Check if multiple key-value pairs exist in a Ruby hash? - ruby

I have the following Ruby hash key-value pairs:
What I need to check is see if the following key-value pairs are both present:
Essentially wanting something to the effect of...
traits = [{"trait_type"=>"Status", "value"=>"Unbuilt", "display_type"=>nil, "max_value"=>nil, "trait_count"=>4866, "order"=>nil}]
filter_traits = {"value"=>"Unbuilt", "trait_type"=>"Status"}
traits.include? filter_traits

If you are using ruby >= 2.3, there is a fancy new Hash >= Hash operation that is conceptually similiar to a hypothetical contains?
Using your traits array:
trait = traits[0]
trait >= {"trait_type" => "Status", "value" => "Unbuilt"}
# => true
trait >= {"trait_type" => "Status", "value" => "Built"}
# => false
So you could try something like:{|trait|
trait >= filter_traits
}.length > 0
# => true

arr = [
h1 = { "value"=>"Unbuilt", "trait_type"=>"Status" }
h2 = { "value"=>"Rebuilt", "trait_type"=>"Status" }
Here are three solutions.
arr[0].slice(*h1.keys) == h1
#=> true
arr[0].slice(*h2.keys) == h2
#=> false
arr[0].values_at(h1.keys) == h1.values
#=> true
arr[0].values_at(h2.keys) == h2.values
#=> false
arr[0] == arr[0].merge(h1)
#=> true
arr[0] == arr[0].merge(h2)
#=> false

We also have the aptly named all? and any? methods that should do exactly what you're looking for in a very logical way.
All we need to do is loop through your filter_traits hash and test to see if all (or any) those key:value pairs are equal to (==) any corresponding key:value pairs inside your traits array:
traits = [{"trait_type"=>"Status", "value"=>"Unbuilt", "display_type"=>nil, "max_value"=>nil, "trait_count"=>4866, "order"=>nil}]
filter_traits = {"value"=>"Unbuilt", "trait_type"=>"Status"}
filter_traits.all? {|k, v| filter_traits[k] == traits[0][k]}
#=> true
filter_traits = {"value"=>"Built", "trait_type"=>"Status"}
filter_traits.all? {|k, v| filter_traits[k] == traits[0][k]}
#=> false
filter_traits.any? {|k, v| filter_traits[k] == traits[0][k]}
#=> true


Ruby: how to replace key within multi dimensional hash without changing value [duplicate]

