GEKKO: Get maximum value of list of Intermediates - gekko

I am working on a problem where I have defined several lists of Intermediates. One of my constraints depends on obtaining the maximum and minimum values of one of these lists of Intermediates. As far as I can tell, the built-in max2 and max3 functions are not suited to this task, as the lists are not continuously differentiable. I've tried using numpy's max function as well, but this throws an error. I need the maximum and minimum values to update with each solver iteration, as they are important constraints. Is there an obvious solution I'm missing here?

The gekko built-in max2 and max3 functions are suited to the task of finding a maximum or minimum from a list if two variables are compared with each loop through the list. These functions only allow the comparison of two values because there are additional equations and variables added to the problem for each comparison. The mx is the maximum of the list and mn is the minimum of the list. Each time through the list, the mx and mn values are compared to the next value in the list with the additional equations and variables. Consider a simple problem with a list [0,1,2,3,4,5,6] and intermediate calculation that takes the square of this list. The max3 and min3 functions are used in the loop to compare the next value in the t list.
from gekko import GEKKO
t=[m.Intermediate(i**2) for i in n]
mx = t[0] # max
mn = t[0] # min
for i in range(1,len(n)):
mx = m.max3(mx,t[i])
mn = m.min3(mn,t[i])
# initialize with IPOPT
#m.options.SOLVER = 3
# solve with APOPT
m.options.SOLVER = 1
The solution to this simple problem is 36 for the maximum and 0 for the minimum. The intermediate list t can be replaced by any type of list that includes intermediates, constant, parameters, or variables. For this type of problem, it is sometimes helpful to initialize with the solver IPOPT (nonlinear programming solver) and finish with the APOPT solver (mixed integer nonlinear programming) to obtain an integer solution. Uncomment the presolve with m.options.SOLVER=3 and m.solve(disp=False) to use this initialization.


Is this optimization algorithm a linear programming problem?

I am trying to solve a variant of the multidimensional multiple knapsack problem which tries to optimize the values in each knapsack so that a percentage of each of them can be “taken” and added to create a “final knapsack” with the ideal values. See this question below.
The problem I linked to says "given n bottles find a solution where you can take a ratio of every bottle and add them to equal the predetermined values (A, B, C)." The problem I have is "given a set of values organize them in the n bottles in such a way that there is a solution where you can take a ratio of every bottle and add them to equal the predetermined values (A, B, C)."
Essentially I would like to create an algorithm that organizes incoming values knapsacks (or bottles as they call it in the question above) so that they could be combined in a way that could guarantee the desired result.
The main difference between the multiple multidimensional knapsack problem and what I am trying to do is what I am trying to maximize. Instead of trying to maximize the total value of all the knapsacks, I want to first multiply each knapsack by a variable Lambda[i] and add them together so that they equal the item F which is a vector with constants (A, B, C, D). I want the knapsacks optimized in such a way that the combination gives back the most amount of item F.
Here are the variables
I: number of bottles
J: set of items
v[j] =[a(j), b(j), c(j), d(j)]: value of item j
p[i] = [a(i), b(i), c(i), d(i)]: value of bottle after items added to it
n[i] = weight of each bottle after items are added to it
m[i]: capacity of bottle i
Lambda[i]: lambda variable to multiply each bottle by
F =[A, B, C, D]: Optimal bottle value
N: Weight of final blend
M: Weight capacity of final bottle
The objective function I am trying to maximize N = Σ n(i) * Lambda(i)
some constraints I have are
n[i] <= m[i]
Σ a(i) * Lambda[i] = A
Σ b(i) * Lambda[i] = B
Σ C(i) * Lambda[i] = C
Σ D(i) * Lambda[i] = D
0 <= Lambda[i] <= 1
I have tried implementing this solution in Gurobi and OR-Tools but the problem I'm having is that the weight of each bin is only found after optimizing so there is no way for me to maximize the function I need.
Ultimately I would like to solve an Online version of this problem where the algorithm wouldn't be able to reject any item coming in but I figured starting with the offline version with a dataset would be easier.
Does this mean this algorithm is not a linear programming problem or I am just missing a step? If it isn't a linear program is there any other method like machine learning that could help me solve this?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
It looks to me to be probably a linear programming problem, but you are having a problem with the objective being not-linear? There are ways to reformulate some of these not-linear terms to make them solveable: See for example Erwin Kalvelagen's excellent mathematical programming examples such as which is probably not quite the same as you need but may give you enough ideas to help.

How can I generate a random sparse matrix with a specific probability of symmetric entries?

