ADMA5069E: The installation of application failed WebSphere - websphere

I tried to do an update installation using Websphere. I used ivtApp.ear just to test.
It throws the following exception:
ADMA5017I: Uninstallation of ivtApp started.
ADMA5104I: The server index entry for WebSphere:cell=localhostNode01Cell,node=localhostNode01 is updated successfully.
ADMA5102I: The configuration data for ivtApp from the configuration repository is deleted successfully.
ADMA5011I: The cleanup of the temp directory for application ivtApp is complete.
ADMA5106I: Application ivtApp uninstalled successfully.
ADMA5011I: The cleanup of the temp directory for application ivtApp is complete.
ADMA5069E: The installation of application ivtApp failed. This application was in the middle of a full update and therefore is uninstalled from the configuration session. Discard your current configuration session immediately to recover the application. Do not save changes to the WebSphere Application Server configuration repository. The application is not uninstalled from this repository. Until the current configuration session is discarded you do not see this application in the current session.
WASX7015E: Exception running command: "AdminApp.update('ivtApp', 'app', '[-operation update -contents /tmp/ivtApp.ear -usedefaultbindings -nodeployejb]')"; exception information: WASX7418E: Application update for ivtApp failed: see previous messages for details.


Unable to install Docker Desktop 3.0.0 onto Windows Server 2019 DataCenter

I have downloaded the latest release of Docker Desktop from the official source and I'm trying to install onto a new production server. The install seems to fail when creating the service, although when I check the Docker Desktop service is present however wont start (because Docker Desktop removes all installed files once install fails).
There is basically no information that I can see on why this is failing. As far as I am aware I have all pre-requisites installed. Below is the install log from the last failed attempt:
Started on: 2020/12/18 13:20:52.776
File: C:\Users\willc\AppData\Local\Docker\install-log.txt
CommandLine: "C:\Users\willc\Desktop\Docker Desktop Installer.exe"
[13:20:52.792][ManifestAndExistingInstallationLoader] No install path specified, looking for default installation registry key
[13:20:52.792][Program] No installation found
[13:20:52.886][InstallWorkflow] Using package: res:DockerDesktop
[13:20:52.886][InstallWorkflow] Downloading
[13:21:02.214][InstallWorkflow] Extracting manifest
[13:21:04.132][InstallWorkflow] Manifest found: version=50684, displayVersion=3.0.0, channelUrl=
[13:21:04.133][InstallWorkflow] Checking prerequisites
[13:21:05.110][InstallWorkflow] Prompting for optional features
[13:21:11.067][InstallWorkflow] Unpacking artifacts
[13:23:27.010][InstallWorkflow] Deploying component CommunityInstaller.CreateGroupAction
[13:23:27.121][InstallWorkflow] Deploying component CommunityInstaller.AddToGroupAction
[13:23:27.130][InstallWorkflow] Deploying component CommunityInstaller.EnableFeaturesAction
[13:23:29.224][InstallWorkflow] Deploying component CommunityInstaller.ServiceAction
[13:23:29.228][InstallWorkflow-ServiceAction] Removing service
[13:23:29.234][InstallWorkflow-ServiceAction] Creating service
[13:23:59.288][InstallWorkflow] Installation failed
Exception type: System.Exception, Exception message: Component CommunityInstaller.ServiceAction failed: Failed to start service: The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion, StackTrace:
at CommunityInstaller.InstallWorkflow.<DoHandleD4WPackageAsync>d__29.MoveNext()
--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---
at System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw()
at System.Runtime.CompilerServices.TaskAwaiter.HandleNonSuccessAndDebuggerNotification(Task task)
at CommunityInstaller.InstallWorkflow.<DoProcessAsync>d__23.MoveNext()
[13:23:59.292][InstallWorkflow] Rollbacking component CommunityInstaller.EnableFeaturesAction
[13:23:59.294][InstallWorkflow] Rollbacking component CommunityInstaller.AddToGroupAction
[13:23:59.296][InstallWorkflow] Rollbacking component CommunityInstaller.CreateGroupAction
[13:23:59.298][InstallWorkflow] Rollbacking component CommunityInstaller.UnpackArtifactsStep
[13:23:59.307][FileSystem] Deleting C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker
[13:23:59.703][FileSystem] Deleted C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker successfully
[13:23:59.704][InstallWorkflow] Rollbacking component CommunityInstaller.ExtractManifestStep
[13:23:59.705][InstallWorkflow] Rollbacking component CommunityInstaller.DownloadStep
Has anyone experience anything similar?
So the answer is simple, Docker Desktop cannot be installed onto windows server, it took me a while to find this info on the official website.
Our remaining options were Docker Enterprise or Azure Docker.