I have a condition that gets a hash.
hash = {"_id"=>"4de7140772f8be03da000018", .....}
Yet, I want to rename the key of that hash as follows.
hash = {"id"=>"4de7140772f8be03da000018", ......}
P.S. I don't know what keys are in the hash; they are random. Some keys are prefixed with an underscore that I would like to remove.
hash[:new_key] = hash.delete :old_key
rails Hash has standard method for it:
hash.transform_keys{ |key| key.to_s.upcase }
UPD: ruby 2.5 method
If all the keys are strings and all of them have the underscore prefix, then you can patch up the hash in place with this:
h.keys.each { |k| h[k[1, k.length - 1]] = h[k]; h.delete(k) }
The k[1, k.length - 1] bit grabs all of k except the first character. If you want a copy, then:
new_h = Hash[ { |k, v| [k[1, k.length - 1], v] }]
new_h = h.inject({ }) { |x, (k,v)| x[k[1, k.length - 1]] = v; x }
You could also use sub if you don't like the k[] notation for extracting a substring:
h.keys.each { |k| h[k.sub(/\A_/, '')] = h[k]; h.delete(k) }
Hash[ { |k, v| [k.sub(/\A_/, ''), v] }]
h.inject({ }) { |x, (k,v)| x[k.sub(/\A_/, '')] = v; x }
And, if only some of the keys have the underscore prefix:
h.keys.each do |k|
if(k[0,1] == '_')
h[k[1, k.length - 1]] = h[k]
Similar modifications can be done to all the other variants above but these two:
Hash[ { |k, v| [k.sub(/\A_/, ''), v] }]
h.inject({ }) { |x, (k,v)| x[k.sub(/\A_/, '')] = v; x }
should be okay with keys that don't have underscore prefixes without extra modifications.
you can do
hash.inject({}){|option, (k,v) | option["id"] = v if k == "_id"; option}
This should work for your case!
If we want to rename a specific key in hash then we can do it as follows:
Suppose my hash is my_hash = {'test' => 'ruby hash demo'}
Now I want to replace 'test' by 'message', then:
my_hash['message'] = my_hash.delete('test')
For Ruby 2.5 or newer with transform_keys and delete_prefix / delete_suffix methods:
hash1 = { '_id' => 'random1' }
hash2 = { 'old_first' => '123456', 'old_second' => '234567' }
hash3 = { 'first_com' => '', 'second_com' => '' }
hash1.transform_keys { |key| key.delete_prefix('_') }
# => {"id"=>"random1"}
hash2.transform_keys { |key| key.delete_prefix('old_') }
# => {"first"=>"123456", "second"=>"234567"}
hash3.transform_keys { |key| key.delete_suffix('_com') }
# => {"first"=>"", "second"=>""}
h.inject({}) { |m, (k,v)| m[k.sub(/^_/,'')] = v; m }
hash.each {|k,v| hash.delete(k) && hash[k[1..-1]]=v if k[0,1] == '_'}
I went overkill and came up with the following. My motivation behind this was to append to hash keys to avoid scope conflicts when merging together/flattening hashes.
Extend Hash Class
Adds rekey method to Hash instances.
# Adds additional methods to Hash
class ::Hash
# Changes the keys on a hash
# Takes a block that passes the current key
# Whatever the block returns becomes the new key
# If a hash is returned for the key it will merge the current hash
# with the returned hash from the block. This allows for nested rekeying.
def rekey
self.each_with_object({}) do |(key, value), previous|
new_key = yield(key, value)
if new_key.is_a?(Hash)
previous[new_key] = value
Prepend Example
my_feelings_about_icecreams = {
vanilla: 'Delicious',
chocolate: 'Too Chocolatey',
strawberry: 'It Is Alright...'
my_feelings_about_icecreams.rekey { |key| "#{key}_icecream".to_sym }
# => {:vanilla_icecream=>"Delicious", :chocolate_icecream=>"Too Chocolatey", :strawberry_icecream=>"It Is Alright..."}
Trim Example
{ _id: 1, ___something_: 'what?!' }.rekey do |key|
trimmed ='_', '')
# => {:id=>1, :something=>"what?!"}
Flattening and Appending a "Scope"
If you pass a hash back to rekey it will merge the hash which allows you to flatten collections. This allows us to add scope to our keys when flattening a hash to avoid overwriting a key upon merging.
people = {
bob: {
name: 'Bob',
toys: [
{ what: 'car', color: 'red' },
{ what: 'ball', color: 'blue' }
tom: {
name: 'Tom',
toys: [
{ what: 'house', color: 'blue; da ba dee da ba die' },
{ what: 'nerf gun', color: 'metallic' }
people.rekey do |person, person_info|
person_info.rekey do |key|
# =>
# {
# :bob_name=>"Bob",
# :bob_toys=>[
# {:what=>"car", :color=>"red"},
# {:what=>"ball", :color=>"blue"}
# ],
# :tom_name=>"Tom",
# :tom_toys=>[
# {:what=>"house", :color=>"blue; da ba dee da ba die"},
# {:what=>"nerf gun", :color=>"metallic"}
# ]
# }
Previous answers are good enough, but they might update original data.
In case if you don't want the original data to be affected, you can try my code.
newhash=hash.reject{|k| k=='_id'}.merge({id:hash['_id']})
First it will ignore the key '_id' then merge with the updated one.
Answering exactly what was asked:
hash = {"_id"=>"4de7140772f8be03da000018"}
hash.transform_keys { |key| key[1..] }
# => {"id"=>"4de7140772f8be03da000018"}
The method transform_keys exists in the Hash class since Ruby version 2.5.
If you had a hash inside a hash, something like
hash = {
"object" => {
and if you wanted to change "_id" to something like"token"
you can use deep_transform_keys here and do it like so
hash.deep_transform_keys do |key|
key = "token" if key == "_id"
which results in
"object" => {
Even if you had a symbol key hash instead to start with, something like
hash = {
object: {
id: "4de7140772f8be03da000018"
you can combine all of these concepts to convert them into a string key hash
hash.deep_transform_keys do |key|
key = "token" if key == :id
If you only want to change only one key, there is a straightforward way to do it in Ruby 2.8+ using the transform_keys method. In this example, if you want to change _id to id, then you can:
hash.transform_keys({_id: :id})

How to map a Ruby hash?

