'io.github.resilience4j.common.retry.configuration.RetryConfigurationProperties$InstanceProperties' has no property 'register-health-indicator' - spring-boot

Any help or hint would be greatly appreciated it!!
I am using spring boot 2.5.8.
In my application.properties:
resilience4j.retry.configs.default.registerHealthIndicator= true
I get the following error:
'io.github.resilience4j.common.retry.configuration.RetryConfigurationProperties$InstanceProperties' has no property 'register-health-indicator'

If you wanted to see health, events etc. of any resilience4j patterns below config will be sufficient;
management.endpoint.health.show-details = always


How to overwrite version of spring boot BOM

I have a problem with updating Log4j versions. In my pom.xml file I updated the version like this:
// other stuff //
But in the dependencies:
The versions throw an error that it's override to 2.11.1 from a BOM file. Where can I update my pom to import a 2.16.0 version BOM file?
I guess you can try this to override spring-boot bom.
... other dependencies including spring-boot-dependencies
NOT GOOD/no effect(maybe for log4j1):
(for spring-boot-parent-based [2-2.6.1]/spring-dependeny-managed):
So both answers helped me out finding the solution for my problem. The problem was that in my dependency I didn't put a $ sign for my version tag. So with this line of code it works now: <version>${org.apache.logging.log4j.version}</version>

Unable to set group id in spring cloud stream kafka

I am unable to set group id in Spring cloud stream kafka consumer config using below :-
All above property are getting set except group and getting below in console log while starting service :
group.id = anonymous.cce5a71a-66fa-49c9-874b-09d5685713f7
Kindly help on this as i think because of this my consumer unable to read from where it left.
I am using Spring boot 2.1.3.RELEASE.
Few important dependency related to this, Also I am using Spring integration starter as well :-

Spring Boot logging with Log4j2

Written simple POC to prove and test Spring Boot and log4j2 compatibility. Once successful I will move it to real application.
Please refer my POC source code:
I know/read about Spring version and log4j2 compatibility from:
How to set up Spring Boot and log4j2 properly?
Found and tried recommendations described here:
Spring-Boot logging with log4j2?
But still not working. The problem is that both application logs and Spring logs are printing to console only.
Please refer maven dependencies below (from POC):
If I don't exclude Spring's logback and don't add boot-starter-log4j2 then application logs are printing to application file but Spring logs are not printing at all. I feel the problem somewhere with dependencies. Appreciate any help.
According to the Spring Boot Logging documentation, the location of the logging configuration file can be specified using the logging.config property. I noticed that your start.sh script is passing -Dlog4j.configurationFile. Normally, this would be sufficient for direct Log4J 2 integration, but Spring Boot uses logging.config.
After switching to this, it writes to the log files:
java -Dlogging.config=/share/LogPOC/log4j2.xml -cp poc.jar:libs/* com.poc.logger.Application

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/google/common/util/concurrent/FutureFallback

I'm seeing the following error :
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/google/common/util/concurrent/FutureFallback
when the cluster.connect() is called :
String hosts = CassandraClientUtil.getHost();
String localDC = CassandraClientUtil.getLocalDC();
Cluster cluster = null;
if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(localDC))
cluster = Cluster.builder().addContactPoints(hosts.split(","))
.withCredentials(CassandraCopsComponentLogger.USER_NAME, CassandraCopsComponentLogger.AUTH_CODE)
.withQueryOptions(new QueryOptions().setConsistencyLevel(ConsistencyLevel.LOCAL_ONE))
.withLoadBalancingPolicy(new TokenAwarePolicy(DCAwareRoundRobinPolicy.builder().withLocalDc(localDC).build())).build();
cluster = Cluster.builder().addContactPoints(hosts.split(","))
.withCredentials(CassandraCopsComponentLogger.USER_NAME, CassandraCopsComponentLogger.AUTH_CODE)
.withQueryOptions(new QueryOptions().setConsistencyLevel(ConsistencyLevel.LOCAL_ONE)).build();
Session session = cluster.connect();
CassandraCopsComponentLogger.mappingManager = new MappingManager(session);
The pom.xml has the following dependencies :
I saw a post on stackoverflow here
where they recommended to upgrade the guava version to 16.0.1 but that did not help me solve my problem. Some directions from here will be really helpful as I'm new to cassandra. To add more background this thing works as a standalone project, when I include this project as a maven dependency to some other project it raises this runtime error.
com.google.common.util.concurrent.FutureFallback is deprecated in Guava 19.0 and removed since Guava 20.0.
Use Guava 19.0 and do not use Guava 20.0 or greater, until you upgrade the Cassandra driver.
I updated the Cassandra driver version to latest available and it should fix the issue.
Don't add external guava version . whatever datastax-cassandra-core using only you can put that version . otherwise don't need of that .
If anyone like me didn't know, that there is a new version (4.x) out there with a new and different group id, take a look at the quickstart. This new version still uses Guava however it's shaded.
The driver now requires Java 8. It does not depend on Guava anymore (we still use it internally but it's shaded).
More information can be found in the upgrade guide.

JSF correct use of jsf-api dependency

Ok, I am a little confused on the differences between jsf-api implementations.
I am not sure what the differences are between these two. I thought they do the same thing and allow the javax.faces imports but now I have confused myself. Can anyone please explain these two differences? Thanks :)
There was somes changes with the groupId of the Maven JSF-API dependency since the first version. For JSF 2.2 (current version as I'm writing this), you should use the following recommended dependency, if you are running in a container supporting JSF:
If your container does not support JSF (like Tomcat), use the following dependency if you want to use Mojarra (the default JSF implementation):
Other recommmendation and information are available on the official page of JSF.
