Unable to send email from Job class - laravel

I have a functionality where I am sending emails from a Job class file. But it's always going to the faild_jobs table by logging the following ...
ErrorException: file_put_contents(/home/runcloud/webapps/apiv2/storage/framework/views/a3ec55b820a51da4c32fecf3d29285507a159c23.php): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /home/runcloud/webapps/apiv2/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Filesystem/Filesystem.php:135
This is what happens when I am trying this on our staging server but in my local, it's working fine.
The same thing is happening when I am trying to Log::info() from the same job class file.
Also, for sometimes, it's also giving the following issue on the faild_jobs table ...
Illuminate\Queue\MaxAttemptsExceededException: App\Jobs\CurlSendEmail has been attempted too many times or run too long. The job may have previously timed out. in /home/runcloud/webapps/apiv2/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Queue/Worker.php:648
What should I need to do to make it work?


Cron Job getting failed in Hybris with Admin cronJob user

On production, we are seeing a strange behaviour where our one cronJob is getting failed with product not found error if session user of cronJob is Admin user.
But when we changed the user to another employee user and if we try rerunning this job manually then it works.
Also with same employee user this job again getting failed if job is trying to run on trigger based time.
Can someone help me if any config I am missing here.

Couldn’t acquire exclusive lock on DB at ‘/eventstore/db’

I’m trying to install eventstore on ubuntu 20.04 but everytime I run evenstored --what-if (as root or as simple user, or as sudo) I get the following error message : Couldn't acquire exclusive lock on DB at '/eventstore/db'..
I tried many things :
I tried ensuring that eventstore user and group were owner of the folder.
reinstalling eventstore
rebooting server
stop process with systemctl stop eventstore and starting it back again
I also tried launching service first (as root / sudo or simple user) before using eventstored --what-if.
I can’t figure out why I keep getting this message as if many instance of eventstore where launched at the same time.
Here is my config file (/etc/eventstore/eventstore.conf)
# Paths
Db: /eventstore/db
Index: /eventstore/index
Log: /eventstore/logs
# Certificates configuration
CertificateFile: /etc/eventstore/certs/cert.crt
CertificatePrivateKeyFile: /etc/eventstore/certs/privkey.key
TrustedRootCertificatesPath: /etc/ssl/certs
CertificateReservedNodeCommonName: "*.mathob-jehanno.com"
# Network configuration
IntHostAdvertiseAs: mathob-jehanno.com
ExtHostAdvertiseAs: mathob-jehanno.com
HttpPort: 2113
IntTcpPort: 1112
EnableExternalTcp: false
EnableAtomPubOverHTTP: false
# Projections configuration
RunProjections: None
It happened to me previously. I was running v20 without supplying the necessary settings like the certificates were missing. The server crashed because of this, but the last message you see is this Couldn't acquire exclusive lock on DB at '/eventstore/db'. You might look close and see if it's a warning, and the real reason for the crash is mentioned earlier in the stack trace of the original error.
Ok so
First of all, comments helped a lot :
this error message is following another one which give more detail about what the problem is.
One thing to know is that eventstored --what-if is supposed to be run while service is not running so user need to stop the service before (systemctl stop eventstore).
I then changed the path to db, index and logs file to match the default value (it prevented me some permissions error).

Terraform and OCI : "The existing Db System with ID <OCID> has a conflicting state of UPDATING" when creating multiple databases

I am trying to create 30 databases (oci_database_database resource) under 5 existing db_homes. All of these resources are under a single DB System :
When applying my code, a first database is successfully created then when terraform attempts to create the second one I get the following error message : "Error: Service error:IncorrectState. The existing Db System with ID has a conflicting state of UPDATING", which causes the execution to stop.
If I re-apply my code, the second database is created then I get the same previous error when terraform attempts to create the third one.
I am assuming I get this message because terraform starts creating the following database as soon as the first one is created, but the DB System status is not up to date yet (still 'UPDATING' instead of 'AVAILABLE').
A good way for the OCI provider to avoid this issue would be to consider a database creation as completed when the creation is indeed completed AND the associated db home and db system's status are back to 'AVAILABLE'.
Any suggestion on how to adress the issue I am encountering ?
Feel free to ask if you need any additional information.
Thank you.
As mentioned above, it looks like you have opened a ticket regarding this via github. What you are experiencing should not happen, as terraform should retry after seeing the error. As per your github post, the person helping you is in need of your log with timestamp so they can better troubleshoot. At this stage I would recommend following up there and sharing the requested info.

Mesos framework stays inactive due to "Authentication failed: EOF"

I'm currently trying to deploy Eremetic (version 0.28.0) on top of Marathon using the configuration provided as an example. I actually have been able to deploy it once, but suddenly, after trying to redeploy it, the framework stays inactive.
By inspecting the logs I noticed a constant attempt to connect to some service that apparently never succeeds because of some authentication problem.
2017/08/14 12:30:45 Connected to [REDACTED_MESOS_MASTER_ADDRESS]
2017/08/14 12:30:45 Authentication failed: EOF
It looks like the service returning an error is ZooKeeper and more precisely it looks like the error can be traced back to this line in the Go ZooKeeper library. ZooKeeper however seems to work: I've tried to query it directly with zkCli and to run a small Spark job (where the Mesos master is given with zk:// URL) and everything seems to work.
Unfortunately I'm not able to diagnose the problem further, what could it be?
It turned out to be a configuration problem. The master URL was simply wrong and this is how the error was reported.

[Error]: Failed to run command with error: Error Domain=Parse Code=428

I get this error sometimes when trying to save things to Parse or to fetch data from it.
This is not constant and appear once in a while making the operation to fail.
I have contacted Parse for that. Here is their answer:
Starting on 4/28/2016, apps that have not migrated their database may see a "428" error code if the request cannot be handled by the remaining shared pool of resources. If you see this error in your logs, we highly recommend migrating the database for your app without delay.
Means this happens because of starting this date all apps are on low priority but those who started DB migration. So, Migration of the DB should resolve that.
