I am working on some code that uses IOConnectCallAsyncScalarMethod() to get callbacks from a DriverKit extension. The setup is quite heavy, involving spawning a thread, manually creating a CFMachPortRef, adding its CFRunLoopSourceRef to a CFRunLoop and then pumping that run loop.
In order to simplify this code and reduce the risk of race conditions, I would like to get the IOKit callback on a dispatch queue instead. Is there any way to achieve this?
After going back and forth on this unsuccessfully, I finally found the answer in the OS X and iOS Kernel Programming book (page 95, listing 5-15).
The trick is to use a IONotificationPortRef along with IONotificationPortSetDispatchQueue to set the target dispatch queue. Then to actually have the callback dispatched to that queue, set up an io_async_ref64_t and use it. Here's an outline of what the code would look like:
// Create a notification port for IOKit service callbacks
IONotificationPortRef notificationPort = IONotificationPortCreate(kIOMasterPortDefault);
// Run notification callbacks on the desired dispatch queue
IONotificationPortSetDispatchQueue(self.notificationPort, dispatch_get_main_queue());
io_async_ref64_t asyncRef;
asyncRef[kIOAsyncCalloutFuncIndex] = (uint64_t)callback;
asyncRef[kIOAsyncCalloutRefconIndex] = (uint64_t)(__bridge void *)self;
uint32_t cmd = 0xCAFE; // Method as defined by the service
kern_return_t error = IOConnectCallAsyncScalarMethod(connection, cmd, IONotificationPortGetMachPort(notificationPort), asyncRef, kIOAsyncCalloutCount, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
callback should have this signature: void commandReadyCallback(void *context, IOReturn result). (AKA. IOAsyncCallback0)
I hope this helps some poor soul in the future.
How do I know if the timer is running or already started? Without waiting the time is elapsed?
UINT_PTR nID = SetTimer(123, 60x1000, NULL); // Info after 1 Min.
bool bTimerStarted = false; // do I need this bool var to check the state of the timer?
if (nID == 123)
bTimerStarted = true;
You cannot. There is no API to query whether any given timer exists, without also resetting that timer (which SetTimer can do).
Then again, I cannot think of a situation where this would be required. Unless you've designed yourself into a corner previously. In that case, solve the architectural issue, and you'll find that you won't need this information either.
I wrote a command line c tool generating an sine wave and playing it using CoreAudio on the default audio output. I am initializing a
AURenderCallbackStruct and initialize an AudioUnit using AudioUnitInitialize (as already discussed in this forum). All this is working as intended, but when it comes to closing the program I am not able to close the AudioUnit, neither with using AudioOutputUnitStop(player.outputUnit); nor AudioOutputUnitStop(player.outputUnit); nor
The order of appearance of these calls in the code does not change the behavior.
The program is compiled without error messages, but the sine is still audible as long as the rest of the program is running.
Here is the code I'm using for initializing the AudioUnit:
void CreateAndConnectOutputUnit (ToneGenerator *player) {
AudioComponentDescription outputcd = {0};
outputcd.componentType = kAudioUnitType_Output;
outputcd.componentSubType = kAudioUnitSubType_DefaultOutput;
outputcd.componentManufacturer = kAudioUnitManufacturer_Apple;
AudioComponent comp = AudioComponentFindNext (NULL, &outputcd);
if (comp == NULL) {
printf ("can't get output unit");
exit (-1);
AudioComponentInstanceNew(comp, &player->outputUnit);
// register render callback
AURenderCallbackStruct input;
input.inputProc = SineWaveRenderCallback;
input.inputProcRefCon = player;
// initialize unit
In my main program I'm starting the AudioUnit and the sine wave.
void main {
// code for doing various things
ToneGenerator player = {0}; // create a sound object
CreateAndConnectOutputUnit (&player);
// waiting to listen to the sine wave
// attempt to stop the sound output
//additional code that should be executed without sine wave being audible
As I'm new to both, this forum as well as programming in Xcode I hope that I could explain this issue in a way that you can help me out and I hope that I didn't miss the answer somewhere in the forum while searching for a solution.
Thank you in advance for your time and input,
You should manage and unmanage your audio unit in a logical order. It doesn't make sense to stop playback on an already uninitialized audio unit, which had in fact previously been disposed of in the middle of the playback. Rather than that, try the following order:
AudioOutputUnitStop(player.outputUnit); //first stops playback
AudioUnitUninitialize(player.outputUnit); //then deallocates unit's resources
AudioComponentInstanceDispose(player.outputUnit); //finally disposes of the AU itself
The sine wave command line app you're after is a well elaborated lesson in this textbook. Please read it step by step.
Last, but not least, your question has nothing to do with C++, CoreAudio is a plain-C API, so C++ in both your title and tag are wrong and misleading.
An Audio Unit runs in an asynchronous thread that may not actually stop immediately when you call AudioOutputUnitStop. Thus, it may work better to wait a fraction of a second (at least a couple audio callback buffer durations in time) before calling AudioUnitUninitialize and AudioComponentInstanceDispose on a potentially still running audio unit.
Also, check to make sure your player.outputUnit value is a valid unit (and not an uninitialized or trashed variable) at the time you stop the unit.
So I am trying to put together a simple fullscreen OpenGL application using CGL and IOHIDManager in order to learn the lower-level APIs. Currently, I am creating an OpenGL context and starting it fullscreen. I am trying to now add keyboard input so I can quit the app. I've found many similar examples of using IOHIDManager to read keys, but no matter what I do my callback does not fire.
