How to exclude Mongo spring data configuration only for tests - spring

I am doing a simple sample project with Spring boot and data.
public class MongoConfig {
private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MongoConfig.class);
private String mongoUri;
public #Bean MongoClient mongoClient() {" creating connection with mongodb with uri [{}] ", mongoUri);
return MongoClients.create(mongoUri);
This works fine and connects to mongo on startup. However, the tests also pick this up in autoscan. What is the best practice to make sure that mongo config gets excluded for tests?
If I add #WebMvcTest to the tests, it works. But not all tests will be mvc tests. I might be testing a utility class.
If I try using profiles, it gives my an error java.lang.IllegalStateException: The following classes could not be excluded because they are not auto-configuration classes: ...MongoConfig
class ApplicationTests {
void contextLoads() {
Please tell me a repeatable practice as I will be using it for all my tests.

The simplest way of doing it is to exclude your configuration bean when your test profile is active
public class MongoConfig {
Here you tell to the BeanFactory to not create this bean if the profile test is present


How Do I Manually Wire A Spring Boot Integration Test?

Normally, I would test the web layer in a Spring project like this:
#SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT)
public class SpringBootDemoApplicationTests extends AbstractTestNGSpringContextTests {
int randomServerPort;
private TestRestTemplate restTemplate;
However, I currently have a difficult back end that requires a specific #TestConfiguration class to manually instantiate the test dependencies using beans.
This ultimately means that I can't use the #SpringBootTest annotation as it will try to create conflicting beans and fail to instantiate others.
If I am not using the #SpringBootTest annotation, I can manually create the TestRestTemplate instead of autowiring it, but what do I need to do to start the embedded local server on a random port?
I would still continue using #SpringBootTest, and combine that with using #Profile on your configuration classes.
That way you could have a configuration which is only used during tests, by using #ActiveProfiles on your #SpringBootTest classes. In the same way you can turn other config classes on or off depending on whether you want them to load or not.
For example on your test would have the following
#SpringBootTest(webEnvironment = WebEnvironment.RANDOM_PORT)
public class SpringBootDemoApplicationTests extends AbstractTestNGSpringContextTests {
Then create a configuration class which will instantiate your components the way you want them in test
public void TestConfiguration {
And you can use profiles to stop your other configuration class from loading during tests.
public void ProdConfiguration {

Write Unit test in SpringBoot Without start application

Am developing MicroServices in springBoot. Am writing unit test for Service and DAO layer. When I use #SpringBootTest it starting application on build. But It should not start application
when I run unit test. I used #RunWith(SpringRunner.class), But am unable to #Autowired class instance in junit class. How can I configure junit test class that should not start application and how to #Autowired class instance in junit class.
Use MockitoJUnitRunner for JUnit5 testing if you don't want to start complete application.
Any Service, Repository and Interface can be mocked by #Mock annotation.
#InjectMocks is used over the object of Class that needs to be tested.
Here's an example to this.
public class AServiceTest {
AService aService;
ARepository aRepository;
UserService userService;
public void setUp() {
// MockitoAnnotations.initMocks(this);
// anything needs to be done before each test.
public void loginTest() {
String result = aService.login("test");
assertEquals("false", result);
With Spring Boot you can start a sliced version of your application for your tests. This will create a Spring Context that only contains a subset of your beans that are relevant e.g. only for your web layer (controllers, filters, converters, etc.): #WebMvcTest.
There is a similar annotation that can help you test your DAOs as it only populates JPA and database relevant beans (e.g. EntitiyManager, Datasource, etc.): #DataJpaTest.
If you want to autowire a bean that is not part of the Spring Test Context that gets created by the annotatiosn above, you can use a #TestConfiguration to manually add any beans you like to the test context
class PublicControllerTest {
private MockMvc mockMvc;
static class TestConfig {
public EntityManager entityManager() {
return mock(EntityManager.class);
public MeterRegistry meterRegistry() {
return new SimpleMeterRegistry();
Depending your test setup, if you don't want to autowire a mock but the "real thing", You could simply annotate your test class to include exactly the classes you need (plus their transitive dependencies if necessary)
For example :
#SpringJUnitConfig({ SimpleMeterRegistry.class })
#Import({ SimpleMeterRegistry.class })
#ContextConfiguration(classes = { SimpleMeterRegistry.class })
See working JUnit5 based samples in here Spring Boot Web Data JDBC allin .

How to test repository with junit5 and testcontainers?

