YTT overlays: modify arrays using data from that arrays - yaml

This question is about YTT.
Is it possible to modify YAML list of items using the data from that items via overlays?
For example we have a template:
- vlan-id: 10
- vlan-id: 20
- vlan-id: 30
some_other_configuration: #! some other config here
And using overlays we need to transform the template above into this:
- vlan-id: 10
vlan-name: vlan10
- vlan-id: 20
vlan-name: vlan20
- vlan-id: 30
vlan-name: vlan30
some_other_configuration: #! some other config here

Yes. One can use an overlay within an overlay. 🤯
## load("#ytt:overlay", "overlay")
## def with_name(vlan):
##overlay/match missing_ok=True
vlan-name: ## "vlan{}".format(vlan["vlan-id"])
## end
##overlay/match by=overlay.all
##overlay/match by=lambda idx, left, right: "vlan-id" in left, expects="1+"
##overlay/replace via=lambda left, right: overlay.apply(left, with_name(left))
which can be read:
for all documents,
in the vlans: map item...
for every array item it contains that has a map that includes the key "vland-id"...
replace the map with one that's been overlay'ed with the vlan name
See also:
the #overlay/replace action:
Overlays, programmatically:


How to add up variables of different hosts in Ansible

I have a situation similar to the following:
num: 3
num: 4
num: 2
I want to template a file to the hosts which should aggregate the value num step by step on each of the hosts starting at 1.
So e.g. for host1, the content of a new variable/file from should be 1, for host2 it should be 4 (1+3), and for host3 8 (4+4). But the order of execution does not really matter - it could also be: host3 1, host1 3 (1+2), host2 6 (3+3). So the variable num basically states how many items the host will handle, and the goal of my question is to give each of the hosts a dedicated number range which would be [from,from+num-1].
EDIT: I have further thought about it, and this could also be precalculated. Basically I want to get from [3,4,2] to [0,3,7](or [1,4,8]). I unfortunately cannot find a Jinja2 Filter that does this.
Q: "reduce/map an array [a,b,c] to [1, a+1, a+b+1]"
A: map doesn't apply filters additively. An iteration is needed, I'm afraid. For example, given the list
l: [10, 20, 30]
create the items and concatenate the new list
- set_fact:
l2: "{{ l2|d([]) + [l[0:(item)]|sum + 1] }}"
loop: "{{ range(0, l|length) }}"
- 1
- 11
- 31
Of course, you can write a filter if you want to reduce the list in one step.

Lookup table not working after training the model in rasa

I am new to rasa. I am training a model to recognize certain entities using lookup tables. I have multiple entities in the single sentence and I am trying to extract them.
version: "2.0"
- intent: intent_1
examples : |
- how many deaths were there last year in [Ohio](Filter-State)?
- death count of [Florida](Filter-State) this year
- death count of [Texas](Filter-State) this year
- what's the death count for this quarter in [CA](Filter-State)?
- lookup: Filter-State
examples: |
- Alabama
- AL
- Alaska
- AK
- Arizona
- AZ
- Arkansas
- AR
- California
- CA
- Colorado
- CO
- Connecticut
- CT
- Delaware
- DE
- District of Columbia
- DC
- Florida
- FL
- Georgia
- GA
language: en
- name: WhitespaceTokenizer
- name: RegexFeaturizer
- name: LexicalSyntacticFeaturizer
- name: CountVectorsFeaturizer
- name: CountVectorsFeaturizer
analyzer: "char_wb"
min_ngram: 1
max_ngram: 4
- name: DIETClassifier
epochs: 150
random_seed: 1
- name: FallbackClassifier
threshold: 0.7
- name: DucklingEntityExtractor
- email
- time
- name: EntitySynonymMapper
- name: AugmentedMemoizationPolicy
max_history: 4
- name: TEDPolicy
max_history: 4
epochs: 100
- name: RulePolicy
core_fallback_threshold: 0.4
core_fallback_action_name: "action_default_fallback"
enable_fallback_prediction: True
When I train the model and try using the api, It doesn't recognize cases from the states in the lookup table and as a result can't assign it to slot filter_state.
Can anyone advise me as to what am I doing wrong here for making the lookup table work!
I'm new to Rasa and searching for another issue, but I just ran into and solved this issue last night.
For lookup tables to work, you need to add "RegexEntityExtractor" to your pipeline and possibly remove RegexFeaturizer. You also need to enable lookup tables in the RegexEntityExtractor config.
- name: WhitespaceTokenizer
- name: LexicalSyntacticFeaturizer
- name: CountVectorsFeaturizer
- name: RegexEntityExtractor
case_sensitive: False
use_lookup_tables: True
use_regexes: True
Could you, please, post on the Rasa forum and include more details of your setup? In particular, what version of Rasa Open Source are you using? Is the above your complete NLU data? (I think that you need at least 2 intents for an intent classifier to train.) I also recommend that you test the system using rasa interactive --debug and share e.g. a screenshot, this will help everyone see the exact input message and how it gets processed by Rasa. I'm sure we'll trace the issue down to its roots :-)

