How to read a resource file in bazel test? - gradle

I am migrating some integration tests from gradle to bazel for an application. As part of the integration test a resource is loaded like
final String resourcePath = SomeClass.class.getResource("/").getPath()
If I trace this code path, when I run this test from IntelliJ, for gradle, this path is an absolute path like
However, in the case of bazel, it looks something like
So this string resourcePath is provided to a framework that loads with
This works for the absolute path but not for the jar based path. How do I get around this since I don't have any control over the framework code?

If you're using the resources attribute of java_test or java_library, then indeed the resources are packaged inside the jar for that target:
It sounds like you might want to try the data attribute instead, which puts files in the runfiles directory (i.e., the directory where the test / binary is executed). See the answer here: how to find path to Java source code files from JUnit tests execution via Bazel


java/spring-boot/gradle Wrong Entrypoint in image built with pack and paketobuildpacks/builder:base

I have a really simple java spring-boot gradle application.
When I build an image from source with:
pack build testapp:0.0.1 --builder paketobuildpacks/builder:base
and try to run it with docker I get the following error:
ERROR: failed to launch: determine start command: when there is no default process a command is required.
The generated Entrypoint in this image is "/cnb/lifecycle/launcher".
When I inspect the image with pack inspect-image there are no processes.
I tried this with different java spring-boot gradle applications. When I use the "bootBuildImage" gradle task, it does nearly the same but uses the pre-build .jar-file and the resulting image works. The generated Entrypoint in this image is "/cnb/process/web" and pack inspect-image shows three processes.
Any ideas?
I can't see your build output, but it sounds like you're hitting a known issue. If this is not your problem, please include the full output of running pack build.
Onto the issue. By default, Spring Boot Gradle projects will build both an executable and non-executable JAR. Because this produces two JAR files, it presently confuses the buildpacks.
There are a couple of solutions:
Tell Gradle to not build the non-executable JAR. The buildpack requires the executable JAR. You can do this by adding the following to your build.gradle file:
jar {
enabled = false
This is the solution we have used in the Paketo buildpack samples.
If you don't want to make the change suggested in #1, then you can add the following argument to pack build: -e BP_GRADLE_BUILT_ARTIFACT=build/libs/<your-jar>.jar. For ex: -e BP_GRADLE_BUILT_ARTIFACT=build/libs/demo-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar. You can use glob-style pattern matching here, but you need to make sure that what you enter does not match *-plain.jar. That will be the non-executable JAR that gets built by default.
This option just simply tells the Gradle buildpack more specifically what the JAR file to pass along to subsequent buildpacks.
We also have an open issue that should help to mitigate this problem. When the executable-jar buildpack gains support for multiple JARs, it'll be less likely that you'll need to set this. Essentially, this fill will add support so the executable-jar buildpack can inspect and detect an executable JAR, which would allow it to throw out the -plain.jar file since it's not executable.

Setting target directory for gRPC classes generated by Quarkus Gradle plugin

Running ./gradlew quarkusGenerateCode works well, however the generated sources fall under the build directory:
I wouldn't like to set this path as a Gradle SourcesSet, "Mark Directory As" Generated Sources Root in Intellij, and so on as it's under the build directory.
Is there a way to set the output dir to something such as src/quarkus-generated-sources? The Quarkus user guides and the gradle plugin documentation are not too informative regarding that subject.
There's the build.gradle, nothing much special about it
plugins {
id 'io.quarkus'
dependencies {
implementation enforcedPlatform("${quarkusPlatformGroupId}:${quarkusPlatformArtifactId}:${quarkusPlatformVersion}")
implementation 'io.quarkus:quarkus-grpc'
There is no way to specify an alternative path for the built-in code generation mechanism.
The classes generated by Quarkus from your *.proto files may change quite often. If you run Quarkus in the development mode, they will be regenerated on each change (in the *.proto files). In such a set up this is an outcome of the build rather than a source, that's why I put it in build.
I think you could use Gradle protobuf plugin to generate the java files. It has an option to specify the output directory. Don't forget to register quarkus-grpc-protoc-plugin similarly to Maven protobuf plugin configuration.
The drawback of switching to it is that you won't be able to use the full power of the development mode when modifying the *.proto files.