Unable to Deploy EAR into websphere through jython script

While am deploying ear through jython script to WebSphere application in Dev environment.I got the below error.
ADMA5017I: Uninstallation of appname started.
ADMA5104I: The server index entry for WebSphere:cell=dza1001Cell80,node=dza1001Node80 is updated successfully.
ADMA5102I: The configuration data for appname from the configuration repository is deleted successfully.
ADMA5011I: The cleanup of the temp directory for application appname is complete.
ADMA5106I: Application appname uninstalled successfully.
ADMA5016I: Installation of appname started.
ADMA5060E: Resource validation for application appname failed due to unexpected exception java.lang.NullPointerException
ADMA5011I: The cleanup of the temp directory for application appname is complete.
ADMA5069E: The installation of application appname failed. This application was in the middle of a full update and therefore is uninstalled from the configuration session. Discard your current configuration session immediately to recover the application. Do not save changes to the WebSphere Application Server configuration repository. The application is not uninstalled from this repository. Until the current configuration session is discarded you do not see this application in the current session.
WASX7017E: Exception received while running file "/data/scripts/"; exception information: WASX7418E: Application update for appname failed: see previous messages for details.
WASX7341W: No "save" was performed before the interactive scripting session exited; configuration changes will not be saved.
Error encountered while deploying the app

BEA-141297 - Could not get the server file lock

Following error is encountered when trying to start Oracle Weblogic Server:
<Info> <Management> <BEA-141297> <Could not get the server file lock. Ensure that another server is not running in the same directory. Retrying for another 60 seconds.>
How do I overcome this error and start the server?
The error means that there is a file lock that could not be released, as the server was previously not shut down correctly.
In this case you must follow the next steps:
Navigate to tmp folder in your $DOMAIN_HOME directory. (for example: C:\Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_Home\user_projects\domains\mydomain\servers\AdminServer\tmp)
Delete the lock file for the server instance, AdminServer.lok
Check if there are any java.exe processes are running, which should not be there. If there are any, they would have to be killed.
Restart your server

websphere not starting with error ADMU7704E

I created websphere server. I was able to launch my application with it. However after I enable the debugging , the server is not starting. I am getting the following error
"ADMU7704E: Failed while trying to start the Windows Service associated with
server: server1; probable error executing WASService.exe"
On some sites a workaround was to delete file but I am not seeing any such files in the location.
Please suggest
The first thing to test is to disable the WAS Windows service from Windows Services Panel and then try to start server using command line ie startserver.bat
You run this command from PROFILE_HOME/bin. if this starts fine, you can recreate the service using wasservicecmd
If the manual startup fails , please check if any logs created under PROFILE_HOME/logs// Check for any error messages in SystemOut.log, SystemErr.log , native_stderr and native_stdout logs.
PROFILE_HOME is home directory of WAS profile.
VG, opinions are my own and not those of my employer

Unable to delete pom.xml in Jenkins under Tomcat/Windows

I've been struggling with an annoying "Jenkins/Tomcat/Windows" problem for a while now without reaching any solution.
I've installed Tomcat version 7.0.25 in a Windows 7 Enterprise machine and Jenkins 1.451 as a webapplication
running under Tomcat. I have just 4 jobs configured right now and all of then are using the "Always chekout a fresh copy" checkout strategy,
so everytime a job runs the content in /jobs//workspace gets deleted. But, there are situations in which the job fails to run because
it is unable to delete the /jobs//workspace/pom.xml file like you can see in this (edited) stacktrace:
Building in workspace C:\.hudson\jobs\<task name>\workspace
Cleaning local Directory . Unable to delete C:\.hudson\jobs\<task name>\workspace\.\pom.xml
at hudson.Util.deleteFile(
at hudson.Util.deleteRecursive(
at hudson.Util.deleteContentsRecursive(
at hudson.scm.subversion.CheckoutUpdater$1.perform(
at hudson.scm.subversion.WorkspaceUpdater$UpdateTask.delegateTo(
at hudson.scm.SubversionSCM$CheckOutTask.perform(
at hudson.scm.SubversionSCM$CheckOutTask.invoke(
at hudson.scm.SubversionSCM$CheckOutTask.invoke(
at hudson.FilePath.act(
at hudson.FilePath.act(
at hudson.scm.SubversionSCM.checkout(
at hudson.scm.SubversionSCM.checkout(
at hudson.model.AbstractProject.checkout(
at hudson.model.AbstractBuild$AbstractRunner.checkout(
at hudson.model.AbstractBuild$
at hudson.model.ResourceController.execute(
Retrying after 10 seconds
Here you can see Tomcat locking the file as I told:
After some time Jenkins/Tomcat releases the lock on the pom.xml and i can execute the job again without any problem.
Does anyone know how to get around this ? Am i missing something ? Thanks in advance!
I changed to Windows Service installation, and the pom.xml never gets locked anymore.
Seems that this caused by Tomcat that somehow locks the pom.xml, although the build has finished.
