How to assign a CHAR Array to a SIGNAL (64 Bits) in CAPL script (CANOE) - capl

How do I assign a CHAR ARRAY (8 Bytes) into a SIGNAL (64 Bits) in CAPL script ?

Convert array to 64-bit variable minding the endianness.
Here's an example code:
qword value;
value = 0;
for(i = 0; i < 8; i++)
value = value | (qword)array[i] << (8* (7 - i));
Due to the fact the signals longer than 52 bits in CAPL may cause some data loss in order to assign the converted value by using raw64 property.


Counting Byte Occurrence in Read Files in BPF

I am relatively new to BPF and trying to write a program that counts the occurrence of each byte read from a file (later will calculate entropy).
The idea is to have two BPF_PERCPU_ARRAYS to circumvent stack size limitations. To one, I will copy the first 4096 bytes of the content of the written file, and with the other, I will count the occurrence of each possible value of a byte.
The described arrays are initialized like this:
struct data_t {
u8 data[4096];
struct counter_t {
u32 data[256];
BPF_PERCPU_ARRAY(storage, struct data_t, 1); //to store the buffer
BPF_PERCPU_ARRAY(countarr, struct counter_t, 1); //to count occurrences
and used later in a function:
//set both arrays to zero
int zero = 0;
struct data_t *pstorage = storage.lookup(&zero);
struct counter_t *pcountarr = countarr.lookup(&zero);
//check if init worked
if (!pstorage)
return 0;
if (!pcountarr)
return 0;
//copy data to storage
bpf_probe_read((void*)&pstorage->data, sizeof(pstorage->data), (void*)buf);
u8 tmpint = 0;
for(i = 0; i < 4095; i++){
if (i == count){
tmpint = pstorage->data[i];
//bpf_trace_printk("Current Byte: %d", (int)tmpint); //THIS IS LINE A
//pcountarr->data[tmpint]++; //THIS IS LINE B
The last two lines that are commented out are the ones giving me trouble. Uncommenting line A gives me the error
invalid access to map value, value_size=4096 off=4096 size=1
R8 min value is outside of the allowed memory range
processed 102513 insns (limit 1000000) max_states_per_insn 4 total_states 981 peak_states 977 mark_read 459
with R8 (are R8 and R8_w the same?) being
Doing so with Line B results in pretty much the same problem. At this point im decently lost with my experience and wish i had posted this several days ago :D...
Any help is appreciated :)
You are assigning zero to i but it is defined outside of the loop. for(i = 0; i < 4095; i++){. I suspect that i is not an unsigned number and thus can have a negative minimum value according to the verifier. Would define i as a u16 and see if that fixes the issue:
for(u16 i = 0; i < 4095; i++){

Unsigned char out of range

I am trying to figure out, how to use an unsigned char type of a variable inside a for loop, while not "breaking" out of range for unsigned char, which can vary form 0 to 255.
main(void) {
TRISC = 0;
LATC = 0;
unsigned char j;
for (j = 0; j <= 255 ; j++){
LATC = j;
This is code in C, where PIC is programmed. "TRISC = 0" means setting port C as an output and "LATC" is referring to port C itself. Basically I want to assign values from including 0 to 255 to this port. But if I try to compile this, the compiler (xc8) returns following two warnings:
I cannot quite understand what these two are saying, but I assume it has to do something with variable j exceeding the limit value of unsigned char, that is 255 (in last iteration j = 256, which is not allowed/defined).
However, this code gets compiled and works as meant. But I still want to write and understand a code that assigns port C the value of 255 without entering "prohibited" range of values.
*P.S. I would use any other variable type than unsigned char or char, however to ports in PICs only these two types can be applied directly (without conversion).
j <= 255 is always true if j is only 8 Bit wide.
This version should work:
main(void) {
TRISC = 0;
LATC = 0;
int j;
for (j = 0; j <= 255 ; j++){
LATC = (unsigned char)j;
First, in microcontroller firmware, you should not return from main(). Your main() should include some kind of endless loop.
j <= 255 is always true for a uint8_t variable. Because j can't be 256. Adding 1 to j when it's 255, makes it 0, not 256.
As others have suggested, using an 16-bit integer, signed or unsigned, is the easiest and the cleanest way. However, in performance sensitive loops you may prefer to stick with 8 bit loop counters as these are the fastest ones for a 8-bit PIC microcontroller.
This particular one-time loop can be written as:
uint8_t j = 0;
do {
LATC = j++;
} while (j != 0);

