suspend funcion throw error about continuation parameter when using kotlin + spring - spring

I was trying to make a RestController using spring+kotlin which is simply as:
suspend fun test(): Int {
return 123
And here is my relevant dependencies:
However when I called it, it return with an error
"Invocation failure\nController []\nMethod [public final java.lang.Object com.********.test(kotlin.coroutines.Continuation<? super java.lang.Integer>)] with argument values:\n [0] [null] "
Is there any dependency missing or how could I get this up and running?


In Testcase statment gives error after upgrading the springboot version from 2.1.7 to 2.6.4

After updating the Spring Boot version to 2.6.4 I am getting error in the test case while in its old version 2.1.7 working fine
fun `Should include id in all outbound requests`() {
(authenticationSource as TestAuthenticationSource).setCoordinatorToken()
val request = PersonSearch().apply {
firstName = “Xyz”
lastName = “Abc”
val oid = UUID.randomUUID().toString()
.headers {
it.set(CORRELATION_ID, oid)
// The bellow line give error while it was working fine in previous version
assertThat(server.takeAllRequests()).allSatisfy { assertThat(it.headers.toMultimap()).containsEntry(CORRELATION_ID, listOf(oid)) }
// Trying in this way as well
assertThat(server.takeAllRequests()).allSatisfy { it -> assertThat(it.headers.toMultimap()).containsEntry(CORRELATION_ID, listOf(oid)) }
In error is shows the first line as -
Overload resolution ambiguity. All these functions match.
public open fun allSatisfy(requirements: Consumer<in RecordedRequest!>!): ObjectArrayAssert<RecordedRequest!>! defined in org.assertj.core.api.ObjectArrayAssert
public open fun allSatisfy(requirements: ThrowingConsumer<in RecordedRequest!>!): ObjectArrayAssert<RecordedRequest!>! defined in org.assertj.core.api.ObjectArrayAssert
While it throws same exception Message when running -
Kotlin: Overload resolution ambiguity:
public open fun allSatisfy(p0: Consumer<in RecordedRequest!>!): ObjectArrayAssert<RecordedRequest!>! defined in org.assertj.core.api.ObjectArrayAssert
public open fun allSatisfy(p0: ThrowingConsumer<in RecordedRequest!>!): ObjectArrayAssert<RecordedRequest!>! defined in org.assertj.core.api.ObjectArrayAssert
You are likely hitting
For workarounds see:
As in this url assertj-core/issues/2357 suggested by #Joel Costigliola I have made small changes just added Consumer key after allSatisfy to eliminate the ambiguity.
Consumer { // added part
assertThat(it.headers.toMultimap()).containsEntry(CORRELATION_ID, listOf(cId))

