Unable to send curl output to discord using webhook which is otherwise printing it in my bash terminal - bash

status=$(curl -i -s -H "Authorization: token abc123" https://www.some_url.com | awk 'NR==18')
if [ "$status" != 200 ]; then
echo "$status"
The above code is working and echo is printing the output in my console.
But when I use discord webhook, it doesn't send message there and throws following error: {"code": 50109, "message": "The request body contains invalid JSON."}
status=$(curl -i -s -H "Authorization: token abc123" https://www.some_url.com | awk 'NR==18')
if [ "$status" != 200 ]; then
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"content":"'"$status"'"}' $webhook
I can send a normal message through webhook but not this curl output. The output is suppose to be HTML error message.
Even if I change awk 'NR==18' to awk 'NR==1', it's not sending even the one line output which is suppose to be something like: HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized

I have a discord bot (webhook) running on a raspberry pi from a bash script, so I think it is the same thing you are looking for
sendcontent='{"username": "Botname", "content": "'"${messagearray[#]}"'"}'
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "$sendcontent" "$webhookurl"
I would suggest the following change to your code:
messagearray=($(curl -i -s -H "Authorization: token abc123" https://www.some_url.com | awk 'NR==18'))
It seems that there are nasty invisible characters in the curl+awk command return, therefore the above solution needs to be modified as below
(This bash file test with the provided url from comments)
messagearray=($(curl -i -s https://www.google.com/ | awk 'NR==1'))
#this next line removes nasty characters that give json errors (keeps only letters, numbers SPACE and -)
message=`echo ${messagearray[#]} | sed 's/[^0-9A-Za-z -]*//g'`;
sendcontent='{"username": "Botname", "content": "'"$message"'"}'
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "$sendcontent" "$webhookurl"
This successfully sends HTTP/2 200 in discord
the removal is an adaptation of:
How to remove a newline from a string in Bash


curl: (3) URL using bad/illegal format or missing URL AND HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden

I have a problem with this code. It states that there is a URL issue but I don't see that as right. I am not responsible for the server though. I just wanted to test some IoT properties with basic linux commands.
a=Client secret
c=Custom domain
b=Client id:
response=$(curl -X POST --user $b:$a "https://${c}.auth.eu-central-1.amazoncognito.com/oauth2/token?grant_type=client_credentials" -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded')
token=$(jq -r '.access_token' <<< "$response")
secondsValid=$(jq -r '.expires_in' <<< "$response")
refreshToken=$(jq -r '.refresh_token' <<< "$response")
for i in {1..4}
declare -i TIME
TIME=$(date +%s)
TEMP=$(sensors -j | jq '."cpu_thermal-virtual-0"."temp1"."temp1_input"')
curl -i -k -X POST -H "Authorization: $token"-H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{ "id":"2","timestamp":"'${TIME}'","data":"'${TEMP}'"}' https://dv7knsjzph.execute-api.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/prod/boxtronic-devices/2/data/
sleep 1
echo "$refreshToken"
echo "$secondsValid"
echo "$TIME"
Anyone knows why I am getting the error ?

cURL using bash script with while read text file

Hi there anyone there having the same trouble like mine?
whenever I cURL the $list from the list.txt it just displaying {} which is a blank response from the API does my code should be really working properly or it is just a bug?
I know the $list is working because I can update the database status
Please this is a bit urgennnnttt :(
#! /bin/bash
authorization='Authorization: Basic zxc'
expireDate=$(date -d "+3 days")
while IFS=' ' read -r list
wow=$(curl --location --request POST $refLink \
--header 'Authorization: Basic $authorization' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"title":"Expiration Notice",
"min" :[{"mobileNumber" : "$list"}],
"type" : "Notification",
"action_type" : "NotificationActivity"}')
echo "result: '$result'"
RESP=$(echo "$result" | grep -oP "^[^a-zA-Z0-9]")
echo "RESP:'$RESP'"
echo $body
#echo $wow >> logs.txt
psql -d $database -c "UPDATE tblname SET status='hehe' WHERE mobile='$list'"
done < $filename
Your "$list" JSON entry is not populated with the content of the $list variable because it is within single quotes of the --data-raw curl parameter.
What you need is compose your JSON data for the query before-hand, preferably with the help of jq or some other JSON processor, before sending it as argument to the curl's POST request.
Multiple faults in your scripts (not exhaustive):
Shebang is wrong with a space #! /bin/bash
expireDate=$(date -d "+3 days") return date in locale format and this may not be what you need for your request.
The request and the response data are not processed with JSON grammar aware tools. grep is not appropriate for JSON data.
Some clues but cannot fix your script more without knowing more about the API answers and functions you use.
Anyway here is how you can at least compose a proper JSON request:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
expireDate=$(date -R -d "+3 days")
while IFS=' ' read -r list; do
jq -n --arg bdy "$body" --arg mobN "$list" \
'.action_type="NotificationActivity"|.title="Expiration Notice"|.type="Notification"|.body=$bdy|.min[0].mobileNumber=$mobN|.'
json_reply="$(curl --location --request POST "$refLink" \
--header "Authorization: Basic $authorization" \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw "$raw_json")"
echo "json_reply: '$json_reply'"
echo "$body"
# psql -d "$database" -c "UPDATE tblname SET status='hehe' WHERE mobile='$list'"
done <"$filename"

