The background color of code blocks (syntax highlighting) do not change when I change the chroma style - codeblocks

Following this, I am trying to change the "style" in config.yml of the syntax highlighting by changing the style (e.g. abap, colorful like here from the default (monokai)), but only the color of font changes and the background color in code block does not change (the color is always black like monokai).
Do I miss something? Could anyone kindly tell me what is wrong?
I am using the following setting.
disableHLJS: true
unsafe: true
#anchorLineNos: true
codeFences: true
guessSyntax: true
lineNos: false
#noClasses: false
style: abap


Phaser 3: Text displayed using TrueType (.ttf) font renders distorted/blurred

I'm loading a .ttf file via CSS and definition of font-face.
However, in the game the text renders blurry.
This is what I tried first (the font name is truetypetest):
this.sampleText = this.scene.add.text(0, 0, 'Almost clear text', { fontFamily: 'truetypetest' });
This actually renders almost clearly:
Almost clear text
There is still some sort of lighter 'shadow' if you look carefully. Setting the resolution arbitrarily high via the below gives what I want:
this.sampleText = this.scene.add.text(0, 0, 'Clear text', { fontFamily: 'truetypetest' }).setResolution(10);
This renders clearly:
Clear text
However, I don't want to be setting resolution this way as it's expensive memory-wise.
Furthermore, if I avoid setting the resolution AND specify a specific fontSize, via:
this.sampleText = this.scene.add.text(0, 0, 'Blurry text', { fontFamily: 'truetypetest', fontSize: '20px' });
This renders as blurry text:
Blurry text
I should mention that I'm rendering the text inside a container (GameObjects.Container). Also, and I suspect this is the key problem - I'm zooming the canvas using:
scale: {
parent: 'game-canvas',
zoom: 2,
autoCenter: Phaser.Scale.CENTER_BOTH,
I can't avoid using the zoom at this stage as the art is based off of this requirement. I've also tried using Bitmap font with no luck.
So my question is how do I use my custom font in my game that can render clear text for a wide range of different fontSize?
I've tried all of the following but with no luck:
Used Bitmap Fonts (including adding png font-sheets for different sizes
Tried rex WebFont Loader plugin: (loads font but still blurry)
Used a normal font like Roboto from the Google Font API. So the problem is not isolated to my particular font style (pixel-style font)
Tried following the method described here: (CSS injection and custom webfont loading)
Tried multiples of font sizes
Tried autoRound=true
I find it difficult to believe what I'm trying to do is not possible. Its only text being rendered within a container. I would have thought there's a way of ensuring a single font can be used across a general range of sizes within the game? Failing that, I wouldn't mind using a more exhaustive strategy (multiple different font files at different sizes) if that is needed. There MUST be a way of rendering crisp text within a game? :(

Is it possible to style the color of the font?

I would like to change the default black color of the font to white. I tried to add this to the styling section of my graph:
style request-rejected fill:#e74c3c,color:#FFFFFF;
The background is correctly changed to #e74c3c but the font stays black. It looks however that normal CSS styles are used in the .less source.
Is it possible to change the font color in a graph?
I know that this is a SUPER old post - but just in case someone else ends up here...
Please see Mermaid documentation for information on styling

Kony loading screen customization

I am using loading screen in kony by following api-
kony.application.showLoadingScreen("BusyIndicator","Loading data...",constants.LOADING_SCREEN_POSITION_FULL_SCREEN, true,true,null);
BusyIndicator is custom skin made by me which includes background color black with 35% transparency.
However I am getting text 'Loading data...' in black color.
Please help me to customize this text by changing text color and size.
You need to apply an existing skin (e.g "slTextWhite") available in your project and use the same in code like below:
kony.application.showLoadingScreen("slTextWhite","Please wait",constants.LOADING_SCREEN_POSITION_ONLY_CENTER,true,true,{});
Hope this helps!
You can try this way
kony.application.showLoadingScreen("sknLoading"," loading ....", constants.LOADING_SCREEN_POSITION_FULL_SCREEN, true, true, {shouldShowLabelInBottom: "true", separatorHeight:200})
where sknLoading to be defined in common skin -- you will see at the bottom "common" in skin.
you can set background color, font color and other properties too.

AvalonEdit default color when no rules are matched?

Currently when there is text with no rules matched, the text defaults to be black. I've tried to change the highlight color of the default text, but so far no luck.
Any suggestions on how I could go about updating the default text color?
You cannot change the default text color in the syntax highlighting. Instead, just set editor.Foreground.

How do I make KendoChart series fill color solid, instead of the default semi-transparent?

In Kendo Area chart, if you enable/disable the "stack" option, you'll see that the series fill color is semi-transparent, by default. How do I make it a solid color?
PS I do not want to provide a custom series color, because my data is generated remotely, dynamically. I am happy to use the default colors, but since I'm stacking the series, I would like those colors to be solid so that they match the legend colors.
Thanks you in advance.
Just found that the correct setting to control the level of transparency is "opacity", set within seriesDefaults scope:
seriesDefaults: {
type: "area",
stack: true,
opacity: 1