Finding out the correct CRC polynomial

I am using simpleBGC gimbal controller from Basecam electronics. The controller has a serial API for communication which requires the calculation of crc16 checksum for the commands sent to the controller( (page 3)
I want to send the reset command to the controller which has the following format:
Header: {start char: '$', command id: '114', payload size: '3', header checksum : '117'}
Payload: {3,0,0} (3 bytes corresponding to reset options and time to reset)
crc16 checksum : ? (using polynomial 0x8005 calculated for all bytes except start char)
The hex representation of my command is: 0x24720375030000 and I need to find crc16 checksum for 0x720375030000. I used different crc calculators but the controller is not responding to the command and I assume that crc checksum is not correct.
To find correct crc16 checksum I sent every possible combination of crc16 checksum and found out that the controller responds when checksum is '7b25'.
so the correct command in hex is : "24 720375030000 7b25".
But this checksum 7b25 does not correspond to the polynomial 0x8005.
How can I find the correct polynomial or crc16 calculation function?
Did you try the code in the appendix of the document you linked? It works fine, and produces 0x257b for the CRC of your example data. That is then written in the stream in little-endian order, giving the 7b 25 you are expecting.
Here is a simpler and faster C implementation than what is in the appendix:
#include <stddef.h>
// Return a with the low 16 bits reversed and any bits above that zeroed.
static unsigned rev16(unsigned a) {
a = (a & 0xff00) >> 8 | (a & 0x00ff) << 8;
a = (a & 0xf0f0) >> 4 | (a & 0x0f0f) << 4;
a = (a & 0xcccc) >> 2 | (a & 0x3333) << 2;
a = (a & 0xaaaa) >> 1 | (a & 0x5555) << 1;
return a;
// Implement the CRC specified in the BASECAM SimpleBGC32 2.6x serial protocol
// specification. Return crc updated with the length bytes at message. If
// message is NULL, then return the initial CRC value. This CRC is like
// CRC-16/ARC, but with the bits reversed.
// This is a simple bit-wise implementation. Byte-wise and word-wise algorithms
// using tables exist for higher speed if needed. Also this implementation
// chooses to reverse the CRC bits as opposed to the data bits, as done in the
// specficiation appendix. The CRC only needs to be reversed once at the start
// and once at the end, whereas the alternative is reversing every data byte of
// the message. Reversing the CRC twice is faster for messages with length
// greater than two bytes.
unsigned crc16_simplebgc(unsigned crc, void const *message, size_t length) {
if (message == NULL)
return 0;
unsigned char const *data = message;
crc = rev16(crc);
for (size_t i = 0; i < length; i++) {
crc ^= data[i];
for (int k = 0; k < 8; k++)
crc = crc & 1 ? (crc >> 1) ^ 0xa001 : crc >> 1;
return rev16(crc);
#include <stdio.h>
// Example usage of crc_simplebgc(). A CRC can be computed all at once, or with
// portions of the data at a time.
int main(void) {
unsigned crc = crc16_simplebgc(0, NULL, 0); // set initial CRC
crc = crc16_simplebgc(crc, "\x72\x03\x75", 3); // first three bytes
crc = crc16_simplebgc(crc, "\x03\x00\x00", 3); // remaining bytes
printf("%04x\n", crc); // prints 257b
return 0;