I'm working on a program that sorts individuals into teams based on a sparse matrix with binary entries, each entry corresponding to whether or not i is willing to work with j and so on. I have the program running, but I need to be able to test it on random matrices to observe some relationships between the results and the parameters.
What I'd like to find is some way to generate a matrix that has a a certain number of non-zero entries per row and a certain probability of symmetrical entries. That is, I want to be able to assign a specific number for P(w_ji = 1 | w_ij = 1) and use that to generate a matrix. I don't want symmetric matrices, but modeling this with completely random matrices would be inaccurate, since a real-world willingness matrix tends to be at least somewhat symmetric.
Does anyone know of anything I could use to generate such a matrix? I generally use python (with gurobi) and am open to installing any number of other libraries to help if I have to. If anyone else here uses gurobi, I would appreciate input on whether or not I could model matrix generation like this as an optimization problem using something like this for an objective function:
min <= sum(w[i,j] * w[j,i] for i in... for j in...) <= max
Thank you!
If all you want is a coefficient matrix with random distribution of 0 and 1 values, the easiest option is to pick a probability and do Bernoulli trials as to whether the value is 1. (If it is zero, omit the element for sparseness).
Alternately, if you need a random permutation of a fixed number of 0's and 1's, then try something like:
import random
n = 50
k = 10
positions = sorted(random.sample(range(n), k))
The list positions represents the nonzero elements you need.
With a matrix representation, this would be a good candidate for the Gurobi matrix variable object, MVar.

Iterative random weighted choice [duplicate]

Suppose that I have an n-sided loaded die, where each side k has some probability pk of coming up when I roll it. I’m curious if there is a good data structure for storing this information statically (i.e., for a fixed set of probabilities), so that I can efficiently simulate a random roll of the die.
Currently, I have an O(lg n) solution for this problem. The idea is to store a table of the cumulative probability of the first k sides for all k, then generate a random real number in the range [0, 1) and perform a binary search over the table to get the largest index whose cumulative value is no greater than the chosen value.
I rather like this solution, but it seems odd that the runtime doesn’t take the probabilities into account. In particular, in the extreme cases of one side always coming up or the values being uniformly distributed, it’s possible to generate the result of the roll in O(1) using a naive approach, while my solution will still take logarithmically many steps.
Does anyone have any suggestions for how to solve this problem in a way that is somehow “adaptive” in it’s runtime?
Update: Based on the answers to this question, I have written up an article describing many approaches to this problem, along with their analyses. It looks like Vose’s implementation of the alias method gives Θ(n) preprocessing time and O(1) time per die roll, which is truly impressive. Hopefully this is a useful addition to the information contained in the answers!
You are looking for the alias method which provides a O(1) method for generating a fixed discrete probability distribution (assuming you can access entries in an array of length n in constant time) with a one-time O(n) set-up. You can find it documented in chapter 3 (PDF) of "Non-Uniform Random Variate Generation" by Luc Devroye.
The idea is to take your array of probabilities pk and produce three new n-element arrays, qk, ak, and bk. Each qk is a probability between 0 and 1, and each ak and bk is an integer between 1 and n.
We generate random numbers between 1 and n by generating two random numbers, r and s, between 0 and 1. Let i = floor(r*N)+1. If qi < s then return ai else return bi. The work in the alias method is in figuring out how to produce qk, ak and bk.
Use a balanced binary search tree (or binary search in an array) and get O(log n) complexity. Have one node for each die result and have the keys be the interval that will trigger that result.
function get_result(node, seed):
if seed < node.interval.start:
return get_result(node.left_child, seed)
else if seed < node.interval.end:
// start <= seed < end
return node.result
return get_result(node.right_child, seed)
The good thing about this solution is that is very simple to implement but still has good complexity.
I'm thinking of granulating your table.
Instead of having a table with the cumulative for each die value, you could create an integer array of length xN, where x is ideally a high number to increase accuracy of the probability.
Populate this array using the index (normalized by xN) as the cumulative value and, in each 'slot' in the array, store the would-be dice roll if this index comes up.
Maybe I could explain easier with an example:
Using three dice: P(1) = 0.2, P(2) = 0.5, P(3) = 0.3
Create an array, in this case I will choose a simple length, say 10. (that is, x = 3.33333)
arr[0] = 1,
arr[1] = 1,
arr[2] = 2,
arr[3] = 2,
arr[4] = 2,
arr[5] = 2,
arr[6] = 2,
arr[7] = 3,
arr[8] = 3,
arr[9] = 3
Then to get the probability, just randomize a number between 0 and 10 and simply access that index.
This method might loose accuracy, but increase x and accuracy will be sufficient.
There are many ways to generate a random integer with a custom distribution (also known as a discrete distribution). The choice depends on many things, including the number of integers to choose from, the shape of the distribution, and whether the distribution will change over time.
One of the simplest ways to choose an integer with a custom weight function f(x) is the rejection sampling method. The following assumes that the highest possible value of f is max and each weight is 0 or greater. The time complexity for rejection sampling is constant on average, but depends greatly on the shape of the distribution and has a worst case of running forever. To choose an integer in [1, k] using rejection sampling:
Choose a uniform random integer i in [1, k].
With probability f(i)/max, return i. Otherwise, go to step 1. (For example, if all the weights are integers greater than 0, choose a uniform random integer in [1, max] and if that number is f(i) or less, return i, or go to step 1 otherwise.)
Other algorithms have an average sampling time that doesn't depend so greatly on the distribution (usually either constant or logarithmic), but often require you to precalculate the weights in a setup step and store them in a data structure. Some of them are also economical in terms of the number of random bits they use on average. Many of these algorithms were introduced after 2011, and they include—
The Bringmann–Larsen succinct data structure ("Succinct Sampling from Discrete Distributions", 2012),
Yunpeng Tang's multi-level search ("An Empirical Study of Random Sampling Methods for Changing Discrete Distributions", 2019), and
the Fast Loaded Dice Roller (2020).
Other algorithms include the alias method (already mentioned in your article), the Knuth–Yao algorithm, the MVN data structure, and more. See my section "Weighted Choice With Replacement" for a survey.

