Store JWT in a NextJS app with a Spring backend - spring

I'm currently building an app using NextJS and some Spring microservices backend, but have encountered some doubts regarding the handling of the JWT.
My problem is that I want to create private pages, so I was storing my JWT token that comes from my Spring backend in an Authorization header and I was storing it on local storage, but when I try to grab my token on ServerSideProps I can't access local storage, so I went to find another solution to where to store my token.
I found out that you can store the token in an HTTP-ONLY cookie, but I have some doubts:
If I save my token on an HTTP-ONLY Cookie in my Spring Security
microservice when the user logs in, it will be available to grab at
any time on my ServerSideProps on NextJS frontend? Or I will have
to somehow save it in my frontend when receiving the response from
I have an AuthContext which stores the logged user, should I instead ditch cookies and localstorage and just store the JWT here in context and then somehow grabbed it on ServerSideProps, even though you can't access a hook inside there.
I need a little guidance on how people solved this issue using a custom backend, have looked through Google but people mostly use third party auth providers.

Storing cookies in the browser is today a bad idea due to the various security problems that comes with doing that.
A better idea today is to use the BFF pattern as described here:


Acceptable OAuth Flow for a decoupled frontend/Backend Architecture?

I have a NextJS frontend and Golang backend architecture with an authentication system using JWTs and an internal user/password database. I'm adding OAuth sign-in in addition to the JWT system, but all API calls will still be maintained using JWTs. I have a working prototype that uses the following OAuth flow:
User is directed to a NextJS page that displays various login options as buttons.
When a provider is chosen, the user is redirected to the backend at /auth/provider where they are then redirected to the provider with all required keys and callback links.
User logs in at the provider and the redirect is triggered to /auth/provider/callback.
The backend server retrieves the user data from the callback and connects the user email to the internal user data for generating a JWT.
The backend returns a page that stores the JWT in local storage and redirects to a NextJS page.
The NextJS page can then use the stored JWT to make API calls.
An additional step could be to exchange the JWT for a new, non-stored JWT or session cookie if the JWT is used twice (potential XSS attempt) and the new JWT is invalidated.
The above method works, but requires a locally stored JWT. Is this a concern, and is it possible to complete the final steps without the need for a locally stored JWT.
Does this flow make sense or am i going about it all wrong? Would swapping to PKCE be overkill?
For the current prototype I'm using the example code running as the golang backend and a basic NEXTjs server
In effect you have a form of backend for frontend there. It is worth browsing OAuth for browser based apps a little similar to section 6.2 of the above doc.
One option might be to host the backend at a URL like, then make it write cookies for the Next.js app, hosted at a URL like
In this way the backend and frontend parts of the OAuth flow are decoupled, and you also avoid locally stored JWTs. Note the same domain prerequisite, needed for the cookie to be considered first-party, and therefore avoid being dropped by browsers later.

Authentication with google firebase and spring

I want to use auth from google firebase, and integrate it with spring boot.
I am not sure that I have good idea how to implement roles/authorities.
I have in mind this scenario:
On success authentication with firebase, frontend send request to secured spring backend endpoint, and data on this endpoint contains which roles should user have, so frontend use this data to set claims for user. Backend use claims to authorize user when accessing endpoints.
Is this okey, or is there faster/better solution?
That sounds like a good approach. Have a look at the Firebase documentation on verifying ID tokens as that'll be your starting point once your backend receives the token from the client.
The only addition I can make at this point is that many of Firebase's own backend services cache recently decoded tokens (with the undecoded token as the key) to allow subsequent requests to more quickly look up the information for that token. While this is not required, it's an easy speed up once you're ready for that.

Spring Boot authorization using JWT

Am I correct in the following thought process?
For a native app I'm building I want to implement a backend in Spring Boot.
This backend will be secured using Spring Security. Since I will manage and develop everything myself (the backend, the native app(s) and the web app for backend management) securing everything with JWT would be sufficient and implementing a full oauth server would be a bit overkill.
I have implemented the JWT token generation in my backend at this moment. On user sign in, the backend returns a json object containing some user details as well as an access token and a refresh token. The access token will be short lived, the refresh token will be long-lived (speaking about months of life time, maybe even indefinite unless revoked).
Is it correct that the refresh token could theoretically also be used as the access token? Or should I set some value/data in the refresh token that identifies it as a refresh token only (so can't be used to access resources, only to generate new access token)?

How to protect REST API when using AJAX?

There are SNS application with 2 servers. Web backend server and REST API server.
The web server allows user login/logout with username/password, and show user information
The REST API server provides APIs like /topics, /comments, it should be stateless without session
The REST API will serve other web applications
There are some potential solutions, but neither is security.
Base Auth, the browser hold the username/password
Token with expiry timestamp, the problem is user could stay on the page until token expires
So, is there a way to protect the REST API when calling it from AJAX?
If I have understood your problem correctly I may suggest you use the Token solution. In order to maintain security you may generate new token on every request (& send it to client in response), which should be used to make next request, and disable token if it is once used or has expired.
Sorry, I meant to mention it as a comment, but I don't have enough reputation.

Angular CSRF token + ruby api

I'm currently running into a lot of issues with the CSRF token.
Our current setup is a Ruby API and an Angular front-end, both live on a different domain.
The Ruby back-end solely serves as an API for the front-end.
I've spend a lot of time researching this problem, but I can't find a proper solution.
So far the solutions I've found are:
Generate the token and insert it into the DOM (Different domains, so can't do that)
Let the API return the CSRF token on a GET request (Doesn't seem to work, and it's not a good solution since I don't want to make an extra request just to get the token)
So I'm rather stuck here and not sure how to continue.
Is the current implementation just not working? How do other people create an API with oauth without running into this issue?
Not sure if this will help but here is a sample of a simple todo api in ruby with angular as frontend, and i am using token for authentication generated after the user fills username and password. (the api written in sinatra and sequel) (angular client api service that is used for communication with the api)
TL;DR: Secure your rails API with the doorkeeper gem.
This SO post seems to be the accepted answer when your api and client exist on the same domain.
In the post they outline the angularJS docs$http :
Since only JavaScript that runs on your domain could read the cookie,
your server can be assured that the XHR came from JavaScript running
on your domain.
To take advantage of this (CSRF Protection), your server needs to set
a token in a JavaScript readable session cookie called XSRF-TOKEN on
first HTTP GET request. On subsequent non-GET requests the server can
verify that the cookie matches X-XSRF-TOKEN HTTP header
It seems that the security of storing and transferring the XSRF-TOKEN session cookie in this way hinges on having your api and your front-end be in the same domain. Since this is not the case, you may have to implement another form of authorization for any given client session, like OAUTH. I'd recommend taking a look at the doorkeeper gem. The gem will give you the ability to interact with your api as if you were any other client.
