Formatting correctly the p2pBootstrapPeers in OCR .toml in Chainlink - chainlink

When setting the .toml for the OCR job in the Chainlink:
The documentation says:
p2pBootstrapPeers = [ "/dns4/$PEERID", ]
does this imply that when writing this in the .toml job file that every single node which is part of the OCR has to be added to p2pBootstrapPeers like this for example?
p2pBootstrapPeers = ["/dns4/$PEERID-1",
Is the p2pBootstrapPeers actually a list of all other peers?

As they said in the official documentation, p2pBootstrapPeers is the list of libp2p dial addresses of the other bootstrap nodes helping oracle nodes find one another on the network.
Not necessarily all peers in the network are bootstrap nodes. A bootstrapping node is a node that provides initial configuration information to newly joining oracle nodes so that they may successfully join the network.
The difference between Bootstrap Node and Oracle Node is that Bootstrap Node must have isBootstrapPeer property set to true. Every OCR cluster requires at least one bootstrap node.
p2pBootstrapPeers is an array, so your syntax is correct.


Elasticsearch - two out of three nodes instant shutdown case

We have a small Elasticsearch cluster for 3 nodes: two in one datacenter and one in another for disaster recovery reasons. However, if the first two nodes fail simultaneously, the third one won't work either - it will just throw "master not discovered or elected yet".
I understand that this is intended - this is how Elasticsearch cluster should work. But is there some additional special configuration that I don't know to keep the third single node working, even if in the read-only mode?
nope, there's not. as you mentioned it's designed that way
you're probably not doing yourselves a lot of favours by running things across datacentres like that. network issues are not kind on Elasticsearch due to it's distributed nature
Elasticsearch runs in distributed mode by default. Nodes assume that there are or will be a part of the cluster, and during setup nodes try to automatically join the cluster.
If you want your Elasticsearch to be available for only node without the need to communicate with other Elasticsearch nodes. It works similar to a standalone server. To do this we can tell Elasticsearch to work in local only (disable network)
open your elasticsearch/config/elasticsearch.yml and set:
node.local: true

Detecting and recovering failed H2 cluster nodes

After going through H2 developer guide I still don't understand how can I find out what cluster node(s) was/were failing and which database needs to be recovered in the event of temporary network failure.
Let's consider the following scenario:
H2 cluster started with N active nodes (is actually it true that H2 can support N>2, i.e. more than 2 cluster nodes?)
(lots DB updates, reads...)
Network connection with one (or several) cluster nodes gets down and node becomes invisible to the rest of the cluster
(lots of DB updates, reads...)
Network link with previously disconnected node(s) restored
It is discovered that cluster node was probably missing (as far as I can see SELECT VALUE FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.SETTINGS WHERE NAME='CLUSTER' starts responding with empty string if one node in cluster fails)
After this point it is unclear how to find out what nodes were failing?
Obviously, I can do some basic check like comparing DB size, but it is unreliable.
What is the recommended procedure to find out what node was missing in the cluster, esp. if query above responds with empty string?
Another question - why urlTarget doesn't support multiple parameters?
How I am supposed to use CreateCluster tool if multiple nodes in the cluster failed and I want to recover more than one?
Also I don't understand how CreateCluster works if I had to stop the cluster and I don't want to actually recover any nodes? What's not clear to me is what I need to pass to CreateCluster tool if I don't actually need to copy database.
That is partially right SELECT VALUE FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.SETTINGS WHERE NAME='CLUSTER', will return an empty string when queried in standard mode.
However, you can get the list of servers by using Connection.getClientInfo() as well, but it is a two-step process. Paraphrased from
The list of properties returned by getClientInfo() includes a numServers property that returns the number of servers that are in the connection list. getClientInfo() also has properties server0..serverN, where N is the number of servers - 1. So to get the 2nd server from the list you use getClientInfo('server1').
Note: The serverX property only returns IP addresses and ports and not
And before you say simple replication, yes that is default operation, but you can do more advanced things that are outside the scope of your question in clustered H2.
Here's the quote for what you're talking about:
Clustering can only be used in the server mode (the embedded mode does not support clustering). The cluster can be re-created using the CreateCluster tool without stopping the remaining server. Applications that are still connected are automatically disconnected, however when appending ;AUTO_RECONNECT=TRUE, they will recover from that.
So yes if the cluster stops, auto_reconnect is not enabled, and you stick with the basic query, you are stuck and it is difficult to find information. While most people will tell you to look through the API and or manual, they haven't had to look through this one so, my sympathies.
I find it way more useful to track through the error codes, because you get a real good idea of what you can do when you see how the failure is planned for ... here you go.

How to handle url change when a node dies?

I am new to elasticsearch. I have a cluster with 3 nodes on a same machine. To access each node I have separate url as the port changes(localhost:9200, localhost:9201, localhost:9202).
Now the question I have is that suppose my node 1(i.e. master node) dies then elasticsearch engine handle the situation very well and makes node 2 as master node but how does my application know that a node died and now I need to hit node 2 with port 9201?
Is there a way using which I always hit a single URL and internally it figures out which node to hit?
The client search nodes with a discovery module. The name of the cluster in your clients configuration is important to get this working.
With a correct configuration (on client and cluster) you can bring a single node down without any (negative) effect on your client.
See the following links:

transport_address not matching unicast host values in elasticsearch

Hi Elastic Search users,
We are seeing a rather strange issue. I have reviewed the email archives and I do not see this issue addressed already. We have false in our elasticsearch.yml. The cluster comes up and the state is green, and the nodes are aware of each other.
The strangeness is that the transport_address value returned in the cluster state query does not match the values in - it is using a different interface on the machines.
Does anyone have any insight?
Values in are used only for initial discovery. In other words they are used by a node to find other nodes in the cluster. An interface that a particular node is binding to or publishing for other nodes to use doesn't depend on but instead it is controlled by, network.bind_host and network.publish_host settings. See the network section of Elasticsearch guide for more information.

JBossCache evict() versus removeNode()

Reading JBossCache documentation, there are different policies for eviction
JBoss Cache also ships with RemoveOnEvictActionPolicy, which calls Cache.removeNode() for each node that needs to be evicted, instead of Cache.evict().
I've checked the documentation and API but can't figure out the difference between the two.
Does anyone know such a difference?
Looking at the RemoveNodeCommand() and EvictCommand()...
removeNode() removes the node and the nodes children if it has any.
evict() removes the data from a node but does not remove children. Only if the node is a leaf does it remove the node as well.
(version 3.1.0.GA)
