How to quickly search for a specified element in an ordered array consisting of only two types of elements? - algorithm

The array mentioned in the question are as follows:
How to quickly find the index of the 1 closest to -1?
Note: Both 1 and -1 will exist at the same time, and the number of 1 and -1 is large.
For example, for an array like this:
the result should be 4.
The fastest way I can think of is binary search, is there a faster way?

With the current representation of the data, binary search is the fastest way I can thing of. Of course, you can cache and reuse the results in constant time since the answer is always the same.
On the other hand if you change the representation of the array to some simple numbers you can find the next element in constant time. Since the data can always be mapped to a binary value, you can reduce the whole array to 2 numbers. The length of the first partition and the length of the second partition. Or the length of the whole array and the partitioning point. This way you can easily change the length of both partitions in constant time and have access to the next element of the second partition in constant time.
Of course, changing the representation of the array itself is a logarithmic process since you need to find the partitioning point.

By a simple information theoretic argument, you can't be faster than log(n) using only comparisons. Because there are n possible outcomes, and you need to collect at least log(n) bits of information to number them.
If you have extra information about the statistical distribution of the values, then maybe you can exploit it. But this is to be discussed on a case-by-case basis.


fastest search algorithm to search sorted array

I have an array which only has values 0 and 1. They are stored separately in the array. For example, the array may have first 40% as 0 and remaining 60% as 1. I want to find out the split point between 0 and 1. One algorithm I have in mind is binary search. Since performance is important for me, not sure if binary search could give me the best performance. The split point is randomly distributed. The array is given in the format of 0s and 1s splitted.
The seemingly clever answer of keeping the counts doesn't hold when you are given the array.
Counting is O(n), and so is linear search. Thus, counting is not optimal!
Binary search is your friend, and can get things done in O(lg n) time, which as you may know is way better.
Of course, if you have to process the array anyways (reading from a file, user input etc.), make use of that time to just count the number of 1s and 0s and be done with it (you don't even have to store any of it, just keep the counts).
To drive the point home, if you are writing a library, which has a function called getFirstOneIndex(sortZeroesOnesArr: Array[Integer]): Integer that takes a sorted array of ones and zeroes and returns the position of the first 1, do not count, binary search.

