How to display unique nodes for a page? - view

The scenario is like this: we have a news website, every page display different type of news nodes. We like to set the in this way that, for a single page, no news node should be display more twice. i.e. should not be duplicate.
We are creating paragraphs, which are fetching different type of news nodes based on taxonomies. For a single page, user can add as many paragraph as they want. Each paragraph display nodes with different layout. Paragraph fetching nodes by entity query and views as well.
So question is, how we can restrict nodes, so that if one displaying in one paragraph, it should not display in another paragraph for a single page?
Something like, if we can create a singleton class or static function, so on page load, it create a blank array, and each subsequent call of that function will fill the array and compare with the old list which are already dumped or added. But I am not sure which hook should be used for page load and how to handle the views query.
Beside this should be session specific and also keep it mind about the performance.
Does anyone has any idea on this? Surely its complex.


UI Collapsible items in Elm: a css-only solution vs storing more data in the model

For example when implementing these collapsible items:
First approach that comes to my mind is to store a variable in the model expandedItems: List ItemId
to verify if an item is expanded you check if its id is in the list
to expand an item you add its id to the list
to collapse an item you remove its id from the list
There also are css-only solutions like this one
What would the advantages / disadvantages of css-only over the id list be?
I think storing the list in the model is common, easy to understand, and the usual way to do things like these.
I find a few downsides to the css solution:
is hard to read and understand
is fragile and hard to maintain
might not work on all browsers
uses href which makes the item id show up in the url when you click to expand
treats expanding as a url change, and when the user clicks back it unexpands the item instead of navigating to the previous page
only allows one item to be expanded at a time
On the other hand, I find no downsides to the expandedItems list approach. Performance might be a concern because we're operating on a list, but the user will have to be expanding thousands of items to make the list long enough to notice any difference. I don't think is polluting the model either, this kind of information is what the model should hold.
I think you want to put this all in your model. The css approach is perhaps a nice trick, but is not very scalable.
In particular you would end up putting state in the css file, and part of it even twice. Keep it all in your model, put the full content into the screen, and then just attach a class when contracted, which sets a max height and truncates the rest with elipsis

Book representation in Elasticsearch

I have a book that can contain hundreds, maybe thousands, of pages and I need to highlight every single word or phrase, that user searches for. For example: user enters a word/phrase that he wants to find and starts listing through the book from first to last page, pages are being lazy loaded. When there is word/phrase he entered, its highlighted.I couldn't find a way how to store text of the book: When I store it in a single field, its extremely long and I need to load it by pages. However I haven't found any way of returning only part, which represents one page, of text field with highlighted words.When I split the text into pages and store them as nested objects or stand-alone documents, its impossible to highlight phrases that span across several pages. I need to merge all the pages together, highlight it and then return it page by page, but I haven't found a way how it can be done.What is the best way to store book in Elasticsearch when I want to search through it and also display it page by page?

Drupal View - load more with ajax

I have a View (block display) listing node titles of a certain content type displaying the latest 12 published items. It displays underneath all nodes of a specific type.
What I'd like to do is be able to load the next 12 items with AJAX (I know the pager does this but I was hoping to avoid it) and also control the offset based on the node title.
I think the second request can be achieved with the row number in the query but so far I'm having trouble achieving a working script.
you always can call view results from Drupal API:
$results = views_get_view_result('my_view',$display, $args)
and in arguments you can pass start/end number of items, or something else, depends how you sorting your results
Well, instead of that work, how about selecting the mini pager? I'm pretty sure it only shows previous and next links. If it's not the exact display you want to use, you can override theme_views_mini_pager (from views/theme/, line 636) to only show what you need.

Should navigation logic be in the controller or the view?

In an MVC web app, where is the "right" place to put the code/logic to display a url link to a "next page" navigation control, the controller or the view? If I put it in the view, I have to pass to the view not only the data to be displayed on the current page but also data relating to the next page aka the page id of the next page. If I put it in the controller, the controller has to be aware of the navigation that the particular view is going to display. Neither approach seems very elegant to me. Is there another way?
I don't know if there really is a "right" way to do this. Here's some different ways that I would think about it though:
if a page of items is itself an object in the system, then the controller makes sense
if a page only exists within the view logic, then the view makes sense
if the view receives the entire list, then pagination is a presentation concept
if you foresee the need for different page sizes or organizations, then keep the logic out of the controller
My gut says that you should try very hard to keep all of the pagination logic in the view. This usually means that you want some way to calculate what the next page is based on the current page in the view or make the controller have some concept of a starting point in the result set. I usually do the latter - the view retrieves the data with an optional starting point that is the ID of the last item on the previous page. This way the pagination logic is in the view and the data retrieval is simple.
One of the things to watch out for is how you will handle retrieving the next page of data if the item that you are keying on no longer exists. In other words, if you link says "the first page following item A" and "item A" has been deleted, then you need to do something reasonable.
The controller should provide meta information about the data being displayed: number of pages and current page index are two that get what you need here. The navigation control should encapsulate the logic which, given those two pieces of information, can render the rest.

How to set the order in subnodes of a tree structure

I have a tree representation of pages in a CMS application. I understand how to persist the tree in the database. However, I don't have a good way to:
A) Reorder subpages under a particular parent page.
B) Provide a UI implementation that allows the user to change the order.
Any suggestions?
Changing the order itself will require you store some sort of ordering along with each page in the database. Just the current highest / lowest value +/- 1 would probably be a fine starting point. Once you've got that ordering in there, reordering becomes a case of swapping two values or changing the value for one page to be between two others (you could use floats I guess, but you may need to renumber if you split it too many times).
Anyway, once you've got that, you need a UI. I've seen a very simple 'swap this with the one above/below' approach which can be a simple web link or an AJAX call. You could also present all the page values to the user and ask them to renumber them as they see fit. If you want to get fancy, JavaScript drag and drop might be a good approach. I've used ExtJS and Mootools as frameworks in this kind of area. If you don't need all the Extjs widgets, I'd say well away from it in future, and look at something like the Mootools Dynamic Sortables demo.
A) I have a similar CMS app and I store an ordinal value with the page for a particular tree and sort on this value -- because lots of my pages appear in completely different sites I have to maintain the ordinal number against a page / tree combination.
B) I too would like a better way to do this. Currently they click on the node in the treeview and in the main page screen they can move the page around. I've tried drag and drop with java script and other solutions but my users could never work with it without lots of hand holding. I'll be interested in the responses to this one.
