Visual Studio Report building expression issue - visual-studio

I would like to hear some tips on how to solve my problem.
So, i have Visual Studio report with row groups: Year->Month->Day->Details
And my report table with all data, it shows data grouped in rows:
Everything works, but i need to do one thing. In [Hour] row, field/text box [SverT] i have set an working expression for font to change color:
=Switch(Fields!SverT.Value = Avg(Fields!SverT.Value, "Day"), "Black",
Fields!SverT.Value > (Fields!UzdT.Value+5), "Red",
Fields!SverT.Value < (Fields!UzdT.Value-5), "Red")
But i need that upper row [Day] fields [Avg(SverT)] also would change font color if any row in [Hour] have changed color to "Red". How can i do it? What expression to use in that [Avg(SverT)] textbox?
If I have vaguely expressed my problem, if needed, I will try to describe it more clearly.


Report Builder 3.0: changing cell background for an aggregate expression

Hopefully this is an easy question. I am working on a report containing an allocation sum for each person. I would like all allocation amounts greater than 100% to display with red background color, those that equal 100% to be green. All other cells can remain clear with no background.
I right clicked the cell with the sum, selected text box properties, and then fill. I entered the following expression: =IIF(Sum(Fields!Allocation.Value) =100%, "Green", IIF(Sum(Fields!Allocation.Value) >100%, "Red", "Transparent"))
I do not receive an error message but no data shows in the total column. Its like the transparent took over the cells. I've been trying to figure this out for three days. Please help! Thank you so much!
I think you need to refer to the instance of the value in the report, instead of the field. So use ReportItem![textbox name] in your expression.
For example:
IIF(ReportItems!TestScoreStudent.Value/ReportItems!TestMax.Value*100 < Parameters!Yellow.Value, "#f4a0a5", IIF(ReportItems!TestScoreStudent.Value/ReportItems!TestMax.Value*100 >= Parameters!Green.Value, "#b4eeb9", "#f4e5a9")))

Creating Gantt Chart in SSRS 2015 and Data Will Not Display

I have the following result set giving me a specific status of an item . I need to build a SSRS 2015 Gantt chart to represent this data. I am having difficulty getting the data to display.
Result Set: StatusDate,Status,BegDate,EndDate, StatusDays
In the chart, I want the category to be on monthly intervals of the range provided (BegDate – EndDate) and the series to be each DAY in the range provided (BegDate – EndDate).
The bars should represent the item being Up or Down with “Up” being Green and “Down” being black for each day (x-axis) of each month (y-axis).
Hoped for Results
The current preview shows the X & Y axis' correctly, but does not show any "bars" to represent the data.
This is my first chart using SSRS and I am quite lost. Does anyone know where I can get a true tutorial on Range Bar Charts for SSRS 2015 or how I might overcome this “data Display” challenge I am stuck on? I appreciate any direction / guidance offered.
This issue was ultimately resolved by #AlanSchofield through another (and probably more clear) question, found here.
After choosing the correct chart, setting the correct properties, and determining the correct values I was able to get the chart I needed, but the behavior was still off. It would not show the a status more than once.
To fix this, and simply put, I needed to sort my data using Dense_Rank and then add the new "sort" column to my Series Group in the Chart properties. Worked like a charm!
Also got some useful guidelines on this blog post.

Tooltip showing junk values on hover - SSRS reports

Tool tip in SSRS is showing random junk values when hovered over chart area or even sometimes on the data points or plots. Here are some images to illustrate the issue. My question is - is this a bug in ssrs or are there some property settings I can set or is it actually related to my data.. Please help. Many Thanks!
PS: Sorry couldn't add the images because of reputation constraints.
Thank you Chris for the suggestion. I found the solution for this question. Next time onward I'll follow that.
The Solution:
The junk values of tooltip were nothing but values that had either been set or had got set at various levels of the chart- chart area , plot area, series etc. I just had to remove all except the series tooltip. It works fine now.

Can a static height be set for subreports in reporting services VS2010?

I've made a report using reporting services (Visual Studio 2010) and I want the subreport to have a predefined height. For example, the subreport will be 2 in. even if the report data only fills up 1 in. of the subreport. Is there a way to force a subreport to have a static height?
I have run into this same issue.
To set a minimum size, add a rectangle with a horizontal and vertical line inside it, and place the subreport inside the rectangle.
One solution I can think of for setting the max size, is to use top(x) in the sub report query, so that any results which exceed the number of lines to be shown are simply not included.
Alternatively, if all results must be included, then add a calculated field to the subreport dataset which counts the rows of data. In the subreport table, for each column set the font size such that all lines of data can be displayed within the given area. (iif(NoOfResults = 2, font = 10, etc))The 'Allow row height to decrease' will also need to be set on the table, so the rows can shrink in accord with the font size.
Hope someone finds this helpful. If you can think of any other solutions, I'd love to hear them.

SSRS 2005 Threshold Line in Chart

I have a chart that works perfectly in Visual Studio 2008, but in 2005 I can't seem to get a certain aspect of it to work - the threshold line. I want a solid line going straight across the chart at .04. That way, if any region goes above the threshold, it'll be easily viewable to the reader.
Now, when I do this in Visual Studio 2008, I simply add a field to the data fields section (i have a column called "threshold" in my SQL dataset, upon which this report is based - I added that to the data fields in the chart, then, I simply assigned .04 as the value in the Series Properties). But it won't work if i do it this way in Visual Studio 2005, which is where I need to use it now, due to the fact that I am on SQL Server 2005. (When I say it won't work, what I mean is that the threshold line doesn't show up in the chart at all.)
Definitely at a loss here - any help is very much appreciated. Thank you!
Answered my own question. My threshold value was a string data type - I changed it to numeric, and the above solution that worked in 2008 now works in 2005.
