Make java.sql package or module available to boot classloader - java-9

I am using sql statement wrappers. When trying with jdk 11, I am getting java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: java/sql/PreparedStatement. From java 9, java.sql is loaded in the platform loader. My wrapper classes are in boot classpath. How do I make any module to be available in the boot classpath.
I tried --add-modules java.sql It didn't work. Any suggestions

I fixed it by moving all my wrapper classes to system classpath


deployment error through maven using ----java jar <jarfile>.jar

I have created a Spring Starter data jpa project and its connecting with mysql. through STS its running fine.
i wanted to deploy it individually so i clean install the application using maven and used java jar <jarfile.jar> in command prompt.
I followed the video of java brains.
Below is the error which get
JAXB is not found.
It seems that you set the scope of the JAXB dependency to provided or built the project for an old Java Version (like Java 8) that comes with JAXB and run it with a newer Java version (like Java 10) that does not come with JAXB.
You can fix this by adding the JAXB dependency to the classpath when running the JAR or by adding the dependency to your project manually(or set the scope to compile)

my from dependency is not available in spring boot application

I have spring boot application.
In this spring boot (fat-jar) application I have classpath:config/ and
I am starting this application using command:
java -jar application.jar --some-parameter=some-value
Question: Why file is not available during initialization this application from classes (beans) localized in my dependency?
This file ( is localized in of my dependency.
I am expecting some properties with some specific prefix - using annotation:
#ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "someprefix")
and again the same in other words:
Application A have classpath:config/
+ Application A have/is using dependency to some artifact D
dependency (jar) D.jar have
this application.properies is not available during initialization of bean B with annotatin #ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "someprefix")
according to 24.3 Application property files "The classpath root" should be fine - but it is not.
This is fat-jar application - in one big jar we have everything - including folder 'lib' with all dependencies.
OK, :(
solution of my issue was trivial. My application was loading different classpath:/application.properites than I thought.
I had another dependency jar introduced to my project not-directly (it was dependency for my dependency) which contains different classpath:/application.properites.
In other words everything works fine but only one 'classpath:/' is loaded even you have two in two different dependencies.
I used /actuator/env to find out which classpath:/application.dependency was loaded.

How do I include a java 9 module at runtime?

I have a server kit that I'm trying to test on the java9 JDK (found here, I'm using the 64-bit Linux version), however I'm encountering the following error shortly after startup:
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/xml/bind/JAXBException
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: javax.xml.bind.JAXBException
at java.base/jdk.internal.loader.BuiltinClassLoader.loadClass(
at java.base/jdk.internal.loader.ClassLoaders$AppClassLoader.loadClass(
at java.base/java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
The server kit starts without issue when using java8. Somehow I need to tell the runtime system to include the javax.xml.bind module, however I'm new to java9 and don't know how to do this short of recompiling the entire server kit into a module and adding a dependency on the javax.xml.bind module. Is there a way to resolve this error that doesn't require me to recompile the server kit into a module?
Java EE modules are shipped with the JDK but not resolved by default and java.xml.bind is one of them. In such cases they need to be included explicitly with --add-modules.
In your case, launch with --add-modules java.xml.bind.

spring boot System.getProperty("java.class.path") doesn't include lib/ jars

I've got a spring boot app and I'm building a myApp.jar using the spring-boot antlib. When I jar -tf myApp.jar I see that I have a jar called lib/foo.jar. Yet when I print out System.getProperty("java.class.path") I don't see that jar file on the classpath. I also get a ClassNotFound exception from URLClassLoader when the code attempts to use this class for the first time. I'm using the JarLauncher since that's what the antlib defaults to.
Any ideas why this jar file would not be on the classpath?
You won't see a bundled JAR in System.getProperty('java.class.path'). The class path specifies where the JVM will look in the filesystem for classes you attempt to load.
Spring Boot uses fat JARs, which are loaded in a completely different way. Refer to the Spring Boot documentation.

equinox jetty NoClassDefFoundError: SslContextFactory

i have a osgi project in indigo ide, which use equinox 3.7.0 + jetty 7.5.1, now i upgrade ide to juno, which contain equinox 3.8.0 + jetty 8.1.3, so,
the tragedy go on:
when compiling, complain accesible restrictation on SslContextFactory's methods, i resolved it by editing it's access rules in build path.
when running, have a error, say
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/eclipse/jetty/util/ssl/SslContextFactory
now i have no idea, thanks for ur help.
The access rules are there for a reason.... by hiding the build-time error, you just made the runtime error appear.
The proper solution is to import the package org.eclipse.jetty.util.ssl in your bundle.
If you use a tool such as Bndtools then these Import-Package dependencies will be detected and generated automatically.
