Spring Cloud Sleuth with Elastic APM - spring

Is it possible of providing the Tracers and Spans of Spring Cloud Sleuth (for a Webflux project) to Elastic APM?
I've seen a discussion of the issue here in the context of Spring Webflux. And here in the context of Spring Cloud Sleuth.


Spring Boot Parent and Spring Cloud starter gateway version issue

I am forced to use/mention Spring cloud gateway version because my organization uses nexus repo.
I am using spring boot parent version 2.5.12, could you please let me know which version of spring
cloud starter gateway should I use. I have tried 3.x.x version for gateway but no use.
You can refer to Spring Boot and Spring Cloud Compatibility Matrix in the below
Check for Release train Spring Boot compatibility in the below
See compatible version between Spring Cloud (Spring Cloud Gateway) with Spring Boot at here. https://spring.io/blog/2022/05/27/spring-cloud-2021-0-3-is-available-compatible-with-spring-boot-2-7-0
Choose correct versions pair for you.
For example: Spring Cloud Gateway 3.1.3 (belong to Spring Cloud 2021.0.3 Release Train) works with Spring Boot 2.6.x and Spring Boot 2.7.x

Spring Boot 3 Micrometer Tracing Example

If I understand the answer to this question correctly, Spring Cloud Sleuth will be replaced by Micormeter Tracing with Spring Boot 3. My experiments with Spring Boot 3 milestone 3 to implement tracing have failed so far. Is there an example project somewhere that I can use to guide me.
BTW: Here are my experiments https://github.com/stse/spring-boot-otel. I try to use micrometer tracing and open telemetry to push traces to new relic via Otlp and Grpc.
This blogpost from Spring Team will help to set it up: https://spring.io/blog/2022/10/12/observability-with-spring-boot-3
Also, I have come up with a sample Spring Boot 3 + Micrometer project here - https://github.com/kishorek/java/tree/main/spring-observability-demo.
I am using Zipkin Brave as distributed tracing implementation. I have created a python service consumed by the Spring boot service. Please refer to the README.

Does Elastic APM support Spring Cloud Stream

I am very new to Elastic APM and not sure how it can support different frameworks. I can see that from the documentation APM supports Spring Boot. I have tested a Spring Boot application with the APM and it looks promising. I was wondering if APM supports Spring Cloud Stream as well. Spring Cloud Stream provides Event Driven Architecture by using Spring Boot and messaging middleware. Middleware can be Kafka, RabbitMQ, etc.
I am not familiar with what is Elastic APM, but if it says it supports Spring Boot, then it means it supports any spring-boot-based framework which Spring Cloud Stream is.

Spring cloud security vs Spring security

I just started learning spring cloud security and I have a basic question. How it is different from spring security? Do we need our application to be built on spring boot for using spring cloud security?
Thanks in advance.
Spring Security is a stand alone framework within Spring Framework. Spring Cloud Security is a Cloud Container and MicroServices focused Security Framework that provides Tokenised Security for Spring Boot applications.

Spring cloud sleuth with Spring data jpa

We are trying to implement Spring cloud sleuth with Zipkin in our project and wanted to know if Spring cloud sleuth will support DB calls with Spring data JPA.
I want to trace the time taken for DB calls just like service calls
When I make a service call with RestTemplate, that gets sent to zipkin and I am able to see that on the dashboard
But DB interactions with Spring data jpa is not getting displayed in Zipkin
You can use the new Dalston feature of using annotations on Spring Data repositories. You can check out this for more info http://cloud.spring.io/spring-cloud-sleuth/spring-cloud-sleuth.html#_managing_spans_with_annotations
