I tried to integrate OpenTelemetry .NET instrumentation with UWP and it consistently threw an exception in Sdk.CreateTracerProviderBuilder(). The exact same sample code works fine in a non UWP app. The error is:
System.TypeInitializationException: 'The type initializer for 'OpenTelemetry.Resources.ResourceBuilder' threw an exception.'
Inner Exception
PlatformNotSupportedException: Retrieving information about local processes is not supported on this platform.
Could someone confirm that OpenTelemetry does not support UWP? Thanks.
I deployed an EAR in Websphere 8.5 with JDK 1.7 (IBM). My application is a spring based app that expose only web services; it have the following features:
Classloader is set to PARENT_LAST
Has shared libraries, one of them has Spring Framework (4.3.2) and Apache CXF (3.1.9) jars.
I invoke it through SOAPUI(5.2.1).
The application starts without problems.
When I invoke it I receive the following error message:
00000146 ServletWrappe E com.ibm.ws.webcontainer.servlet.ServletWrapper
service Uncaught service() exception thrown by servlet CXFServlet:
java.lang.VerifyError: **JVMVRFY012** tamaño de pila incoherente;
método=createDocumentFragment()Lorg/w3c/dom/DocumentFragment;, pc=5
I read a related answer to that error and aplied this solution, but got the following error:
javax.xml.soap.SOAPException: **Unable to create message factory for SOAP:
incompatible with javax.xml.soap.MessageFactory**
I am going to debug Apache CXF libraries to try figure it out the problem. Thanks in advance for your answers.
I finally solve my problem. It was a conflicting library problem between WAS and app libs. I deleted the following libraries from my WEB-INF/lib folder:
I created a WebAPI2 OData provider following Mike Wasson's tutorial found here. I then created a F# project to use the type providers to consume the service following the tutorial found here. The problem is that I am getting this exception when creating the Type Provider:
Error 1 The type provider 'Microsoft.FSharp.Data.TypeProviders.DesignTime.DataProviders' reported an error: error 7001: The element 'DataService' has an attribute 'DataServiceVersion' with an unrecognized version '3.0'.
Apparently, the most recent F# type providers do not support OData version 3. Is there a way that I can alter my OData service to return OData2 so that I can use the current F# type providers? Ideally, the F# type providers will support OData3 soon...
What are you using to host the OData service - WebAPI or WCF Data Services? If the former, there doesn't seem to be much support to gracefully fall back to V2. With WCF Data Services you can change the MaxVersion (the template DataService has the code in it) to V2 - I -believe- that this should do the trick.
My team is using BIRT to handle our clients business logic. Every so often we get an exception in our our logs:
18-Dec-2012 11:25:39.163 INFO
getDriverJndiPropertyFile() java.io.IOException: Unable to locate the installation path of
the ODA extension (org.eclipse.birt.runtime). The ODA consumer application must specify a
ResourceIdentifiers in the appContext to resolve the path.
We're not sure what causes this error and it seems to be working fine. We have a jdbc connection so we're not sure what would cause this. Any tips or info that we could use to help troubleshoot this issue would be greatly appreciated.
I am using Netbeans 6.8 , JDK 1.6 and downloaded Simple Validation API. When I try the code, it gives me errors referencing "org/openide" classes.
Could this be a compatibility issue? How can I resolve this?
Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/openide/util/Lookup
at org.netbeans.validation.api.ui.swing.SwingComponentDecorationFactory.getDefault(SwingComponentDecorationFactory.java:154)
at org.netbeans.validation.api.ui.swing.SwingValidationGroup.<init>(SwingValidationGroup.java:82)
at org.netbeans.validation.api.ui.swing.SwingValidationGroup.create(SwingValidationGroup.java:87)
I'm running into an issue with the Spring IDE release 2.6.0 under Eclipse 3.6 SR 1
Error occured processing XML 'Could not instantiate bean class
Constructor threw exception; nested exception is
org.apache.commons.logging.LogConfigurationException: User-specified log class
'org.apache.commons.logging.impl.Log4JLogger' cannot be found or is not useable.'.
See Error Log for more details
I dumped my entire eclipse environment and re-installed to see if it would fix it and it didn't. Not sure if this is a classpath problem or something specifically related to the SpringIDE configuration.
Any help would be appreciated.
you're hitting a bug in Spring IDE. See the following JIRA for more details:
We are going to publish a patch for this issue soon. Check the JIRA for when it is available. Alternatively install an upcoming nightly build.
Regards, Christian