Curl command in shell script returning error {"Error":"bpapigw-300 Cannot authorize access to resource"

I am trying to execute curl using this shell script:
curl -k -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{"username":"admin","password":"adminpw", "tenant":"master"}' https://localhost/tron/api/v1/tokens > /tmp/token.data
grep -Po '{\"token\":\"\K[^ ]...................' /tmp/token.data > /tmp/token
tokendetails=`cat /tmp/token`
for token in $tokendetails
TOKEN=`echo $token`
userdetails=`cat /tmp/curloutput.txt | sed 's/{"clientInactivityTime"/\n{"clientInactivityTime"/g' | sed 's/\(.*\).\("firstName":[^,]*\)\(.*\)\("lastName":[^,]*\)\(.*\)\("email":[^,]*\)\(.*\)\("username":[^,]*\)\(.*\)/\2,\4,\6,\8/g' | grep username`
for user in $userdetails
firstName=`echo $user | sed 's/,/\n/g' | grep firstName | sed 's/.*:"\([^"]*\).*/\1/g'`
lastName=`echo $user | sed 's/,/\n/g' | grep lastName | sed 's/.*:"\([^"]*\).*/\1/g'`
email=`echo $user | sed 's/,/\n/g' | grep email | sed 's/.*:"\([^"]*\).*/\1/g'`
username=`echo $user | sed 's/,/\n/g' | grep username | sed 's/.*:"\([^"]*\).*/\1/g'`
curl -k -X POST "https://haxsne09/tron/api/v1/users" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer =${TOKEN}" -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -d "first_name=${firstName}\&last_name=${lastName}\&email=${email}\&password=Tata123^\&username=${username}\&is_active=true"
I am getting ths error:
{"Error":"bpapigw-300 Cannot authorize access to resource: Could not authorize path for user identifier: Failed to get Roles for identifier: REST operation failed 0 times: '[GET /api/v1/current-user][401] currentUserListUnauthorized \u0026{Detail:Invalid token}'. This user is unauthenticated?"}
Do I need to add any syntax before executing curl -k -X POST?
What I see is that -H "Authorization: Bearer =${TOKEN}" contains an = sign which shouldn't be there...
It should be: -H "Authorization: Bearer ${TOKEN}"
More, in a command you use /tmp/curloutput.txt file, which is never created by your script...
The Authorization header you are using is not working. Maybe the syntax is not Bearer =aAbBcCdDeEfF0123456 but something else for the server running on haxsne09, maybe without the = like #MarcoS suggests.
Alternatively, your grep command may be returning one too many characters (a rogue quote maybe).
I rewrote your code below to be more readable. You will notice that I:
Changed your matching groups in sed to capture only the needed parts and put them in variables using read. I also used the -E flag to avoid having to use \( and \)
Removed the useless for loops
Quoted all variable expansions properly
Added some line breaks for readability
Removed some temporary files and associated useless uses of cat
Here is the updated script:
curl -k -H 'Content-Type:application/json' -d \
'{"username":"admin","password":"adminpw", "tenant":"master"}' \
https://localhost/tron/api/v1/tokens > /tmp/token.data
token=$(grep -Po '{"token":"\K[^ ]...................' /tmp/token.data)
IFS=, read -r firstName lastName email username < <(
</tmp/curloutput.txt sed 's/{"clientInactivityTime"/\n&/' |
sed -nE 's/.*."firstName":"([^"]*)".*"lastName":"([^"]*)").*"email":"([^"]*).*"username":"([^"]*)".*/\1,\2,\3,\4/p'
curl -k -X POST 'https://haxsne09/tron/api/v1/users' -H 'accept: application/json' \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $token" -H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" -d \

How can I post a json string with curl that has characters that need escaping?