CRC32 Calculation for Zero Filled Buffer/File

If I want to calculate the CRC32 value for a large number of consecutive zero bytes, is there a constant time formula I can use given the length of the run of zeros? For example, if I know I have 1000 bytes all filled with zeros, is there a way to avoid a loop with 1000 iterations (just an example, actual number of zeros is unbounded for the sake of this question)?
You can compute the result of applying n zeros not in O(1) time, but in O(log n) time. This is done in zlib's crc32_combine(). A binary matrix is constructed that represents the operation of applying a single zero bit to the CRC. The 32x32 matrix multiplies the 32-bit CRC over GF(2), where addition is replaced by exclusive-or (^) and multiplication is replaced by and (&), bit by bit.
Then that matrix can be squared to get the operator for two zeros. That is squared to get the operator for four zeros. The third one is squared to get the operator for eight zeros. And so on as needed.
Now that set of operators can be applied to the CRC based on the one bits in the number n of zero bits that you want to compute the CRC of.
You can precompute the resulting matrix operator for any number of zero bits, if you happen to know you will be frequently applying exactly that many zeros. Then it is just one matrix multiplication by a vector, which is in fact O(1).
You do not need to use the pclmulqdq instruction suggested in another answer here, but that would be a little faster if you have it. It would not change the O() of the operation.
Time complexity can be reduced to O(1) using a table lookup followed by a multiply. The explanation and example code are shown in the third section of this answer.
If the 1000 is a constant, a precomputed table of 32 values, each representing
each bit of a CRC to 8000th power mod poly could be used. A set of matrices (one set per byte of the CRC) could be used to work with a byte at a time. Both methods would be constant time (fixed number of loops) O(1).
As commented above, if the 1000 is not a constant, then exponentiation by squaring could be used which would be O(log2(n)) time complexity, or a combination of precomputed tables for some constant number of zero bits, such as 256, followed by exponentiation by squaring could be used so that the final step would be O(log2(n%256)).
Optimization in general: for normal data with zero and non-zero elements, on an modern X86 with pclmulqdq (uses xmm registers), a fast crc32 (or crc16) can be implemented, although it's close to 500 lines of assembly code. Intel document: crc using pclmulqdq. Example source code for github fast crc16. For a 32 bit CRC, a different set of constants is needed. If interested, I converted the source code to work with Visual Studio ML64.EXE (64 bit MASM), and created examples for both left and right shift 32 bit CRC's, each with two sets of constants for the two most popular CRC 32 bit polynomials (left shift polys: crc32:0x104C11DB7 and crc32c: 0x11EDC6F41, right shift poly's are bit reversed).
Example code for fast adjustment of CRC using a software based carryless multiply modulo the CRC polyonomial. This will be much faster than using a 32 x 32 matrix multiply. A CRC is calculated for non-zero data: crf = GenCrc(msg, ...). An adjustment constant is calculated for n zero bytes: pmc = pow(2^(8*n))%poly (using exponentiation by repeated squaring). Then the CRC is adjusted for the zero bytes: crf = (crf*pmc)%poly.
Note that time complexity can be reduced to O(1) with generation of a table of pow(2^(8*i))%poly constants for i = 1 to n. Then the calculation is a table lookup and a fixed iteration (32 cycles) multiply % poly.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
typedef unsigned char uint8_t;
typedef unsigned int uint32_t;
static uint32_t crctbl[256];
void GenTbl(void) /* generate crc table */
uint32_t crc;
uint32_t c;
uint32_t i;
for(c = 0; c < 0x100; c++){
crc = c<<24;
for(i = 0; i < 8; i++)
crc = (crc<<1)^((0-(crc>>31))&0x04c11db7);
crctbl[c] = crc;
uint32_t GenCrc(uint8_t * bfr, size_t size) /* generate crc */
uint32_t crc = 0u;
crc = (crc<<8)^crctbl[(crc>>24)^*bfr++];
/* carryless multiply modulo crc */
uint32_t MpyModCrc(uint32_t a, uint32_t b) /* (a*b)%crc */
uint32_t pd = 0;
uint32_t i;
for(i = 0; i < 32; i++){
pd = (pd<<1)^((0-(pd>>31))&0x04c11db7u);
pd ^= (0-(b>>31))&a;
b <<= 1;
return pd;
/* exponentiate by repeated squaring modulo crc */
uint32_t PowModCrc(uint32_t p) /* pow(2,p)%crc */
uint32_t prd = 0x1u; /* current product */
uint32_t sqr = 0x2u; /* current square */
prd = MpyModCrc(prd, sqr);
sqr = MpyModCrc(sqr, sqr);
p >>= 1;
return prd;
/* # data bytes */
#define DAT ( 32)
/* # zero bytes */
#define PAD (992)
/* DATA+PAD */
#define CNT (1024)
int main()
uint32_t pmc;
uint32_t crc;
uint32_t crf;
uint32_t i;
uint8_t *msg = malloc(CNT);
for(i = 0; i < DAT; i++) /* generate msg */
msg[i] = (uint8_t)rand();
for( ; i < CNT; i++)
msg[i] = 0;
GenTbl(); /* generate crc table */
crc = GenCrc(msg, CNT); /* generate crc normally */
crf = GenCrc(msg, DAT); /* generate crc for data */
pmc = PowModCrc(PAD*8); /* pmc = pow(2,PAD*8)%crc */
crf = MpyModCrc(crf, pmc); /* crf = (crf*pmc)%crc */
printf("%08x %08x\n", crc, crf); /* crf == crc */
return 0;
CRC32 is based on multiplication in GF(2)[X] modulo some polynomial, which is multiplicative. Tricky part is splitting the non-multiplicative from the multiplicative.
First define a sparse file with the following structure (in Go):
type SparseFile struct {
FileBytes []SparseByte
Size uint64
type SparseByte struct {
Position uint64
Value byte
In your case it would be SparseFile{[]FileByte{}, 1000}
Then, the function would be:
func IEEESparse (file SparseFile) uint32 {
position2Index := map[uint64]int{}
for i , v := range(file.FileBytes) {
file.FileBytes[i].Value = bits.Reverse8(v.Value)
position2Index[v.Position] = i
for i := 0; i < 4; i++ {
index, ok := position2Index[uint64(i)]
if !ok {
file.FileBytes = append(file.FileBytes, SparseByte{Position: uint64(i), Value: 0xFF})
} else {
file.FileBytes[index].Value ^= 0xFF
// Add padding
file.Size += 4
newReminder := bits.Reverse32(reminderIEEESparse(file))
return newReminder ^ 0xFFFFFFFF
So note that:
Division is performed on bits in the opposite order (per byte).
First four bytes are xored with 0xFF.
File is padded with 4 bytes.
Reminder is reversed again.
Reminder is xored again.
The inner function reminderIEEESparse is the true reminder and it is easy to implement it in O(log n) where n is the size of the file.
You can find a full implementation here.

