Some vue scripts in a blade page - laravel

I would like to add some dynamism to my blade pages. For example if I select a certain value in a select, then make certain inputs of the form appear or disappear.
I told myself that this is an opportunity to put some "vue" functionnalities in my pages, to learn.
To do this I followed what is indicated in the doc here:
I installed vue in my project : npm install vue#next
I modified my "webpack.mix.js" in which I specify that I am using vue :
mix.js('resources/js/main_js.js', 'public/js')
When I run npm watch : all is OK, I have no errors. Perfect !
Naively I just created a simple script to see if it worked, and before going any further. In a blade page I just added that :
data() {
return { count: 1 }
created() {
// `this` points to the vm instance
console.log('count is: ' + this.count) // => "count is: 1"
And when I load the page I have this error :
Uncaught ReferenceError: Vue is not defined
This is probably too simplistic an approach. But what am I missing for this little piece of code to work? When I understand the mechanics, I can go further. I'm sure I'm not far away!


Getting window.checkout.quoteData or store code are undefined error when cart item count updated using ajax

I have created a custom page with free text ordering functionality and called custom add to cart API to add items to the cart.
Once the item is added I need to update the cart item count with updated quantity. I tried to use
], function ($, getTotalsAction) {
'use strict';
var deferred = $.Deferred();
getTotalsAction([], deferred);
But It is throwing error:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'quoteData' of undefined at quote.js:34
url-builder.js:12 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'storeCode' of undefined at url-builder.js:12
Anything missing here?
I referred which doesn't have any working solutions.
The issue is that quoteData lives in window.checkoutConfig - this data will only be set on the checkout pages, you won't have many of required js the modules loaded on a custom page that set this data correctly.
this may be a useful read:
I was able to achieve this for my scenario using the below code. It might help someone
], function (customerData) {
var sections = ['cart'];
customerData.reload(sections, true);

VueJS Performance Questions

I'm working on a browser extension that uses Vue Cli with Vue Bootstrap. I've already optimized my Vue Bootstrap imports to only load the components and icons I use in the project. I also have lazy loaded route components, but I still see a long time to get to the created hook of my first component. Here's a code extract:
Main entry point"Loaded in " + (new Date().getTime() - global.start) + "ms")
import Vue from "vue"
import * as Sentry from "#sentry/vue"
import { Integrations } from "#sentry/tracing"
import App from "#/App.vue"
import router from "#/common/router"
import store from "#/common/store"
import { get } from "#/common/api"
import {
} from "bootstrap-vue"
Vue.component("BIcon", BIcon)
Vue.component("BIconX", BIconX)
Vue.component("BIconArrowLeft", BIconArrowLeft)
Vue.component("BIconMailbox", BIconMailbox)
Vue.component("BIconFolderPlus", BIconFolderPlus)
Vue.component("BIconEnvelope", BIconEnvelope)
global.vm = new Vue({
render: h => h(App),
created() {
this.$router.push({ name: "Responses" })
And here's my component file that gets loaded first:
let now = new Date().getTime()"SFC file loaded in " + (now - global.start) + "ms")
import ... from "#/common/components/..."
export default {
mounted() {
let now = new Date().getTime()
<style lang="scss">
When I benchmark times, this is what I get:
SFC file loaded at 46ms (at the top of the script section)
Created Hook starts a 177ms
Mounted Hook starts at 308ms
I'm wondering what takes so long in the created hook (I don't do much, just checking the $route parameters). 150ms to just go through the created hook seems like a lot?
Here's the created hook:"Created Hook in " + (new Date().getTime() - global.start) + "ms")
if (this.$route.params.xx {
this.... = this.$store.state.xxxx.find(e => {
return e.uuid == .......
Performance loading the extension is important for the user experience, and it always feels a little sluggish when opening the extension popup.
Any idea on what could delay the loading like that?
The first thing that I notice is that you are doing a route.push on App created hook, that means that the router already solve the first route (probably '/') and after that you are adding another route (but not immediately) and then the router is solving that new route.
For a faster boot why don't you add a redirect to the route:
path: '/',
redirect: {name: 'Responses'}
If you have the opportunity to change to Vue3 then maybe you could also perceive a performance boost since Vue2 has an always present GlobalAPI and Vue3 is doing a tree shaking and ignoring the unused stuff after building.
Note: Make sure you are testing it with a production environment, because if you are using the vue-cli to serve the content then the startup will include a lot of overhead
Thanks guys! Actually the default route is already redirecting to Responses, and removing the push doesn't change much.
Unfortunately I can't really migrate to Vue 3 as I rely on dependencies that do not fully support Vue 3 (Vue BS being an important one).
I'm guessing that's as much as I can do at this point. Just wondering if there's any way with Vue Cli to open the window browser extension popup immediately and load Vue afterwards (right now, it's waiting for the whole thing to be loaded and then opens the popup which gives a 300ms delay between the click and the window actually opening).
There is much more what happens between created and mounted hooks - it's not just the code in all created hooks what is running. Check the Vue component lifecycle
As you are using Vue SFC'c and probably Webpack, template compilation is out of the question but still, after created Vue is executing render functions of all components (producing VDOM) and creating real DOM elements based on VDOM (rendering whole app). So depending on number of components and elements, 150ms is not that bad...