Is there a better way to map a Ruby hash? I want to iterate over each pair and collect the values. Perhaps using tap?
hash = { a:1, b:2 }
output = do |one_pair|
k = one_pair.first
v = one_pair.last
"#{ k }=#{ v*2 }"
>> [
[0] "a=2",
[1] "b=4"
Ruby's hash includes the Enumerable module which includes the map function.
hash = {a:1, b:2} { |k, v| "#{k}=#{v * 2}" }
Enumerable#map | RubyDocs
Err, yes, with map, invoked directly on the hash:
{ a:1, b:2 }.map { |k,v| "#{k}=#{v*2}" } # => [ 'a=2', 'b=4' ]
hash = { a:1, b:2 }{|k,v| [k,v*2]* '='}
# => ["a=2", "b=4"]

Best way to merge key value pairs in a hash based on number of values for that key in Ruby

I have a hash of arrays in ruby as :
#people = { "a" => ["john", "mark", "tony"], "b"=> ["tom","tim"],
"c" =>["jane"], "others"=>["rob", "ryan"] }
I would like to merge all key value pairs where there are less than 3 items in the array for a particular keys values. They should be merged into the key called "others" to give roughly the result of
#people = { "a" => ["john", "mark", "tony"],
"others"=> ["rob", "ryan", "tom", "tim", "jane"] }
Using the following code is problematic as duplicate key values in a hash cannot exist:
#people = Hash[{|k,v| v.count<3 ? ["others",v] : [k,v]} ] %>
Whats the best way to elegantly solve this?
You almost have it, the problem is, as you notice, that you can't build the Hash's key/value pairs on the fly because of duplicates. One way around the problem is to start out with the skeleton of what you're trying to build:
#people = #people.each_with_object({ 'others' => [ ] }) do |(k,v), h|
if(v.length >= 3)
h[k] = v
h['others'] += v
Or, if you don't like each_with_object, you could:
h = { 'others' => [ ] }
#people.each do |k, v|
# as above
#people = h
Or you could use pretty much the same structure with inject (taking care, as usual, to return the right thing from the block).
There are certainly other ways to do this but these approaches are pretty clear and easy to understand; IMO clarity should be your first goal.
>> #people = { "a" => ["john", "mark", "tony"], "b"=> ["tom","tim"],
"c" =>["jane"], "others"=>["rob", "ryan"] }
>> #new_people = {"others" => []}
>> #people.each_pair {|k,v| (v.size >= 3 && k!="others") ? #new_people.merge!(k=>v) : #new_people['others']+= v}
>> #new_people
=> {"others"=>["rob", "ryan", "jane", "tom", "tim"], "a"=>["john", "mark", "tony"]}
Hash[ #people.group_by { |k,v| v.size < 3 ? 'others' : k }.
map { |k,v| [k, v.flat_map(&:last)] } ]
=> {"a"=>["john", "mark", "tony"],
"others"=>["tom", "tim", "jane", "rob", "ryan"]}
What about this:
> less_than_three, others = #people.partition {|(key, values)| values.size >= 3 }
> Hash[less_than_three]
# => {"a"=>["john", "mark", "tony"]}
> Hash["others" => {|o| o.last}.flatten]
# => {"others"=>["tom", "tim", "jane", "rob", "ryan"]}
#people[:others] = []
#people.each do |k, v|
#people[:others] |= #people.delete(k) if v.size < 3
#people.inject({}) do |m, (k, v)|
m[i = v.size >= 3 ? k : 'others'] = m[i].to_a + v

