress...
######################################################################## 100.0%
End-of-central-directory signature not found. Either this file is not
a zipfile, or it constitutes one disk of a multi-part archive. In the
latter case the central directory and zipfile comment will be found on
the last disk(s) of this archive.
unzip: cannot find zipfile directory in one of /home/Admin/.sdkman/archives/ or
/home/Admin/.sdkman/archives/, and cannot find /home/Admin/.sdkman/archives/, period.
Stop! The archive was corrupt and has been removed! Please try installing again.
Admin#Dale-PC ~
It seems as though sdk thinks it knows where it is however when it goes to pull it down, it doesn't pull down. Then sdk goes to unpack it and it can't find it. Any advice would be appreciated. Btw, I'm not going through a proxy and everything else seems to install just fine. It is just gradle that has the issue. Also, why is it trying to pull down an old version of gradle (2.14.1)?
I've downloaded the v2.14.1-all version, renamed the file to be and placed it in the /home/Admin/.sdkman/archives/ directory and then did the install for gradle again. This time it found it and installed it as though it had downloaded the correct version. It's a solution for now.
v2.14.1 is the newest version of gradle. See here and here (3 is currently in beta-ish)
The filename seems erroneous. Possibly a defect in sdkman. Unsure if it was you who reported this on github, but:

MonetDB -R connector installation

I have started using MonetDB and R.I am trying to install it's connector.But unfortunately the machine where I have installed these two doesn’t have internet accessibility so the mirrors are not accessible. can someone tell me some other way to install it, maybe some connector exe if provided.
You can download the binary packages for Windows from CRAN, for example, for R 3.2.x you can download , and
Then, you can install those using the "Packages" - "Install packages from local zip files" menu entry in the following order: digest, DBI, MonetDB.R .

Apache Flex SDK Mavenizer: build the converter

I'm trying to comple the Apache Flex SDK mavenizer tool, I need this tool to convert the Apache Flex Sdks in package suitable for the Maven repository .
I downloaded the git repository from
I followed the instruction in the README.txt that are similar to the Building the Mavenizer tutorial: I clone the repository, I entered in the mavenizer directory and I lunched mvn package.
The maven script ran without errors but I couldn't find any jar in the man target directory.
Each module were correctly built but not the main jar.
So I coulnd't execute the converter
java -jar [path-to-the-maveinzer-jar]/mavenizer.jar "[sdkhome]" "[fdktarget]"
Could someone help me? Has anyone run into the same problem?
I'm happy to share here the answer they gave me in the apache flex users forum.
Actually there was a problem!
Ups sorry for that ... I didn't update that page for quite some time.
The problem is that you checked out the old version. The new version
is in the develop branch. As soon as the mavenizer is officially
released, master will contain the updated version.
I did write down a little more detailed howto under:
(I just re-checked and fixed one problem)
I Hope that it could be useful !

Running Apache Spark on Windows 7

I am trying to run Apache Spark on Windows 7. At first I have installed SBT by msi, then extracted files from spark-1.0.0 to program files by 7-zip. In the command line, I wrote the following:
spark-directory: sbt/sbt assembly
After a few seconds of processing, I got errors like:
-server access error: connection timed out
-could not retrieve jansi 1.1
-error during sbt execution: error retrieving required libraries
-unresolved dependency, jansi 1.1 not found
Could you please give me some advices about running Spark on Windows? I am looking for the right way because I am completely new with this technology. Regards.
You could use the pre-built spark from here
The scripts inside bin folder works in windows 7.
You need to set HADOOP_HOME variable in your path.
spark on windows for more information
If you are using building with sbt approach, then you'll need git also.
Install Scala, sbt and git on your machine. Download Spark source code and run following command
sbt assembly
In case,if you use prebuilt release,Here is the step by step process :
How to run Apache Spark on Windows7 in standalone mode

How to use downloaded version of andromda to create and compile Project?

I am creating andromda project using following command
mvn org.andromda.maven.plugins:andromdapp-maven-plugin:3.4-SNAPSHOT:generate
This generates project using the latest version of andromda and using Web. I wish to create and compile andromda Project using downloaded andromda directory jars or binaries. Is it possible??? If yes then how??
To do this download the binaries of andromda version and run mvn install through command line in the main folder of downloaded andromda project. It will start to build and will put all the jars in maven repository. Now when generating the project you have to pass the version of the andromda whose binaries you have built. It will go directly to maven repo.
