About NFS on embedded system - embedded-linux

I'm working on an Linux embedded system and I'm using NFS to test and make my trials.
As boot device I'm using an SD card (eMMC as boot device is also possible).
Since I arranged my SD Card to store both boot and filesystem to allow the system to work with the whole system on SD Card, I'd like to know what's the minimum requested on SD Card to boot in NFS mode.
Does in NFS mode it's used uboot only from the SD Card?
Kernel (ZImage) and DTB files are necessary on the SD Card used as boot device?
And filesystem must be on the SD Card too?


Google Home Cast - Different Network

Is it possible to send a broadcast command to a Google mini that is on a different network? Basically, I can access Google Home mini from my laptop, but the mini can't access my laptop because I have a router in the middle - which means my laptop can reach the mini's API, but I can't discovery the device, as the mini can't send packages back to my laptop.
Is there any local api that can be called? In other words, my laptop can initiate the call and ask google mini to play the audio - like a manual discovery, as the mini's IP is fixed.
Or is there a Google Cloud API capable of playing the audio?
I found the solution
The sample below contains the parameter called --known-host, which connects to a device that is available. As I mentioned, my device is reachable from my laptop, but cannot ping my laptop from outside.

Communication of devices via AWS greengrass core

I am pretty new to AWS IoT. Can you please guide me or refer me some helpful material to implement whole greengrass. I want to use raspberry pi as my greengrass core in gg group and I want to establish communication between different devices which in my case are esp8266 and esp32 through raspberry pi.
I followed the official documentation given on aws site and implemented all examples given. In 4th module of aws greengrass core documentation they have shown an example in which two devices; publisher and subscriber, communicate with each other. As they mentioned I set up my computer as end device and run that basicDiscovery.py file in one terminal as publisher and subscriber in other terminal and it worked.
Now, instead of terminal in my computer I want to use one esp8266 as publisher and another esp8266 as subscriber and exchange data between them via raspberry pi (greengrass core). I have no idea if I have to install device SDK on esp or what? I am finding no way out from here.
Thank you so much for help.
You asked what software you need to run on your ESP8266 device in order to interact with AWS Greengrass. You have two software options to run on the ESP8266 that I'm aware of:
FreeRTOS (FreeRTOS) is a very stable OS, and allows you to code in C.
MongooseOS is a new OS and allows you to code in Javascript.
Arduino (This instructables article walks you through registering a device with AWS IOT, which should allow you to connect it to Greengrass, but I recommend the above two options.)
Amazon FreeRTOS
To install the FreeRTOS software on your device, here are two tutorials:
install the FreeRTOS software on your device.
Here is another tutorial: AWS IOT with FreeRTOS example.
Once you have the FreeRTOS software installed, you can continue in Module 4 that you mentioned by adding the AWS IOT device (your ESP 8266) into your AWS Greengrass group.
First, install the mos utility on your computer.
Next, use the mos utility to flash your device with MongooseOS software.
Then, upload code to your device (example) to connect to AWS Greengrass Core (or, continue on with Module 4) as you noted.
Good luck!
First you should read about Greengrass which you can find useful information and how to install it on RaspberryPi here.
Then you should choose which kinds of OS you want to use for your ESPs. You can use:
Amazon FreeRTOS
Or bare-metal programming with C/C++ using different IDEs like Arduino
I would recommend to use Amazon FreeRTOS because it is well-known and the documentations are very good. You can find more information to get started with it here.
If you want to use MongooseOS, I should mention that the documentation is not good and you may lose your time for connecting your ESP to Greengrass group, although you can find more information about it in their blog here.
You can also use Zerynth which is based on python. It has also well documentation. Although, it doesn't support variety of micro controller manufacturers. You can find more information about it here.
If you want to use Arduno you can find more information here.
Basically, Any AWS IoT device can connect to an AWS Greengrass core but you should consider the following hints:
All of your devices (RaspberryPi and ESPs) should be in the same network and you should set the IP of the broker in your ESPs to the IP of your RaspberryPi in your local network.
Also you should set the devices to be in same group in AWS IoT console and deploy the configuration to the Greengrass.
The policies for IoT devices should allow them to publish/subscribe.
For connecting to the AWS broker all of devices should have valid certifications and for connecting ESPs(or any other devices) to the Greengrass network, CA root certificate should be replaced by Greengrass group certificate.

AWS S3 - Virtual Network Drive Implementation

Windows OS x64
AWS S3 Storage
Virtual Folder/'Network Drive' mapped to AWS S3 storage.
Data read/written to/from the local folder/drive should be relayed to S3.
Read-a-head and caching are to be implemented/incorporated.
The nature of the data stored is Video files.
The folder is to be accessed by system services.
Questions at hand
How should I approach this w/ implementation?
Does this mandate implementing a File Sys Filter Driver?
Is there any other approach
to be considered?
I know that 'MoSMB server'-an SMB3 server on linux supports S3 object stores on the storage side. It exports S3-buckets(on amazon or minio) as SMB2/3 shares. These shares can be mapped as network drive on any windows clients and they can be used as filesystem.

How to filter usb devices to be used for certain vendor or device id in windows?

I want to limit usb ports on a windows 7 machine by only allowing specific usb vendor or device id. I am not managing a group of computers so I do not want to use group policy or sth. like that.. I just want to deny all usb devices to be used for all users on the machine except certain usb devices that I want to allow according to their vendor or product id. Thank you

How to debug (network file system) nfs module in user mode linux

I have setup the user mode linux kernel with the help of one video tutorial in youtube i.e.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I6n9id4qnN4.
Now i am able to debug kernel function sys_clone but my actual requirement is to debug nfs module in kernel.
How to setup nfs in user mode linux and debug the nfs module.
when from the symbol table I give as breakpoint one of the functions from nfs module, the break point is never reached.
Thanks in Advance.
