Getting error as Session ID is null, using WebDriver after calling quit()? - ipaf

I'm trying to run scripts in PAF . While executing PAF Getting error as Session ID is null, using WebDriver after calling quit()? any idea please answer.

When we get session ID is null, The Steps to follow :-Build path→ Configure Build path→ add external jar files to our respective project.


I can't export a custom report name from html-reporter-extra

This really should be straightforward but I can't get it to work.
It's a simple setup: I have a locally run Jenkins, exported Postman collections that I'm running using newman. I got html-report-extra installed and it's generating a report but I can't get it to export the html file under a different name!
I have a locally installed Jenkins, I'm using a freestyle project and under Build - Execute Windows batch command I have this:
newman run IDMS4.postman_collection.json -e IDMS4.postman_environment.json --reporters cli,htmlextra --reporter-html-export newman/index.html --disable-unicode
This is how my Jenkins job is setup:
Jenkins job setup
Build completes but there is no index.html anywhere. This is the the part that's puzzling me.
.jenkins\jobs\Newman runner\htmlreports\HTMLReport
i get the default file format name (project name + timestamp).
.jenkins\workspace\Newman runner\newman
I also get project name + timestamp html files.
Why is this outputed to both folders and how can I get this to export just one index.html?
Please try with dot slash. eg: ./newman/index.html.
and also
if you need collection name to be in the report, please use following node module

How to setup CloudCode from parse in mac

I am taking refernce form this link.
I have installed parse from command given.
Now whenever i run this command:
parse new MyCloudCode
Instead of asking my email and password i am getting this messages:
unexpected arguments:[MyCloudCode]
Creates a new Parse app and adds Cloud Code to an existing Parse app.
parse new [flags]
Global Flags:
-h, --help=false: help for new
How can I fix this.
Just use
parse new
You will be prompted to give the directory name in later steps.

Strange behaviour with STORM_JAR_JVM_OPTS

When using the STORM_JAR_JVM_OPTS env-property the properties are not passed properly.
I got the 'problem' working with the storm-starter project (
First insert the following lines at the beginning of the main method in storm.starter.WordCountTopology :
String property = System.getProperty("properties.folder");
System.out.println("PROPERTIES.FOLDER: " + property);
Then set the STORM_JAR_JVM_OPTS :
export STORM_JAR_JVM_OPTS=-Dproperties.folder=/tmp/properties
Now build the jar with mvn package and submit the jar to storm:
./storm jar storm-starter-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar storm.starter.WordCountTopology
This will print
PROPERTIES.FOLDER: /tmp/properties -Dstorm.jar=/vagrant/storm-starter-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar
I'd expect only /tmp/properties and it's a bit strange that the -D is showing. When getting the property storm.jar it returns null, something I also didn't expect.
Am I using the STORM_JAR_JVM_OPTS correctly?
Thanks for your help!
This issue is solved in version 0.9.2-incubating of Storm (I was using
Thanks for you comment itaifrenkel!

How to send an email from Jenkins only in a release?

I was trying to resolve this issue, and searching forums etc. and trying for myself, without success.
We have a jenkins job and there we use the Release Plugin (with a standard configuration)
In the job then we have the "Perform Maven Release" in the left side to generate a version (tag, change poms, etc.) This work perfect.
We want to send an email to the team when the release has been done.
I tried the enviroment variable that the release plugin sets (IS_M2RELEASEBUILD by default) and combine with the email-ext plugin plugin where I can attach a groovy script (advanced=>trigger=>script trigger)
And I tried a lot of scripts to active the email, and none works, my last chance was:
def env = System.getenv()
env['IS_M2RELEASEBUILD'] == 'true'
but when I perform the release we have not the email sent (so this script evaluate the conditional to false or whatever)
Anyone has this setup in his Jenkins?
Thanks a lot!
You need to use "Editable Email Notification" as "Post-build Action" and paste
def env = build.getEnvironment();
String isRelease = env['IS_M2RELEASEBUILD'];
logger.println "IS_M2RELEASEBUILD="+isRelease;
if ( isRelease == null || isRelease.equals('false')) {
logger.println "cancel=true;";
as Pre-send Script, fill in your E-Mail(s) in "Project Recipient List" and add an "Success"-Trigger.
(precondition is you have not changed the default "Release envrionment variable" in "Maven release build")
This plugin allows you to configure every aspect of email notifications. You can customize when an email is sent, who should receive it, and what the email says.
This is not an answer, just a suggestion (I can't add comments). Have you tried echoing that environment variable in a post-build and pre-build step?
Have you tried having another build run when the release build completes successfully and have that job send the email, perhaps by running a shell script.

Perl::WSDL. Generated methods in different directory than script

I am trying to write a script for using with op5/nagios.
What it tries to do is to connect to database an get a value there, and then send a request to a webservice and match the response from the webservice with the value from the database.
Now writing the script wasn't the problem. The problem arrises when trying to run it from OP5.
When including the interface to script I use the following syntax
use MyInterfaces::PortalServicesImplService::PortalServicesImplPort;
This works just fine when I execute the script located on the same level as "MyInterfaces".
The problem is that the script itself is located in the folder /opt/plugins/custom/SOAP where both the script and the folders generated by is located. However when OP5 executes the script is does so from the folder /opt/monitor.
So I tried to include the "PortalServicesImplPort" using this syntax
use lib "/opt/plugins/custom/SOAP/MyInterfaces/PortalservicesImplServices/PortalServicesImplPort
The code compiles but when trying to run it I get an error message saying
Can't locate object method "new" via package "MyInterfaces::PortalServicesImplService::PortalServicesImplPort" (perhaps you forgot to load "MyInterfaces::PortalServicesImplService::PortalServicesImplPort"?)
Am I doing something wrong when importing methods from another location or doesn't SOAP::WSDL support placing the auto generated files in a different directory from where you are executing the script?
Seems I managed to solve this myself by adding use lib "/opt/plugins/custom/SOAP