Find medians in multiple sub ranges of a unordered list

E.g. given a unordered list of N elements, find the medians for sub ranges 0..100, 25..200, 400..1000, 10..500, ...
I don't see any better way than going through each sub range and run the standard median finding algorithms.
A simple example: [5 3 6 2 4]
The median for 0..3 is 5 . (Not 4, since we are asking the median of the first three elements of the original list)
If the type of your elements are integers, then the best way is to have a bucket for each number lies in any of your sub-ranges, where each bucket is used for counting the number its associated integer found in your input elements (for example, bucket[100] stores how many 100s are there in your input sequence). Basically you can achieve it in the following steps:
create buckets for each number lies in any of your sub-ranges.
iterate through all elements, for each number n, if we have bucket[n], then bucket[n]++.
compute the medians based on the aggregated values stored in your buckets.
Put it in another way, suppose you have a sub-range [0, 10], and you would like to compute the median. The bucket approach basically computes how many 0s are there in your inputs, and how many 1s are there in your inputs and so on. Suppose there are n numbers lies in range [0, 10], then the median is the n/2th largest element, which can be identified by finding the i such that bucket[0] + bucket[1] ... + bucket[i] greater than or equal to n/2 but bucket[0] + ... + bucket[i - 1] is less than n/2.
The nice thing about this is that even your input elements are stored in multiple machines (i.e., the distributed case), each machine can maintain its own buckets and only the aggregated values are required to pass through the intranet.
You can also use hierarchical-buckets, which involves multiple passes. In each pass, bucket[i] counts the number of elements in your input lies in a specific range (for example, [i * 2^K, (i+1) * 2^K]), and then narrow down the problem space by identifying which bucket will the medium lies after each step, then decrease K by 1 in the next step, and repeat until you can correctly identify the medium.
The entire elements can fit into memory:
If your entire elements can fit into memory, first sorting the N element and then finding the medians for each sub ranges is the best option. The linear time heap solution also works well in this case if the number of your sub-ranges is less than logN.
The entire elements cannot fit into memory but stored in a single machine:
Generally, an external sort typically requires three disk-scans. Therefore, if the number of your sub-ranges is greater than or equal to 3, then first sorting the N elements and then finding the medians for each sub ranges by only loading necessary elements from the disk is the best choice. Otherwise, simply performing a scan for each sub-ranges and pick up those elements in the sub-range is better.
The entire elements are stored in multiple machines:
Since finding median is a holistic operator, meaning you cannot derive the final median of the entire input based on the medians of several parts of input, it is a hard problem that one cannot describe its solution in few sentences, but there are researches (see this as an example) have been focused on this problem.
I think that as the number of sub ranges increases you will very quickly find that it is quicker to sort and then retrieve the element numbers you want.
In practice, because there will be highly optimized sort routines you can call.
In theory, and perhaps in practice too, because since you are dealing with integers you need not pay n log n for a sort - see
If your data are in fact floating point and not NaNs then a little bit twiddling will in fact allow you to use integer sort on them - from - - The binary representation has the special property that, excluding NaNs, any two numbers can be compared like sign and magnitude integers (although with modern computer processors this is no longer directly applicable): if the sign bit is different, the negative number precedes the positive number (except that negative zero and positive zero should be considered equal), otherwise, relative order is the same as lexicographical order but inverted for two negative numbers; endianness issues apply.
So you could check for NaNs and other funnies, pretend the floating point numbers are sign + magnitude integers, subtract when negative to correct the ordering for negative numbers, and then treat as normal 2s complement signed integers, sort, and then reverse the process.
My idea:
Sort the list into an array (using any appropriate sorting algorithm)
For each range, find the indices of the start and end of the range using binary search
Find the median by simply adding their indices and dividing by 2 (i.e. median of range [x,y] is arr[(x+y)/2])
Preprocessing time: O(n log n) for a generic sorting algorithm (like quick-sort) or the running time of the chosen sorting routine
Time per query: O(log n)
Dynamic list:
The above assumes that the list is static. If elements can freely be added or removed between queries, a modified Binary Search Tree could work, with each node keeping a count of the number of descendants it has. This will allow the same running time as above with a dynamic list.
The answer is ultimately going to be "in depends". There are a variety of approaches, any one of which will probably be suitable under most of the cases you may encounter. The problem is that each is going to perform differently for different inputs. Where one may perform better for one class of inputs, another will perform better for a different class of inputs.
As an example, the approach of sorting and then performing a binary search on the extremes of your ranges and then directly computing the median will be useful when the number of ranges you have to test is greater than log(N). On the other hand, if the number of ranges is smaller than log(N) it may be better to move elements of a given range to the beginning of the array and use a linear time selection algorithm to find the median.
All of this boils down to profiling to avoid premature optimization. If the approach you implement turns out to not be a bottleneck for your system's performance, figuring out how to improve it isn't going to be a useful exercise relative to streamlining those portions of your program which are bottlenecks.

