Argument passed to when() is not a mock! exception thrown with Spring Boot project which doesn't have #SpringBootApplication/main class - spring-boot

My project is a simple spring boot application which doesn't have a main/#SpringBootApplication class. It is used as a dependency library for other modules. I am trying to write the unit tests for the classes present in this project like below and getting the below pasted error. Any quick help is much appreciated.
pom dependencies:
<!-- exclude junit 4 -->
<!-- junit 5 -->
As this project doesn't have main class, to get the spring application context using below configuration class.
public class TestServiceConfig {
public TestService productService() {
return Mockito.mock(TestService.class);
public MongoDriverService productMongo() {
return Mockito.mock(MongoDriverService.class);
Below is my test class which is throwing exception. Actual java class has a method called getPlanCode(which takes 6 arguments) and returns void. In this method mongo object is used for connecting the db so that I used #InjectMocks on service object.
public class ValidationServiceTest {
MongoDriverService mongo;
TestService service;
#DisplayName("Test Get Plan Code positive")
public void getPlanCodeTest() {
doNothing().when(service).getPlanCode(anyString(), anyString(), any(Batch.class), any(BatchFile.class), any(Document.class), anyString());
service.getPlanCode(anyString(), anyString(), any(Batch.class), any(BatchFile.class), any(Document.class), anyString());
verify(service, times(1)).getPlanCode(anyString(), anyString(), any(Batch.class), any(BatchFile.class), any(Document.class), anyString());
Below is the exception
12:51:33.829 [main] DEBUG - After test method: context [DefaultTestContext#45b4c3a9 testClass = DefaultMedicareBFTAccumsValidationServiceTest, testInstance = com.anthem.rxsmart.service.standalone.batchvalidation.DefaultMedicareBFTAccumsValidationServiceTest#14dda234, testMethod = getPlanCodeTest#DValidationServiceTest, testException = org.mockito.exceptions.misusing.NotAMockException:
Argument passed to when() is not a mock!
Example of correct stubbing:

service is not a mock since you are using #InjectMocks ( assume you are using #RunWith(MockitoRunner.class) or #ExtendWith but you are hiding that for whatever reasons).
What #InjectMocks does, is create of a new instance of TestService and literally inject mocks into it (mocked required dependencies). So service is a real thing, not a mock
IMO this test makes not sense as you are suppose to test your implementation of singular entity contract, not to test mocks...
Your test case and assertions are pointless as it is like "call method A and check if I just called method A" while you should check and validate eg return value of a call, or if some methods of mocks have been called eg if Mongo was queried with proper arguments. I just hope it is a really bad example, not real test scenario
Also test setup is wrong as you show us that you want to use #Configuration class with #Bean but then you are using #Mock in the test which will create brand new mocks for you. In other words - that config is not used at all

Posting this answer just for the developers who are in same understanding state.
#DisplayName("Test Get Plan Code positive")
public void getPlanCodeTest() {
service = new ValidationService(mongo);
Mockito.when(mongo.aggregateIterable("test", pipeline)).thenReturn(tierFilterDocs);
service.getPlanCode("", "", null, batchFile, null, "");
verify(mongo, times(1)).aggregateIterable("test", pipeline);
I have updated my test case so it solves the purpose now. Now no need of the Configuration file as I am mocking the object in test class itself.


Unit testing errors with #EmbeddedKafka and spring boot

I have IdentManagerApp with regular SpringBoot 2.6.8 and Kafka producers and consumers. Additionally I have custom Kafka configurations and failure scenarios handling with Retry/DLT topics. The respective factories creation need beans like :
ConcurrentKafkaListenerContainerFactoryConfigurer configurer,
ConsumerFactory<Object, Object> kafkaConsumerFactoryOriginalToRetry,
KafkaTemplate<String, String> kafkaTemplate,
KafkaListenerEndpointRegistry registry,
While all of that works smooth while running application, it doesnt go well while running Junits.
I keep getting errors like -
'org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.kafka.ConcurrentKafkaListenerContainerFactoryConfigurer' that could not be found.
Field registry in <package> required a bean of type 'org.springframework.kafka.config.KafkaListenerEndpointRegistry' that could not be found.
I fix one and other one pops up.
Is EmbeddedKafka compatible with exhaustive unit testing for springboot + Kafka ?
My simple test config looks like -
Main class :
#EmbeddedKafka(partitions = 1, brokerProperties = { "listeners=PLAINTEXT://localhost:8888", "port=8888" })
#SpringBootTest(classes = IdentManagerApp.class)
class OrchestratorAppTests {
void contextLoads() {
Ultra simple test class, doesnt even have Kafka related operations yet -
#WebMvcTest(controllers = IncomingRequestController.class)
public class IncomingRequestControllerTest { . . . . . }
Pom has below with Springboot's 2.6.8