Ruby easy search for key-value pair in an array of hashes

Suppose I have this array of hashes:
{"href"=>"", "name"=>"Company", "id"=>123456789, "product"=>"campfire"},
{"href"=>"", "name"=>"Company", "id"=>123456789, "product"=>"bcx"},
{"href"=>"", "name"=>"Company", "id"=>123456789, "product"=>"highrise"}
How can I parse the "href" value of the hash where "product"=>"bcx"
Is there any easy way to do this in Ruby?
ary = [
{"href"=>"", "name"=>"Company", "id"=>123456789, "product"=>"campfire"},
{"href"=>"", "name"=>"Company", "id"=>123456789, "product"=>"bcx"},
{"href"=>"", "name"=>"Company", "id"=>123456789, "product"=>"highrise"}
p ary.find { |h| h['product'] == 'bcx' }['href']
# => ""
Note that this only works if the element exists. Otherwise you will be calling the subscription operator [] on nil, which will raise an exception, so you might want to check for that first:
if h = ary.find { |h| h['product'] == 'bcx' }
p h['href']
puts 'Not found!'
If you need to perform that operation multiple times, you should build yourself a data structure for faster lookup:
href_by_product = Hash[ { |h| h.values_at('product', 'href') }]
p href_by_product['campfire'] # => ""
p href_by_product['bcx'] # => ""

How do I convert a Ruby hash so that all of its keys are symbols?