How do I add a directory in /target to the resulting JAR with Spring Boot?

I'm using Enunciate to generate REST documentation upon building a REST application. Enunicate outputs documentation to /target/docs. I would like to add the /docs directory to the resulting JAR file (and rename it) to be able to serve docs as static content.
How do I do this? I can't figure out how to get these static files (which are generated upon build) into the JAR.
I guess you can solve this by configuring the Maven plugin for enunciate and wiring it up to be run in the 'generate-resources' lifecycle phase.
Also, make sure you set the output-dir to a subdirectory of src/main/resources/static, as commented by Rob above.
I added this to my enunciate.xml to force the docs directory to be generated in a custom location which will be packaged with the .war file
<docs docsDir="target/<app_name>/docs"/>
and then maven will put the entire contents of target/ into the resulting war file package

problems running state machine examples

Congratulations on the spring state machine, I found it yesterday and have been trying it out, specifically the turnstile example running in STS. I found it very easy and intuitive to build a FSM.
Because spring shell doesn't work well in STS I tracked down the instructions to run the examples from the command line in the reference doc,
"java -jar
but running it got an error
"no main manifest attribute, in spring-statemachine-samples-turnstile-1.0.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT.jar".
Although not even a novice in using gradle, I tried fixing this by adding this line to build.gradle in the jar section
"manifest.attributes['Main-Class'] = 'demo.turnstile.Application'"
(which doesn't handle the various sub-projects I know) but got this error
"NoClassDefFoundError: org/springframework/shell/Bootstrap".
If it is possible to run the samples from gradle, could you include them in the reference document? I tried running the samples using
gradle run
but it there was no interaction with the shell scripts.
Samples are designed to be run as executable jar and with shell so that you can interact without a need to recompile with every change. Your error indicates that you didn't build that sample jar as mentioned in docs.
./gradlew clean build -x test
This will automatically use spring boot plugin which will add the necessary jar manifest headers to jar meta info to make it a true executable jar. Essentially every every sample is a spring boot app.
Building SM sample projects in Windows Environment:
Open Command prompt (windows key + r -->cmd-->Enter), Change directory to project root folder spring-statemachine-master (Inside the Extracted folder).
Run gradlew install to get all spring dependencies copied to local machine.
Run gradlew clean build -x test to get the spring shell jars built. Courtesy Janne
These steps should ideally get all .jar built, look into \build\libs folder of respective sample project for jar files.
Run the like any other java jar file java -jar [jar-file-name.jar] (make sure to be change directory to jar file directory location).
One more thing where I was stuck was, How to give events to SM:
It's like this sm event EVENT_NAME_AS_DEFINED_IN_CLASS. Ref
E.g.: sm event RINSE --> to washer project

Relative path inside tests with TeamCity

Inside my MsTests I have to reach and use a file in my project. So I am using Path.GetFullPath(#"......\name_of_file")
But when running the build I get a file not found error because the context of the path is the temp directory (C:\TeamCity\buildAgent\temp\buildTmp) instead of the checkout directory where all my files are (C:\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\e87255825b2f3eb1)
Is there a config to change that? Or a better way to do it?
I couldn't find a TeamCity option to specify the directory the unit tests should be run. Someone else might be able to help there.
However, I usually include files that are needed for the unit tests as embedded resources so that during execution you know for sure the file will always be accessible no matter where it is running from. You can easily get a Stream from an embedded resource and if you need to use an API that only takes a file name you can write the file to Path.GetTempPath().
I modified my tests to refer to the files like this:
string currentDir = new System.Diagnostics.StackFrame(true).GetFileName();
var workingFile = new FileInfo(currentDir);
string fileContents = File.ReadAllText(workingFile.Directory + #"\ResourceFolder\MyFile.xml");
I know this isn't a good way to do it, but this works for me locally and when called from TeamCity.