Spring Boot test tries to initialize cache2k for the 2nd time and fails

After adding cache2k to my project some #SpringBootTest's stopped working with an error:
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cache already created: 'cache'
Below I provide the minimal example to reproduce:
Go to and create a simplest Maven project with Cache starter, then add cache2k dependencies:
Now configure the simplest cache:
public class CachingDemoApplication {
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
public CacheManager springCacheManager() {
SpringCache2kCacheManager cacheManager = new SpringCache2kCacheManager();
cacheManager.addCaches(b ->"cache"));
return cacheManager;
And add any service (which we will #MockBean in one of our tests:
public class SomeService {
public String getString() {
System.out.println("Executing service method");
return "foo";
Now two #SpringBootTest tests are required to reproduce the issue:
public class SpringBootAppTest {
public void getString() {
System.out.println("Empty test");
public class WithMockedBeanTest {
SomeService service;
public void contextLoads() {
Notice that the 2nd test has mocked #MockBean. This causes an error (stacktrace below).
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cache already created: 'cache'
at org.cache2k.core.CacheManagerImpl.newCache(
at org.cache2k.core.InternalCache2kBuilder.buildAsIs(
at org.cache2k.core.Cache2kCoreProviderImpl.createCache(
at org.cache2k.extra.spring.SpringCache2kCacheManager.buildAndWrap(
at org.cache2k.extra.spring.SpringCache2kCacheManager.lambda$addCache$2(
at java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap.compute(
at org.cache2k.extra.spring.SpringCache2kCacheManager.addCache(
at org.cache2k.extra.spring.SpringCache2kCacheManager.addCaches(
at com.example.cachingdemo.CachingDemoApplication.springCacheManager(
at com.example.cachingdemo.CachingDemoApplication$$EnhancerBySpringCGLIB$$2dce99ca.CGLIB$springCacheManager$0(<generated>)
at com.example.cachingdemo.CachingDemoApplication$$EnhancerBySpringCGLIB$$2dce99ca$$FastClassBySpringCGLIB$$bbd240c0.invoke(<generated>)
at org.springframework.cglib.proxy.MethodProxy.invokeSuper(
at org.springframework.context.annotation.ConfigurationClassEnhancer$BeanMethodInterceptor.intercept(
at com.example.cachingdemo.CachingDemoApplication$$EnhancerBySpringCGLIB$$2dce99ca.springCacheManager(<generated>)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
... 52 more
If you remove #MockBean, both tests will pass.
How can I avoid this error in my test suite?
Your second test represents a different ApplicationContext altogether so the test framework will initiate a dedicated one for it. If cache2k is stateful (for instance sharing the CacheManager for a given classloader if it already exists), the second context will attempt to create a new CacheManager while the first one is still active.
You either need to flag one of the test as dirty (see #DirtiesContext) which will close the context and shut down the CacheManager, or you can replace the cache infrastructure by an option that does not require all that, see #AutoConfigureCache.
If cache2k works in such a way that it requires you to dirty the context, I'd highly recommend to swap it using the later options.
Since I do not want any custom behavior in test, but just want to get rid of this error, the solution is to create CacheManager using unique name like this:
public CacheManager springCacheManager() {
SpringCache2kCacheManager cacheManager = new SpringCache2kCacheManager("spring-" + hashCode());
cacheManager.addCaches(b ->"cache"));
return cacheManager;
I encountered the same error when using cache2k with Spring Dev Tools, and ended up with the following code as the solution:
public CacheManager cacheManager() {
SpringCache2kCacheManager cacheManager = new SpringCache2kCacheManager();
// To avoid the "Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cache already created:"
// error when Spring DevTools is enabled and code reloaded
if (cacheManager.getCacheNames().stream()
.filter(name -> name.equals("cache"))
.count() == 0) {
b ->"cache")
return cacheManager;

