Laravel composer require maatwebsite/excel not downloding - laravel

Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages.
Problem 1
- chumper/zipper v1.0.0 requires illuminate/support 5.x -> found illuminate/support[v5.0.0, ..., 5.8.x-dev] but these were not loaded, likely because it conflicts with another require.
- chumper/zipper[v1.0.1, ..., v1.0.3] require illuminate/support ^5.0 -> found illuminate/support[v5.0.0, ..., 5.8.x-dev] but these were not loaded, likely because it conflicts with another require.
- Root composer.json requires chumper/zipper ^1.0 -> satisfiable by chumper/zipper[v1.0.0, v1.0.1, v1.0.2, v1.0.3].
You can also try re-running composer require with an explicit version constraint, e.g. "composer require maatwebsite/excel:*" to figure out if any version is installable, or "composer require maatwebsite/excel:^2.1" if you know which you need.
Installation failed, reverting ./composer.json and ./composer.lock to their original content.


Composer package conflict when updating guzzlehttp

laravel version is 5.8, When I write this command in cmd,
composer require guzzlehttp/guzzle
I get the below problems:
Using version ^7.5 for guzzlehttp/guzzle
./composer.json has been updated
Running composer update guzzlehttp/guzzle
Loading composer repositories with package information
Updating dependencies
Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages.
Problem 1
- Root composer.json requires guzzlehttp/guzzle ^7.5, found guzzlehttp/guzzle[dev-master, 7.5.0, 7.5.x-dev] but these were not loaded, likely because it conflicts with another require.
Problem 2
- Root composer.json requires netflie/whatsapp-cloud-api ^1.3 -> satisfiable by netflie/whatsapp-cloud-api[1.3.0].
- netflie/whatsapp-cloud-api 1.3.0 requires guzzlehttp/guzzle ^7.0 -> found guzzlehttp/guzzle[dev-master, 7.0.0-beta.1, ..., 7.5.x-dev] but these were not loaded, likely because it conflicts with another require.
Problem 3
- php-http/guzzle6-adapter v1.1.1 requires guzzlehttp/guzzle ^6.0 -> found guzzlehttp/guzzle[6.0.0, ..., 6.5.x-dev] but it conflicts with your root composer.json require (^7.5).
- nexmo/laravel 1.1.2 requires nexmo/client ^1.0 -> satisfiable by nexmo/client[1.9.1].
- nexmo/client 1.9.1 requires php-http/guzzle6-adapter ^1.0 -> satisfiable by php-http/guzzle6-adapter[v1.1.1].
- nexmo/laravel is locked to version 1.1.2 and an update of this package was not requested.
Use the option --with-all-dependencies (-W) to allow upgrades, downgrades and removals for packages currently locked to specific versions.
You can also try re-running composer require with an explicit version constraint, e.g. "composer require guzzlehttp/guzzle:*" to figure out if any version is installable, or "composer require guzzlehttp/guzzle:^2.1" if you know which you need.
Installation failed, reverting ./composer.json and ./composer.lock to their original content.
It's troublesome, and it seems like a catch22 situation and I cannot figure out the problem.

Why Can't use marjose/laravel-bootstrap-notify in laravel 9

Hello guys i try to use Laravel notification package But When I Run This command in terminal
composer require marjose/laravel-bootstrap-notify
Here I Have This Error
C:\xampp\htdocs\EShop>composer require marjose/laravel-bootstrap-notify
Using version ^1.0 for marjose/laravel-bootstrap-notify
./composer.json has been updated
Running composer update marjose/laravel-bootstrap-notify
Loading composer repositories with package information
Updating dependencies
Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages.
Problem 1
- Root composer.json requires marjose/laravel-bootstrap-notify ^1.0 -> satisfiable by marjose/laravel-bootstrap-notify[v1.0.0].
- marjose/laravel-bootstrap-notify v1.0.0 requires illuminate/contracts ~6.0|~7.0|~8.0 -> found illuminate/contracts[v6.0.0, ..., 6.x-dev, v7.0.0, ..., 7.x-dev, v8.0.0, ..., 8.x-de
v] but these were not loaded, likely because it conflicts with another require.
You can also try re-running composer require with an explicit version constraint, e.g. "composer require marjose/laravel-bootstrap-notify:*" to figure out if any version is installable
, or "composer require marjose/laravel-bootstrap-notify:^2.1" if you know which you need.
Installation failed, reverting ./composer.json and ./composer.lock to their original content.
I Try to use These Commands But Doesn't Work
composer require marjose/laravel-bootstrap-notify:*
composer require marjose/laravel-bootstrap-notify:^2.1"

