Jira labels in/not in - label

I'm using epic theme, script runner and labels to filter team boards.
But, when I add another teams label to one of the returned Jira's I want it to be removed from that teams board and only appear on the other teams board.
The below code works fine:
project = (ABC)
"Epic Theme" in (team-A)
issueFunction in issuesInEpics("\"Epic Theme\" in(team-A)")
labels in (team-A, some, random, things)
If I add a label of 'team-B' to one of the returned jira's then it also appears on team B's board as expected, but I also want to remove it from team A's board, so tried the below query which has no affect:
project = (ABC)
"Epic Theme" in (team-A)
issueFunction in issuesInEpics("\"Epic Theme\" in(team-A)")
OR (
labels in (team-A, some, random, things)
labels not in(team-B, team-C, team-D)
i tried a few variations also including labels != 'team-B' but with no luck.
any ideas or is Jira not going to bend this way?


Burndown Chart not showing data when filter is applied for area path or iteration path

** EDIT **
I found a solution. Not a great one, but one that worked. I had to move all the stories from new to committed en masse. Once I did that, moved them back to new and now I can filter by iteration path on the burndown chart. Coincidentally, the sprint burndown works now as well. Equally as annoying and the same solution worked on both of these. For whatever reason, it didn't assign the team to the story till the story was committed in the back end...
** End EDIT **
I've been having this issue for a while now and while I've found more creative ways to work past this issue. It won't stop and now i'm in a situation where I need it to work.
The situation is pretty simple:
Platform: Azure DevOps
Problem: Burndown Widget loses data when filter is applied
When I apply a filter against a backlog for a team using either Area path or Iteration path, the burndown chart goes blank and says there isn't any data. But when I remove the filter I see the entirety of the backlog for the team.
I'm trying to show an exclusive area in the burndown chart which is a child of the main area which the team is a part of. I can see the entirety of the backlog assigned to the team, but some of these stories, 120 to be exact) are a part of another area/project under the same team's work space. It's a continuation of the same team/project with an additional scope, so there's an iteration also assigned.
Yet if I filter for area path, or iteration path, of which these stories belong. I get nothing.
The areas and iterations are assigned to the team in the team config. Suggestions?

create a double donut chart in a single view with two measure values in tableau

I need to create this visual in a single view in tableau. The chart contains two value, one is ytd and other one is lytd. both are measures(made by a calculated field). Need help to achieve this visual.
Let's just look at how to show two pie charts on one sheet, which isn't obvious!
In Tableau Public take the Superstore and make dual pie charts for two variables, sales and profits, including all data in each chart.
The trick is to use a new calculated variable MIN(1) ( yes, minimum of one. ) and put that up on the rows shelf. ( To be honest I have no idea at all why this works. )
Here's btProvider's youtube video that suggested this idea.
and here's a polished version what I got relatively easily
Here's a view of what the sheet looks like with Min(1) up on the rows shelf twice which produces two pie charts that can be separately defined on the Marks card.
I put my whole workbook up on Tableau Public so you can see what I did.

What is the current grouped bar chart in the development branch that's in verson 3.0.11?

I see two versions in two other branches, but was there one integrated into the development branch?
I'm trying to create a grouped bar chart that will group by keys in multi-key dimension if possible, then show x labels based on the keys so for a 3 key dimension there will be 3 x-labels, one is the last dimension key, the second is label when grouped by the second dimension key and finally the third by the first dimension key. Possible having brackets for each after the first label that is by each child/element.
Is this possible in dc right now without making it yourself by using d3.js?
I'm hoping it'd be something similar in a sense to colorAccessor that can color by key like this:
.colorAccessor(function (dim, colors) {
return [dim.key[2], colors.key];
I do see some issues in GitHub that address this in a different way, but are older then never resolved and either are in a different branch or only show it in one group with one x label.

How to project (or paste)panorama to model?

Before question,I seached many places, I find some similar idea but without my solution.And my question can be also described as how to recalculate the model's uv to fix the panorama designed for six faces skybox.
Recently,I came upon a unique way to get fluent 3D roaming experience on matterport's Official network https://matterport.com/gallery/
I just want to know how did they do that?Their product is very fluent when swich the panorama picture.
After I roaming many times,I found the secret. I realized that the panorama carrier they use is not box or sphere,but is the object they show first!The evidence is that when switch the point,the object such as chair and table would have their own shadow(one chair have two image one stand up and the other one lie on the floor
With the object in panorama paste on their own correspond object and with depth information the roaming switch become more fluent (As for why they do not use the object directly ,I think because of the limited hardware,Many irregularity faces which get from scanning equipment cannot be use directly
And I want to use this idea in my project ,I have a group of six panorama which can paste on a boxGeometry perfectly,and I just want to paste them on model.but I stuck in project 360 degree.Yes I just find how to project one direction but I cannot project the remaining five.
var _p=BufferGeometry.attributes;
for (var i = 0; i < _p.position.count; i++){
var uvtempbeforeconvert= ( new THREE.Vector3(_p.position.array[3*i],_p.position.array[3*i+1],_p.position.array[3*i+2]) ).clone().applyMatrix4(houseObject.matrixWorld).project(camera1)
//use the worldvertices to get its screen coordinate
if(uvtempbeforeconvert.x<1&&uvtempbeforeconvert.x>-1 && uvtempbeforeconvert.y<1 &&uvtempbeforeconvert.y>-1) {
Yes,I success in calculating one direction.BUT I cant deal with the triangle faces which occupy two more view frustum,like a face at the edge of the box.
How should I deal with this problem?Or I run in the FALSE direction at first?Which direction should i run in ?
After asking many people,I just find that I need to usd shadermaterial in threejs ,and use a function named cubetexture,samplercube.With that I can get the pixel color what I need!

Google Visualization - Can you code U.S. Province level data AND some city plots on the same map?

I'm building a Google Visualization DataTable. You can see it here:
I've built out my United States color coding, but I need to add plots of about 8 US Cities on top of the color coding. I can't find any documentation or other examples online that specifies if/how this is possible. I've taken a few stabs at it with no results.
I'm just trying to:
1) Verify if it's possible?
2) Find a working example or have some help adding a second table to a single drawVisualization instance!
add to your options
displayMode: 'markers',
Regions and Markers wont work at the same time.
SO if you want to color the background of the states, using markers mode, you can do it with CSS.
I'm documenting some examples for a Wordpress plugin i developed here:
Check the last example. It's not easy, since you have to find which child path number you want to color, and then you can do it. Example:
#visualization path:nth-child(5) {
Here's a forked example, of your code with the CSS above:
Hope it helps!