Biasing random number generator to some integer n with deviation b

Given an integer range R = [a, b] (where a >=0 and b <= 100), a bias integer n in R, and some deviation b, what formula can I use to skew a random number generator towards n?
So for example if I had the numbers 1 through 10 inclusively and I don't specify a bias number, then I should in theory have equal chances of randomly drawing one of them.
But if I do give a specific bias number (say, 3), then the number generator should be drawing 3 a more frequently than the other numbers.
And if I specify a deviation of say 2 in addition to the bias number, then the number generator should be drawing from 1 through 5 a more frequently than 6 through 10.
What algorithm can I use to achieve this?
I'm using Ruby if it makes it any easier/harder.
i think the simplest route is to sample from a normal (aka gaussian) distribution with the properties you want, and then transform the result:
generate a normal value with given mean and sd
round to nearest integer
if outside given range (normal can generate values over the entire range from -infinity to -infinity), discard and repeat
if you need to generate a normal from a uniform the simplest transform is "box-muller".
there are some details you may need to worry about. in particular, box muller is limited in range (it doesn't generate extremely unlikely values, ever). so if you give a very narrow range then you will never get the full range of values. other transforms are not as limited - i'd suggest using whatever ruby provides (look for "normal" or "gaussian").
also, be careful to round the value. 2.6 to 3.4 should all become 3, for example. if you simply discard the decimal (so 3.0 to 3.999 become 3) you will be biased.
if you're really concerned with efficiency, and don't want to discard values, you can simply invent something. one way to cheat is to mix a uniform variate with the bias value (so 9/10 times generate the uniform, 1/10 times return 3, say). in some cases, where you only care about average of the sample, that can be sufficient.
For the first part "But if I do give a specific bias number (say, 3), then the number generator should be drawing 3 a more frequently than the other numbers.", a very easy solution:
def randBias(a,b,biasedNum=None, bias=0):
x = random.randint(a, b+bias)
if x<= b:
return x
return biasedNum
For the second part, I would say it depends on the task. In a case where you need to generate a billion random numbers from the same distribution, I would calculate the probability of the numbers explicitly and use weighted random number generator (see Random weighted choice )
If you want an unimodal distribution (where the bias is just concentrated in one particular value of your range of number, for example, as you state 3), then the answer provided by andrew cooke is good---mostly because it allows you to fine tune the deviation very accurately.
If however you wish to make several biases---for instance you want a trimodal distribution, with the numbers a, (a+b)/2 and b more frequently than others, than you would do well to implement weighted random selection.
A simple algorithm for this was given in a recent question on StackOverflow; it's complexity is linear. Using such an algorithm, you would simply maintain a list, initial containing {a, a+1, a+2,..., b-1, b} (so of size b-a+1), and when you want to add a bias towards X, you would several copies of X to the list---depending on how much you want to bias. Then you pick a random item from the list.
If you want something more efficient, the most efficient method is called the "Alias method" which was implemented very clearly in Python by Denis Bzowy; once your array has been preprocessed, it runs in constant time (but that means that you can't update the biases anymore once you've done the preprocessing---or you would to reprocess the table).
The downside with both techniques is that unlike with the Gaussian distribution, biasing towards X, will not bias also somewhat towards X-1 and X+1. To simulate this effect you would have to do something such as
def addBias(x, L):
L = concatList(L, [x, x, x, x, x])
L = concatList(L, [x+2])
L = concatList(L, [x+1, x+1])
L = concatList(L, [x-1,x-1,x-1])
L = concatList(L, [x-2])

Data structures for loaded dice?