Laravel+Vue routing

I am using Laravel+VueJs. I stuck on one thing. I am trying to load a new view using laravel route. I am using axios.
getRelatedChat(id) {
return axios.get('/chat/'+id).then(({ data }) => {
// document.write(data)
The code of whole view is coming in console as output, but i want to load it like window.url does for us. Have no idea how to do.
Vue has its own router. If you want to load a new page you can still use axios to get the data you want to show in the next page you want to open. Just try the Vue Router
I was making a nonsense. Actually there is no need to load the view. I can update some variable that are using on present component just like this:
axios.get('/chat/json/'+id).then(({ data }) => {
this.messages =data.messages;
this.withUser = data.user;

can.js validate method not working

Could anybody help me calling a validation function in can.js?
I'm adding can.jquery.js and
and then create such a small example:
var mymap = can.Map.extend({
init: function () {
this.validatePresenceOf('myfield'); // this line reports an error
when loading page with this script, I get an error in browser:
"Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function"
Actually any this.validate* function does not work
After some research I notice that when I put this code under
it works, but if I put it into .js file and load via tag - browser reports an error.
And I'm not going to write all of my js code in the page itself
see here it tells pretty clearly(helped me last time) that you have to use $document.ready() or else it wont work, so try making a new file.js, have $document.ready() contain all your todo-code, and link it up, I hope I am helpful in this regard, if not then bug me up I wont mind at all :) ..
Commenting it late but anyway - it didn't work for me in either case so I just took the sample from,js,output - and copied it to my code. Surprisingly it worked after copying - not sure what was wrong on my side.
In that example it looks like this:
var Person = can.Map({
init: function () {
}, {});
and it works without document.ready tricks or anything else - just included into body tag

Issues with angular $watch and retrieving data from database

I'm a novice programming trying to put together a web application with Angular, node.js, and the graph database neo4j.
I would like to load content from my database dynamically based on the user selecting (or rejecting) terms (clicking buttons). Every time a button is clicked the relevant term is added to an array (either exclude or include). The idea is a new call to the database would be made each time a new term is selected.
I'm stuck right now on how to go about making calls to the database to retrieve the content. I'm trying to watch the arrays for changes using $watch. Something is going wrong and I'm having issues troubleshooting the problem.
Here is the controller code:
angular.module('myApp.controllers', []).
controller('content',function($scope,$http, queryTerms, $watch){
//watch arrays of terms for changes and fetch results based on what is selected
$watch(function() { return angular.toJson( [ queryTerms.includedTerms, queryTerms.excludedTerms ] ) },
function() {
params: {includeTerms:queryTerms.includedTerms , excludeTerms:queryTerms.excludedTerms}
//feed content data to display for viewing
$scope.test = "Error :("
I'm getting the following error when I use $watch:
Error: Unknown provider: $watchProvider <- $watch
Is this a terrible stupid way to go about this in general? Any advice would be greatly appreciated- I'm learning as I'm going and so far the advice I've gotten on here has be amazing. Thanks!
Use $scope.$watch instead.
controller('content', function ($scope, $http, queryTerms) {
$scope.$watch(function () {
return angular.toJson([queryTerms.includedTerms, queryTerms.excludedTerms])