Edit yaml objects in array with yq. Speed up Terminalizer's terminal cast (record)

The goal: Speed up Terminalizer's terminal cast (record)
I have a record of terminal created with Terminalizer. cast.yaml:
# The configurations that used for the recording, feel free to edit them
# do not touch it
# Records, feel free to edit them
- delay: 841
content: "\e]1337;RemoteHost=kyb#kyb-nuc\a\e]1337;CurrentDir=/home/kyb/devel/git-rev-label\a\e]1337;ShellIntegrationVersion=7;shell=fish\a"
- delay: 19
content: "\e]1337;RemoteHost=kyb#kyb-nuc\a\e]1337;CurrentDir=/home/kyb/devel/git-rev-label\a\e]0;fish /home/kyb/devel/git-rev-label\a\e[30m\e(B\e[m"
- delay: 6
content: "\e[?2004h"
- delay: 28
content: "\e]0;fish /home/kyb/devel/git-rev-label\a\e[30m\e(B\e[m\e[2m⏎\e(B\e[m \r⏎ \r\e[K\e]133;D;0\a\e]133;A\a\e[44m\e[30m ~/d/git-rev-label \e[42m\e[34m \e[42m\e[30m demo \e[30m\e(B\e[m\e[32m \e[30m\e(B\e[m\e]133;B\a\e[K"
- delay: 1202
content: "#\b\e[38;2;231;197;71m#\e[30m\e(B\e[m"
- delay: 134
content: "\e[38;2;231;197;71m#\e[30m\e(B\e[m"
- delay: 489
content: "\e[38;2;231;197;71m \e[30m\e(B\e[m"
- delay: 318
I want to speed up payback without passing --speed-factor to terminalizer play. To do so delays should be decreased.
So, I need to create yq-expression to make delays lower
but this expression won't work. Please help to write proper one.
.records is an array, so you could use this filter:
.records |= map(.delay /= 3)
Or you might prefer:
.records[].delay |= (. /= 3)

YAML parsing - c++

I'm very new to YAML and what to parse a file I have made and verified is of correct structure. Here is the YAML:
DocType: DAQ Configuration File
# Creation Date: Wed Sep 21 10:34:06 2016
File Settings:
- Configuration Path: /mnt/sigma/daqengine/config/
- Configuration Name: daqengine.yaml
- Build File Path: ./bld
- Log File Path: ./log
- Record H5 Files: true
Engine Data:
- Make: EOS
- Model: M280
- Number of DAQs: 1
DAQ01 Settings:
- IP Address:
- Log DAQ Internal Temps: true
- T0 Temp. Limit: 55
- T0 Clear OTC Level Temp.: 50
- T0 Sample Averaging: 5
- T1 Temp. Limit: 60
- T1 Clear OTC Level Temp.: 55
- T1 Sample Averaging: 2
- No. Layers Used: 1
DAQ01 Layer 0 Settings:
- Model: AI-218
- Sample Rate: 50000
- Channels Used: 8
- Channel01: HF Temp
- Channel02: On-Axis PD
- Channel03: Off-Axis PD
- Channel04: X-Position
- Channel05: Y-Position
- Channel06: LDS
- Channel07: Laser Power
- Channel08: Unused
I need to extract the sequenced values to each key it is tagged to in C++.

price filter problem in magento

In magento sidebar basically how the price filter option is working, i went through all the templte and block files under my custom design.
I am getting this ranges by default.
1. $0.00 - $10,000.00 (1027)
2. $10,000.00 - $20,000.00 (3)
3. $20,000.00 - $30,000.00 (1)
These limits are automatically taken but i want give my own ranges, but they are using only one template file called filter.phtml if i touch that then all other filter options are having problem. How can i customize this price filter as per my own set of ranges?
I need something like this
# $40.00 - $60.00 (155)
# $60.00 - $80.00 (150)
# $80.00 - $100.00 (153)
# $100.00 - $200.00 (248)
# $200.00 - $300.00 (100)
# $300.00 - $400.00 (43)
# $400.00 - $500.00 (20)
# $500.00 - $600.00 (6)
# $600.00 - $700.00 (6)
# $700.00 - $800.00 (2)
If you look in filter.phtml, you will see that it is using the block Mage_Catalog_Block_Layer_Filter_xxx where xxx is the attribute type. Which in turn leads you to the model: Mage_Catalog_Model_Layer_Filter_Price.
Inside app/code/core/Mage/Catalog/Model/Layer/Filter/Price.php, you will see the method getPriceRange() which calculates the price breaks.
You can override that model by copying it into app/code/local/Mage/Catalog/Model/Layer/Filter and adjusting that method so that it calculates the ranges per your requirements.
Good luck.