I've got a shell script I've been using to post stuff to a hipchat channel. It works ok until I try and send a message that has characters that need escaping. I run the command like so (note the extra backslash in there to cause a problem)
/usr/local/bin/hipchatmsg.sh "my great message here \ " red
And my code in my bash script (hipchatmsg.sh) that matters is this:
# Make sure message is passed
if [ -z ${1+x} ]; then
echo "Provide a message to create the new notification"
exit 1
// send locally via curl
/usr/bin/curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-k \
-d "{\"color\": \"$COLOR\", \"message_format\": \"text\", \"message\": \"$MESSAGE\" }" \
$SERVER/v2/room/$ROOM_ID/notification?auth_token=$AUTH_TOKEN &
// $server and $room are defined earlier
exit 0
If I try and run the command above with any characters that need escaping, I will get an error like this:
"error": {
"code": 400,
"message": "The request body cannot be parsed as valid JSON: Invalid \\X escape sequence u'\\\\': line 1 column 125 (char 124)",
"type": "Bad Request"
I found something kind of similar on here where the best advice was to try sending the curl post with --data-urlencode, so I tried like this:
/usr/bin/curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-k \
-d --data-urlencode "{\"color\": \"$COLOR\", \"message_format\": \"text\", \"message\": \"$MESSAGE\" }" \
$SERVER/v2/room/$ROOM_ID/notification?auth_token=$AUTH_TOKEN &
But this had no effect.
What am I missing here?
The easiest thing to do is use a program like jq to generate the JSON; it will take care of escaping what needs to be escaped.
jq -n --arg color "$COLOR" \
--arg message "$MESSAGE" \
'{color: $color, message_format: "text", message: $message}' |
/usr/bin/curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-k \
-d#- \
$SERVER/v2/room/$ROOM_ID/notification?auth_token=$AUTH_TOKEN &
The argument #- to -d tells curl to read from standard input, which is supplied from jq via the pipe. The --arg options to jq make available JSON-encoded strings to the filter, which is simply a JSON object expression.

if condition in shell scripting based on 404 unauthorized error

Here is my shell script. I want to put a condition to my curl commands based on the status i get. I need help in grepping "Http/1.1 401 Unauthorized" from the first curl command. After that i need to put it in a condition if status is 401, execute 2nd and 3rd curl command. Pls help
STATUS="HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized"
read $STATUS
for ((i=1; i<=2000; i++)); do
curl -i -vs -X POST -D post.txt -H "$SESSION_TOKEN" -H "$AUTH_TOKEN" -H "Accept:$ACCEPT_HEADER" -H "Content-Type:text/plain" "http://$BASE_URI/api/$PLATFORM//$CHANNEL_ID/subscription" | grep -e "*Unauth*" >> post.txt
if [$STATUS]
curl -i -vs -X POST -D tmp.txt -H "Content-Type:text/plain" --data "$SECRET" -H "Accept:$ACCEPT_HEADER" -H "Connection:close" http://$BASE_URI/api/${PLATFORM}/authenticate >> tmp1.txt
SESSION_TOKEN=`grep SessionToken tmp.txt`
curl -i -vs -X POST -D tmp2.txt -H "$SESSION_TOKEN" -H "Content-Type:text/plain" -H "Content-Type:application/json" --data "{ \"username\":\"$USER_NAME\",\"password\":\"$PASSWORD\", \"rememberMe\":\"false\"}" http://$BASE_URI/api/web/users/authenticate >> data.json
AUTH_TOKEN=`grep Authorization tmp2.txt`
The proper solution :
res=$(curl -s -o /dev/null -w '%{http_code}\n' http://google.fr)
if ((res == 404)); then
echo "404 spotted"
res=$(curl -s -o /dev/null -w '%{http_code}\n' http://google.fr)
if [[ $res == 404 ]]; then
echo "404 spotted"
man curl | less +/'^ *-w'
You have to capture the curl output and examine the status line:
output=$( curl -i ... )
if [[ $output == "$STATUS"* ]]; then
# I was unauthorized
# ...
Be aware that [ (and [[ I use in my answer)
is not mere syntax, it is a command, and as such it requires a space between it and its arguments