Adding a dependency to a working Spring Boot project invalidates all JUnit

I have 2 Eclipse projects and each one is has services managed by Spring. I use Spring Boot starter dependencies for each of them. Each one works properly, and can be tested with JUnit launched via SpringRunner.class and #SpringBootTest.
Now, I want to call some services from project 1 in project 2, so I add a dependency in project 2 pom.xml and I add
From then on, I can't launch any JUnit, it complains about dataSource not being set, like if configs where mixing randomly.
My question is : what are the recommended practices when you create a Spring Boot App and you want to isolate some features in a separate project (here XML features) ? If u can't have 2 spring boot app with one dependant of the other, what are the spring dependencies you need so the spring boot project can deal with the non spring boot dependency, and so that u can still launch JUnit using Spring runner locally ?
Do I need to pick Spring dependencies one by one (core, bean, context, test, log4j, slf4j, junit, hamcrest, ...) like before Spring boot exist to do this ?
See my comment on why the possible duplicate is different.
After removing all Spring boot dependencies from my module project, I still have the error as soon as I add the "ComponentScan" to scan the module services.
Here is my DB config (main project depending on a xml module) to be clear on the package config. This config WORKS perfectly until I add the ComponentScan on a package from the module project :
class PersistenceContext {
private static final String[] ENTITY_PACKAGES = { "" };
private static final String PROP_DB_DRIVER_CLASS = "db.driver";
private static final String PROP_DB_PASSWORD = "db.password";
private static final String PROP_DB_URL = "db.url";
private static final String PROP_DB_USER = "db.username";
private static final String PROP_HIBERNATE_DIALECT = "hibernate.dialect";
private static final String PROP_HIBERNATE_FORMAT_SQL = "hibernate.format_sql";
private static final String PROP_HIBERNATE_HBM2DDL_AUTO = "";
private static final String PROP_HIBERNATE_SHOW_SQL = "hibernate.show_sql";
* Creates and configures the HikariCP datasource bean.
* #param env
* The runtime environment of our application.
* #return
#Bean(destroyMethod = "close")
DataSource dataSource(Environment env) {
HikariConfig dataSourceConfig = new HikariConfig();
return new HikariDataSource(dataSourceConfig);
* Creates the bean that creates the JPA entity manager factory.
* #param dataSource
* The datasource that provides the database connections.
* #param env
* The runtime environment of our application.
* #return
LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean entityManagerFactory(DataSource dataSource, Environment env) {
LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean entityManagerFactoryBean = new LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean();
entityManagerFactoryBean.setJpaVendorAdapter(new HibernateJpaVendorAdapter());
Properties jpaProperties = new Properties();
// Configures the used database dialect. This allows Hibernate to create SQL
// that is optimized for the used database.
jpaProperties.put(PROP_HIBERNATE_DIALECT, env.getRequiredProperty(PROP_HIBERNATE_DIALECT));
// Specifies the action that is invoked to the database when the Hibernate
// SessionFactory is created or closed.
jpaProperties.put(PROP_HIBERNATE_HBM2DDL_AUTO, env.getRequiredProperty(PROP_HIBERNATE_HBM2DDL_AUTO));
// If the value of this property is true, Hibernate writes all SQL
// statements to the console.
jpaProperties.put(PROP_HIBERNATE_SHOW_SQL, env.getRequiredProperty(PROP_HIBERNATE_SHOW_SQL));
// If the value of this property is true, Hibernate will use prettyprint
// when it writes SQL to the console.
jpaProperties.put(PROP_HIBERNATE_FORMAT_SQL, env.getRequiredProperty(PROP_HIBERNATE_FORMAT_SQL));
return entityManagerFactoryBean;
* Creates the transaction manager bean that integrates the used JPA provider with the Spring transaction mechanism.
* #param entityManagerFactory
* The used JPA entity manager factory.
* #return
JpaTransactionManager transactionManager(EntityManagerFactory entityManagerFactory) {
JpaTransactionManager transactionManager = new JpaTransactionManager();
return transactionManager;
and after adding :
I get this error when launching any Junit :
Caused by: org.springframework.beans.BeanInstantiationException: Failed to instantiate [org.apache.tomcat.jdbc.pool.DataSource]: Factory method 'dataSource' threw exception; nested exception is org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.jdbc.DataSourceProperties$DataSourceBeanCreationException: Cannot determine embedded database driver class for database type NONE. If you want an embedded database please put a supported one on the classpath. If you have database settings to be loaded from a particular profile you may need to active it (no profiles are currently active).
Here is a temporary answer on how to configure the dependency project, but I hope some easier way benefiting of Spring Boot shortcuts for all app modules exist.
pom.xml with manual minimal dependencies :
Manual test config :
#ContextConfiguration(loader=AnnotationConfigContextLoader.class, classes=AppConfig.class)
public class XmlTest {
Manual app config :
public class AppConfig {
Sooooooo after doing all these tries, Spring Boot may not be the cause of this problem at all.
The thing is I was adding #ComponentScan(basePackages="fr.package.xml") hoping to complete the default package scanning, but it was overriding it.
The proper way to add a package, is to redeclare explicitely the default package before adding the new package :
#ComponentScan(basePackages={"fr.package.xml", "fr.package.persistence"})
My other answer was about setting up manual minimal dependencies for a module in a Spring Boot app. But here is an example of using Spring boot special dependencies in the module which is not the main app :
<relativePath /> <!-- lookup parent from repository -->
Then, you don't declare "#SpringBootApplication" in a main class in src/main/java where it may break the global packaging, but you set it up inside your test class :
public class MyServiceTest {
private MyService myService;
public void contextLoads() {
static class TestConfiguration {
source :

