Error while cloning GitHub COSMOS Repository. (GO) - go

i want to clone and install a GitHub repository but get an error.
git clone
cd chain && git checkout v2.3.0
make install
..\go\pkg\mod\\rcrowley\go-metrics#v0.0.0-20200313005456-10cdbea86bc0\runtime.go:5:2: found packages pprof (elf.go) and proto (proto.go) in C:\Users\user\go\GO Language\src\runtime\pprof
make: *** [Makefile:24: install] Error 1
If i delete for example one file he takes the next two out of this folder.
Thanks for help and answers


Go install command show 404 error when trying to install module from github

I developed a go module and pushed it to github, when I am trying to install it with the go install command its showing
go: downloading v0.0.0-20220825205442-250079f3d6e9
go: verifying module: reading!server#v0.0.0-20220825205442-250079f3d6e9: 404 Not Found
server response:
not found: invalid version: git ls-remote -q origin in /tmp/gopath/pkg/mod/cache/vcs/023bef7fbf7701c1dd80019746ac35a6d71aa94fa9b3961e0dadef371238a56e: exit status 128:
fatal: could not read Username for '': terminal prompts disabled
Confirm the import path was entered correctly.
If this is a private repository, see for additional information.
P.S: the repo is public
The full command is
go install
You can install it like this:
go install
If the repo is yours, I would recommend adding a folder lokidb to the cmd folder, and put the main package inside of it.
Check this repo as an example:
go install
Another option is to add a file to the root of the directory, like its done here (in this case, the package inside go.mod is defined as
go install

Runtime Exception - Repository not found

With and old laravel 5.5 project i am having this problem.
A package I was using has been removed from github and when i try composer install I get:
Failed to execute git clone --mirror 'https://***:***' '/home/mir
Cloning into bare repository '/home/username/.cache/composer/vcs/
remote: Repository not found.
fatal: repository '' not found
So I tried to remove this package with composer remove vendor/package but I can't remove it.
When i run the command
composer remove vendor/kiboko/fatture-cloud-laravel/
I get this error
The "" file could not be downlo
aded (HTTP/2 404 )
How to solve this loop?

Jenkins GO run fails with git 128

Folks, am trying to run some go tests. Seems to be a failure with git configuration on the box?
Am running git version before someone asks... go version 1.13.1
Builds pass for me locally on my mac and linux... but seem to fail in Jenkins
go test -v ./... -tags=unit
go: requires requires requires requires invalid version: git fetch --unshallow -f in /var/lib/jenkins/go/pkg/mod/cache/vcs/879ce674f4d9f0a3a3f207a6503e782bb2113f1a3d0c1f8049cc523b96d9aa9e: exit status 128:
fatal: git fetch-pack: expected shallow list
make[1]: *** [unit-test] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/var/lib/jenkins/workspace/xxxxxx/yyyyy'
make: *** [test] Error 2
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
[Slack Notifications] found #1 as previous completed, non-aborted build
[Slack Notifications] will send OnEveryFailureNotification because build matches and user preferences allow it
Finished: FAILURE
Solution was simple, bump up the version of git in GCP

when executing the go get command to install fabric-ca, I'm getting an error

when executing
go get -u
from the fabric-ca guide, I get the following error:
# cd /home/pi/go/src/; git pull --ff-only
error: cannot open .git/FETCH_HEAD: Permission denied
package exit status 1`
I tried git cloning and it downloaded everything from the fabric-ca repository, then I tried installing fabric-server and client by myself like this:
sudo make fabric-ca-server
this also produced the following error:
Building fabric-ca-server in bin directory ...
/bin/sh: 1: go: not found
Makefile:91: recipe for target 'bin/fabric-ca-server' failed
make: *** [bin/fabric-ca-server] Error 127
Looks like your GOPATH is set to /home/pi/go and appears that you do not have access to somewhere along the path to /home/pi/go/src/
I'd check make sure that the user you are running go get with has R/W access to /home/pi/go/src

fatal error: 'jssy.h' file not found

On macOS:
I tried to compile libipatcher with
Then I get this error:
libipatcher.cpp:17:10: fatal error: 'jssy.h' file not found #include "jssy.h"
1 error generated.
make[1]: * [libipatcher_la-libipatcher.lo] Error 1
make: * [check-recursive] Error 1
And the developer has a jssy Xcode project where the jssy.h file is located.
How can I fix it?
jssy is in a submodule so you need to fetch it.
To do so, according to pull using git including submodule, either:
git clone --recursive
git submodule init; git submodule update
or use SourceTree.
Then you can attempt ./