failed to validate request params in a Spring Boot/Kotlin Coroutines controller

In a SpringBoot/Kotlin Coroutines project, I have a controller class like this.
class PostController(private val posts: PostRepository) {
suspend fun search(#RequestParam q:String, #RequestParam #Min(0) offset:Int, #RequestParam #Min(1) limit:Int): ResponseEntity<Any> {}
The validation on the #ResquestBody works as the general Spring WebFlux, but when testing
validating request params , it failed and throws an exception like:
java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: Index 1 out of bounds for length 1
at java.base/java.util.Arrays$ArrayList.get(
Suppressed: The stacktrace has been enhanced by Reactor, refer to additional information below:
It is not a ConstraintViolationException.
I think this is a bug in the framework when you are using coroutines (update , it is, I saw Happy Songs comment). In summary:
"#Validated is indeed not yet Coroutines compliant, we need to fix that by using Coroutines aware methods to discover method parameters."
The trouble is that the signature of the method on your controller is actually enhanced by Spring to have an extra parameter, like this, adding a continuation:
public java.lang.Object,int,int,kotlin.coroutines.Continuation)
so when the hibernate validator calls getParameter names to get the list of parameters on your method, it thinks there are 4 in total on the request, and then gets an index out of bounds exception trying to get the 4th (index 3).
If you put a breakpoint on the return of this:
public E get(int index) {
return a[index];
and put a breakpoint condition of index ==3 && a.length <4 you can see what is going on.
I'd report it as a bug on the Spring issue tracker.
You might be better off taking an alternative approach, as described here, using a RequestBody as a DTO and using the #Valid annotation
Thanks for the happy songs' comments, I found the best solution by now to overcome this barrier from the Spring Github issues#23499.
As explained in comments of this issue and PaulNuk's answer, there is a Continuation will be appended to the method arguments at runtime, which will fail the index computation of the method parameter names in the Hibernate Validator.
The solution is changing the ParameterNameDiscoverer.getParameterNames(Method) method and adding a empty string as the additional parameter name when it is a suspend function.
class KotlinCoroutinesLocalValidatorFactoryBean : LocalValidatorFactoryBean() {
override fun getClockProvider(): ClockProvider = DefaultClockProvider.INSTANCE
override fun postProcessConfiguration(configuration: javax.validation.Configuration<*>) {
val discoverer = PrioritizedParameterNameDiscoverer()
val defaultProvider = configuration.defaultParameterNameProvider
configuration.parameterNameProvider(object : ParameterNameProvider {
override fun getParameterNames(constructor: Constructor<*>): List<String> {
val paramNames: Array<String>? = discoverer.getParameterNames(constructor)
return paramNames?.toList() ?: defaultProvider.getParameterNames(constructor)
override fun getParameterNames(method: Method): List<String> {
val paramNames: Array<String>? = discoverer.getParameterNames(method)
return paramNames?.toList() ?: defaultProvider.getParameterNames(method)
class SuspendAwareKotlinParameterNameDiscoverer : ParameterNameDiscoverer {
private val defaultProvider = KotlinReflectionParameterNameDiscoverer()
override fun getParameterNames(constructor: Constructor<*>): Array<String>? =
override fun getParameterNames(method: Method): Array<String>? {
val defaultNames = defaultProvider.getParameterNames(method) ?: return null
val function = method.kotlinFunction
return if (function != null && function.isSuspend) {
defaultNames + ""
} else defaultNames
Then declare a new validator factory bean.
fun defaultValidator(): LocalValidatorFactoryBean {
val factoryBean = KotlinCoroutinesLocalValidatorFactoryBean()
factoryBean.messageInterpolator = MessageInterpolatorFactory().getObject()
return factoryBean
Get the complete sample codes from my Github.

Spring converter not called in requests using kotlin

Hello I'm creating Kotlin project using spring webflux. I created a converter accept enum field upper or lower case in request:
class WarehousesTypeEnumConverter : Converter<String, WarehousesType?>{
companion object {
private val log: Logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(
override fun convert(value: String): WarehousesType? =
try {"try to convert {} to {}", value,
}catch (e: IllegalArgumentException){
log.error("error to convert {} to {}", value,
throw e
When I work with Java this work perfectly, I don't need more configuration but using Kotlin my application dont't call my converter. I try this, try register my converter in addFormatters in WebFluxConfigurer class and noting. thank you.

SpringBoot testing with spring-retry

I had the following function (the function is not really important):
fun myRandomFunc(something: String?): List<Int> {
return listOf(5)
And you can imagine it was doing some API calls, returning list of some objects, etc. I could easily mock this function in test like this:
But after I introduced (retry/recover) in the mix, that mock is now throwing
org.mockito.exceptions.misusing.NotAMockException at .... Any idea why?
This is the code with spring retry:
value = [ApiException::class], maxAttempts = MAX_RETRIES,
backoff = Backoff(delay = RETRY_DELAY, multiplier = RETRY_MULTIPLIER, random = true)
fun myRandomFunc(something: String?): List<Int> {
return listOf(5)
fun testMyRandomFunc(exception: Exception): List<Int> {
log.error("Exception occurred ...", exception)
throw RemoteServiceNotAvailableException("Call failed after $MAX_RETRIES retries")
The code works, it's functional, just the mocking of tests is now broken. Would appreciate some help
Spring retry creates a proxy around the object.
If there is an interface, the proxy is a JDK proxy; if not, CGLIB is used.
Mockito can't mock CGLIB (final) methods.