How do I get my Spring Aspect to kick in for a #Valid annotation on a service method?

We're using Spring 3.2.11.RELEASE and Maven 3.0.3. I'm trying to set up validation of a parameter being passed into a service method. The method is below. Notice the #Valid annotation.
package org.mainco.subco.mypck.service;
public class MypckServiceImpl implements MypckService {
public String myMethod(#Valid final MyObjectDto request) {
// ...
Here is the aspect I have set up to help validate the object:
public class MyObjectValidatingAspect extends AbstractDWRAspectValidator<MyObjectDto>
#Before("execution(* org.mainco.subco.mypck.service.MypckService.myMethod(..))")
public void validateBefore(JoinPoint jp)
errors = new ArrayList<String>();
final MyObjectDto request = validate(jp);
} // validateBefore
This is in included in my application context file:
<global-method-security pre-post-annotations="enabled">
And this is what I've included in the Maven pom.xml file:
Unfortunately when the method is invoked, the aspectj's validateBefore is never called. What else do I need to do so that this gets invoked?
Since Spring 3.1 there is the MethodValidationInterceptor which basically does what you want to achieve yourself. To have this interceptor applied the only thing you need to do is to register a MethodValidationPostProcessor in your application context.
By default it will check for the #Validated annotation from Spring but you can instruct it to scan for the #Valid annotation.
<bean class="org.springframework.validation.beanvalidation.MethodValidationPostProcessor">
<property name="validatedAnnotationType" value="javax.validation.Valid" />
<property name="validator" ref="refToYOurLocalValidatorFactoryBean" />
If you don't specify a validator the default JSR-303 validator mechanism will be used (or the more hibernate specific one if that is available). But I can imagine you want to reuse the already configured instance.

Init WebApplicationContext in unit test

I have a utility method that I wanted to write a unit test for. Since this utility runs under a webapp, it is designed to get a Spring bean from the WebApplicationContext.(follow code is not under unit test)
action bean class
private IUnitBiz unitBiz;
public UnitBean()
unitBiz = CommonUtils.getBean(IUnitBiz.class);
in CommonUtils.class
public static ApplicationContext getWebApplicationContext() {
return FacesContextUtils.getWebApplicationContext(FacesContext.getCurrentInstance());
public static <T> T getBean(Class<T> beanType) {
return getWebApplicationContext().getBean(beanType);
------------------in unit test----------------
In unit test it is return null, how can i init WebApplicationContext or getBean for my unit test?
when i new action bean, getBean method is return null.
EasyMock could be a solution.
WebApplicationContext mockWebApplicationContext = EasyMock.createMock(WebApplicationContext.class);
MockServletContext mockServletContext.setAttribute(WebApplicationContext.ROOT_WEB_APPLICATION_CONTEXT_ATTRIBUTE,
You could make your test case extends org.springframework.test.context.junit4.AbstractJUnit4SpringContextTests.
By extending this class, you can access an instance of the org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext, which can be used and passed along your utility methods...
Actually, I don't know if you're using but you should try spring-test, it's the best way to use Spring in JUnit tests and it's framework independent (it can be used with Wicket, JSF, etc.).
You should start by including the dependency below in your Maven pom.xml:
