How to use existing websocket connection to another websocket request in jmeter? - websocket

How to use existing websocket connection to another websocket request in jmeter?
When I tried to use existing connect then as result it show me an error "Sampler configured for using existing connection, but there is no connection" . Please refer attached screenshot.
enter image description here
enter image description here

It looks like you're using 2 different WebSocket Samplers implementations:
and JMeter WebSocket Samplers
Your WebSocket Single Write Sampler:
Doesn't know anything about the connection established by the WebSocket Sampler
The WebSocket Sampler closes the connection after receiving the response
So if you want to continue with the WebSocket Single Write Sampler you need to:
Use WebSocket Open Connection sampler to establish the connection:
In the WebSocket Single Write Sampler tick use existing connection box
More information: JMeter WebSocket Samplers - A Practical Guide
If you want to continue with the WebSocket Sampler - tick Streaming connection box:
and remove the WebSocket Single Write Sampler and friends from the Test Plan


How we do websocket testing using jmeter?

How we do websocket testing using jmeter? When I tried to run the request than it get failed.
enter image description here
enter image description here
It looks like WebSocket Sampler cannot establish the connection with the server:
given you use wss protocol my expectation is that you need to use port 443 in the "Port number"
You may also find JMeter WebSocket Samplers plugin easier to use, it's more up-to-date, powerful and convenient, see JMeter WebSocket Samplers - A Practical Guide for more details.

In jmeter, how can I keep a websocket connection for later use

I just have a load test in JMeter, in the test, the client will send several requests in few seconds. But I find a problem when the client makes a new request, the JMeter will close the former connection and create a new connection, I just want to reuse the former connection to send a request to the WebSocket server.enter image description here
Just tick use existing connection box in your WebSocket Samplers and the connection established by the WebSocket Open Connection sampler will be re-used
I believe the connection doesn't survive Thread Group iterations (it's basically re-established when Open Connection sampler is executed 2nd time, if you need to repeat the request more than once - either go for Loop Controller or put the Open Connection sampler under the Once Only Controller
More information: JMeter WebSocket Samplers - A Practical Guide

JMeter - I need to open and keep multiple websocket connections at the same time to be able to use them in parallel in JMeter

I am using JMeter to test our websockets server API and now I have the following issue. I need to open and keep multiple WS at the same time to be able to use them in parallel.
JMeter WebSocket Samplers plugin provides possibility:
To open a WebSocket connection via WebSocket Open Connection sampler
And then you can re-use the connection in the following Samplers which will be doing the real work: read, write
When you don't need the connection anymore you can use WebSocket Close sampler
The connections are established "per thread" (virtual user) so provide necessary amount of concurrent threads in the Thread Group and make sure to specify enough loops or the desired duration of the test
More information: JMeter WebSocket Samplers - A Practical Guide

Error while trying to send the message over websocket connection in Jmeter | WebSocket Samplers by Peter Doornbosch

I am using a plugin (WebSocket Samplers by Peter Doornbosch) to establish the WebSocket connection in JMeter and trying to send the request message over it but receiving below error in logs
ERROR - eu.luminis.jmeter.wssampler.RequestResponseWebSocketSampler: Unexpected frame type received in sampler 'WebSocket request-response Sampler': Close frame with status code null and close reason 'null'
My test plan consists of "WebSocket Open Connection", "Web-socket request-response sampler" and "web-socket ping/pong frame filter". And I feel there is no issue in establishing the connection but something is wrong while sending the request or receiving a response.
Also, tried checking the logs from the server but didn't find any requests which were sent using JMeter.
Implemented another available plugin too in Jmeter to test the WebSocket but seeing similar behavior. Any help would be highly appreciated.
It looks like you're using the wrong sampler type, looking into the error you're getting it makes more sense to use single-write sampler which is designed for sending one (text or binary) WebSocket frame.
You might want to use a sniffer tool like Fiddler or Wireshark to capture the traffic between your browser (or application) and the backend and see what types of frames are going, which direction, is single connection re-used or each time new one is established, etc.
You may also find the following links useful:
Example scripts collection
JMeter WebSocket Samplers - A Practical Guide
The problem is that your server is actively closing the connection. Usually, this is caused by the client sending a request that the server does not understand. In your case, it's very likely that the request you are sending in the request-response sampler is not accepted by the server. As Dmitri suggests, the best way to find out how a "normal" client communicates with the server is to capture a session with WireShark and model your testplan accordingly.

SignalR does not connect when i record it with JMeter

Hi I am doing performance testing over a application but i cannot replicate the signalR connection what i do is call to the negociate api
/signalr/negociate getting the response as expected with the connection token
Then i extract with JMeter that token (and i use it into the connect call)
GET https://myHost/myApp/signalr/connect?transport=webSockets&clientProtocol=1.5&connectionToken=gM8NUnZtDg6oYU3Y9sfZgnIDlInyvspePwDuRdmqZlslRgkPIp8w%2Fc0FZzllhwiUdZlOmPkyBd2DGU76ldt3v1B25lQlTeg1jETBWRkqaXD0QGpeNJLl3KqvnJ3v4YQ2&connectionData=%5B%7B%22name%22%3A%22workhub%22%7D%5D&tid=2
But the response is always a 400 Bad Request
Not a valid web socket request.
Any idea why that call fail?
Thank you very much
I don't think you can record WebSocket requests using JMeter's HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder as the aforementioned HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder is only capable of generating HTTP Request samplers as of JMeter 5.2
I would recommend using one of the following approaches for capturing outgoing WebSocket requests:
Browser developer tools (network tab should have WebSocket traffic filtering option)
Once done you can install JMeter WebSocket Samplers plugin and use the appropriate Samplers to simulate the WebSocket requests, you will need to manually set up the payload.