Unable to require auth0 dependencies in laravel

I'm using laravel 9.5 version and I wish to use the Auth0 to secure my API. Once, I enter the composer require auth0/login then I get failed with this error
Problem 1
- Root composer.json requires auth0/login ^6.5 -> satisfiable by auth0/login[6.5.0, 6.x-dev].
- auth0/login[6.5.0, ..., 6.x-dev] require illuminate/support ^6.0 || ^7.0 || ^8.0 -> found illuminate/support[v6.0.0, ..., 6.x-dev, v7.0.0, ..., 7.x-dev, v8.0.0, ..., 8.x-dev] but these were not loaded, likely because it conflicts with
another require.
You can also try re-running composer require with an explicit version constraint, e.g. "composer require auth0/login:*" to figure out if any version is installable, or "composer require auth0/login:^2.1" if you know which you need.
Installation failed, reverting ./composer.json and ./composer.lock to their original content.
PS C:\xampp\htdocs\api> composer require auth0/login
Using version ^6.5 for auth0/login
./composer.json has been updated
Running composer update auth0/login
Loading composer repositories with package information
Updating dependencies
Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages.
Problem 1
- Root composer.json requires auth0/login ^6.5 -> satisfiable by auth0/login[6.5.0, 6.x-dev].
- auth0/login[6.5.0, ..., 6.x-dev] require illuminate/support ^6.0 || ^7.0 || ^8.0 -> found illuminate/support[v6.0.0, ..., 6.x-dev, v7.0.0, ..., 7.x-dev, v8.0.0, ..., 8.x-dev] but these were not loaded, likely because it conflicts with
another require.
You can also try re-running composer require with an explicit version constraint, e.g. "composer require auth0/login:*" to figure out if any version is installable, or "composer require auth0/login:^2.1" if you know which you need.
Installation failed, reverting ./composer.json and ./composer.lock to their original content

I want to install composer require laravelista/comments but I get an error

I have php verison "PHP 7.4.27", composer version "2.2.4" and laravel version"4.2.9". And my error messages:
Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages.
Problem 1
- Root composer.json requires laravelista/comments ^4.5 ->
satisfiable by laravelista/comments[4.5.0].
- laravelista/comments 4.5.0 requires illuminate/database ^8.0 ->
found illuminate/database[v8.0.0, ..., v8.79.0] but these were not loaded, likely because it
conflicts with another require.
You can also try re-running composer require with an explicit version constraint,
e.g. "composer require laravelista/comments:*" to figure out if any version is installable, or
"composer require laravelista/comments:^2.1" if you know which you need.
Installation failed, reverting ./composer.json and ./composer.lock to their original content.

Installing Laravel Backpack 4.1 into Laravel 8

I am trying to install Backpack 4.1 into Laravel 8. I ran
composer require backpack/crud:"4.1.*"
But I received the following error.
Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of
backpack/crud[4.1.22, ..., 4.1.x-dev] require doctrine/dbal ^2.5 -> found doctrine/dbal[v2.5.0-BETA2, ..., 2.12.x-dev] but it conflicts
with your root composer.json require (^3.0).
backpack/crud[4.1.0, ..., 4.1.21] require laravel/framework ^7.0|^6.0 -> found laravel/framework[v6.0.0, ..., 6.x-dev, v7.0.0,
..., 7.x-dev] but it conflicts with your root composer.json require
Root composer.json requires backpack/crud 4.1.* -> satisfiable by backpack/crud[4.1.0, ..., 4.1.x-dev].
I have been looking around but have not found a solution yet. Versions: Laravel 8.17, PHP 7.3.24
UPDATE I have tried installing 4.2; please see below.
Root composer.json requires backpack/crud 4.2.* -> satisfiable by
backpack/crud[4.2.x-dev]. backpack/crud 4.2.x-dev requires
doctrine/dbal ^2.5 -> found doctrine/dbal[v2.5.0-BETA2, ...,
2.12.x-dev] but it conflicts with your root composer.json require (^3.0).
Pending answer removal.
It seems Backpack 4.1 now supports Laravel8