I have a sample project in which I experiment with different technologies.
I have the following setup:
Spring Boot 2.3.4.RELEASE
Flyway 7.0.1
Testcontainers 1.15.0-rc2
Junit 5.7.0
How can I test the Repository layer with testcontainer-junit5?
Example of code I have now for
public class CompanyRepositoryTest {
private CompanyRepository companyRepository;
public MySQLContainer mysqlContainer = new MySQLContainer()
public void whenFindByIdExecuted_thenNullReturned()
throws Exception {
assertEquals(companyRepository.findById(1L), Optional.ofNullable(null));
public void whenFindAllExecuted_thenEmptyListReturned() {
assertEquals(companyRepository.findAll(), new ArrayList<>());
When I add #SpringBootTest, I need to set up all the context and have some Application load context issues?
The question is, can anyone demystify what #TestContainers annotation does? What is the best practice or correct to use it while testing the Repository?
The JUnit 5 extension provided by the #Testcontainers annotation scans for any containers declared with the #Container annotation, and then starts and stops the those containers for your tests. Containers as static fields will be shared with all tests, and containers as instance fields will be started and stopped for every test.
If you are using Spring Boot, the easiest way to setup testcontainers for your tests is probably to provide properties in application-test.yml. This will use the datasource JDBC URL to launch the testcontainers container. Refer to Testcontainers JDBC support for more information.
You can also test just the repository layer by using #DataJpaTest instead of #SpringBootTest:
#AutoConfigureTestDatabase(replace = AutoConfigureTestDatabase.Replace.NONE)
class CompanyRepositoryTest { }
Your application-test.yml file:
url: jdbc:tc:mysql:8.0://hostname/databasename
driver-class-name: org.testcontainers.jdbc.ContainerDatabaseDriver
In some cases you might also want to use the #TestPropertySource annotation instead:
#AutoConfigureTestDatabase(replace = AutoConfigureTestDatabase.Replace.NONE)
properties = {
"spring.datasource.url = jdbc:tc:mysql:8.0://hostname/test-database",
"spring.datasource.driver-class-name = org.testcontainers.jdbc.ContainerDatabaseDriver"
class CompanyRepositoryTest { }
Please note that the hostname and test-database are not actually used anywhere.
You said
When I add #SpringBootTest, I need to set up all the context and have
some Application load context issues?
If you'd like to try an alternative and Testcontainer is not mandatory you can do it differently.
You do not need to load everyting when using SpringBootTest annotation, you can specify which classes are needed such as
#SpringBootTest(classes = { TheService.class })
or use #Import annotation
and mock others such as
MyService service;
For database connection you can use annotation such as
#AutoConfigureTestDatabase(replace = AutoConfigureTestDatabase.Replace.NONE)
EDIT: I feel like this should be an comment but I wanted to address the SpringBootTest part of the question with proper formatting
Here is an example, how I configured Liquibase (a similar framework to Flyway) with MySql inside Spring:
#TestPropertySource(properties = {"spring.jpa.hibernate.ddl-auto=validate"})
#AutoConfigureTestDatabase(replace = AutoConfigureTestDatabase.Replace.NONE)
#ContextConfiguration(initializers = { MySqlLiquibaseBaseIT.Initializer.class })
public class MySqlLiquibaseBaseIT {
public static MySQLContainer<?> mysql = new MySQLContainer<>(
static class Initializer implements ApplicationContextInitializer<ConfigurableApplicationContext> {
public void initialize(ConfigurableApplicationContext configurableApplicationContext) {
"spring.datasource.url=" + mysql.getJdbcUrl(),
"spring.datasource.username=" + mysql.getUsername(),
"spring.datasource.password=" + mysql.getPassword(),
"spring.datasource.driver-class-name=" + mysql.getDriverClassName())
public SpringLiquibase springLiquibase(DataSource dataSource) {
SpringLiquibase liquibase = new SpringLiquibase();
return liquibase;
As per docs:
The test containers extension finds all fields that are annotated with
Container and calls their container lifecycle methods. Containers
declared as static fields will be shared between test methods. They
will be started only once before any test method is executed and
stopped after the last test method has executed. Containers declared
as instance fields will be started and stopped for every test method.
So in your case it will recreate a container for every test method, it's only responsible for starting and stopping the container. If you need some test data - that has to be done manually, as I see you have Flyway, that should do.
What "context issues" are you talking about?
Repositories are usually not tested separately, you can just test services which run repository methods instead of writing tests for both. If you want to test repos anyway - fill the database with some data in #Before.
If you have more questions please ask.

How to exclude/disable a specific auto-configuration in Spring boot 1.4.0 for #DataJpaTest?