when to use hton/ntoh and when to convert data myself?

to convert a byte array from another machine which is big-endian, we can use:
long long convert(unsigned char data[]) {
long long res;
res = 0;
for( int i=0;i < DATA_SIZE; ++i)
res = (res << 8) + data[i];
return res;
if another machine is little-endian, we can use
long long convert(unsigned char data[]) {
long long res;
res = 0;
for( int i=DATA_SIZE-1;i >=0 ; --i)
res = (res << 8) + data[i];
return res;
why do we need the above functions? shouldn't we use hton at sender and ntoh when receiving? Is it because hton/nton is to convert integer while this convert() is for char array?
The hton/ntoh functions convert between network order and host order. If these two are the same (i.e., on big-endian machines) these functions do nothing. So they cannot be portably relied upon to swap endianness. Also, as you pointed out, they are only defined for 16-bit (htons) and 32-bit (htonl) integers; your code can handle up to the sizeof(long long) depending on how DATA_SIZE is set.
Through the network you always receive a series of bytes (octets), which you can't directly pass to ntohs or ntohl. Supposing the incoming bytes are buffered in the (unsigned) char array buf, you could do
short x = ntohs(*(short *)(buf+offset));
but this is not portable unless buf+offset is always even, so that you read with correct alignment. Similarly, to do
long y = ntohl(*(long *)(buf+offset));
you have to make sure that 4 divides buf+offset. Your convert() functions, though, don't have this limitation, they can process byte series at arbitrary (unaligned) memory address.
