Open Video Downloader Error: Postprocessing: ffmpeg not found - ffmpeg

Error Thrown:
ERROR: Postprocessing: ffmpeg not found. Please install or provide the path using --ffmpeg-location
Context: macOS Big Sur M1 Chip, using the open video downloader program GitHub release or Homebrew. This specifically was thrown at the end of downloading the video file and the audio file from a given URL. The two files remained separate as a result of the error, the video was playable normally, but audio was in a .webm format (unusable for most people).
Analysis: It is clear that a dependency is missing, or its path cannot be located. For macOS users like me, the first step after checking the app's preferences for a path set or dependency download function is to check for the given dependency in the system. Once checking using Homebrew, it became clear that several dependencies were missing.

Solution: Use a package manager like Homebrew to install the following in order of appearance below:
For people that are new to Homebrew, you need to run these commands or your Terminal app:
brew install ffmpeg
brew install youtube-dl
If you are told that these packages exist then please update them using the upgrade command
brew upgrade youtube-dl
brew upgrade ffmpeg

In addition, the app may be installed, but not in the user's PATH env variable. Open a terminal shell as the user, and type
which ffmpeg . Make sure you get the expected answer.
Also note that Homebrew changed the location of ffmpeg. It used to be at /opt/homebrew/bin/ffmpeg
but they moved it to


How to Install FFMpeg on centos 6 in 2022?

a client of mine asked to add videos to their website, i decided to install FFMpeg on their server so whenever they upload a video, the service automatically generates the first frame for the preview and encodes them in webm.
Sadly it seems to be impossible to install without having to compile it myself (which i don't really want to do as i have never done it before and don't want to risk breaking something in their server),
The server is running cento6 but EVERY repository that provides the centos6 version of FFMpeg seem to use dependencies from dead hosts (they are offline and unreachable), every solution i find ends up with the same error like "Couldn't resolve host ''"
I've changed yam repositories, installed apt-get to try with that instead of yam, disabled and enable repos like nux that seem to be very outdated, even followed posts that were published/updated recently like this but they all keep ending up with the the same "Couldn't resolve host..." when installing decencies.
Is there any live and updated repo that provides a way to install FFMpeg for centos6 with yum or apt-get in 2022?
Following Romeo's tip about downloading the binaries, i managed to install it but in my case i needed a older 32 bit version to make it work (else i'd get Kernel too old):
$ wget
$ tar xvf ffmpeg-4.0.3-32bit-static.tar.xz
$ sudo mv ffmpeg-4.0.3-32bit-static/ffmpeg ffmpeg-4.0.3-32bit-static/ffprobe /usr/local/bin/
What you can do is to try to install statically build ffmpeg binary. This will help you not to search for contemporary package and update your CentOS.
You can try this version (64bit version).

FFMPEG 4.2.4, Python 3.9: "ffmpeg: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"

I'm using ffmpeg 4.2.4 and Python 3.9
Currently getting error:
ffmpeg: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Tried the solutions from these links but they didn't work:
ffmpeg: error while loading shared libraries:
Ffmpeg error in linux
If anyone has any idea how to fix it, or needs any more information, please let me know.
Edit: I've noticed that it's been over a year later since I created this post and it's still getting replies - I've created a gist explaining another way I overcame a similar issue
Basically, I uninstalled conda's version of ffmpeg (in the environment that's having issues) using conda uninstall ffmpeg --force and (for Ubuntu), update the system wide version (I think this is what it's called) with sudo apt install ffmpeg
Figured out you can conda update ffmpeg, even though you can't install it with conda...
Completely fixed the issue. Posting this incase someone else has the same problem.
Note: I got (the faulty) ffmpeg from downloading PyTorch with the command via the official site.
Like Wilan, my issue stemmed from getting ffmpeg with PyTorch. conda update ffmpeg did not work for me, but conda install -c conda-forge ffmpeg (specifying the conda-forge channel) fixed my issue.

How to install ffmpeg on CentOS 6

I have been trying to install ffmpeg for 2 days now and had no luck. I have tried countless videos on youtube, step by steps on google with no luck. Any help would be great.
I have a Centos 6 server.
Yes I am using root ssh in terminal on mac.
Commands I tried are:
wget tar.gz
tar -xvzf ffmpeginstaller.8.0.tar.gz
cd ffmpeginstaller.8.0
Static build
Easiest method is to download a recent version that is already compiled.
Download a static build of ffmpeg from
Extract the archive file you just downloaded from the above site
(optional) Copy or move the ffmpeg file into /usr/local/bin
If you prefer to make a custom build you can compile. See FFmpeg Wiki: Compile FFmpeg on CentOS.

imagemagick: brackets in file names 'No such file or directory' — Mac OS X

I've upgraded my Homebrew ImageMagick to 6.9.4-7 version (Mac OS 10.11.5), after which it doesn't understand brackets in file names anymore.
This command should consider the first frame of a picture:
identify -format '%wx%h,1' 'some_pic.jpg[0]'
For JPG it is actually just the picture, so the command is equivalent to:
identify -format '%wx%h,1' 'some_pic.jpg'
The bracket command works fine on my Ubuntu server and worked before on my Mac. But now it fails with
identify: unable to open image `some_pic.jpg[0]':
No such file or directory # error/blob.c/OpenBlob/2705.
Btw, this is the reason behind Paperclip::Errors::NotIdentifiedByImageMagickError on my local machine.
Manually installing imagemagick-6.9.3-10 via brew has fixed the problem. So I believe it's a bug in imagemagick.
To install specific version via brew, run
brew edit imagemagick
And edit these lines:
url ""
mirror ""
sha256 "f54fc8dcdb328404d1f89ddebe75d603e22894d3786ca2f2a9677478135b4c86"
May not work if the version you choose ( is not compatible with the rest of the brew formula. Then you need to go deeper.
Remove the quote from 'some_pic.jpg' and then try to execute the command. It should run fine.

ImageMagick + El Capitan Unable to Locate Module

UPDATE: Solved with the solution here
I have spent the better part of my day trying to get ImageMagick to work with Grunt, with no luck. Grunt seems to be okay, but ImageMagick not so much, even though I've run the test on to make sure that it's installed correctly (I used HomeBrew for the install).
I get this error when trying to run a task:
Warning: Command failed: identify: unable to load module
Q16/coders/': file not found # error/module.c/OpenModule/1300.
identify: no decode delegate for this image format 'JPEG' #
I've tried the solutions here and here, but none of them have helped.
(FYI I'm new to using the command line.)
As with any homebrew problem, I would suggest you run
brew doctor
first, to try and sort things out. It is an excellent diagnosis tool.
Now, to your specific problem... mmmm... the /opt/X11 part of your error message worries me because homebrew installs in /usr/local/bin and /usr/local/Cellar so your ImageMagick should not be looking anywhere in /opt at all. I guess you have installed freetype via MacPorts or some method other than homebrew.
I would suggest you install the freetype stuff using homebrew, i.e.
brew install freetype
Then I would suggest uninstalling any other freetype stuff you have installed any other way. Finally, I would suggest you check your PATH environment variable and make it point to /usr/local/bin before anything in /opt. You will need to log out and back in for the new PATH to take effect - you can check your PATH like this:
echo $PATH
and change it by editing $HOME/.profile if you need to.
The homebrew version of freetype provides version 19 of the library and is therefore compatible with the homebrew ImageMagick version.
Also, I am a little disconcerted by the X11 part in your error message - modern Macs don't really use X11 any more and it doesn't ship with OSX. Let's see if the above ideas sort you out before worrying about that too much though - unless you know, and can say for sure, that you need X11.
