Elastic APM traces are not visible in ELK - elasticsearch

APM agent 1.12.1 is being used in .Net core 6 API.
enter image description here
this API is used by admin portal (ASP.Net MVC 5) and API portal (similar to swgger - .Net core 5 MVC).
APM agent is not installed and no related settings are present in both admin and API portal
APM traces can be seen for API hit from admin portal
APM traces are not visible for API hit from API portal
is this the correct way of using APM for API? does .Net core MVC 5 cannot use the APM of API?


Unable to publish Web API from Visual Studio

I have created a simple web api in ASP.NET Core and wanted to publish to Azure Web App.
I'm using free trial subscription and have only one web app resource created in Azure.
The app service plan is using free tier 'D1' SKU and is the only one present in my subscription.
However, while trying to publish the web api by choosing this web app in Visual Studio publish profile, it says 'there are no existing instances available'.
The web app resource does appear here:
Clicking next while the resource is selected, results in the issue:
I have created a .Net Core Web App in the Azure free trial Subscription with free tier plan
Initially it contains only hoststart.html
KUDU Console of Initial App Service
Created a sample .Net Core Web API Application in Visual Studio and tried to Publish to the App Service which I have created in Azure portal
Make sure you have login to the same subscription in Visual Studio where you have created the web app in Portal
Initially it was prompted to re-enter the credentials after changing the Azure Subscription,I have refreshed the Visual Studio , after few seconds Iam able to see the correct Subscription details.
Iam able to see the App Service which I have created in Portal
Able to successfully deploy the WebAPI to the App service in Portal
KUDU Console of App Service after Publishing the WebAPI from Visual Studio
Deployed WebAPI Output
You are in the correct path, after selecting the web app it asks to create the api.Click on the + symbol and add the API Management
Seems like you created a Web API resource and no API Management resources. Those two are independent Azure services. Former is needed to host your API application. The other one provides additional features to your APIs and is completely optional - you can look it up in the official documentation.
The step to select/configure API Management resource was introduced in deployment wizard at some point. It is confusing and probably could be handled differently.
Unless you need API Management resource, just skip the step and you'll have deployment profile ready.

Intergrate Asp.net web api with azure mobile service(offline-online syncing).xamarin.android

how can you Intergrate Asp.net web api with azure mobile service so as to do offline-online syncing xamarin.android app?
any code or samples
As I known, Mobile Apps in Azure App Service supports Offline Sync while Azure Mobile Services (with the URL like: service.azure-mobile.net) do not support this built-in feature. If you use Azure Mobile Service, I assumed that you need to Migrate your existing Azure Mobile Service to Azure App Service, in order to use offline sync feature.
For developing a Xamarin.Android App with offline sync, you could follow this official tutorial for creating an Azure Mobile App backend and download the Xamarin.Android demo project, then follow this tutorial to enable offline sync for your mobile app. Additionally, you could refer to adrian hall's book about Data Access and Offline Sync for a better understanding of offline sync.

Dynamic Schema on Azure Mobile Services with .net backend in production

I have an Azure Mobile Services app with a .Net backend which is connected to by a Xamarin client.
The .net backend will have a website that is the admin interface.
The admin interface will be able to add tables to the database that I'd like the Xamarin client to be able to interact with without having to add a new TableController and update the client.
Any ideas on how this could be achieved?
If your goal is to do this from the same site, please consider using Azure Mobile Apps instead of Azure Mobile Services. The Mobile Services .NET runtime does not support MVC controllers, which is what you would probably use for the admin interface. Your MVC controllers could then leverage the same EntityFramework DbContext that the TableControllers are using.

Mobile App with microservices (on Microsoft Azure service fabric)

I am planning to build an enterprise grade mobile application that requires full offline capability. It would be used worldwide. For the backend application, I intend to realise it as microservices using Azure Service fabric. The backend application would be leveraged by both a web admin UI as well as by the above mobile app. For the mobile app, I intend to use Azure App service's the new mobile app service. This would provide me the capability to do offline data sync and also carry out the functions when network reachability is there.
MobileApp --> Azure MobileApp service --> Azure API app service --> Azure Service Fabric (cluster of nodes hosting microservices).
Following are some questions & observations on which I require advice:
The reason I am putting in Azure API service in the middle is because I intend to do API management (I understand Azure has a separate API management offering - any pointers on how I can do true API management in the above architecture would be very helpful. Would API management replace API app service ? )
I intend to use Swagger generated code out of API app service, so that both the web admin UI layer and the Azure Mobile App service layer can leverage. Your thoughts ?
Here I am using 2 paradigms - App Service (for mobile & API) and App Service fabric. I believe this is the only option given the fact that I have a mobile app requiring heavy duty offline feature.
Data Sync from mobile: How do you think I can sync data between Mobile App service and the microservice specific data stores ? Do I need to go via the APIs or I can easily do a data sync with the data stores of individual microservices. Your thoughts please ?
I would put the Azure API management in front of the mobile apps, on the microsoft integration roadmap, there was an announcement that API management will be built into App Services (and thus mobile services) by the end of 2016:
The first preview is in "Power Apps" https://azure.microsoft.com/nl-nl/documentation/articles/powerapps-configure-apis/
where API management policies are incorporated directly
For more info on creating an API management layer on top of mobile services:

Does windows Azure have Web Cache features?

I want to use a web cache for my api which is hosted in an Azure website.
How can I do that?
you could implement this yourself within the api. you have not indicated how your api is developed, for asp.net web api, you could use, for example cachecow
If you're looking to use an Azure service to do so outside your API - Azure API Management has built-in response caching capability