I am using the #DataJpaTest from Spring for my test which will then use H2 as in memory database as described here . I'm also using Flyway for production. However once the test starts FLyway kicks in and reads the SQL file. How can I exclude the FlywayAutoConfiguration and keep the rest as described here in spring documentation in order to let Hibernate create the tables in H2 for me?
public class MyRepositoryTest {
private TestEntityManager entityManager;
private MyRepository triggerRepository;
Have you tried the #OverrideAutoConfiguration annotation?
It says it "can be used to override #EnableAutoConfiguration".
I'm assuming that from there you can somehow exclude FlywayAutoConfiguration
like so:
Adding the dependency on an in-memory database to my build.gradle
e.g. testRuntime "com.h2database:h2:1.4.194"
And adding flyway.enabled=false to in src/test/resources worked for me.
I am converting an old JDBC app into a spring-data-jpa app and I'm working on the first tests now. I kept seeing a security module instantiation error from spring-boot as it tried to bootstrap the security setup, even though #DataJpaTest should theoretically be excluding it.
My problem with the security module probably stems from the pre-existing implementation which I inherited using PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer (via my PropertySpringConfig import below)
Following the docs here:
and your comments on #LiviaMorunianu's answer, I managed to work my way past every spring-boot exception and get JUnit to run with an auto-configured embedded DB.
My main/production spring-boot bootstrap class bootstraps everything including the stuff I want to exclude from my tests. So instead of using #DataJpaTest, I copied much of what it is doing, using #Import to bring in the centralized configurations that every test / live setup will use.
I also had issues because of the package structure I use, since initially I was running the test which was based in com.mycompany.repositories and it didn't find the entities in com.mycompany.entities.
Below are the relevant classes.
JUnit Test
#Import({TestConfiguration.class, LiveConfiguration.class})
public class ForecastRepositoryTests {
ForecastRepository repository;
Forecast forecast;
public void setUp() {
forecast = createDummyForecast(TEST_NAME, 12345L);
public void testFindSavedForecastById() {
forecast =;
assertThat(repository.findOne(forecast.getId()), is(forecast));
Live Configuration
#EnableJpaRepositories(basePackages = {"com.mycompany.repository"})
#EntityScan(basePackages = {"com.mycompany.entity"})
public class LiveConfiguration {}
Test Configuration
#OverrideAutoConfiguration(enabled = false)
#ImportAutoConfiguration(value = {
TestEntityManagerAutoConfiguration.class })
public class TestConfiguration {
// lots of bean definitions...
public class PropertySpringConfig {
static PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer propertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer()
throws IOException {
return new CorePropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer(
In my particular case, i needed to disable the FlywayDB on in-memory integration tests. These are using a set of spring annotations for auto-configuring a limited applicationContext.
#ImportAutoConfiguration(value = TestConfig.class, exclude = FlywayAutoConfiguration.class)
the exclude could effectively further limit the set of beans initiated for this test
I had the same problem with my DbUnit tests defined in Spock test classes. In my case I was able to disable the Flyway migration and managed to initialize the H2 test database tables like this:
#SpringBootTest(classes = MyApplication.class, webEnvironment = SpringBootTest.WebEnvironment.NONE,
properties = ["flyway.enabled=false", "spring.datasource.schema=db/migration/h2/V1__init.sql"])
I added this annotation to my Spock test specification class. Also, I was only able to make it work if I also added the context configuration annotation:
#ContextConfiguration(classes = MyApplication.class)
I resolved the same issue by excluding the autoconfiguration from my application definition, i.e.
#SpringBootApplication(exclude = {FlywayAutoConfiguration.class})
public class Application {
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
you can also sue the following annotation:
#DataJpaTest(excludeAutoConfiguration = {MySqlConfiguration.class, ...})
public class TheClassYouAreUnitTesting {
You can just disable it in your test yaml file:
flyway.enabled: false

Does #WebMvcTest require #SpringBootApplication annotation?

