After Updating my msys2 packages my clion dosent detect the mingw installation - clion

clion Toolchain
Hello, I am using msys2-mingw64 with clion for a while now, and it worked perfectly fine.
It stopped working after i updated today.
I did pacman -Syu (x2) cause it updated base and restarted and pacman - Su
i guess i could use the bundled one or the msys2 clang stuff, but i had some library installed in mingw-w64 that i am using. Any help is much appreciated. I did reinstalled msys2 but that didnt help with anything.
my current installation


Run or use GCC without install

Can I use GCC for e.g GCC4.0.3 without installation
In my macOS I have installed Clang xcode , and GCC from Homebrew
In my Linux they are installed as well
But I want to use GCC (Specially older version) besides most updated version
Like NVM that manage Node version and it lets you install many nodejs with different version on your system
I want to use GCC4 specially for science and compiling Old FORTRAN to make my Source codes run and see the results
In new OS both macOS and Linux when you install gcc it will install most updated and that is not useful for old fortran or old codes.
So In my solution i think its better to use gcc without install or even install gcc to custom directory folder and copy the codes in that directory and compile them but not to install as wide system and make incompatibility with default GCC and CLANG on system
Thanks in advance

How to install the latest version of GCC on Mac OS?

I've tried googling but it all just confuses me.
Does anyone know how to do this?
Using homebrew you can install version 7.2.0 of gcc pretty easily.
Follow the installation instructions on After installing, run the following command in your terminal (
brew install gcc
That will install version 7.2.0 using the current gcc forumla which appears to currently be the latest version.

How can I prevent homebrew from upgrading VTK dependency for PCL?

I would like to install the pcl formula through homebrew, which is documented here:
Unfortunately, homebrew decides it needs to upgrade my VTK installation to the latest release (6.0) even though I have a perfectly working version (5.10.1) installed already. I would like to compile against and link with this existing version. (The minimum VTK version for pcl is listed as 5.6.1, so everything should work fine. I actually manually build pcl and tried to link it against VTK 6.0, which doesn't even work, yet.)
Therefore, my question is, why does homebrew try to upgrade VTK (to an incompatible version) and how can I prevent it from doing this?
All I am calling is: brew install pcl, which triggers this:
==> Installing pcl dependency: vtk
==> Downloading
Already downloaded: /Library/Caches/Homebrew/vtk-6.0.0.tar.gz
This eventually leads to an error, as vtk 6.0 does not compile under Mac OS X 10.9 through homebrew (
To be clear, even if VTK 6.0 would compile fine, I do not want to upgrade, so does anyone know how to prevent homebrew from upgrading a dependent formula?
You can trick Homebrew to think it has Vtk 6.0 installed. For that you have to run this command in a terminal
ln -s /usr/local/Cellar/vtk/5.10.1 /usr/local/Cellar/vtk/6.0.0
When the time comes for you to really want to update vtk, just eliminate that symlink with
rm /usr/local/Cellar/vtk/6.0.0
and let Homebrew do its job.
Homebrew actually has a formula for vtk5 separately now, so this should now be the correct way to install it (currently it's 5.10.1).
brew install vtk5 --with-qt
You also need eigen, flann, qhull and boost. Also useful, but optional is getting sphinx via pip install sphinx if you want docs. If you want to build simulations (see below option) then you need to get glew too (although it wouldn't find the header).
I can verify that this works on 10.8 and will check 10.9 tonight. I've had problems installing 1.7.1 from the archive, but cloning the github repository worked for me.
$ git clone pcl-trunk
$ cd pcl_trunk
$ mkdir build; cd build
$ cmake .. -DBUILD_global_tests=ON -DBUILD_examples=ON -DBUILD_simulations=ON
$ ./configure; make; make install
Without VTK you can get to a few % before the PCL install fails. Installing VTK with X11 seems to be a recipe for a disaster here, I had to manually install libX11, libXt and others because VTK was trying to include the incorrect headers. The problems continued with OpenGL and I couldn't compile past around 42%. I reinstalled vtk5 without --with-x11 and it compiled fully.
There is a PCL formula for Homebrew knocking around, but it's rarely updated and I didn't have much luck editing it (not familiar enough with Brew's syntax). I tried to update it and submit a pull request, but when it came to testing the actual 'stable' build fails at the moment so there's no point.
EDIT: To be clear, installing the 1.7.1 tarball fails due to some problem with Eigen (around 12% in when compiling pcl_search).
Proposed pull request, it's a HEAD only fix at the moment.
Just downgrade to previous version.
1) cd /usr/local/Library/Taps/homebrew-science/
2) brew versions vtk
3) git checkout 27a4327 vtk.rb
4) brew uninstall vtk && brew install vtk

Installing openCV on Lion OS 10.7.4 Xcode 4.3.2

I'm trying to install openCV on university's iMac,
but the problem is our university's network is so strict.
and I couldn't install openCV using MacPorts.
I tried google to look for a way to install but it all failed
i guess because it is kind of old ways and because my network is so strict.
So if anybody knows a way that I can download a ready framework with how to use it inside
Xcode. or at least a framework with how to install it to work with Xcode.
or a way to download from the source and compile it then install it in Xcode
Because I tried the cmake way and I still have no luck to get it work.
thanks in advance.
sources I used:
I'm using Lion + Xcode 4.x branch, with OpenCV svn trunk. Everything works fine. You have to install cmake first, then get the code from the svn following the instructions at . The compilation process worked fine for me for all the core modules + the Qt module + the GPU module + TBB acceleration.
The instructions are the same as the Linux platform.
After setting up cmake configuration in a terminal (using ccmake for a more interactive tool),
I set the architecture to x86_64 (on my MBP Core 2 Duo), the target directory to /usr/local/(the default), and I have Intel TBB installed in /usr/local/.
Cmake generates the makefiles for you, so you just have to type make -j2 to compile, then sudo make install. If you're working on a workstation, then you have more CPU power, and you can replace the value 2 by more, e.g. 8.

How to install macports openmpi on Mac osx 10.5.8?

I want the latest version of openmpi. I like to use macports because it is easy to install, uninstall, and upgrade software. I have installed the latest mpi via building from source, but no one seems to be able to get it to build properly with macports. There is always a build error. There are tickets (and you can see the logs at ), but they seem to be collecting dust and it seems strange that no one had found a solution.
I have tried uninstalling the built in version (I know, openmpi says not to do that--but it works fine if I reinstall it--even in a different directory), but I still the same build errors. I also tried with different gcc.
Does anyone know what is so difficult about getting openmpi via macports?
sudo port install openmpi
worked for me