I have a Ruby hash which looks like:
{ "id" => "123", "name" => "test" }
I would like to convert it to:
{ :id => "123", :name => "test" }
hash = {"apple" => "banana", "coconut" => "domino"}
Hash[{ |k, v| [k.to_sym, v] }]
#=> {:apple=>"banana", :coconut=>"domino"}
#mu is too short: Didn't see word "recursive", but if you insist (along with protection against non-existent to_sym, just want to remind that in Ruby 1.8 1.to_sym == nil, so playing with some key types can be misleading):
hash = {"a" => {"b" => "c"}, "d" => "e", => "g"}
s2s =
lambda do |h|
Hash === h ?
Hash[ do |k, v|
[k.respond_to?(:to_sym) ? k.to_sym : k, s2s[v]]
] : h
s2s[hash] #=> {:d=>"e", #<Object:0x100396ee8>=>"g", :a=>{:b=>"c"}}
If you happen to be in Rails then you'll have symbolize_keys:
Return a new hash with all keys converted to symbols, as long as they respond to to_sym.
and symbolize_keys! which does the same but operates in-place. So, if you're in Rails, you could:
If you want to recursively symbolize inner hashes then I think you'd have to do it yourself but with something like this:
def symbolize_keys_deep!(h)
h.keys.each do |k|
ks = k.to_sym
h[ks] = h.delete k
symbolize_keys_deep! h[ks] if h[ks].kind_of? Hash
You might want to play with the kind_of? Hash to match your specific circumstances; using respond_to? :keys might make more sense. And if you want to allow for keys that don't understand to_sym, then:
def symbolize_keys_deep!(h)
h.keys.each do |k|
ks = k.respond_to?(:to_sym) ? k.to_sym : k
h[ks] = h.delete k # Preserve order even when k == ks
symbolize_keys_deep! h[ks] if h[ks].kind_of? Hash
Note that h[ks] = h.delete k doesn't change the content of the Hash when k == ks but it will preserve the order when you're using Ruby 1.9+. You could also use the [(key.to_sym rescue key) || key] approach that Rails uses in their symbolize_keys! but I think that's an abuse of the exception handling system.
The second symbolize_keys_deep! turns this:
{ 'a' => 'b', 'c' => { 'd' => { 'e' => 'f' }, 'g' => 'h' }, ['i'] => 'j' }
into this:
{ :a => 'b', :c => { :d => { :e => 'f' }, :g => 'h' }, ['i'] => 'j' }
You could monkey patch either version of symbolize_keys_deep! into Hash if you really wanted to but I generally stay away from monkey patching unless I have very good reasons to do it.
If you are using Rails >= 4 you can use:
Just in case you are parsing JSON, from the JSON docs you can add the option to symbolize the keys upon parsing:
hash = JSON.parse(json_data, symbolize_names: true)
Victor Moroz provided a lovely answer for the simple recursive case, but it won't process hashes that are nested within nested arrays:
hash = { "a" => [{ "b" => "c" }] }
s2s[hash] #=> {:a=>[{"b"=>"c"}]}
If you need to support hashes within arrays within hashes, you'll want something more like this:
def recursive_symbolize_keys(h)
case h
when Hash
Hash[ do |k, v|
[ k.respond_to?(:to_sym) ? k.to_sym : k, recursive_symbolize_keys(v) ]
when Enumerable { |v| recursive_symbolize_keys(v) }
Try this:
hash = {"apple" => "banana", "coconut" => "domino"}
# => {"apple"=>"banana", "coconut"=>"domino"}
hash.tap do |h|
h.keys.each { |k| h[k.to_sym] = h.delete(k) }
# => {:apple=>"banana", :coconut=>"domino"}
This iterates over the keys, and for each one, it deletes the stringified key and assigns its value to the symbolized key.
If you're using Rails (or just Active Support):
{ "id" => "123", "name" => "test" }.symbolize_keys
Starting with Ruby 2.5 you can use the transform_key method.
So in your case it would be:
h = { "id" => "123", "name" => "test" }
h.transform_keys!(&:to_sym) #=> {:id=>"123", :name=>"test"}
Note: the same methods are also available on Ruby on Rails.
Here's a Ruby one-liner that is faster than the chosen answer:
hash = {"apple" => "banana", "coconut" => "domino"}
#=> {"apple"=>"banana", "coconut"=>"domino"}
hash.inject({}){|h,(k,v)| h[k.intern] = v; h}
#=> {:apple=>"banana", :coconut=>"domino"}
Benchmark results:
n = 100000 do |bm| { n.times { hash.inject({}){|h,(k,v)| h[k.intern] = v; h} } } { n.times { Hash[{ |k, v| [k.to_sym, v] }] } }
# => user system total real
# => 0.100000 0.000000 0.100000 ( 0.107940)
# => 0.120000 0.010000 0.130000 ( 0.137966)
I'm partial to:
ruby-1.9.2-p290 :001 > hash = {"apple" => "banana", "coconut" => "domino"}
"apple" => "banana",
"coconut" => "domino"
ruby-1.9.2-p290 :002 > hash.inject({}){ |h, (n,v)| h[n.to_sym] = v; h }
:apple => "banana",
:coconut => "domino"
This works because we're iterating over the hash and building a new one on the fly. It isn't recursive, but you could figure that out from looking at some of the other answers.
hash.inject({}){ |h, (n,v)| h[n.to_sym] = v; h }
You can also extend core Hash ruby class placing a /lib/hash.rb file :
class Hash
def symbolize_keys_deep!
new_hash = {}
keys.each do |k|
ks = k.respond_to?(:to_sym) ? k.to_sym : k
if values_at(k).first.kind_of? Hash or values_at(k).first.kind_of? Array
new_hash[ks] = values_at(k).first.send(:symbolize_keys_deep!)
new_hash[ks] = values_at(k).first
If you want to make sure keys of any hash wrapped into arrays inside your parent hash are symbolized, you need to extend also array class creating a "array.rb" file with that code :
class Array
def symbolize_keys_deep!
new_ar = []
self.each do |value|
new_value = value
if value.is_a? Hash or value.is_a? Array
new_value = value.symbolize_keys_deep!
new_ar << new_value
This allows to call "symbolize_keys_deep!" on any hash variable like this :
def symbolize_keys(hash)
new={} do |key,value|
if value.is_a?(Hash)
value = symbolize_keys(value)
return new
puts symbolize_keys("c"=>{"a"=>2,"k"=>{"e"=>9}})
#{:c=>{:a=>2, :k=>{:e=>9}}}
Here's my two cents,
my version of symbolize_keys_deep! uses the original symbolize_keys! provided by rails and just makes a simple recursive call to Symbolize sub hashes.
def symbolize_keys_deep!(h)
h.each do |k, v|
symbolize_keys_deep!(v) if v.is_a? Hash
Facets' Hash#rekey is also a worth mentioning.
require 'facets/hash/rekey'
{ "id" => "123", "name" => "test" }.deep_rekey
=> {:id=>"123", :name=>"test"}
There is also a recursive version:
require 'facets/hash/deep_rekey'
{ "id" => "123", "name" => {"first" => "John", "last" => "Doe" } }.deep_rekey
=> {:id=>"123", :name=>{:first=>"John", :last=>"Doe"}}
Here's a little recursive function to do a deep symbolization of the keys:
def symbolize_keys(hash)
Hash[{|k,v| v.is_a?(Hash) ? [k.to_sym, symbolize_keys(v)] : [k.to_sym, v] }]