Suppose that I have an n-sided loaded die, where each side k has some probability pk of coming up when I roll it. I’m curious if there is a good data structure for storing this information statically (i.e., for a fixed set of probabilities), so that I can efficiently simulate a random roll of the die.
Currently, I have an O(lg n) solution for this problem. The idea is to store a table of the cumulative probability of the first k sides for all k, then generate a random real number in the range [0, 1) and perform a binary search over the table to get the largest index whose cumulative value is no greater than the chosen value.
I rather like this solution, but it seems odd that the runtime doesn’t take the probabilities into account. In particular, in the extreme cases of one side always coming up or the values being uniformly distributed, it’s possible to generate the result of the roll in O(1) using a naive approach, while my solution will still take logarithmically many steps.
Does anyone have any suggestions for how to solve this problem in a way that is somehow “adaptive” in it’s runtime?
Update: Based on the answers to this question, I have written up an article describing many approaches to this problem, along with their analyses. It looks like Vose’s implementation of the alias method gives Θ(n) preprocessing time and O(1) time per die roll, which is truly impressive. Hopefully this is a useful addition to the information contained in the answers!
You are looking for the alias method which provides a O(1) method for generating a fixed discrete probability distribution (assuming you can access entries in an array of length n in constant time) with a one-time O(n) set-up. You can find it documented in chapter 3 (PDF) of "Non-Uniform Random Variate Generation" by Luc Devroye.
The idea is to take your array of probabilities pk and produce three new n-element arrays, qk, ak, and bk. Each qk is a probability between 0 and 1, and each ak and bk is an integer between 1 and n.
We generate random numbers between 1 and n by generating two random numbers, r and s, between 0 and 1. Let i = floor(r*N)+1. If qi < s then return ai else return bi. The work in the alias method is in figuring out how to produce qk, ak and bk.
Use a balanced binary search tree (or binary search in an array) and get O(log n) complexity. Have one node for each die result and have the keys be the interval that will trigger that result.
function get_result(node, seed):
if seed < node.interval.start:
return get_result(node.left_child, seed)
else if seed < node.interval.end:
// start <= seed < end
return node.result
return get_result(node.right_child, seed)
The good thing about this solution is that is very simple to implement but still has good complexity.
I'm thinking of granulating your table.
Instead of having a table with the cumulative for each die value, you could create an integer array of length xN, where x is ideally a high number to increase accuracy of the probability.
Populate this array using the index (normalized by xN) as the cumulative value and, in each 'slot' in the array, store the would-be dice roll if this index comes up.
Maybe I could explain easier with an example:
Using three dice: P(1) = 0.2, P(2) = 0.5, P(3) = 0.3
Create an array, in this case I will choose a simple length, say 10. (that is, x = 3.33333)
arr[0] = 1,
arr[1] = 1,
arr[2] = 2,
arr[3] = 2,
arr[4] = 2,
arr[5] = 2,
arr[6] = 2,
arr[7] = 3,
arr[8] = 3,
arr[9] = 3
Then to get the probability, just randomize a number between 0 and 10 and simply access that index.
This method might loose accuracy, but increase x and accuracy will be sufficient.
There are many ways to generate a random integer with a custom distribution (also known as a discrete distribution). The choice depends on many things, including the number of integers to choose from, the shape of the distribution, and whether the distribution will change over time.
One of the simplest ways to choose an integer with a custom weight function f(x) is the rejection sampling method. The following assumes that the highest possible value of f is max and each weight is 0 or greater. The time complexity for rejection sampling is constant on average, but depends greatly on the shape of the distribution and has a worst case of running forever. To choose an integer in [1, k] using rejection sampling:
Choose a uniform random integer i in [1, k].
With probability f(i)/max, return i. Otherwise, go to step 1. (For example, if all the weights are integers greater than 0, choose a uniform random integer in [1, max] and if that number is f(i) or less, return i, or go to step 1 otherwise.)
Other algorithms have an average sampling time that doesn't depend so greatly on the distribution (usually either constant or logarithmic), but often require you to precalculate the weights in a setup step and store them in a data structure. Some of them are also economical in terms of the number of random bits they use on average. Many of these algorithms were introduced after 2011, and they include—
The Bringmann–Larsen succinct data structure ("Succinct Sampling from Discrete Distributions", 2012),
Yunpeng Tang's multi-level search ("An Empirical Study of Random Sampling Methods for Changing Discrete Distributions", 2019), and
the Fast Loaded Dice Roller (2020).
Other algorithms include the alias method (already mentioned in your article), the Knuth–Yao algorithm, the MVN data structure, and more. See my section "Weighted Choice With Replacement" for a survey.