First pair of numbers adding to a specific value in a stream

There are a stream of integers coming through. The problem is to find the first pair of numbers from the stream that adds to a specific value (say, k).
With static arrays, one can use either of the below approaches:
Approach (1): Sort the array, use two pointers to beginning and end of array and compare.
Approach (2): Use hashing, i.e. if A[i]+A[j]=k, then A[j]=k-A[i]. Search for A[j] in the hash table.
But neither of these approaches scale well for streams. Any thoughts on efficiently solving this?
I believe that there is no way to do this that doesn't use at least O(n) memory, where n is the number of elements that appear before the first pair that sums to k. I'm assuming that we are using a RAM machine, but not a machine that permits awful bitwise hackery (in other words, we can't do anything fancy with bit packing.)
The proof sketch is as follows. Suppose that we don't store all of the n elements that appear before the first pair that sums to k. Then when we see the nth element, which sums with some previous value to get k, there is a chance that we will have discarded the previous element that it pairs with and thus won't know that the sum of k has been reached. More formally, suppose that an adversary could watch what values we were storing in memory as we looked at the first n - 1 elements and noted that we didn't store some element x. Then the adversary could set the next element of the stream to be k - x and we would incorrectly report that the sum had not yet been reached, since we wouldn't remember seeing x.
Given that we need to store all the elements we've seen, without knowing more about the numbers in the stream, a very good approach would be to use a hash table that contains all of the elements we've seen so far. Given a good hash table, this would take expected O(n) memory and O(n) time to complete.
I am not sure whether there is a more clever strategy for solving this problem if you make stronger assumptions about the sorts of numbers in the stream, but I am fairly confident that this is asymptotically ideal in terms of time and space.
Hope this helps!

Finding the repeated element

In an array with integers between 1 and 1,000,000 or say some very larger value ,if a single value is occurring twice twice. How do you determine which one?
I think we can use a bitmap to mark the elements , and then traverse allover again to find out the repeated element . But , i think it is a process with high complexity.Is there any better way ?
This sounds like homework or an interview question ... so rather than giving away the answer, here's a hint.
What calculations can you do on a range of integers whose answer you can determine ahead of time?
Once you realize the answer to this, you should be able to figure it out .... if you still can't figure it out ... (and it's not homework) I'll post the solution :)
EDIT: Ok. So here's the elegant solution ... if the list contains ALL of the integers within the range.
We know that all of the values between 1 and N must exist in the list. Using Guass' formula we can quickly compute the expected value of a range of integers:
Sum(1..N) = 1/2 * (1 + N) * Count(1..N).
Since we know the expected sum, all we have to do is loop through all the values and sum their values. The different between this sum and the expected sum is the duplicate value.
EDIT: As other's have commented, the question doesn't state that the range contains all of the integers ... in this case, you have to decide whether you want to optimize for memory or time.
If you want to perform the operation using O(1) storage, you can perform an in-place sort of the list. As you're sorting you have to check adjacent elements. Once you see a duplicate, you know you can stop. Optimal sorting is an O(n log n) operation on average - which establishes an upper bound for find the duplicate in this manner.
If you want to optimize for speed, you can use an additional O(n) storage. Using a HashSet (or similar structure), insert values from your list until you determine you are inserting a duplicate into the HashSet. Inserting n items into a HashSet is an O(n) operation on average, which establishes that as an upper bound for this method.
you may try to use bits as hashmap:
1 at position k means that number k occured before
0 at position k means that number k did not occured before
0. assume that your array is A
1. initialize bitarray(there is nice class in c# for this) of 1000000 length filled with zeros
2. for each num in A:
if bitarray[num]
return num
bitarray[num] = 1
The time complexity of the bitmap solution is O(n) and it doesn't seem like you could do better than that. However it will take up a lot of memory for a generic list of numbers. Sorting the numbers is an obvious way to detect duplicates and doesn't require extra space if you don't mind the current order changing.
Assuming the array is of length n < N (i.e. not ALL integers are present -- in this case LBushkin's trick is the answer to this homework problem), there is no way to solve this problem using less than O(n) memory using an algorithm that just takes a single pass through the array. This is by reduction to the set disjointness problem.
Suppose I made the problem easier, and I promised you that the duplicate elements were in the array such that the first one was in the first n/2 elements, and the second one was in the last n/2 elements. Now we can think of playing a game in which two people each hold a string of n/2 elements, and want to know how many messages they have to send to be sure that none of their elements are the same. Since the first player could simulate the run of any algorithm that takes a pass through the array, and send the contents of its memory to the second player, a lower bound on the number of messages they need to send implies a lower bound on the memory requirements of any algorithm.
But its easy to see in this simple game that they need to send n/2 messages to be sure that they don't hold any of the same elements, which yields the lower bound.
Edit: This generalizes to show that for algorithms that make k passes through the array and use memory m, that m*k = Omega(n). And it is easy to see that you can in fact trade off memory for time in this way.
Of course, if you are willing to use algorithms that don't simply take passes through the array, you can do better as suggested already: sort the array, then take 1 pass through. This takes time O(nlogn) and space O(1). But note curiously that this proves that any sorting algorithm that just makes passes through the array must take time Omega(n^2)! Sorting algorithms that break the n^2 bound must make random accesses.