What is the most likely cause of exceptions mysteriously escaping a try-catch block in this case?

I am using a Spring WebClient in a Kotlin project like this:
data class DTO(val name: String)
class Runner: ApplicationRunner
override fun run(args: ApplicationArguments?)
val dto = get<DTO>()
catch (e: Exception)
println("ERROR, all exceptions should have been caught in 'get' ")
inline private fun<reified TResult: Any> get(): TResult?
var result: TResult? = null
result = WebClient.create("")
catch (e: Exception)
println("WORKS AS EXPECTED!!")
return result
The client will throw an exception, because the API will return a 404. However the exception is not caught where it should be, namely in the body of the get function, but it is propagated to the outer exception handler.
It is interesting to note that this happens only if the exception is thrown by the WebClient. If I replace the code in the try clause with a simple throw Exception("error"), the exception is caught where it should be.
Similarly, when I change the signature of get to a non-generic inline private fun get(): DTO? the problem also goes away.
For an exception to escape the try-catch block seems like a fundamental bug in the Kotlin tools. On the other hand, the fact that this happens only with the WebClient class indicates that this is a Spring problem. Or, it may be just me, using the tools in a wrong way.
I am really baffled here and have no idea how to proceed. Any ideas on why this might be happening are most welcome. Just for completeness, this is what it looks like in the debugger:
The issue goes away after upgrading Spring Boot to 2.0.0.M6, it is still present in M5.
So it seems that this was a Spring issue and not a Kotlin issue. On the other hand it would be still nice to understand how a library that you include can seemingly cause the program to violate the laws of the programming language it is written in.
I tried the code with Spring Boot version 2.0.0.M5 and 2.0.0.M6, and it seems the behavior of the following block is different between those 2 versions:
result = WebClient.create("")
somewhere along the chain, on Spring Boot 2.0.0.M5, the WebClientResponseException is returned, on Spring Boot 2.0.0.M6 it is thrown.
If you add a e.printStackTrace() to your outer catch, you will notice that the stack trace is:
cannot be cast to com.example.demo.DTO at at
at com.example.demo.DemoApplicationKt.main(DemoApplication.kt:10)
So, actually, problem is, the returned WebClientResponseException is tried to be cast to DTO class on the moment of return of the call val dto = get<DTO>(). This means that, when you assign result = ..., there is no type checking done yet. So, if you change your code to, for example, call get<Object>() instead of get<DTO>(), it won't hit any catch blocks.
If you convert it to bytecode in IntelliJ Idea, and then decompile it to Java, you can see this block:
public class Runner implements ApplicationRunner {
public void run(#Nullable ApplicationArguments args) {
try {
Object result$iv = null;
try {
ResponseSpec $receiver$iv$iv = WebClient.create("").get().retrieve();
Mono var10000 = $receiver$iv$iv.bodyToMono((ParameterizedTypeReference)(new Runner$run$$inlined$get$1()));
Intrinsics.checkExpressionValueIsNotNull(var10000, "bodyToMono(object : Para…zedTypeReference<T>() {})");
result$iv = var10000.block();
} catch (Exception var7) {
String var5 = "WORKS AS EXPECTED!!";
DTO var2 = (DTO)result$iv;
} catch (Exception var8) {
String var3 = "ERROR, all exceptions should have been caught in 'get' ";
Here you can notice that casting to DTO is done on the point of method return (which is not a return anymore because it is inlined), after the inner catch block: DTO var2 = (DTO)result$iv;. It seems like that's the behavior for the inlined methods with reified type parameters.
This is due to SPR-16025 (see related commit) since the Kotlin extension is using internally the ParameterizedTypeReference variant, which has been fixed in Spring Framework 5.0.1, and transitively in Spring Boot 2.0.0.M6.
Note than if you use bodyToMono( with Spring Boot 2.0.0.M5, it will works as expected.