My callback is just a function that prints "here". I'm not sure where I am going wrong -- I've tried both CFRunLoopGetCurrent() and CFRunLoopMain(). My main is simply a while loop. What gives?
CFMutableDictionaryRef CreateMatchingDictionary(UInt32 usage_page, UInt32 usage) {
CFMutableDictionaryRef dictionary = CFDictionaryCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorDefault, 0, &kCFCopyStringDictionaryKeyCallBacks, &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks);
CFNumberRef page_number = CFNumberCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, kCFNumberIntType, &usage_page);
CFDictionarySetValue(dictionary, CFSTR(kIOHIDDeviceUsagePageKey), page_number);
CFNumberRef usage_number = CFNumberCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, kCFNumberIntType, &usage);
CFDictionarySetValue(dictionary, CFSTR(kIOHIDDeviceUsageKey), usage_number);
return dictionary;
void CreateInputManager() {
IOHIDManagerRef hid_manager = IOHIDManagerCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, kIOHIDOptionsTypeNone);
CFMutableDictionaryRef matching_dictionary = CreateMatchingDictionary(kHIDPage_GenericDesktop, kHIDUsage_GD_Keyboard);
IOHIDManagerSetDeviceMatching(hid_manager, matching_dictionary);
IOHIDManagerRegisterInputValueCallback(hid_manager, KeyboardCallback, NULL);
IOHIDManagerOpen(hid_manager, kIOHIDOptionsTypeNone);
IOHIDManagerScheduleWithRunLoop(hid_manager, CFRunLoopGetCurrent(), kCFRunLoopDefaultMode);
void KeyboardCallback(void *context, IOReturn result, void *sender, IOHIDValueRef value) {
int main() {
// Commented out CGL context & fullscreen window creation
while(true) {
If I put CFRunLoopRun() at the end of function CreateInputManager, my callback is called but the function never returns. How is this supposed to work in a single-threaded CGL app? Is it a strict requirement that IOHIDManager requires a run loop to function?
IOKit and HID work via Mach messaging, which in turn is deeply integrated with the runloop mechanism, as you've found. If you really do want to busy-poll, you can use the CFRunLoopRunInMode function with a zero timeout to check for events.
You may wish to consider using a CVDisplayLink to invoke your rendering code on every vertical frame refresh instead. The display link's callback will be called from the runloop, so you can leave your main thread running in CFRunLoopRun().
See https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/qa/qa1385/_index.html for how Apple recommends you structure event handling in OpenGL applications.
Turns out I need to create a separate pthread with the CreateInputManager function, specify that the IOHIDManager is to schedule the callback on CFRunLoopGetCurrent() and kick off a run loop on that thread by calling CFRunLoopRun().
I wonder if there is a way to get IOHIDManager to work with plain-old polling instead of these callbacks...
I try to monitor file changes on OSX 10.10, starting with a fresh Cocoa application in Xcode, just adding the following code.
If I uncomment the last line in the snippet then I receive the file change events perfectly fine. But I can not make this last call because it should be a Cocoa GUI application.
I digged through a lot of documentation and can't find my error. Do I have to initialize or start this whole dispatch subsystem somehow?
- (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(NSNotification *)aNotification {
int fd = open("<FILENAME>", O_EVTONLY);
if (fd == -1) return;
dispatch_queue_t qu = dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0);
if (!qu) {
printf("can not get queue");
unsigned long mask =
dispatch_source_t source = dispatch_source_create(DISPATCH_SOURCE_TYPE_VNODE, fd, mask, qu);
printf("source created\n");
if (!source) {
printf("source valid\n");
dispatch_source_set_event_handler(source, ^{
printf("FILE CHANGED\n");
printf("source resumed\n");
// If I call dispatch_main() I will receive the file system events as expected.
// But as a Cocoa application, I must not call this.
// Instead, I was under the impression that NSApplicationMain handles this.
Grand Central Dispatch objects, such as dispatch sources, are automatically retained and released by ARC in recent versions of the compiler and frameworks.
At the end of your method, the last strong reference to source is lost and ARC is issuing an automatic dispatch_release(source). (It would also release the queue, but the source has another strong reference to that. So, if the source survived, so would the queue.)
You need to keep a strong reference to the source in an instance variable.
I'm debugging Qt5.3.1 on Mac, because my program freezes sometimes (intermittent ). I discovered that it is because the QTimer can't work properly.
In Qt code, they use the following two lines to trigger function activateTimersSourceCallback
void QCocoaEventDispatcherPrivate::activateTimersSourceCallback(void *info)
static int counter = 0;
NSLog(#"finished activeteTimersSourceCallback %d", counter++);
but sometimes, these two lines doesn't work, activateTimersSourceCallback won't get called.
I googled, but I couldn't find any solution? is this a known OS bug?
the initialization details:
// keep our sources running when modal loops are running
CFRunLoopAddCommonMode(mainRunLoop(), (CFStringRef) NSModalPanelRunLoopMode);
CFRunLoopSourceContext context;
bzero(&context, sizeof(CFRunLoopSourceContext));
context.info = d;
context.equal = runLoopSourceEqualCallback;
// source used to activate timers
context.perform = QCocoaEventDispatcherPrivate::activateTimersSourceCallback;
d->activateTimersSourceRef = CFRunLoopSourceCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, 0, &context);
CFRunLoopAddSource(mainRunLoop(), d->activateTimersSourceRef, kCFRunLoopCommonModes);
Such behavior very likely can occur when UI event loop is overloaded with events or some business logic takes too long time. You should to check your business logic and move it to separate thread or run asynchronous.