What is the scope of the controllers in .net project? - .net-6.0

I have created a new web api project and along with it there is the WeatherForecast controller with a GET method.
I want to ask - what is the scope of the controller class?
Since I don't find any Dependency injection setup for controller, is it by default singleton or scoped?

The scope of a controller in all ASP.NET stacks since ASP.NET MVC 1.0 is the request - a new Controller instance is created by the ASP.NET middleware to handle each request.
The ASP.NET Core middleware pipeline is pretty deep though, and controller instances are only created in the last stage, in the Endpoint middleware.
They controller and the action that handles the request are the User Code box in the endpoint pipelines
You'll have to assume that the controller will be disposed very soon after an action method finishes processing a request. It won't be safe to access a controller instance from any other class after that point, even other scoped classes.
If you want to share data you'll have to store it in some other place, eg the Session, a cache, use common Options objects, a singleton Dictionary (essentially a cache), a database etc.


Adding a REST API to Spring MVC application

Assuming an application with a traditional UI based on Spring MVC and Thymeleaf, it seems like there are a few ways to expose a REST API...
Add a completely separate set of Controllers using #RestController - Feels like a lot of duplication, but allows complete separation of UI vs REST logic
Use a single Controller for each entity, with a mix of both #ResponseBody methods and ModelAndView methods - Keeps all logic for a given entity in a single place, but requires mixing different concepts
Use a single Controller for each entity, use only ModelAndView, and use content negotiation with a JSON view resolver like the MappingJackson2JsonView (https://spring.io/blog/2013/06/03/content-negotiation-using-views/)
I'm particularly interested in #3 as it feels similar to how Ruby on Rails Controllers work with the respond_to for different content types.
Is this a common approach / best-practice in Spring applications?
Would POST and DELETE requests still require separate methods since they may work differently between a REST API vs the UI? (i.e. posting a form vs posting a json entity)
Would it require separate Exception handling based on whether it was a UI request or API request?
I'd go with option 1. Having a separate set of #Controller and #RestController avoids mixing MVC pattern with your REST api. To avoid code duplication, you should add a service layer and have the REST endpoint and the MVC controller to make use of that service layer.

Per-Request DependencyResolver in Web API

In MVC, a ModelValidatorProvider is instantiated and called to validate a model on each request. This means that in a DI environment, it can take dependencies on objects scoped within a single request, such as a Unit of Work or Database context. In Web API, this appears to have been significantly changed. Instead of being instantiated per-request, the ModelValidatorProvider appears to be long-lived and instantiated within the application startup. The WebAPI then caches the results from the ModelValidatorProvider per-type, meaning that the ModelValidator cannot take any dependencies from DI.
I am trying to implement my ModelValidator to use a factory using a Service Locator (please, no automatic 'anti-pattern' comments!). This would allow me to construct an internal validator object within each request, which would be able to take dependencies from the container. However, I cannot get hold of a Dependency Resolver or container scoped to the current request from within this ModelValidator which is essentially scoped as a Singleton. I've tried to use GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.DependencyResolver, but this only returns globally-scoped services (from the root scope, also mentioned here)
I'm working in Autofac, so an autofac-specific solution would be suitable (e.g. MVC has AutofacDependencyResolver.Current, which internally uses DependencyResolver.GetService). There is no equivalent available in the WebAPI integration, presumably because of the reason mentioned above where the global DependencyResolver only returns globally-scoped services.
The reason I'm trying to do this (as well as for my own use) is to implement the Web API integration for FluentValidation, which currently does not exist. There have been two attempts so far, but neither of these handle the Dependency Injection issue and instead result in a single static ModelValidator.
Things I've tried so far:
Using GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.DependencyResolver (returns objects from the root scope)
Taking a dependency on Func<IComponentContext> (always returns the root context)
In an answer which has since been removed, it was suggested to remove IModelValidatorProvider service from the Web API config. This had to be done using reflection since the interface and the implementing classes are all defined as internal, but it did make the validators work better (because the ModelValidator was constructed per request). However, there is a significant performance hit to doing it this way due to the use of reflection to check for validators on the model and every property it has, so I don't want to take this option.
Filip W's answer suggests using HttpRequestMessage to get the Dependency Scope, but I've not found anything such as HttpRequestMessage.Current which would provide access to this object from within a long-lived object - if that could be achieved I believe everything would fall into place.
To get current dependency scope, you have to use (surprise, surprise :) GetDependencyScope() of the current HttpRequestMessage (more about which you can read up on MSDN) instead of GlobalConfiguration.
I blogged about Web API per-request dependency scope a while ago - that should be helpful.

A layer before controller - spring mvc

I have a spring mvc application. Now in my project, I basically want to execute the latest request and all the previous requests are cancelled/terminated.
Currently all the cancellation code is inside my controller. But for code clarity/readability I want to port this code outside my controller. Ultimately I want a layer above, which takes requests, checks if the task is to be cancelled or not and only then forward it to the controller.
One way of doing above would be to have another controller which forwards it to the above controller. I have also heard of Handler Interceptor. What is the best way of doing it?
I would go with an interceptor if I were you.
you can check this link for examples on how to implement you own

Is it mandatory for DbContext to be injected .InPerRequestScope in ASP.NET application?

I have been using Ninject IoC container in my ASP.NET MVC3 portal. Whenever I've been injecting Entity Framework DbContext in PerThread scope, my data wasn't consistent, changes would not get displayd for some time after I've made changes to Entities, etc.
After I've switched the IoC configuration to resolve a fresh copy of my DbContext instance for each request (PerRequestScope()), all the problems were gone.
So is it absolutely mandatory to use PerRequest injection strategy in MVC3 applications?
Yes, it is mandatory.
Your problem works like this:
Thread A loads an entity
Thread B modifies that entity
The next request to Thread A uses the cached entity from the first request, ignoring the changes

RavenDB session per request with MVC3 and Ninject using repository model

I am looking for some advice on the correct mechanism to use for getting a RavenDB IDocumentSession into my repositories in a true session-pr-request behaviour.
This is a greenfield MVC3 application, and I've gotten Ninject / Ninject.MVC3 using NuGet. RavenDB is running on an external server (i.e. non-embedded).
I've set up the Ninject module to return the right repositories, and also a session per request for them.
However - is it true that MVC3 will instantiate the controller for each action method? In that case, I can just allow MVC3/Ninject to inject my repositories and the sessions they need, no problem.
However, if a controller is reused across several requests, this might not work, as the repository hanging around from a previous request might now employ a session that is old and discarded.
I have looked at a few ways to do this - the above is the basic one. I have also tried to do something like an ActionFilterAttribute that gets a new session from the IoC container at the start of each request - but in that case, where should I put it?
Should my repository have a Session property it uses that actually gets the current session from the container each time? This would add coupling between the repository implementation and the IoC container, but otherwise should work I guess.
What is the proper way to do this? How are the cool kids doing it? Any help would be highly appreciated!
Unless you are doing something really funny with your controller factory, each controller instance will be used for a single requests.
Controllers are not thread safe and will not usually survive beyond a single request.
I've written a comprehensive blog post about using Ninject's InRequestScope so that IDocumentSession is injected once per request. Ninject is great at managing scope for you.
I think that you should avoid going on with Controllers.
It may help sometime:
If session state is disabled we should no longer try to use the Session Property on the Controller as it will be null. Turning off session state and using the Session Property will give you the dreaded “object reference not set to an instance of object” error.
