drupal8 module webform location geocomplete with bootstrap theme - themes

I have an issue with module webform location geocomplete when i use theme bootstrap is not working fine . but when i use core theme like theme seven is working fine .
issue here with bootstrap theme (map not appear)
Here no issue with theme seven

i found solution .
install module webform bootstrap .


having different bootstrap versions in a laravel project

I'm currently working on a Laravel project.
I have a different theme for the admin panel and website theme.
both themes use bootstrap but in different versions.
the theme of admin panel has bootstrap version 4.1.0
the theme of website has bootstrap version 4.3.1
and also the bootstrap version in package.json of laravel is 4.0.0
in some cases, bootstrap classes do not work properly in the admin panel.
I have included each bootstrap library in related views with the correct path.
can anyone know how can I fix this problem?
Is there anything wrong?
Thanks in advance,

Theme issues in Magento 2

I have created the new theme with folder structure as give in the document . I have setup the new theme in the admin panel also .
enter image description here
The problem is new theme is coming in the front-end but once i copy the module like search from vendor to the new theme but in the front-end still coming from the vendor .
enter image description here
How to over come this any help me in this plzz..
Like you need frontend files should come from your theme not from vendor. Then you have to do like this:
For magento-search module
Create a folder under your theme "Magento_Search".
Copy templates folder from vender/module-search/view/frontend/ and put under "Magento_Search" folder .
Now view files will comes from your theme search folder. You can do it same for layout and web also.

Boostrap glyphicons not working with out of the box laravel 5

I cannot see glyphicons with laravel 5. I tried putting /fonts direcory into /public laravel folder:
/laravel/public/css/app.css (compiled boostrap .less files from laravel/resources/assets/less/bootstrap)
/laravel/public/fonts/ fonts from boostrap website.
Still nothing. Any ideas?
Nevermind. Fixed it. Apparently laravel elixir was turned on and I had css builds, so had to put fonts into /public/build.

Magento Theme Hierarchy

Currently I am moving the theme file from Default/XXX to XXX/default . From
I found out that Magento searches the file in following sequence:
Is it possible to make it search the theme like this: Package/theme1->Package/theme2->Package/default->Base->default?
Besides that, will the magento still be loading the default/default theme?
Magento system will fall back the files using below order.
Using DEFAULT package with DEFAULT theme
1) app/design/frontend/{DEFAULT}/{DEFAULT}
2) app/design/frontend/base/{DEFAULT}
Using DEFAULT package with Custom theme
1) app/design/frontend/{DEFAULT}/{MY-THEME}
2) app/design/frontend/{DEFAULT}/{DEFAULT}
3) app/design/frontend/base/{DEFAULT}
If you are using the Custom Package with Custom theme.
1) app/design/frontend/{CUSTOM-PACKAGE}/{MY-THEME}
2) app/design/frontend/{CUSTOM-PACKAGE}/{DEFAULT}
3) app/design/frontend/base/{DEFAULT}
These above order only magento files are fallback.
Old question but as I stumbled across this I would like to add the newest fallback hierarchy.
Since 1.9 you can define the fallbacks in a theme.xml in your theme folder. See http://alanstorm.com/magento_parent_child_themes for further information.

How to change a theme in MVC4

It seemed like I can download jquery theme I like from jquery site to create new theme. But that does not change much in my MVC site. Can anybody tell me how I can change theme in MVC4 application?
As I understand your question:
How can I replace the base theme in a MVC4 application with a custom generated theme from the jquery ui theme roller?
My steps for my razor MVC4 visual studio 2012 application created from some MS standard template for intranet application. jQueryUI already was installed in my application with the base theme from nuget.
Created the theme using http://jqueryui.com/themeroller/ and downloaded the zip to some temp folder
Extracted the jquery-ui-1.10.3.custom.js into my Scripts folder
Edited my RegisterBundles method in the file App_Start/Bundle.Config
bundles.Add(new ScriptBundle("~/bundles/jqueryui").Include("~/Scripts/jquery-ui-1.10.1.js"));
bundles.Add(new ScriptBundle("~/bundles/jqueryui").Include("~/Scripts/jquery-ui-1.10.3.custom.js"));
Extracted the css subfolder named for my custom theme (e.g. my-theme) into the themes folder "Content/themes/my-theme".
Comment out the base theme lines in App_Start BundleConfig.cs and replaced the big base theme StyleBundle with the single-file bundle
bundles.Add(new StyleBundle("~/Content/themes/my-theme/css").Include(
//bundles.Add(new StyleBundle("~/Content/themes/base/css").Include(
// "~/Content/themes/base/jquery.ui.core.css",
// "~/Content/themes/base/jquery.ui.resizable.css",
// ...
Finally replaced the base-theme bundle call in my layout.cshtml with the new one.
If there is a better or cleaner way to replace the theme in MVC4 applications, please let me know!
Since jquery ui version was changed, jquery ui scripts in MVC4 template seem to be not compatible with current version of jquery ui. So you can't just copy css directory of downloaded jquery ui to your theme folder of MVC4, and expect it would be applied for your site.
So what I did was to replace jquery.ui.theme.css with corresponding part in jquery.ui.custom.css. And new theme was correctly shown in my MVC4 site now.
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