Can a Maven BOM contain another Maven BOM? - maven

Can a Maven BOM(BOM1) contain another BOM(BOM2) in its dependencyManagement? If yes, how could the usage of BOM1 through inclusion in a pom.xml can use the dependencies from BOM2 in a project? Thanks in advance!
To better explain the situation, the below works when i include both of the in the pom.xml of the service:
Whereas the following does notwhen I include it in the pom.xml of the service:
And the in the second situation includes the spring-boot-dependencies like so:
To summarize when pom.xml includes BOM1 and BOM2 works, but when pom.xml includes BOM1 and BOM1 includes BOM2 no longer works.


Which dependencyManagement is setting my dependency version?

i have a pom that has a number of entries in its <dependencyManagement> section.
How can i figure out which dependencyManagement entry is managing the versions of my dependancies!?
To further clarify my question, sometimes it is obvious -
, would manage this verion:
But what about dependencies that are declared (without a version) that dont match the groupId, etc.

Why override org.webjars when using dependency management?

Why override org.webjars when using dependency ? there is any dependency vise versa? I am confused .
See below snippet:
In pom.xml file:
override dependencies:
when i am using below dependency:
<!-- Some dependencies -->
<!-- Some dependencies -->
This post explained exact problem: Overriding managed version 3.2.0 for bootstrap when put <dependencyManagement>
Please help me.

can not resolve spring cloud dependency when just import spring-boot-dependencies as pom

My project depend on spring-cloud-starter-netflix-eureka-client,
when I declare spring-boot-starter-parent as the parent like below,Idea can resovle the version of eureka-client,
but when i import spring-boot-dependencies as pom like below ,Idea can not resovle the version of eureka-client,
The spring-boot-starter-parent-2.0.0.RELEASE.pom file almost only import spring-boot-dependencies at the head
plus,I import spring cloud like below
Maybe put the spring-cloud-dependencies into the dependencyManagement block like this:

Why including bom doesn't work?

I found something doesn't work that I expected to work.
I imported the org.glassfish.jersey:jersey-bom in my dependencyManagement section.
That pom clearly includes following dependency.
Now I add my own dependency
And mvn complains.
'dependencies.dependency.version' for org.glassfish.jersey.core:jersey-common:jar is missing. # line 33, column 17
What's wrong with my pom?
Did you define project-version as a property? I guess not, since you're not using it to specify the version of your BOM.
Using the literal string, this should work:
What intrigues me is that you shouldn't need to specify org.glassfish.jersey.core:jersey-common:2.26-b03 in <dependencyManagement> since it is part of the BOM, but the dependency doesn't work if it is not there.

Where is Wildfly 9.0.2.Final BOM?

This builds:
But it doesn't:
Cannot find
Where can I find BOM for Wildfly 9.0.2.Final?
Or if it doesn't exist, why if Wildfly 9 isn't so new? We have WildFly 10 already!
There does not appear to be a version for 9.0.2.Final.
You should be able to use:
without any problems though.
The Central Repository Search Engine is your friend when trying to resolve these kinds of questions.