My goal is to migrate a Spring Boot application previously developed with Spring Boot 1.3 to the newest Spring Boot version 1.4. The application consists of several maven modules and only one of them contains class annotated with #SpringBootApplication.
One part of migration is to use #WebMvcTest annotation to efficiently test controllers, and here I get an issue.
Consider an example application from Spring Boot github page. #WebMvcTest annotation works perfectly, because, as far as I understand (after I did several tests), there is a class in the main package annotated with #SpringBootApplication. Note that I follow the same concept as shown in the example above for my own #WebMvcTest tests.
The only difference I see that in my application, controller classes are located in a separate maven module (without #SpringBootApplication annotated class), but with #Configuration and SpringBootConfiguration configurations. If I do not annotate any class with #SpringBootApplication I always get an assertion while testing controller. My assertion is the same as when SampleTestApplication class in the example above modified to have only #EnableAutoConfiguration and #SpringBootConfiguration annotations (#SpringBootApplication is not present):
getVehicleWhenRequestingTextShouldReturnMakeAndModel(sample.test.web.UserVehicleControllerTests) Time elapsed: 0.013 sec <<< FAILURE!
java.lang.AssertionError: Status expected:<200> but was:<404>
at org.springframework.test.util.AssertionErrors.assertEquals(
at org.springframework.test.web.servlet.result.StatusResultMatchers$10.match(
at org.springframework.test.web.servlet.MockMvc$1.andExpect(
at sample.test.web.UserVehicleControllerTests.getVehicleWhenRequestingTextShouldReturnMakeAndModel(
How should I deal with that? Should I always have class annotated with #SpringBootApplication in order to run #WebMvcTest tests?
EDIT 1: I did a small maven project with 2 modules and a minimal configuration. It is here. Now, I get NoSuchBeanDefinitionException exception for repository defined in another module. If I configure "full" #SpringBootApplication - everything is fine.
EDIT 2: I modified small test project from EDIT 1 to give an original issue. I was playing with different annotations and added #ComponentScan on configuration class, because I suspected that beans are not registered properly. However, I expect that only #Controller bean (defined in #WebMvcTest(...class)) shall be registered based on magic behind #WebMvcTest behaviour.
EDIT 3: Spring Boot project issue.
Short answer: I believe so.
Long answer:
I believe #WebMvcTest needs to find the SpringBootApplication configuration since WebMvcTest's sole purpose is to help simplify tests (SpringBootApplication would rather try to load the whole world).
In your specific case, since you don't have any in your non-test packages, I believe it also finds SampleTestConfiguration which is annotated with #ScanPackages and somehow loads every beans.
Add the following in src/main/java/sample/test
public class SampleTestConfiguration {
And change your test to this:
public class MyControllerTest {
private MockMvc mvc;
private MyService ms;
private ApplicationContext context;
public void getDataAndExpectOkStatus() throws Exception {
public void testMyControllerInAppCtx() {
assertThat(context.getBean(MyController.class), is(not(nullValue())));
public void testNoMyAnotherControllerInAppCtx() {
try {
fail("Bean exists");
} catch (BeansException e) {
// ok
#WebMvcTest finds the SpringBootApplication, then load only a limited number of beans (see documentation):
#WebMvcTest will auto-configure the Spring MVC infrastructure and
limit scanned beans to #Controller, #ControllerAdvice, #JsonComponent,
Filter, WebMvcConfigurer and HandlerMethodArgumentResolver. Regular
#Component beans will not be scanned when using this annotation.
WebMvcTest requires SpringBootApplication: WebMvcTest inherits many AutoConfiguration, so it needs SpringBoot to load them. Then it disables many other AutoConfiguration and your Controllers become easily testable.
The whole point of using WebMvcTest is when you have a SpringBootApplication and you wish to make it simpler to test by disabling all beans except Controllers. If you don't have SpringBootApplication, then why use WebMvcTest at all?
It's an old topic, but there is a solution which wasn't mentioned here.
You can create a class annotated with SpringBootApplication just in your test sources. Then, you still have a nice, multi-module structure of your project, with just one "real" SpringBootApplication.
Yes,according to the spring boot docs
The search algorithm works up from the package that contains the test until it finds a #SpringBootApplication or #SpringBootConfiguration annotated class. As long as you’ve structure your code in a sensible way your main configuration is usually found.
But after I started using #WebMvcTest,spring boot still try to load other beans, finally TypeExcludeFilter did the trick.
#WebMvcTest(controllers = {JzYsController.class} )
public class JzYsControllerTest {
private static final String REST_V4_JZYS = "/rest/v4/JzYs";
private MockMvc mockMvc;
private JzYsService service;
public void deleteYsByMlbh() throws Exception {
mockMvc.perform(delete(REST_V4_JZYS + "?mbbh=861FA4B0E40F5C7FECAF09C150BF3B01"))
#ComponentScan(excludeFilters = #Filter(type = FilterType.CUSTOM, classes = TypeExcludeFilter.class))
public static class config{
There is one more solution. You can not use #WebMvcTest, but configure MockMvc yourself through the builder
class TestControllerTest {
private MockMvc mvc;
public void setup() {
mvc = MockMvcBuilders.standaloneSetup(new TestController())
void test() throws Exception {
// When
var res = mvc.perform(MockMvcRequestBuilders.get("/test/test"));
// Then
But this solution may entail a number of other problems, such as problems with configurations, environment property injections, etc.
