How to check some maven dependencies compatibility (spring-oxm) - spring

Im wondering, I want to bump the version of spring-oxm from 5.2.10.RELEASE to the latest 5.3.15 to not have the vulnerabilities, but im worried about the compatibility with my spring-boot. Currentrly using boot version 2.3.5.RELEASE


For upgrading to Spark 3.2.1, how to find which versions of other libraries are compatible with Spark 3.2.1

I am upgrading spark version in my project to 3.2.1 version. I currently have version 3.1.2. How can I check which other libraries need to be updated along with spark. For example I have jetty, jackson etc in my project. For them to be compatible with spark 3.2.1, where can I find which versions of jetty, jackson etc are compatible with spark 3.2.1?
You can try to use in your project dependencyConvergence rule of Maven Enforcer Plugin.
You will discover if your project use different version of some dependency which is used in another dependency like spark in your case.

Can a project go to production with non-release versions of dependencies?

I would like to know the difference between RELEASE, SNAPH, and just version number
So, I am working on a project, in which I have to change spring-core dependency version from 5.2.9.RELEASE to 5.3.11
In my maven repository, under org->springframwork->spring-core, I see below
My project builds successfully only with the 5.3.11 version of spring-core. It is ok to release my project to production with non-release version of spring-core?
The Spring Team changed the version scheme of some projects back in April 2020. As documented in this blog from the Spring Team.
So in short the 5.3.x line doesn't have the RELEASE suffix anymore for the final versions, as it was removed.
When upgrading a framework make sure you upgrade all parts of the framework. Not only upgrade spring-core but also all other related Spring Framework modules to the same version, if not this will eventually come back to hunt you with weird issues (memory, performance, transactions, missing methods etc. etc.).

How I can know whats new in specific version of spring

I want to know which changes spring has in his 1.5.9 version, and in 2.0 version,
how I can find a list or something else?
You're confusing:
the Spring framework, in release 5.0.2 as of today, which is an application framework and inversion of control container for the Java platform
Spring Boot, a convention-over-configuration solution for creating stand-alone, production-grade Spring-based Applications that you can "just run", currently in release 1.5.9, with an impending 2.0.0rc1 release.
You can find the release notes here for release 1.5.9, and here for release 2.0.0.

STS - Cannot start a Spring-Starter-Project using gradle after upgrading to buildship-eclipse-gradle-plugin 2.0

After i updated Buildship Eclipse Gradle plugin to 2.0, i cannot create Starter projects anymore.
Using STS 3.8.3.RELEASE
This is a known issue in STS 3.8.3 and got fixed in the meantime. Please refer to for more details and how to get the fix immediately.

Java3D Maven Repository for 1.5.2

I'm at my wit's end trying to get Java3D working with Maven. The latest version in the Maven core repository is 1.3.1, but there don't seem to be any 64-bit dll files (without installers) that will work with such an early version! It seems that the 1.5.2 dll I donwloaded is incompatible (unsurprisingly).
Does anyone know of a repository that has at least version 1.4.0?
Otherwise, looks like I'm going to have to learn JOGL instead and change all my code.
Rather make a request for enhancement. Maybe we could publish Maven on Maven Central or at least in our development repository. Please check whether you're using Java 3D 1.6, look at that if you don't know how to install it.