Find a common element within N arrays

If I have N arrays, what is the best(Time complexity. Space is not important) way to find the common elements. You could just find 1 element and stop.
Edit: The elements are all Numbers.
Edit: These are unsorted. Please do not sort and scan.
This is not a homework problem. Somebody asked me this question a long time ago. He was using a hash to solve the problem and asked me if I had a better way.
Create a hash index, with elements as keys, counts as values. Loop through all values and update the count in the index. Afterwards, run through the index and check which elements have count = N. Looking up an element in the index should be O(1), combined with looping through all M elements should be O(M).
If you want to keep order specific to a certain input array, loop over that array and test the element counts in the index in that order.
Some special cases:
if you know that the elements are (positive) integers with a maximum number that is not too high, you could just use a normal array as "hash" index to keep counts, where the number are just the array index.
I've assumed that in each array each number occurs only once. Adapting it for more occurrences should be easy (set the i-th bit in the count for the i-th array, or only update if the current element count == i-1).
EDIT when I answered the question, the question did not have the part of "a better way" than hashing in it.
The most direct method is to intersect the first 2 arrays and then intersecting this intersection with the remaining N-2 arrays.
If 'intersection' is not defined in the language in which you're working or you require a more specific answer (ie you need the answer to 'how do you do the intersection') then modify your question as such.
Without sorting there isn't an optimized way to do this based on the information given. (ie sorting and positioning all elements relatively to each other then iterating over the length of the arrays checking for defined elements in all the arrays at once)
The question asks is there a better way than hashing. There is no better way (i.e. better time complexity) than doing a hash as time to hash each element is typically constant. Empirical performance is also favorable particularly if the range of values is can be mapped one to one to an array maintaining counts. The time is then proportional to the number of elements across all the arrays. Sorting will not give better complexity, since this will still need to visit each element at least once, and then there is the log N for sorting each array.
Back to hashing, from a performance standpoint, you will get the best empirical performance by not processing each array fully, but processing only a block of elements from each array before proceeding onto the next array. This will take advantage of the CPU cache. It also results in fewer elements being hashed in favorable cases when common elements appear in the same regions of the array (e.g. common elements at the start of all arrays.) Worst case behaviour is no worse than hashing each array in full - merely that all elements are hashed.
I dont think approach suggested by catchmeifyoutry will work.
Let us say you have two arrays
1: {1,1,2,3,4,5}
2: {1,3,6,7}
then answer should be 1 and 3. But if we use hashtable approach, 1 will have count 3 and we will never find 1, int his situation.
Also problems becomes more complex if we have input something like this:
1: {1,1,1,2,3,4}
2: {1,1,5,6}
Here i think we should give output as 1,1. Suggested approach fails in both cases.
Solution :
read first array and put into hashtable. If we find same key again, dont increment counter. Read second array in same manner. Now in the hashtable we have common elelements which has count as 2.
But again this approach will fail in second input set which i gave earlier.
I'd first start with the degenerate case, finding common elements between 2 arrays (more on this later). From there I'll have a collection of common values which I will use as an array itself and compare it against the next array. This check would be performed N-1 times or until the "carry" array of common elements drops to size 0.
One could speed this up, I'd imagine, by divide-and-conquer, splitting the N arrays into the end nodes of a tree. The next level up the tree is N/2 common element arrays, and so forth and so on until you have an array at the top that is either filled or not. In either case, you'd have your answer.
Without sorting and scanning the best operational speed you'll get for comparing 2 arrays for common elements is O(N2).
